The annoying orange is gone and left the WH, though apparently not without being a dick about it. What a pathetic immature manchild.
While folks are entitled to their opinions and political views, even the rational republican and the right wings have to admit just how incompetent the annoying orange was and how unsuited he was to hold the seat of presidency.
The man has barely any self control.
Always ranting on twitter, always shouting fake news just because its about him and his negative behavior, always lying and making false claims and then of course is his removal of what Obama had put in place. Those five folks that died during the riot are technically not the only blood on his hands.
Folks don't have to like or agree with Biden, and he may be old but at least he isn't a manchild like Trump. I mean he can't do any worse than Trump, which is already a step up.
Amusingly though, Trump has achieved some recognition.... as the first president to be impeached twice.
Anyway, that is enough about politics. On to more funny circumstances.
Now is it just me or is the days starting to blur together more and more?
Twice this month I had completely lost track of the days, it is not uncommon of course but its not something that happens to me often, next I'll be forgetting the time of day or even what month it is.
it is like I am losing touch with reality. Which to be honest would be long overdue. Like big time.
I think I need a long nap, preferrably a hibernation or coma.
Being aware for too long tends to make one weary and bored, that and watching society devolve into madness doesn't amuse me nearly as much as it used to, in fact it just makes me want to go dormant all the sooner.
It is not so much fall of society specifically, as empires rise and fall all the time, but its the manner of how it is happening today that I find absolulely absurd.
I mean seriously....
Safe spaces, triggering, cancel culture, snowflakes and all sorts of other over the top censorship. Not allowed to have opinions anymore, or at least ones that disagree with the fanatical side of left.
Ironic really, once upon time it was the left that wanted equal rights and tolerance, yet today there is no group more intolerant of others than the fanatical left.
Technology may have improved but humans haven't, in fact I would say they have gone and changed for the worse.
How can they survive in this world when all it takes to make them scream, cry, rage and demand someone be cancelled.... is a joke or an opinion that is not even widely offensive. They tend to try and find or apply the worst implication, suggestions and meanings of a joke or opinion. Their ancestors would ashamed of how emotionally weak they have become.
Example, Gina Carano put her twitter pronouns as beep/bop or something like that. Now I don't see anything offensive about that, is its her account and she is simply being funny. But these extra special sensitive snowflakes called her transphobic and demanded that she be fired from her current acting role.
These idiots want to ruin people's professional careers simply because these triggered babies disagree with something that those poor folks had said in their personal lives. Which FYI should not even be brought into their professional lives in the first place, there is a reason why a human's personal and professional lives are usually kept seperate.
Even more baffling is that they still believe that they are fighting for a good cause....they still think they are the good guys.
The reality is quite the opposite, they are in fact the villians.
The original noble and fair goals that their community once had and fought for is now twisted and warped into an extreme parody of itself.
Look at that, I said enough of politics and I ranted on about it.....
Yep, definitely time for a long sleep.
Maybe alcohol first.....
Not to wish for negative history but I think there definitely needs to be a precedent for a president to not only have a second impeachment done to them but a conviction as well.
Those in power need to learn they are accountable for their actions. Monarchy or head of state, ruling is a responsibilty and meant to be for the good of your kingdom/country. When you cause civil discord and division in your own territory, its time to review your decisions and what led to it. If you don't learn from it or acknowledge your fault, then you need to be removed.
Don't get me wrong, traits such as pragmatism and ruthlessness do have their place in leaders and rulers, but such behavior must not be against the interests or core values of your home turf.
Vlad Tepes is infamous for his actions but is celebrated by some, usually those in his homeland.
This is because as ruthless and cruel as he was, he did it in the interests of his domain. Impaling turks to intimidate them and keep them out, he unleashed harsh punishments to deter crime.
Attacking or inciting supports to attack democracy and other values that a country was either built on or grew from, is not in the best interests of the state, it causes division internally.
So I do believe that this needs to be a history lesson to future presidents, and in order to be effective as a lesson, Trump needs to be convicted. That way presidents will know how far is too far.
Really speaking, current rulers should count themselves lucky, because in ancient rome, if an emperor failed his people, he was assassinated, sometimes ironically by those meant to protect him.
03:35 Jan 24 2021
You said at least Biden can't do worse than Trump
..well he already did by cutting 50,000 jobs on the pipeline and wall
03:55 Jan 24 2021
Maybe things will go up from here....I sure hope so, but knowing how his vp and the speaker is, it's going to be a long ride
12:07 Jan 24 2021
True but you got to remember what the wall stood for, intolerance, and Trump expected the Mexicans to pay for it. Sometimes doing the right thing has consequences, its not always easy.
Biden may not be the best president, but given what Trump did during his presidency, he has to be an improvement....even if only a little.
01:18 Jan 25 2021
I've been factchecking the number of jobs lost and it appears to me much lower than most on line posts.
The pipeline company TC Energy told AFP in an email that the lost jobs are below any of the cited figures.
“This is to confirm that 1,000 unionized jobs will be lost with the presidential permit being revoked for Keystone XL,” said Terry Cunha, a spokesman for the Calgary-based firm.
“Jobs will be lost in Canada and the US,” he added later.
The company has previously said construction would create about 10,400 US-based jobs and 2,800 in Canada.