Improve your visualisation skills
Take a piece of fruit. Find a quiet, comfortable place to sit where you wont be disturbed. Place the fruit in front of you so you can see it clearly. Look at it for a few minutes. Really look at it, noticing the shape and texture, the colour, any unusual marks or indetations.
Now close your eyes and recall the fruit to your mind. See it as clearly as you can, remember all the little things you noticed. Hold the picture for as long as you can.
Now imagine that you are reaching out and picking up the fruit. How does it feel in your hand? Bring it to your lips. Smell it. Take a bite. What does it taste like? Do you like the taste? Consider the fruit with all your senses.
Once you have done this, open your eyes and just look at the fruit again. How does the picture in your head much the real thing?
This excercise can be done with any object. Using something adible can evolve all your senses. Engage your feelings because emotion plays a very important part in magic.