The key to making cement is the right amount of "ingredients" involved so to speak, here is the perfect way to make cement.
To see the end result: at 4:30
Some of you would no doubt know of the saying "no room to swing a cat" but how many of you have actually ever decided to take it literally by swinging a cat?
I have done so maybe 5-6 times and only once have I accidentally knocked a cat unconscious. At least I think it was unconscious.
Once my husband kicked a cat and made it do flips. fucker didnt even land on its feet but never came back. it was HILLARIOUS to watch
Well they got eight lives left lol
I accidentally got my cat high once. There was so much pot smoke in the room that my cat got high too and it was so funny when she tried to walk.
Decided to try my hand at it...while a little, tiny bit wasted. Never too early to drink I say, remember that folks. got 65% only 20 down from passing lol I forgot the pixel issues XD
Pixel Issues? I have never seen the test. No desire to take it.
Acolyte test is easily found, try doing it drunk though.
Some of you have seen my big alligator machete but few know just how many ways I have used it but yesterday I utilized it for an entirely new purpose. Food preparation....
Specifically the skinning and chopping of an onion.
All my sharp and choppy knives are either broken or dulled from constant use of them in a way that the designers didn't intend.
I got to say, as expected it chops onions good haha.
So new advertisement:
Alligator Machete!!
It's good for killing, getting wood, clearing paths....and chopping vegetables for a lovely pork dinner. Get it now at a store near you!!
Now I am not a fan of star wars, sure it is entertaining and I like it but nothing to obsess over but I am familiar enough with lore of the movies to really appreciate the absolute hilariousness of the these spoofs I have found.
In this spoof's universe, the Jedi are a bunch of drug addled party going idiots who's antics disrupt the daily lives and business of the Republic/Empire... who are actually decent humans just trying to run a business. C3po is actually a deranged psycho as well. The Jedi battle by having "dance offs" which uses Auralnaut's own mix. So ignoring the recent thanklessness of someone. I decided more laughs are in order, I noticed a lot of folk enjoyed Auralnauts. So I will be posting their series one episode at a time.
Here is the first episode: Jedi party.
Not to mention R2D2 is a magic trash can and 3PO wants everyone's skin lol
My droogs was put off by a certain profile and so I decided to check it out for myself and I find myself highly amused. The profile is fairly well written and there is some entertaining parts such as the Gnostic section....unfortunately I still weigh the profile as....wanting.
I shall tell you why momentarily.
A little history lesson for those who be too quick to shout racist, Neo-Nazis or skin-heads at the sight or sound of the word "Aryans"
The ancient Aryans were nothing to do with racism or a master race, like the swastika it was merely embraced by the Nazis to use for their propaganda and corrupted into their delusions. The term itself which was originally ārya, means noble or noble one, something racism isn't. The indo-Iranian folk part is more or less true as they did self identify as Aryans, but it was religious and cultural, nothing to do with racism. That only changed in the nineteenth century by an idiot called Gobineau, who placed his own view on it and made it a racial label. The Nazis then took it from there for their own twisted use.
Now onto his profile. Now whether this fool is just trolling or looking for attention I don't know or care but I am going to roast him nonetheless.
"I, AryanDrusus, am a proud and noble descendant descending from an Ancient Master Race, whom people called the "Aryan". The word Aryan was adopted to refer to Indo-Iranian peoples and native Indo-European speakers as a whole, including the Romans."
LOL They were not a master race, they just used the term as an ethnic and/or linguistic label and nobody dubbed them it, they simply self-identified as it. You are just pathetically using Gobineau and the Nazi's ideology of it, which ironically is nothing but a mutation and dilution of its original meaning, so your belief is not based on anything original or "pure" at all.
Also since humans all came from the Africa, all humans were dark skinned, they only developed racial traits after migrating and adapting/evolving, so Aryans was something else before which means not "racially pure" as they are a mutation from the original source.
"The Aryans are a "race of people". The Aryans represents a superior branch of humanity. Helena Blavatsky described the Aryans as follows: The Aryan races, for instance, now varying from dark brown, almost black, red-brown-yellow, down to the whitest creamy colour, are yet all of one and the same stock -- the Fifth Root-Race -- and spring from one single progenitor, who is said to have lived over 18,000,000 years ago, and also 850,000 years ago -- at the time of the sinking of the last remnants of the great continent of Atlantis... The 'sacred spark' is missing in inferior races and it is they who are the only inferior races on the globe, now happily -- owing to the wise adjustment of nature which ever works in that direction -- fast dying out"
Except the theosophy on that, manu, states that the origin on the fifth root is 100,000 years on Atlantis. Also Helena only said one million, not 18 million. Plus she was talking about souls being incarnated into the altlanteans. I never read her book so no idea what she did or didn't say but I know that Helena's book was criticised for lacking facts and basis, as well plagiarism. It also may have been a factor for the antisemitism in Germany. Aryans were not really a race, it was a cultural, linguistic and religious thing.
"In short, I, Aryan Drusus, am of the Master Race and thou shall bow before my very presence."
In short you are a still a human being that bleeds like any other and has no significant advantages over another, if any. A human being can never be the master race. You may bow to me however, since the only superior and majestic being around me.
"Let me, Aryan Dusus, teach you inferior beings a small lesson on how one can develop himself.... Listen carefully, dear one...."
Oh I will be giving you the lesson here dearie, so try and pay attention talking monkey and maybe I will give you a banana.
Right I am going to skip the Gnostic stuff and the poetry and get right to his closing statements.
"With that, I shall come to a close to my profile. You are entitled to send me a message, as per the terms of this mundane website. Befriend me if you feel that you are worth my attention and time. "
Ha! I think you will find that you're the one that needs to be considered worthy first before being spoken at (yes, at). After all, no one likes a Nazi, not even the a God-King such as I.
"Dark Blessings, dear one."
The dark doesn't bless, she taints dearie.
Yep, definitely wanting.
The association of Nazism with Aryans is only a hundred years old more or less, corrupted by idiots who has put their own twist on it. True Aryans were not racists and who knows, there may or may not have been different races in their culture.
However, this may surprise you all but I am actually all for the master race, just not in the bigoted way. I don't believe a master race can just be one race at all, but a collection of the best of the best from each race bred for superiority. I would so like to see humans become more....evolved.
Judging from the swastika and German medal, this guy here is not preaching or following the Aryan ways in the least, he is simply a follower (if he is not just trolling/flaming) of Helena, Gobineau and the WWII Nazis. However, unless this fool does something worse than pretend to be a false aryan and have nazi symbols on his profile, then just ignore him and get on with your lives as what he is doing is just comparable to typical satanist,(which does not seem to get any flak here) following a controversial dogma.
Remember, Aryan = noble. Nazism is not Aryan.
Yep... But people without decent edition mistake Aryans with racism. It's pretty sad lol
It is the same with the Swastika, humans now associate it with Nazis yet the symbol had nothing to do with racism either. Folks tend to forget the original meanings.
Like I said people who doesn't have idea what that means. Most people here just want to make drama. I really don't understand anymore.
Just read the person's profile, the only thing he is superior at is being a shitlord.
LOL! Nice summary of the profile Mort! He is a Narcissist through and through!
Narcissist: "a person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves"
Hey that describes me too! XD
Aryan- "You are entitled to send me a message, as per the terms of this mundane website. Befriend me if you feel that you are worth my attention and time."
Everyone bow to the king of internet trolls or he'll take to his keyboard and taunt you a second time. lmfao
The awesome Bane takes on Kylo Ren in a series of old games.
I like the one where he takes on Optimus Prime lol
Now everyone here knows I am the one and only big bad wolf, original bad guy and God-King of VR. I am insanely narcissistic and psychotic but imagine if there were two of me? LOL I found this video and I believe this is what would happen if there were two mes and we got into a verbal fight.
The best porn is always someone else's.
Lol What?
I like being random.
But on topic, It's like some peeps here forget how this place works.
Yep, only one God-King and original bad guy and that's me! >:)
LOL Slippy will like this.
This one was good! Lmao
I know right, its funny as hell. Innuendos are fun. lol
They are and can be found in other things as well.
A few more members gone eh? pity. Not sure what the reason for Elena's deletion was but if it was because of bullying and bigotry then those members who did that should be skinned alive. It is the 21st century, folks should grow up and stop judging others. I have no tolerance for pettiness such as racism, sexism and homo/bi/transphobia.
To think that thousands of years ago, folks were actually more accepting of it...more or less. While such relationships were not always taken seriously, it was considered a rite of passage to some cultures and sign of manhood...thus the behavior was not considered odd at all.
She left because her transphobic friend left, apparently.
Well that is unusual, can't imagine her being friends with someone who was bigoted against her.
Not really unusual, for a few reasons.
Some are all too willing to overlook the awful and oppressive parts of people, if they like them, even if the views their friend holds can be detrimental to struggles you face (ie being friends with a racist shitbag, while you're a POC), and people can find any reason to excuse the shitbag behaviours of others, if they're "friends".
"They don't say it ABOUT me personally, so they don't MEAN me."
"They said sorry after they said it" (but still stand by what they said*
"They're a nice person though."
"It's probably just a joke, like last time."
"I'm not offended, so no-one else should be."
... and so on and so forth. Unfortunately those attitudes, that acceptance of racism/sexism/homophobia and what-have-you only gives the nasty shitbag of a person the idea that it's 100% to be small-minded - and say it in front of trans/gay/POC friends/family, BECAUSE they get away with it. They convince themselves that their casual racism/homophobia ect are okay, because people excuse it all the time.
Other times, some are so desperate for any form of 'acceptance' that they'll take it from people who will treat them as second-class citizens - because at least they're noticed, eh?
I was going to say something but Owlish has pretty much covered it.
I wouldn't call logging in daily leaving.
Deleting an account is pointless if you're going to keep resetting the 30 day deletion script everyday, unless of course it's simply for the "look at me I need more attention" crap we all usually see from him.
I'm also wondering where all this bullying supposedly is on this site, the only people I have ever seen bullying or being racist, transphobic, anti-semetic and bigoted were him and his little buddy, perhaps people will stop judging when they do.
Well dearie that comment of yours can be seen as transphobic because Elena is a woman, not a man. Regardless of her woe is me behavior, which grating but humans like her do have to put up with a lot of crap and contradicting her gender like you just did is a part of the problem she faces.
Gimme a break, what struggle?
You think it's transphobic to call a man in a dress a man in a dress? no dearie it's simply stating that my personal belief is that until he has SRS he's basically Caitlyn Jenner, there's no hatred being aimed towards him and just because he wants the rest of the world to see him as a woman doesn't mean the world has to, it's called freedom of choice.
lol @ struggle though that's a good one, try getting out more and seeing real hardship in the world sweety, you might just learn something.
I know about hardship Dearie, I have actually earned and bled for my living. I doubt you know what struggle is if it raped you.
As for freedom of choice, there is a difference between expressing one's opinion and ignoring the law (because Elena could be legally a woman) Then there is the consideration of someone's personal preference which you clearly have no respect yes it is transphobic regardless of whether or not she has has SRS. There is a big difference between transvestite and transsexual. Thus to use your own medicine about being free to see someone as we see fit, I dub you he-she nonce-alot because I am going to choose to see you as such from now on. lol
And since you ignored the part about me not tolerating transphobes, that comment of yours is the last you going to have here, I would not recommend posting again nonce, it will be removed.
18:20 Mar 28 2017
I love British humor. Poor Binky.
18:34 Mar 28 2017
lol You should check out the sexual harassment one down below.