I have been watching... and my children can't stop killing me and each other. Why do they have to continue? Why can't they just stop. I am so tired... My time is almost at the end... what will happen to my children then?
I have been trying to talk with some of my children... but they just laugh at me. That did hurt, but someone have to believe me, I can not more than hope for that. But as it look now, I can only dream for that day...
I have been talking to some of my children, just to hear that I am not who I clame to be... and that hurts. You who have children of your own can understand that feeling... Why would I lie to anyone? Many wonder why I haven't come befor, this is a hard question, I am here to warn you, I have tired to make you understand that you can continue on this way... many more will die, many don't have to die. I don't want that to happen, that is why I have now come back. So that I can try to make you understand. I will not take this anymore! Understand! I am dieing...