Morgoth's Journal

Morgoth's Journal


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3 entries this month


Alone? Yes? Maybe? No.. ok I sawy.. Wait.. What?

06:13 Jul 29 2007
Times Read: 747

Many of us are lonely. Maybe its from our lack of trying? Or maybe its from us trying to hard? Is it because we aren't pretty? I have no fucking idea.. Well maybe I do..

I think alot of the women/girls/ladies/females... on here are very pretty; Though not all of them have issues and have gentelmen. Well, guess this isn't a rant for you now is it.. And props to your b/fs those lucky gods.. So I wonder how the others get the idea that they aren't something into their head. Then I stop.. have a A.D.D. moment.. Look at myself and understand. Its the people we grew up with. They are the reason some of us feel ugly/worthless/unneeded/ect. I've had a few girls say I was a hot boy yada yada yada... And I've said the same to a few ladies aswell. I'm sure both parties ment it..

What I want to know, is if others far away find us atractive then why can't we find some one localy that do aswell? Is it b.c people online are just bolder then those we meet at stores? I think so..

I'll admit I am kinda shy.. Well not so much shy.. More like I never have anything to say.. I guess this rant is more like a self psych up for the next time I meet a pretty girl to just say 'hi.' Hmm..

Guess the best thing for any of us lonely people is to get away from out home towns, go else where and just suck it up and talk to new people.. The worest that they can say is 'no' which we can all deal with.

I kinda forgot where I was going with this..

"allo dar, your pretty, wanna go get a coke or something?"



06:21 May 10 2008

you have a point...

10:09 May 30 2008

My answer would be yes...


13:50 Jan 06 2009

You have a very valid point. I do understand how you feel.


A rant about time.. Its such a bastid...

08:13 Jul 28 2007
Times Read: 755

Time. Its never on our side. Even as I sit and write about it, its ticking against me. Its fast in our past, deadly slow in the present, and so very far away in the future.

Time flys when you're having fun. False. Time is constant, never verying its speed. Time moving faster is only an illusion. A trick brought on by ourselves. Our minds become distracted, by current activites. If someone could recreate this distraction, but with out doing anything, in theory they could always make time fly for themselves. The only was that i know of that someone could recreate theat illusion would be by chemical means.

Chemical means void the wholepurpose in my opinion. When the illusion is created by chemicals, the user has no real control. He can't just stop the illusion, he instead has to wait for the effects to disapate. For those who get drug tested this way is beyond even possable.

Sleeping is a more appropriate means of gaining this illusion. Only falt is the difficulty found by some is the whole falling asleep factor. Ambient sound tend to keep people wake. Another issue is the drowsyness broguht on by not getting enough sleep, or by being woke up right after drifting asleep. This drowsyness can be hard to combat, and can leave the body fealing weak.

Day dreaming can be a subsitute to actualy sleeping. When someone day dreams they can be what they want, or where ever they want, their only limiatation is their own mind. A sense of false reality can occure making person dought their own exestance, but those are rare case.



10:25 May 30 2008

I agree very much so...

Your intelligent shines through in this place...would like to see some more like it...


Note To self...

00:32 Jul 27 2007
Times Read: 761

Dear Self,

It has come to my attention you have done some stupid things over the years.. Here is a reminder to us on what we might have learned.

1. Get really close to finding the secret of the universe, but get bored at the last minute and go play video games.

2. God is everywhere. This makes for a tough game of hide-and-seek.

3. If someone in a green suit offers you a free trip to Afghanistan, Israel, or Palestine, avoid this person at any cost.

4. Floor is slippery when wet.

5. Lake is slippery when dry.

6. Sun is bright when lit properly.

7. Do not stare directly at the sun unless it stares at you first. At which point, standard staring contest rules apply.

8. Mirrors are not portals to parallel universes; do not purposely run into them because of obscene gestures made by your counterpart.

9. For best results: turn knob, THEN open door.

10. Unlike a fine wine, milk does not get better with age.

11. Buy garden gnome outfit.

12. Put gnome outfit on

13. Sit on someone's lawn, stay there for days, if possible recruit a friend to be the troll under the bridge.

14. You are not intimidating with a booger hanging out of your nose.

15. When people give you strange looks make sure you go up and start shaking their hand.

16. Do not attempt to fly, your life will probably last longer.

17. Make sure the chair is under you before you sit.

18. I am a lesbian trapped in a man's body. This means what to me?

19. My brain functions can't be female. I'm behaving like an idiot.

20. Your other personality doesn't need an ice cream too...

21. Yes I do!

22. No....you do not you pig!

23. That's it, I'm outta here! I don't need this verbal abuse!

24. You can't leave!!!!! I neeeeeeed you!

25. Know that constipated people don't give a sh*t.

26. I wonder who went up to a cow and said "I'll squeeze these and drink whatever comes out."

27. Steal neighbors cat.

28. Dye it blue, call it Sally.

29. When neighbors ask if you've seen their cat, hide Sally, speak in a different language and scare them away.

30. It's physically impossible for you to lick your elbow, so stop trying.

31. must hide from the voices

32. still hear them, find a better place

33. listen to voices

34. scratch last note

35. disregard last post

36. pay no attention to last note

37. what am i doing?

38. when they place you in the round room, don't look for the corner

39. insist on writing only in invisible ink from now on



42. All right, back to regular ink... can't read invisible ink


44. Don't stink your finger in your belly button.. it stinks like poo..

45. Do not maim people. If you already have, kill them to prevent a lawsuit.

46. The shooting gallery is not a good place to find a date.

47. Correction.. Flying is not impossible, it just takes lots of practice. Lack of practice can result in lots of pain.

48. Don't let anyone introduce you to the trunk of their car, This will also result in lots of pain.

49. No matter what anyone says, there is a way to get to your fantasy world.

50. That way is rum. Jack told me..

51. Find the rest of the notes I wrote to self...



12:50 May 30 2008

That's quite funny Morgan...

17:39 Nov 01 2009

You are an amusing guy, :)

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