I get a few messages every now and then about my actions.
And I can't ever help thinking.... if Cancer doesn't have a problem with it then why should I have to justify to fellow users?
I realise this of course is such an "Up myself" statement but it bugs me sometimes when people want more justification when I even take teh time to say I'm closing a post or requesting a change. And sign it as well.
This is just my whinge for the day....
Another surgery Friday morning.
I don't remember that much fuss the last few times. More to it, was more intense and though my blood pressure and all was down and normal at 70 over 110, I felt aggitated on the table.
Recovery was quick, very little pain at all this time
Though I paid for my arrogance with the last comment on the sunday. A few pain killers latter and I was back at work on the monday (being today)
Ever notice when you have been away with some kind of sickness or illness, your bosses look at you differently? Like they are trying to weigh up was it as bad as what she made out? Is she really in pain? Did she have surgery at all. She looks normal to me etc.
Paranoid? who me?