listening to innocent bable of the adult in front of me showing the missing teeth obviously from years of smoking.... he'll be in denchers by the time he hits 59. then the screams of the children and temper tantrums of the house im at is kind but i sometimes think if i wasn't getting paid i wouldnt be here.... then listening to the adults argueing then to them the children are no longer in the house screams and shouts consume the walls making them bleed wondering why this house of noise and pain acctually existis. slowly the chaos eats away at the very heart that i barly have... my heart lost from many brokentimes and the fake love and care from my past...then the death of family and friends pulls me into the dark abiss known as depression. finally i collect my money from the phsyco world i had to stepped into hopeing i wouldnt have to come back for a long while but now as i walk thru my front door my life is no different then the one i was just in.....then listening to the stories. so in the end i learned the "philosiphy of the day is never do anything that youd never be proud to tell your parents or children about... and always keep in mind...there are only 4 kinds of people in the world ...a man,a woman,the good and the bad.the point in this is the good could always go bad,and the bad could always go good."
why is it that just because im the only trustworthy girl in the neighborhood i get stuck watching the most rotten children.... this just goes to show i refuse to have kids untill im married or 30.