Morganna777's Journal

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Planetary Correspondences for Magic and Witchcraft Planet Correspondences for Astrology, Spells, and Magic

18:22 Jul 27 2015
Times Read: 354

For this listing of planet correspondences, Neptune, Pluto and Uranus are not listed here as they were unknown to the Ancients. Listed below are the planets with their corresponding metals, stones, numbers, trees, colors and powers.


MARS: red

MERCURY: violet

MOON: white

SATURN: black

SUN: gold or yellow

VENUS: green

tan separator line






SUN: 6


tan separator line

JUPITER: pine, birch, mulberry

MARS: hickory

MOON: willow, olive, palm

MERCURY: hazel


SUN: laurel, oak

VENUS: ash, apple, myrtle

tan separator line






Useful in promoting spirituality, meditation, psychic and religious rituals. Brings luck and attracts prosperity.

tan separator line







Jasper, Red









Tourmaline, Red

Tourmaline, Watermelon

Useful in promoting courage, aggression, healing after surgery, physical strength, politics, sexual energy, exorcism, protection and defensive magic. Can be worn for physical strength. Used for grounding and shutting off psychic centers when under psychic attack.

tan separator line





Jasper, Mottled



The metal mercury was used as a scrying mirror and for protective charms. Aluminum is now commonly used in its place.

Warning: Do not use mercury, it is poisonous to touch, breathe the fumes or ingest. Use aluminum in its place.

Useful for strengthening mental powers, divination, studying, wisdom, communication, travel and self-improvement. Carried for mental abilities, and used in travel spells.

tan separator line






Crystal, Quartz






Promotes balance, calm and helps bring a tempestuous life under control. Improves memory and attitude. Useful for sleep, prophetic dreams, gardening, love, healing, peace, compassion and spirituality. Also for rituals involving water, home and fertility. Aids psychic development and guards travelers. Healing, aids communication, lessens anxiety, assists with problem solving.

tan separator line




Apache Tear



Jasper, Brown






Tourmaline, Black

Guards against negativity and is protective, frequently used in defensive magic. Useful in grounding, centering, protection, purification and luck.

tan separator line




Calcite, Orange


Crystal, Quartz








Useful in legal matters, healing, protection, success, enlightenment, and magical and physical energy. Adds energy to rituals, gives courage, confidence and will-power. Protective, used in defensive magic, promotes wisdom, money attracting and success.

tan separator line




Calcite, Blue

Calcite, Green

Calite, Pink







Jasper, Green


Lapis Lazuli





Tourmaline, Blue

Tourmaline, Green

Tourmaline, Pink

Tourmaline, Watermelon


Used for healing, to attract love, to maintain health, to draw luck, to draw prosperity. Aligns energies and adds energy to spells.




Number Correspondences for Witchcraft and Wiccan Magick

18:21 Jul 27 2015
Times Read: 355

Number correspondences and numerology are just pieces of a larger belief, common to most cultures, that seemingly unconnected things share a mystical connection. Tables and lists of correspondences are very old and not limited to books on spellcasting. Gnostic books in the Nag Hammadi Library contain lists of aeons and archons (good and evil beings) that correlate them with or associate them to various virtues and vices. Medieval grimoires included lists of correspondences.

1 - One is the number of essence. It is the symbol of identity, of equality, of existence, of conservation and of general harmony. Being without parts, a single unit announces order, peace and tranquility, which are founded on a unity of sentiments; consequently, one is a good principle. One represents new beginnings, new happenings, new potentials, self-completeness, beginnings, creativity, the individual and the positive.

2 - The number two is the origin of contrasts, it is the symbol of diversity, of inequality, of division and of separation. Two is an evil principle, a number of bad omens, characterizing disorder, confusion and change. Two represents balances, a balance of energy, gentleness, nature, imagination, romance, couples and love.

3 - Three is the first unequal; it is the number containing the most sublime mysteries, for everything is composed of three substances. It represents divinity, the soul of the world, the spirit of man. It is meditation, atonement, completeness--beginning, middle and end. Three represents creativity, activity, results, ambition, control and authority over others and moving forward.

4 - Four, the first mathematical power, is also one of the chief elements. It represents the generating virtue, from which come all combinations; it is the perfect of numbers; it is the root of all things. This number gives the human soul its eternal nature. Four represents foundation, building, structure, stability, rest and health.

5 - The number five has a peculiar force in sacred explanations: it is everything; it stops the power of poisons, and renders evil spirits powerless. Five represents action, energy, conflict, opposition, versatility, communication and impulsiveness.

6 - Six is a fortunate number, the number of luck and chance. It derives its merit from the first sculptors having divided the face into six portions. Six represents kindness, luxury, love, friendship, money, art, affection and health.

7 - Seven is a number very powerful for good or for evil. It is the number of the entire cosmos. Seven especially belongs to sacred things. Seven represents spirituality, mysticism, imagination, psychic power, secrets, travel, change, intuition and clairvoyance.

8 - The number eight is the first cube, that is to say, squared in all senses, as a die, proceeding from its base two, an even number. Eight represents strength, perfection, karma, stability, intensity, strength, loneliness, hidden feelings, secrets, institutions, hospitals, health and long term illnesses.

9 - The square of three being nine, nine is regarded as the extent to which numbers would go with all others being embraced and revolving within it. Ten but recommences a fresh series capable of infinite expansion. Nine is regarded as sacred and represents fruition, accomplishment, courage, completion, high spirituality and is a good number to incorporate in all spells.




Lunar Correspondences for Witchcraft and Wiccan Magick

18:20 Jul 27 2015
Times Read: 356

"Look to the Moon! For through her many signs, I have beheld great and wonderous things!

King Balzarac, ca 1130 AD

Moon Magic

Ancient cultures observed the flow of time to be a circle without beginning or end. Most people were farmers, hunters and shepherds. They lived and worked close to, and in harmony with, nature. It was vital that they knew the schedule, demands and gifts of nature to survive. They astutely observed that the phases the Moon passed through in a month, coincided with events and changes in their environment. In harmony with the Moon, they learned to plant, fish, harvest, hunt, and make predictions, all by the light of the Moon.

To the Ancients, the mysteries of the heavens were a revelation of divine principles, of which they were a part. The phases of the Moon reflected life as a whole, in life, death, growth, rebirth and change. They paid careful attention to the eclipses of the Sun and Moon. They believed that there is a correlation between events in the heavens and events on the earth. Their observations formed the universal laws that are the foundations of Ancient Wisdom.

Moon Rituals

waxing Moon

THE WAXING MOON: corresponds to the season of spring, birth, the colors green and red, the physical, the earth, growth and sensuality. It is the correct lunar phase to perform all types of magic for healing, attracting good luck and increasing things such as money, love, etc.

full Moon

THE FULL MOON: corresponds to the season of summer, maturity, creation, the colors silver and white, the emotional and psychic. Magickal powers are said to be at their greatest when the light of the Full Moon illuminates the night. Spell work involving fertility, divinations and problem-solving magic are often performed during this lunar phase. The full moon is given different names, depending on when it appears. For example, the "Harvest moon" is the full moon that appears nearest to the Autumnal Equinox, occurring in late September or early October. Some other full moon names, by month, are:

January: Moon After Yule or Old Moon

February: Snow Moon, Hunger Moon or Wolf Moon

March: Sap Moon, Crow Moon or Lenten Moon

April: Grass Moon or Egg Moon

May: Milk Moon or Planting Moon

June: Rose Moon, Flower Moon or Strawberry Moon

July: Thunder Moon or Hay Moon

August: Grain Moon or Green Corn Moon

September: Fruit Moon or Harvest Moon

October: Harvest Moon or Hunter's Moon

November: Hunter's Moon, Frosty Moon or Beaver Moon

December: Moon Before Yule or Long Night Moon

waning Moon

THE WANING MOON: corresponds to the seasons of fall and winter, the colors gray and black, the spiritual, the underworld, death and transformation. It is the time for spell work that involves banishing, binding and eliminating things such as negativity, bad habits, disease, and obstacles.




Herbal Correspondences for Witchcraft and Wiccan Magick

18:18 Jul 27 2015
Times Read: 357

Magical Herb Correspondences

Herbs, resins, and other organic materials can be used in a variety of forms such as their natural form, dried, or in oils, powders, and incenses. And while there may be differences in the way they are used, the properties of the herbs and resins and their effects remain the same.

Herb applies to a wide range of plants, including: grasses, trees, shrubs, weeds, roots, barks, and the flowers of any plant used for healing, magic spells and rituals, witchcraft, Wicca, or other purposes. Resins are concentrated, partially dehydrated derivatives of the liquid or sap of trees and plants and are commonly used in the same manner as herbs. Animal products like musk and ambergris are used similarly to resins and herbs, but primarily for their scents.

Herbs and their by-products have been used for thousands of years by humans and other animals for healing. Even lower life forms are familiar with the benefits gained through the ingestion or application of certain plants. Likewise with the magical aspects of herbs, only this use is limited to humans. For thousands of years humans have used herbs and herbal concoctions for with the intent of altering their world.

Herbs have many possible uses:

Charms and Sachets





The correspondences listed here include each herb's botanical name, common name, ruling planet, dominant element, any associated deity, and its magical properties. This list is no way fully comprehensive. It is offered only as a basis for further research and as a CURIO for personal entertainment purposes ONLY.

The first two lists are "quick and dirty" references. The table is a more comprehensive list of the various herbs and their correspondences.

Witchcraft Divider Line

SUN: peony, sunflower, saffron, cinnamon, laurel

MOON: hyssop, rosemary, moonflower, moonwort, garlic

MARS: garlic, tobacco, wolfsbane

MERCURY: fennel/finoccchio, mint, parsley

JUPITER: basil, mint, henbane

VENUS: lavender, vervain, coriander, laurel

SATURN: rue, cummin, hemlock, mandrake

Witchcraft Divider Line

Angelica: Protects from evil.

Ash (wood): Invincibility.

Balm Melissa: All healing. It's reputed to repel illness.

Betony: Protection against evil spirits.

Borage (flowers): Gives courage.

Bracken: Fern seeds gathered at midsummer are golden and were user to make the wearer invisible and also bring gold.

Briar Rose: Protects from bites of dogs or snakes.

Clover (flowers and leaves): Brings good luck and assists with clairvoyance.

Daisy: Innocence and love.

Dill: Love.

Eglantine (sweet briar): Pleasure.

Elder (use only twigs, do not cut tree): Revered by the Ancients; Elder brings wisdom, joy and delight.

Elm: Childbirth (it is associated with Embla, the first woman in Norse mythology).

Fennel: A sacred herb held in great respect by the Ancients. Wards off evil spirits, bestows strength, courage, and prolongs life.

Harebell: The flower of witches, who used its juice as part of their flying ointment. It is associated with seeing fairies, goblins and earth spirits. It was also thought to bring bad luck..

Hawthorn: Marriage and fertility (not a very attractive smell).

Hay: Pregnancy and fertility.

Hazel (use wood): Sacred in Celtic mythology for fertility and immortality. Wards off rheumatism. This is one of the most popular woods for making sorcerer's wands and dowsing rods.

Heather: Luck.

Honeysuckle: Fidelity and affection. Those who wear it will dream of their own true love.

House Leek (chicks and hens): Keeps evil away and the wearer will never be struck by lightning.

Hyssop (hyacinth): Purifying, cleansing.

Jasmine: Attraction.

Lady's Mantle: For women's problems. Use the pearl of dew that gathers on the leaves at dawn. Causes change in your life, brings luck. Aids spirituality.

Lavender: relaxing and stress relieving.

Lilac: Luck, love.

Lily of the Valley: Counters spells, attracts fairies.

Marjoram: Peace, happiness, joy.

May flowers: The base of the old wild magick. May flowers bring both adventure and chaos into your life.

Mint: Sharpens the mind.

Mistletoe: Energy, fertility, immortality.

Mulberry: Headaches.

Mullein: Asthma, protection from evil.

Nettle: One of the nine sacred herbs of the Anglo Saxons. Protection against demons and evil spells.

Oak : A sacred plant. Protection by the gods, strength, long life.

Onion: Protection against lung illnesses, colds, flu, and the plague, fends off evil spirits.

Orchids: Desire.

Peony wood: A powerful charm against evil.

Poppy: A charm to assist those bewitched into love.

Primrose: Used by the Ancients to see fairies.

Rose: Pure love.

Rosemary: Good memory, friendship, fidelity.

Rue: Luck and protection against the evil eye, freedom.

Saffron: Aphrodisiac.

Sage: Longevity, prosperity (do not cut this plant with metal).

Snowdrop: Used to quicken the passing of sorrow.

Sow Thistle: Increases strength and stamina, repels witches, invisibility from enemies.

St Johns Wort: Considered the most potent of herbs for driving away evil spirits and spells.

Strawberry: Sensuality.

Sweet pea: Good fortune.

Thyme: Relives giddiness and nightmares.

Violet: Love, humility, honesty, virtue.

Walnut: Robs an evil spirit of mobility, repels insects. It is the tree of Jupiter and brings the Gods' blessings.

Wheat: Gaia's blessings, as it contains the spirit of the earth and harvest. Used for growth and fertility.

Willow: To ease sorrow and the loss of a love.

Yew: A sacred tree. Protection against evil. Do not cut the tree, gather only from the ground.

For a chart, please visit this site.





Elemental Correspondences: Fire, Earth, Water, Air, and Spirit

18:15 Jul 27 2015
Times Read: 358

The Elemental Correspondences of Fire, Earth, Air, and Water are the Classical Elements, with the fifth of Spirit, aether, or quintessence being the binding force. They represent the realms of the cosmos where all things exist and consist. Classic Greek thinking classified the elements according to temperature and water content with Air being primarily moist and secondarily warm, Fire being primarily warm and secondarily dry, Earth being primarily dry and secondarily cool, and Water being primarily cool and secondarily moist.

Hippocrates used the elements to describe the human body with the following associations: yellow bile (Fire), black bile (Earth), blood (Air), and phlegm (Water).

The Pythagoreans added idea as the fifth element and Aristotle added aether as the quintessence, both of which today are commonly referred to as the Spirit. The reasoning behind the thoughts Pythagoreans and Aristotle are believed to be that whereas Fire, Earth, Air, and Water were earthly and corruptible, and since no changes were ever perceived in the heavenly regions, then the stars must not be made of any of the four elements, and therefore must be made from a different, unchangeable, heavenly substance, henceforth the idea or aether theories.

Below are listed the most common magical elemental correspondences. This list is by no means complete, but we have attempted to give a good, high-level overview of the subject.

elements fire wind air earth

divider line


Direction: South

Qualities: hot and dry, light and active

Color: Red

Metal: brass, gold, iron, steel

Type of magic: tantra, healing, candle magic

Zodiacal signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Tattvic symbol: red triangle (Tejas)

Tattvic tide: March 21 - June 21

Season: Summer

Hour of day: Noon

Celtic name: Deas

Major Arcana Card: judgment (XX)

Minor Arcana suit: Wands

Symbolic creature: lion, fire-breathing dragon, horses

Alchemical symbol: right side up triangle

Symbols: fire, sun, stars, volcanoes, candle flame, hearth fire

Plant: nettle, red poppies, garlic, onions

divider line


Direction: West

Qualities: cold and moist, heavy and passive

Color: Green

Metal: copper, silver

Type of magic: fertility, mirror magic, purification, healing, divination, dream magic

Zodiacal signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Tattvic symbol: silver crescent (Apas)

Tattvic tide: September 23 - December 23

Season: Fall

Hour of day: twilight

Celtic name: iar

Major Arcana card: Hanged Man (XII)

Minor Arcana suit: Cups

Symbolic creatures: scorpion, snake, dolphin, dragon(serpent), all water creatures

Alchemical symbol: upside down triangle

Symbols: waterfalls, all bodies of water, waves, fog, rain

Plants: all water plants, fern, lotus, moss

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Direction: East

Qualities: hot and moist, light and active

Color: Blue

Metal: aluminum, mercury, tin

Types of magic: To find an object that has been lost or stolen, magic of the four winds, visualizations, divination.

Zodiacal signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Tattvic symbol: blue circle (Vayu)

Tattvic tide: June 21 - September 23

Season: Spring

Hour of day: Dawn

Celtic name: airt

Major Arcana card: Fool (0)

Minor Arcana suit: Swords

Symbolic creatures: eagle, hawk, butterfly

Alchemical symbol: right side up triangle with a line through the middle

Symbols: sky, wind, clouds, incense

Plants: aspen tree, mistletoe

divider line


Direction: North

Qualities: cold and dry, heavy and passive

Color: Yellow

Metal: lead, mercury

Types of magic: fertility magic, tree magic, herbal lore, prosperity, rune casting, knot magic

Zodiacal signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Tattivic symbol: yellow square (prithivi)

Tattivic tide: December 23 - March 21

Season: Winter

Hour of day: midnight

Celtic name: Tuath

Major Arcana card: Universe (XXI)

Minor Arcana suit: Pentacles

Symbolic creatures: bull, sphinx, stag

Alchemical symbol: upside down triangle with a line through the middle

Symbols: mountains, caves, gems, fields, rocks

Plants: red poppy, thrift plant, ivy, grains

divider line


Direction: the Center

Color: White

Metal: meteorite

Qualities: timelessness, spacelessness

Tattvic symbol: black oval (Akasha)

Time: Now and all time

Major Arcana card: Fool (0) and Judgement (XX)

Tarot suit: Major Arcana

Symbols: spiral, the cosmos




Day Correspondences for Witchcraft and Wiccan Magick

18:13 Jul 27 2015
Times Read: 360

Magical Day of the Week Correspondences: Witches, Sorcerers, Astrologers, Magicians, Occultists and Spiritualists have always believed that astrological, planetary influences play an important role in determining when best to cast a spell. It is commonly accepted within witchcraft, Wicca, and the various forms of Wiccan Magick that each day of the week is ruled by a planet that possess specific magical influences and that by aligning spells and rituals with the influences of the planets, greater power and subsequent success can be achieved.

SUNDAY: Yellow, the Sun and solar deities. It is associated with magic dealing with: authority, divine power, friendships, healing, learning, reason and world leaders.

MONDAY: White, the Moon and lunar deities. It is associated with magic dealing with: cooking, dreams, family, the home, intuition, medicine, spiritual growth and the ocean.

TUESDAY: Red, the planet Mars and the god Tiw. It is associated with magic dealing with: athletics, competitions, conflicts, courage, hunting, legality, logic, physical strength, politics, vitality and war.

WEDNESDAY: Purple, the planet Mercury and the god Woden. It is associated with magic dealing with: communication, divination, education, mystical insight, resourcefulness and self-improvement.

THURSDAY: Blue, the planet Jupiter and the god Thor. It is associated with magic dealing with: dedication, endurance, faithfulness, legal matters, loyalty, luck and money matters.

FRIDAY: Green, the planet Venus and the goddess Frigg. It is associated with magic dealing with: art, fertility, love, music and pleasure.

SATURDAY: Black, the planet and god Saturn. It is associated with magic dealing with: banishing, change, death, motivation, reincarnation, understanding and wills.




Color Correspondences...

18:12 Jul 27 2015
Times Read: 361

Colors in magic, witchcraft, and Wicca can represent energy, an objective or target, people, animals, gods, goddesses, spiritual or natural forces. Colors also have the ability to carry, store, and transmit personal or emotional meanings or representational feelings. Colors are an important and integral part of our lives and hold great power both internally and externally.

The Lists

The lists of colors that follow are provided only as a guide with which to begin a more serious study of color correspondences. The lists are by no means comprehensive.

This first list links to individual pages for the colors listed. Just click on the color's name to go to its page.

RED: Fire Elemental, Strength, Power, Energy, Health, Vigor, Enthusiasm, Courage, Passion, Sexuality, Protection.

PINK: Honor, Mortality, Friendship, Emotional Love, Compassion and Relaxation.

ORANGE: The God, Strength, Healing, Pulling things to you, Adaptability, Luck, Vitality, Encouragement, Clearing the Mind, Dominance, Physical and Magickal Energy, Legal matters.

YELLOW: Air Elemental, Divination, Clairvoyance, Mental Alertness, Intellectual growth, Prosperity, Learning, Changes, Harmony, Creativity, Confidence, Communication, Study, Travel.

BROWN: Earth Elemental, Endurance, Animal health, Steadiness, Houses and Homes, Physical objects, Uncertainties.

GREEN: Lord and Lady, Earth Elemental, Herb Magick, Nature-type faerie magick, Luck, Fertility, Healing, Balance, Employment, Prosperity, Courage, Agriculture, Changing direction or attitudes, Growth.

BLUE: Health, Psychic awareness, Intuition, Opportunity, Understanding, Quests, Safe journey, Patience, Tranquility, Ward off depression. The Goddess, Water Elemental, Truth, Dreams, Protection, Change, Meditation, Impulse.

PURPLE: Power, Spiritual development, Intuition, Ambition, Healing, Progress, Business, Spiritual Communication, Protection, Occult Wisdom, Meditation.

BLACK Ward-off negativity, Remove hexes, Protection, Spirit contact, The Universe, Night, Truth, Remove discord or confusion.

GRAY: Non-nature-type faerie magick such as communication with the faerie realms, travel to the other side, Vision Quests, Veiling, Cancellation, Hesitation, Neutrality.

WHITE: The Lady and The Lord together, Full Moon Magick, Purity, Protection, Truth, Meditation, Peace, Sincerity, Justice, Warding off of doubts and fears.

SILVER: The Goddess, Lunar Magick, Meditation, Psychic development, Success, Balance, Wards off negativity. Variegated inner development through relaxation and introspection.

GOLD: The God, Solar Energy, Power, Physical Strength, Success, Achievement, Mental growth, Skill sought, Healing energy, Intuition, Divination, Fortune.

This next list is just an abbreviated breakdown for each color. While the number of colors listed is greater, the information available for each color is limited.

White: A balance of all colors, effective for spiritual enlightenment, purification, protection, cleansing, clairvoyance, healing, truth seeking; rituals involving lunar energy; may be substituted for any other candle color

Yellow: Activity, creativity, drawing, pulling, compelling, and unity. Yellow brings the power of concentration and imagination to a successful ritual: used in rituals when you wish to gain another's confidence or persuade someone or in rituals that require solar energy.

Gold: Fosters understanding and attracts the power of cosmic forces; beneficial in rituals intended to bring about fast money or riches

Pink: Promotes romance and friendship; standard color for rituals intended to bring affection; a color of femininity, honor, service; brings friendly, lively conversation to a dinner table.

Orange: Charges and recharges intellect; combine with any other candle to stimulate their actions; for rituals stipulating Mercury

Turquoise: Healing, Prosperity, Peace, and Growth

Peach: Strength, Protection, Confidence, and Communication

Rose: Maintaining Health, Patience, Passion, and Peace

Orchid: Physical Energy, Happiness, Power, and Healing

Violet: Spirituality, Friendship, Relaxation, and Peace. Self-improvement, Intuition, Success in searches.

Chartreuse: Confidence, Prosperity, Travel, and Growth

Red: Health, passion, love, fertility, strength, courage, will power; increases magnetism in rituals; draws Aries and Scorpio energy

Silver: Removes negativity and encourages stability; helps develop psychic abilities; attracts the influence of the Mother Goddess.

Purple: Power, success, idealism, psychic manifestations; ideal for rituals to secure ambitions, independence, financial rewards, or to make contact with the spiritual other world; increase Neptune energy

Magenta: Combination of red and violet that oscillates on a height frequency; energizes rituals where immediate action and high levels of power or spiritual healing are required.

Brown: Earthly, balanced color; for rituals of material increase; eliminates indecisiveness; improves powers of concentration, study, telepathy; increases financial success; locates objects that have been lost.

Indigo: Color of inertia, stops situations, or people. Indigo is used in rituals that require a deep meditation state or in rituals that demand Saturn energy. Meditation, Spirit Communication, Karma, Spell Workings, Learn the ancient wisdom, Neutralize another's magick, Ward off slander.

Royal Blue: Promotes laughter and joviality; color of loyalty; use to attract Jupiter energy, or whenever and influence needs to be increased.

Light Blue: Spiritual color; helpful in devotional or inspirational meditations; brings peace and tranquility to the home; radiates Aquarius energy; employ where a situation must be synthesized.

Blue: Primary spiritual color; for rituals to obtain wisdom, harmony, inner light, or peace; confers truth and guidance.

Emerald Green: Important component in Venusian's rituals; attracts love, social delights and fertility.

Dark Green: Color of ambition, greed and jealousy; counteracts these influences in a ritual.

Green: Promotes prosperity, abundance, and success; stimulates rituals for good luck, money, harmony, rejuvenation.

Gray: Neutral color, useful when pondering complex issues during meditation; in magic, this color often sparks confusion; it also negates or neutralizes a negative influence.

Black: Opens up the deeper levels of the unconscious; use in rituals to induce a deep meditation state, or to banish evil or negativity as in uncrossing rituals; attracts Saturn energy.




Color Correspondences for Spells and Magic

18:11 Jul 27 2015
Times Read: 362

Color Correspondences must always be taken into consideration when creating and casting magic spells. Colors, symbols, and scents are important parts of every magic spell, as they stimulate the senses and set the overall ambience. Proper use of these key elements contributes to the effectiveness of every spell and magickal ritual.

White: A balance of all colors, effective for spiritual enlightenment, purification, protection, cleansing, clairvoyance, healing, truth seeking; rituals involving lunar energy; may be substituted for any other candle color

Yellow: Activity, creativity, drawing, pulling, compelling, and unity. Yellow brings the power of concentration and imagination to a successful ritual: used in rituals when you wish to gain another's confidence or persuade someone or in rituals that require solar energy.

Gold: Fosters understanding and attracts the power of cosmic forces; beneficial in rituals intended to bring about fast money or riches

Pink: Promotes romance and friendship; standard color for rituals intended to bring affection; a color of femininity, honor, service; brings friendly, lively conversation to a dinner table.

Orange: Charges and recharges intellect; combine with any other candle to stimulate their actions; for rituals stipulating Mercury

Turquoise: Healing, Prosperity, Peace, and Growth

Peach: Strength, Protection, Confidence, and Communication

Rose: Maintaining Health, Patience, Passion, and Peace

Orchid: Physical Energy, Happiness, Power, and Healing

Violet: Spirituality, Friendship, Relaxation, and Peace

Chartreuse: Confidence, Prosperity, Travel, and Growth

Red: Health, passion, love, fertility, strength, courage, will power; increases magnetism in rituals; draws Aries and Scorpio energy

Silver: Removes negativity and encourages stability; helps develop psychic abilities; attracts the influence of the Mother Goddess.

Purple: Power, success, idealism, psychic manifestations; ideal for rituals to secure ambitions, independence, financial rewards, or to make contact with the spiritual other world; increase Neptune energy

Magenta: Combination of red and violet that oscillates on a height frequency; energizes rituals where immediate action and high levels of power or spiritual healing are required.

Brown: Earthly, balanced color; for rituals of material increase; eliminates indecisiveness; improves powers of concentration, study, telepathy; increases financial success; locates objects that have been lost.

Indigo: Color of inertia, stops situations, or people. Indigo is used in rituals that require a deep meditation state or in rituals that demand Saturn energy.

Royal Blue: Promotes laughter and joviality; color of loyalty; use to attract Jupiter energy, or whenever and influence needs to be increased.

Light Blue: Spiritual color; helpful in devotional or inspirational meditations; brings peace and tranquility to the home; radiates Aquarius energy; employ where a situation must be synthesized.

Blue: Primary spiritual color; for rituals to obtain wisdom, harmony, inner light, or peace; confers truth and guidance.

Emerald Green: Important component in Venusian's rituals; attracts love, social delights and fertility.

Dark Green: Color of ambition, greed and jealousy; counteracts these influences in a ritual.

Green: Promotes prosperity, abundance, and success; stimulates rituals for good luck, money, harmony, rejuvenation.

Gray: Neutral color, useful when pondering complex issues during meditation; in magic, this color often sparks confusion; it also negates or neutralizes a negative influence.

Black: Opens up the deeper levels of the unconscious; use in rituals to induce a deep meditation state, or to banish evil or negativity as in uncrossing rituals; attracts Saturn energy.




Animal Correspondences for Witchcraft and Wiccan Magick Magical Animal Correspondences

18:10 Jul 27 2015
Times Read: 363

"It is by the creatures of the earth that many portents have come to pass."

—Deborah the Wife, 1562 C.E.

These seemingly ordinary animals carried great significance in the Ancient world and still do today.

All birds are messengers from the divinities.

Badger: Tenacity and courage. The badger will teach you perseverance and endurance in the face of adversity. The badger is a powerful protector of both material possessions and ideals held close to your heart.

Bat: The bat is a messenger. The bat may bring a message from either the otherworld or your subconscious.

Bear: Strength and stamina.

Bee: The bee is industriousness, hardworking and very family/clan oriented.

Boar: The boar is sacred. It is both cunning and ferocious.

Bull: Strength and potency, the bull is a symbol of mobile power.

Butterfly: If a butterfly is seen while vision questing, no negative energy will be in the immediate area.

Cat: The cat is a strong protector in confrontational situations. As a prowling animal, the cat is also a strong guardian of inner powers.

Crane: The crane is the bird of the Moon, magick, shamanic travel, secrets and reaching deep mysteries. The crane also represents the logical mind as well as patience while healing occurs.

Crow: The Crow is a symbol of conflict, war and death. Its skill is wisdom with trickery. It is also a protector of scared records.

Deer or Stag: The white Stag is a messenger from the otherworld, following the animal often leads to a quest through the Otherworld. The deer represents grace, swiftness and gentleness.

Dog: Underworld hounds are white with red ears, they hunt and punish the guilty, they represent tracking skills and companionship as well as Loving protection.

Dolphin: They represent harmony, balance and traveling from rough to smooth waters.

Dragon (lizards): Wealth, raw powers of nature, the treasures of the unconscious mind.

Eagle: Wisdom and long life, Keen sight, Knowledge of magick and swiftness, the eagle is a strong ally when traveling into new territory.

Eel: Adaptability, Wisdom, Inspiration and defense.

Fox: Cunning, slyness, Perceptive. Madra-rua makes fools of those who chase it.

Frog: Shamanism, Magick, Nasty illusion with something wonderful hidden inside.

Hawk: Clear sightedness, teaches how to receive and interpret inner and outer signals.

Heron: Of the Moon and magick, shamanic travel, secrets, the logical mind, through the heron one can find magick in nature.

Horse: Stamina, endurance, and faithfulness, the horse was a faithful guide to the otherworlds.

Magpie: Omens and prophecies.

Mouse: Secrets, cunning, shyness, the ability to hide. If you see a mouse in a vision quest--pay attention to details.

Otter: Enjoying life, recovering from a crisis, faithfulness, friendliness, and being helpful to others. The otter provides valuable assistance in the otherworlds.

Owl: Teaches us to silently observe life, and gather information to gain understanding.

Raven: The battle cry of an upcoming life crisis, it is a powerful protector if one can gain its favor.

Snakes: Wisdom, reincarnation and cunning. If you see a snake while vision questing, be prepared for the power of transformation to enter your life. The snake represents the life-death-rebirth cycle. For more on reincarnation and the afterlife, visit Lites of Heaven.

Swan: Helps to interpret dream symbols, smoothes transitions and spiritual evolution.

Wren: The wren's song was used in divination, the power of strengthening and cleansing.




Astral Color Correspondences for Astrology, Spells and Magic

18:08 Jul 27 2015
Times Read: 364

Astrological Color Correspondences symbolize the astral-physical relationships of the ruling stars and planets within our earthly realm. They represent the influences exerted upon our lives by the movements of the stars and planets and the corresponding colors that are in accordance with those movements and their subsequent effects.

Color correspondences are just one more valuable ingredient in any astrological reading of a horoscope or interpretation of zodiac influences, but they are equally important when combining astrology with a magic spell or ritual. The appropriate colors for a particular astrological sign, zodiac sigil, or horoscope chart when combined with a spell or incantation can be included to symbolize the intent or purpose of the spell being cast. The traditional associations for particular colors as listed on this page are intended to provide the historical, traditional correspondences of color as employed over the last few centuries.

Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18): Sky Blue

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20): Lavender

Aries (Mar 21-Apr 19): Red

Taurus (Apr 20-May 20): Green

Gemini (May 21-Jun 21): Pink

Cancer (Jun 22-Jul 22): Silver

Leo (Jul 23-Aug 22): Gold

Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22): Navy

Libra (Sep 23-Oct 22): Green

Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21): Red

Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21): Navy

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan19): Brown





17:36 Jul 27 2015
Times Read: 365

First, before giving my opinion about spell-work, i need to make a qualifying statement about my beliefs. Libido is one of those bodily functions i think is genetically determined to a large degree -- and thus i believe that although magic may ameliorate a situation, it cannot perform a sure-fire miracle-cure type reversal of nature. In my opinion, because the libido of the individual is mediated by hormonal interactions and because the nature of these interactions is becoming more widely known as scientific research into it continues, i believe that biological considerations should be given weight EQUAL in importance with any magical, spiritual, or occult considerations in performing this spell.

So, first, let us study the subject from a medical an social standpoint. Your approach to the spell-work, and the results you may enjoy from it, will depend a great deal on the underlying medical and social conditions operative in your life.

You have given me no clues as to why the libido of an unknown female is to be increased. For your pleasure, i presume -- but are you the insufficiently libidinous woman, or is your female partner not as enthusiastic as you wish her to be? And what do you mean by "libido" -- the urge to have sex (to initiate sexual contact), or the ability to have a contractive orgasm as a result of sexual activity?

Inability to reach orgasm is sometimes blamed on a lack of libido, but lack of libido is not the specific cause of anorgasmia in most cases. Therefore i shall assume that by "libido" you mean "the urge to have sex."

Estrogen makes women receptive to sex, but in order to wish to initiate sexual contact a high level of testosterone is necessary. Estrogen and testosterone tend to oppose each other's effects. Men manufacture more testosterone than they do estrogen, and vice versa, but each gender produces BOTH hormones.

Most women's output of testosterone is masked during the greater part of their menstrual cycle by their high estrogen levels, but when their estrogen levels drop, right before they get their periods, the testosterone that they do produce is unopposed and they then become very libidinous, sometimes demanding sexual gratification at the beginning and during their menstrual period. After the period is over, when estrogen levels start to rise again, they are less likely to try to initiate sexual contact, but they may be receptive to it, just the same.

Men and women who understand the fluctuation of hormone levels in women are more inclined to become happily adjusted to each other's libidinal impulses. There may be no perceived need to change any aspect of the female libido (for instance, to try to make its fluctuations conform to male standards of uniformity of level), but rather a celebration of its ups and downs.

Okay, but you do want a change -- you want to know how to increase a female libido. Still sticking to biological, medical, and social avenues of thought -- if it is you yourself who has the insufficient libido, my next question would be, "since when?"

Have you always been this way compared to your partner or to friends of your gender who are in your general age and weight range? If so, i recommend a thorough medical examination -- you may have insufficient hormonal resources, for instance, or you may have a hidden medical condition that interferes with the development of libido. Metabolic disorders and other chronic illnesses can include loss of libido among their many symptoms.

If you have always been a person with low libido and there is no medical cause, i would next suggest that your best course of action would be to find a partner whose libido level is compatible with yours. Males and females both show great variation in the frequency and intensity of sexual contact they desire. There is a man to match every women who wants one, and vice versa.

On the other hand, if you once had more libido than you do now, it would help to know if there was a distinct onset of the loss of libido or if it occurred gradually. Did you start taking birth control pills, for instance, or are you going through menopause, or have you suffered a grave illness or had abdominal surgery recently? Are you mentally healthy at the present time or are you depressed? Has your mate been unfaithful and destroyed your trust? How is your weight? Your blood pressure? Are you addicted to any drugs or to alcohol? Are you pregnant or nursing?

Examine the factors of health and lifeforbidden that surrounded the onset of your loss of libido. Identifying them can help correct the problem. Remediation of hormonal imbalances -- getting off birth control pills, for instance, or taking hormone supplements -- should be done under a doctor's supervision. If your doctor is not satisfactory, consult an endocrinologist. If your mate is not suitable, you may need a divorce.

Okay, now i shall presume that you have taken appropriate steps medically, socially, and legally, and not merely read through what i wrote above. Next comes the magical work:

The astrological aspects of libido parallel the medical ones. Just as estrogen makes a woman receptive to sex, Venus rules love, and just as testosterone mediates the impulse to initiate sexual contact, so does Mars controls action.

Check your horoscope. What relationship is there between Venus and Mars on your natal chart? How do transits and progressions affect this relationship? If there is NO aspect between the two, how are they each situated with respect to sign, house, dignity, and aspects to other planets?

I, for one, would not attempt to prescribe a magical spell dealing with a person's libido until i had done a horoscopic analysis first. I say this from decades of experience: the Venus / Mars aspects are amazingly sure pointers to the sexual dimensions of human life.

Let me use myself as an example: I have Venus conjunct Mars in Aries in the 11th house, sextile to Uranus which is in the first house conjunct the Ascendent in Gemini. Look at my Sacred Sex web site -- you will find tons of stuff about penis-in-vagina intercourse (Venus conjunct Mars), frankly and openly presented (Aries) in a scientific attempt to help humanity (11th House), displaying oblivious disregard to the eccentricity (Uranus) or the personal appearance (conjunct Ascendent) of the writer (Gemini), myself (1st house).

Your chart will reveal similar things about your sexuality. From that chart i would then construct a magical rite that might emphasize certain favourable aspects of your horoscope or counteract others that were unfavourable. For instance, if your Saturn were conjunct your Venus, i'd suggest that you deal with issues of patriarchal society or your own father in order to free your love-life and allow it to blossom, but if your Mars was afflicted by your Saturn, i would recommend medical investigation into an overall lack of vitality that might be holding you down.

Oh. You wanted a spell to increase a female libido. Sorry -- i am giving you a two hour consultation here, and trying to educate you into an entire system of biological-medical-astrological-magical thought. No time for more of that now. Here's a spell which falls into the large class of rootwork that makes use of bodily fuids for magical purposes:

Be free of drugs, alcohol, and/or birth control pills for three months. Bring your weight and blood pressure within optimal range.

Sew or buy a red dress, preferably loose-fitting and made of soft, luxurious-feeling cloth. A sarong will be sufficient.

Have at hand special treat foods which require no cooking (e.g. fruit juices, fancy herbed bread, soft cheeses, duck liver pate, fresh fruit, a platter of sushi, fruit tarts, chocolates, baklava, or whatever you would like most). You may also have intoxicants to hand, in moderate amount.

Pick and dry (or buy) a handful of red and pink rose petals and acquire two roots -- a John the Conqueror Root (male, testosterone, Mars), and a Queen Elizabeth Root (female, estrogen, Venus).

Buy or make a large red candle -- it can be a female image candle or a plain one; it should be capable of burning for at least 6 hours. If you like to use incense, acquire Dragon's Blood Resin, which you may mix with other resin incenses such as Copal Oro or Frankincense. You will need charcoal disks to burn it on.

Finally, you will need a rectangular red flannel mojo bag with a drawstring. You can sew this yourself or buy one ready made.

Wait until the day you expect your period to begin. (If this cannot be predicted, seek medical advice to correct possible hormonal problems first.) If you prepare ahead, you can hold everything in readiness until you do get your period. If you have a job for that day, call in sick. If you have a steady sex partner, have him call in sick too.

Depending on whether having sex in the morning is your preferred time or if you are ready at any time of day, you may get up at dawn on the day that you expect your period or begin the spell as soon as you first get cramps, but before you start to bleed.

Bath in water scented with Love Me herbal Anointing Oil or Love Me mineral salt Bath Crystals. Dress in the red dress, with no underwear. Wear jewelry with red stones (blood coral is best). If you begin to bleed during the course of the day, you may bleed all over the red dress, or take it off and perform the remainder of the spell naked. Be sure to wear no tampons or pads that will inhibit your bleeding.

Carve the nature of your desire for increased libido, in your own words, on the candle with a needle. Dress the candle with Commanding Oil (a.k.a. Commanding Power a.k.a. Power Oil). Dress the John the Conqueror Root with Commanding Oil and the Queen Elizabeth Root with Follow Me Boy Oil. Place the two roots and the scattered rose petals at the base of the candle. Speak aloud your prayer or desire for increased libido, calling upon the deity of your choice and watching the candle flame.

When your period starts or as your cramps increase in intensity, light some incense, then begin sexual stimulation, either solo or with your partner. The entire time you engage in this, keep in mind how much you want to feel like this ALWAYS. Do not achieve orgasm at once, but bring yourself close as many times as you wish, stopping between times for fruit juices and light snacks. (Alternating sour fruit juices, meats, intoxicants, fruits, and sweets increases my energy for repeated sexual arousals, and many other people find this a useful technique as well.)

You do not need to be sexually aroused continually, nor need you keep incense burning continually. Have your partner stroke you and pet you all over your body, not just genitally. If you are solo, do the same for yourself. When you have had enough -- say after three to six hours of repeated sexual, tactile, olfactory, and gustatory stimulation -- you should have gotten your period and then you can just wail away and come as hard as you want for as long as you like. If you had no Dragon's Blood incense burning earlier, you may wish it at that time.

Rest a moment, thank your partner (if you had one) and deity for helping you achieve great sexual pleasure, then arise and bathe in water to which Florida Water or Blessing Oil has been added. Dress in fresh clothes or remain naked. Collect the rose petals, Queen Elizabeth Root, and John the Conqueror Root from beside the candle and place them in the red mojo bag. Fix the bag with Love Me Oil and Blessing Oil and smoke it in Dragon's Blood incense smoke. Put the mojo bag beneath your bed. Let the red candle burn out naturally.

Perform this spell once a month for about ten years. Be sure to always thank your deity for the blessing.

Good luck.





Sirens Bath Spell...

17:32 Jul 27 2015
Times Read: 366

You will need the following items for this spell:

grind together

1 white rose petals

2 red roses petals

flower of Adonis



bay leaves





vanilla pod



crushed chili

1tsp geranium oil

1tsp rose oil

3 drops black pepper oil

1tsp orange oil

apple skins

grind all of the above together and add to a hot bath

3 red candles

2 blue candles

1 white candle

incense of sandalwood rose cinnamon geranium and lemongrass

a mirror to gaze in

rose and clear quartz

This potion when done correctly will help enhance your powers of attraction by calling on the power of the sirens.

Casting Instructions for 'Sirens Bath Spell'

on the night of the waxing moon preferably a Friday

run a hot bath and add the grinded ingredients

burn the incense and light the candles

gaze into the mirror and chant

from across the seas in ancient land

I call upon the sirens hand

give me the beauty of your kind

so powerful attraction is mine to bind

conjure the seas and air above

so I bathe in lust and magical love

grant me the power of thee

as I will it so shall it be

bathe in the water with the clear quartz and allow it to absorb your imperfections and flaws

then take the rose quartz and allow it to amplify your beauty bathe in the water and when you let it out allow it to take your flaws carry the rose quartz and rub it when you need to boost your power of attraction while saying

power of sirens come to me

power of sirens hail be




Sirens' Seduction Spell...

17:30 Jul 27 2015
Times Read: 367

You will need the following items for this spell:

A voice (should be whispered in a sing-song tone)

A clean mirror

Candles (one Red, one Green, one Yellow)

Incense, Herb, or Oil (Sandalwood)

This is a spell you can use on a particular person or a group of people. Remember that spells are as powerful as their intent and you may get more than you bargained for, so be careful.

Casting Instructions for 'Sirens' Seduction Spell'

Similar Spells

To attract the opposite sex

Sirens' Seduction

Sirens Bath

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Abundant Pantry Spell

Abundancy Summer Wreath


Attract Lover ritual kit

Attract Lover ritual kit


SpellsOfMagic has a huge online store, supplying you with any and all your occult and new age needs.

Spell Index

=>Love Spells

=>Attraction Spells

Light the candles and/or incense close by. Stand/kneel in front of the mirror (I find kneeling flat is better), and recite the following incantation.

While reciting, use the oil (if you have it) to anoint the mirror in a four-point fashion.

After this, if you're burning incense or herb, waft the smoke at the mirror gently, still reciting.

Also, while you recite, look lovingly and lustfully into the mirror, imaging the person/persons on the opposite side, watching you recite the spell.

Recite this:

"Darling won?t you come and play

With my heart, and won?t you stay?

I?m your love, and don?t you see

How happy that us two could be?

For near and far I attract them all

Short and fast, or lean and tall

Man and woman of every race

Of every leaning, every face

Overcome with willful desire

Only I can quench their fire

Now with the sirens? chiming song

Bring my admirers, never gone"

It is also helpful to have a crooning, playful voice while reciting. The energy you put into it is what you will receive from the spells' outcome, so it is also okay to focus red (sexual, desire) energy into the spell.




Spell to Turn yourself into a Vampire...**Found on the internet...

17:28 Jul 27 2015
Times Read: 368

You will need the following items for this spell:






Okay so u need to have your protection item on then you say this as many times

as u want to:







** This was found on the internet... I have no need, but for your entertainment only...

**I cannot attest for the efficacy of this spell....





Free Spells for almost every need....

17:21 Jul 27 2015
Times Read: 369





BODY FLUIDS IN HOODOO: **Not for the faint in heart....

17:18 Jul 27 2015
Times Read: 371



In the folk magic of virtually every culture there are spells that make use of all of our bodily effluvia and detritus, including the amniotic sac (caul) of a baby, spit, semen, tears, urine, feces, head hair, pubic hair, and nail clippings. However, due to taboos surrounding menstrual blood, semen, and urine in some urban cultures, the use of these particular body fluids in spell-casting can be problematic for those unfamiliar with the larger history of folk magic. In light of the universality of bodily effluvia and detritus as tools of magic, the singling out of menstrual blood, urine, and semen is most rationally approached on the basis of their intended effect (generally spells of sex and love) than on the basis of their origin (human bodies).

The frankest discussions of the uses of these substances in magic will be found in ethnological treatises on folk-magic; the "ceremonial high magicians" of the late Victorian era (including Aleister Crowley and his cohorts) were too prudish to deal with this matter as anything other than an antinomian and rule-breaking rite. They found it exhilarating in proportion to the degree to which they judged it to be daring, provocative, and naughty -- and their 20th and 21st century followers have continued in the same vein, especially as the possibility of blood-born and sexually-transmitted diseases has made working with these substances seem dangerous. In folk-magic, on the other hand, menstrual blood, semen, and urine are straightforward tools of spell-casting and the knowledge of how to deploy them is routinely passed from one family member to another.


In the African-American hoodoo tradition, as well as in Sicilian folk-magic, menstrual blood served to a man in his coffee or tea is a sovereign recipe for capturing his sexual attention. No ritual, prayer, or invocation is necessary; you simply add some menstrual blood to the man's coffee or tea. The idea is to get your scent into the beloved's sphere of consciousness. This is nothing more or less than pheromone-magic, and as such it partakes of biology as much as it does of occultism. My Sicilian grandmother believed in its efficacy completely.

I have done this often, with uniformly good results. I have directly fed gobbets of menstruum to my lover, from my fingers, as one might feed a pet. This was done to bind him, but to avoid the sneakiness of slipping it into his drinks -- i want him to KNOW how much i want him to be mine, and to know that i am working the spell on him right out in the open. (As the old slogan for the Steak-and-Shake drive-in chain reads: "In sight -- it must be right!")


Women who are not menstruating due to pregnancy or breast-feeding, who have had surgery that terminated their cycles, or who are past the change obviously do not have menstrual fluid to use in sex-spells. Their best alternative is to use vaginal fluids gathered after masturbation during the full moon. In hoodoo and Sicilian folk-magic, vaginal fluids make a good substitute for menstrual blood in coffee or tea love spells.

I have used menstrual blood or vaginal fluids with equal success when anointing idols (statues of deities), amulets, and curios -- for instance, when dressing lodestones in spells for sexual attraction and bonding.


In European -- especially Italian -- folk magic, as well as in hoodoo, urine is used in women's coffee and tea love spells, as a quick substitute for menstrual blood, when the intention is to tie or bind a lover. This is particularly common among girls to young or women too old to have menstrual periods, and among pregnant women and those who for any other reason don;t menstruate. Men also can put urine in a drink to tie a woman, although this is not mentioned so commonly.

In hoodoo, and in polite Southern speech generally, urine is often called "chamber lye" or "water." No matter what you call it, one of the oldest root work traditions is for a male gambler to have a female lover urinate on his mojo bag or lucky hand while he is at play. If the gambler and his partner can retire to an alley to perform the act while the game is in progress, so much the better. This is called "feeding the mojo," and the use of the word "feed" is, of course an indicative link to African magico-religious thought, from whence this custom derives. (Lodestones are also "fed" in hoodoo -- with magnetic sand.) Women players rarely ask a man to urinate on their mojo hands, so, for whatever reason, it is female urine that is considered lucky in this case.

Chamber lye can be a vulnerable spot in a man or woman's periphery. An enemy who gets your "water" can cause grave damage to you by stopping it up in a bottle with red pepper and Graveyard Dirt. The result will be urinary tract problems, ranging from cystitis and nephritis to prostatitis and kidney stones. The only way to take off such a condition is to find the bottle and destroy it, letting the urine run out into a fire.

Conversely, chamber lye has its strengths -- a man can use his own urination to cure a case of impotence that was put on him through magic. Peeing on a knife blade and letting the pee run on the ground is one of many methods for accomplishing this. Another is to urinate into a red ants nest. Women who have had their natures hoodooed can pee into a running river as they call on the river to take off the jinx.

I should also add a quick comment on the term "chamber lye" for readers who are not native English speakers:

Chamber: A chamber means a room, so in the old days a bedroom was called a bed chamber. With no indoor plumbing, you went outdoors to pee in an outhouse, but the first pee of the morning, before dressing or washing up, most folks didn't want to go out, so they peed in a covered container called a chamber pot, which was carried out later.

Lye: This is an old Anglo Saxon word meaning any strong alkaline liquid. Most of the time nowadays you'll hear the word lye in reference to making soap at home, where one good source of lye is potash -- literally pot ashes. You make potash or pot ash lye by concentrating water that has run through the ashes collected from the fire under your cooking pots. Since there is no one chemical formula for lye; in common parlance it can be any really strong alkaline solution. So a polite word for urine used to be "chamber lye" -- an alkaline solution obtained in the bed chamber.

So... "chamber pot" plus "pot ash lye" equals "chamber pot lye" -- which is shortened to "chamber lye"!


Men can make use of their sexual fluids in love spells. Josh Geller (dclxvi@best.com) gave this simple formula for an orgasmic spell utilizing semen:

Masturbate to orgasm and preserve the resultant fluids. You should be concentrating on your desired result at the point of orgasm. Take some of the resultant fluids and insinuate a bit of them into the food or drink of your prospective victim.

For every man who uses his semen to attract a woman, however, there are probably a hundred women who capture a man's semen to rule and control him or to keep him faithful. The most popular way to do this in hoodoo is by making a knot-spell on the man and keeping it tied up in a nation sack. For this purpose, the semen can be fresh or gathered from a discarded condom -- or even stored in the freezer until needed. Most of the rootworkers who have told me about how to capture semen have noted that it is important that the woman not have an orgasm when capturing semen, because then she might get "mixed up in the spell," and fall victim to her own conjurations. "Hold yourself aloof," was how one woman put it to me. "Don't let yourself get mixed into it when you collect his stuff."


Karezza is a sexual-metaphysical system in which heightened states of spirituality are believed to occur if both partners become highly aroused but hold back from having orgasms. However, even in the most ascetic forms of karezza, intercourse during menstruation -- not involving blood per se, but taking advantage of the woman's typically increased level of desire at that point in her cycle -- is perceived as a "rite" in the mystical sense. One karezza writer, John William Lloyd, who advocated abstinence from orgasm, declared that during "the woman's time of great desire" (e.g. at the outset of her period) she should be allowed to have all the orgasms she wants and that the man should go along with her and come too. So Lloyd recognized the menstrual period as qualitatively different from the rest of the woman's cycle, in terms of the performance of a spiritual sex act.


The use of urine or menstrual blood in witchcraft, stregha, hoodoo, and other forms of folk-magic is a codification and amplification of the natural biological process by which a female attracts a male. Note that in token of this, urine/menstrual blood magic is almost always a subset of love or lust magic.

Some people think of urine as a "territory marker," equating its magical deployment to the way that male dogs and other carnivores use it to drive off male rivals, and so they don't appreciate the fact that a lot of the urine magic encountered in folklore involves WOMEN'S urine, not men's. However, the basis for the utilization of urine in women's sex-attracting spells makes ready sense to anyone who has ever raised goats -- because smelling and even tasting the urine of a doe goat is the prime way that a buck goat has for determining the female's readiness for mating. This is true of many other mammals as well.

Are humans more like dogs (males using their urine to drive off rivals) or like goats (males tasting female urine to assess readiness to mate)? Well, here's a clue: in humans, there is a notable difference between the sexes in regard to the body parts they sniff to get a whiff of attractant pheromones. Just as female humans are attracted to male underarm scents (rich in androstenone) so are male humans attracted to female vaginal scents, a complex compound of uterine menstruum, vaginal secretions, and lingering urine odors known collectively as "copulins." The composition of these copulins changes throughout the woman's monthly cycle, but they are basically attractants for males, not territory markers. They may function as territory markers to other females, of course.


Because men are thought to be so susceptible to the magical deployment of women's menstrual blood, vaginal fluids, and urine, in some cultures they are taught to avoid eating anything served to them by an unmarried woman which might contain these bodily fluids. It is common for a man to refuse or only warily accept dark-coloured beverages like coffee or tea or foods with brown or red sauces such as barbeque, lasagna, or spaghetti from a woman.

Some folks believe that the power of menstrual blood is inherent -- that is, it will work just the same whether it is deliberately added to foods or beverages as a magical act or ingested accidentally. For those who feel this way, any contact with menstrual blood may result in bewitchment. Nona C. Wright tells how this advice was passed along in her husband's family:

My late husband, who was African American, used to tell me his grandmother warned him never to indulge in oral sex with a woman during her period because it would make him bound to her for life. I always took it as his quirky sense that one could use menstrual blood in love spells. But in hindsight this seemed to be a very powerful thing to him as he swore he would never do it. To him it had to do with giving up his free choice to be with someone and somehow being under their power or control.

Clear mention of avoidance of capture by menstrual blood or urine can be heard in the old song "Dry Southern Blues" recorded by Blind Lemon Jefferson in March 1926, where Lemon sings:

I can't drink coffee and the woman won't make no tea

I can't drink coffee and the woman won't make no tea

I believe to my soul sweet mama gonna hoodoo me


What can a man do if he suspects or knows that an unscrupulous woman is putting menstrual blood on him? What can a woman do if she suspects or knows that another woman is using that stuff on her man or on a male relative?

Well, you can't stop her if she's already done it, but to take the mess off you have a couple of choices:

1) A doctor can perform a purification on the man -- such as washing him in a bath of rue herb tea, smoking him with Uncrossing Incense, and then dressing him with Van Van Oil


2) If the man has been rendered impotent by the enemy woman, he can perform a specific spell of his own, such as drawing cross-marks on his penis for nine days or pissing into a red ants' nest to restore his manhood.


3) The man or a root doctor working on his behalf can get back at the enemy woman and reverse the spell by capturing some of her menstrual blood and laying a trick for her, such as stopping her blood up in a bottle with 9 pins, 9 needles, and 9 rusty nails, then hiding the bottle in a hollow tree where she will never find it. That'll serve her very well. She'll get "female trouble" and will have to leave that man alone.


I am often asked this question, especially by women who want to work with their period blood during particular magical phases of the moon or who have collected semen or urine from a lover and found that it dried up before they were able to work with it.

The answer is simple: Traditional old spells that originated long before artificial refrigeration was developed simply call for drying the fluid on a piece of cloth or a string. Soaking the cloth or string in liquid will re-activate the fluid. I have known women who have frozen their menstrual blood in ice cube trays in the freezer for future use. I find that dried tampons work fine, though, if you swish them through coffee like a tea bag.

Bed aware that liquid body fluids are highly degradable personal concerns, unlike hair or fingernails. Urine, semen, menses, and sweat, must NOT be used in a honey jar as loose liquids; they must be dried on a piece of paper or cloth. Use good common sense when handling liquid bodily concerns or you will make a stinking mess of things.


Bath water or left-over drinking water, soda, coffee, or tea from a person has special uses, as does the water they washed dishes or clothing in, if they scrubbed the dishes or clothes by hand. The idea is that this must be water that they physically contacted.

One traditional method of preparing these "personal waters" is to use in love spells of control is to wash your own face and body parts with the liquid, collect it, and use it to feed back to the person you are working on. In other words, you mingle their "personal water" with your body fluids and then get the target to drink it. This work is aided by the accompaniment by powerful prayers.

You can also use a person's bath or drinking water to water a plant in which you have "planted" a honey-apple spell. You may keep the plant in your home and let the person set near it, or your could give the etablished plant to the person as a present.

Finally, you can use a person's to make a "boiled prayer." You write a prayer for love or a petition for domination with a water-soluble ink on paper and then boil it in their bath or drinking water until the volume of the water is reduced to 1/3 of what you started with and the written words have all washed into the remaining water. You may then feed the "condensed" water back to the person to control them. This practice is the subject of a 1930 song by the Memphis Jug Band called "Papa's Got Your Bath Water On."


I am often asked what a person can use for this type of rootwork if bodily fluids cannot be gotten. In descending order of strength, according to hoodoo folk magic, here is a list of substitute magical links:

Genital fluids: menstrual blood, semen, vaginal fluid

Other biological concerns: urine, feces, sweat, blood, spit

Hair: pubic, head, armpit, beard

Person's unwashed clothing: underwear, socks, handkerchief

Person's foot track lifted from the dirt

"Shed" body items: nail clippings, baby teeth

Person's bath water, wash water, drinking water

Person's handwriting on paper

Something Person owned or wore

Something Person touched, e.g. butt from smoked cigarette

Photo of Person

Drawing or silhouette of Person

Person's business card

Person's full name written on paper 9 times

These items can be used for good or for evil; all that is indicated here is the relative strength of the tokens that represent the person.

In practice, the weaker of these items may be combined to increase their power. For example; you may get the person's business card and then write their name on the back 9 times, or you may get their handwriting on paper, write their name on the back 9 times, and fold the paper around a hair you stole from their comb or brush while you were using the bathroom in their house.


Those who say that nail clippings are used for domination are right, up to certain point.

First, let's talk about dominating someone with YOUR stuff. Notice what kind of domination that usually is? Not to get your boss to bend over, not to win in court, not to get lucky gambling numbers and make others lose .... nope, getting someone to ingest your stuff, your personal concerns, that's used for domination or winning in L-O-V-E. And nails are a personal concern. They can be used like hair, foot skin scrapings, sweat, sexual fluids, et al. Basically, you put something of YOURS in THEIR drink.

As stated above, to put nails into a drink, you'd want the nail filings (dust), not big ol' hunky shards or clippings. Why the toenails? To get them under your feet, so you can walk all over them. And you could use fingernail filings, too, to hold them. For love, mind you, for love.

Second, the other way to use nail clippings is to harvest them from your lover. In other words, YOU capture THEIR stuff. Here you do want the shards, and the old routine i learned was to get one from each finger of both hands and one from each toe of both feet. That's twenty little clippings. It'll take some time.

If you suspect your lover is hoodooing you, and your lover says, "Hey, honey, i've got the clippers out, just lemme trim your toe nails, sweetie. " -- BEWARE.

If your lover says, "Doodle-bug, i'd like to let you put your hand down there, but your nails' too long, just let me get my li'l clippers and trim you up and then we can do it." -- WATCH OUT.

Thus endeth the lesson on nail clippings.

The following documentation on the use of body fluids in hoodoo spell-casting comes from "Hoodoo - Conjuration - Witchcraft - Rootwork," a 5-volume, 4766-page collection of folkloric material gathered by Harry Middleton Hyatt, primarily between 1935 and 1939. For a further documented series spells using salt in the German-American and African-American folk-magic traditions, see the page on Protection Spells.

IMPORTANT: If this is the first time you have encountered Hyatt material

at this web site, please take a moment to open and read the supplementary page called

"Hoodoo - Conjuration - Witchcraft - Rootwork" by Harry Middleton Hyatt.


10262. Ah heard dey said yo' could take yo' discharge an' put it in a rag an' put it where no air kin git to it, an' put it in yore pillah, an' he cain't do nuthin off nowheres else, an' he'll have tuh stay home.

[Fayetteville, N. Car., (1443), 2614:7.]


3207. Well the other is, you can take hair from around your privates and use in a way, say a man or a woman, if she is running around and you are in love with her or something and you want to stop her. Say you use that {her public hair} to stop her.

(Do you know how they would use it?)

Take it -- you have to get it during intercourse see and get it and keep it to yourself. Take it and put this hair in a bottle and stop it up, and the other {menstrual blood} goes with it -- take a cloth or a rag, anything she uses. Take that and...

[Informant was so long trying to finish sentence, that I suggested:] (You carry it with you, is that the idea?)

No, you can stop her to make her stay where you are, have no connection with nobody but you...

[I stop machine and let him talk (see dots) and then attempt to summarize.] (By taking some of her private hair and a piece of her monthly cloth, and putting in in this bottle and stopping it up, and keeping it on your person. Wearing it.)

No, Sir, place it in a secret place right over the door there or anywhere you can hide it -- up over her, where she goes through.

(That will keep her from running around with men?)


[Fayetteville, N.Car., (1393), 2503:8.]



10273. He takes and give her his urine to drink unbeknownst to her, like in beer or wine, and she won't even look at another man, won't have any nature towards any other man. That urine keeps her mine [mind] on that one man, her husband, when he is gone away from her, on a visit or somepin.

[New Orleans, La., (809), 1139:6.]


10271. If a person got chew fixed so yo' ain't got no manhood wit churself, yo' jes' go an' make water into a red ant's nest. It will freshen right up ag'in. Ah've lost mah nature mahself dat way an' ah've gained it back dat way. Dat's true about dat.

[For more ants, see Nos. 3111-3112, p. 2342, v.3.]

[Waycross, Ga., (1145), 1869:6.]

**Warning! Body Fluids without screenings for Diseases is Deadly! **Do not USE WITHOUT MEDICALLY CLEARING THEM FIRST!



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