Things are going as foreseen, well honestly both president elects would not have mattered to us because either one would sow the seeds and provide us with the fracture that is needed but I think Trump is much more efficient as a fuel to the fire than Clinton, especially with his actions infuriating many, such fury will light the fuse and chaos will reign. What happens after will be interesting to see.
I am no Trump supporter, since evil as I am, I don't approve of bigotry, I mean sure I hate all humans so that is a bit prejudiced in of itself though with good reasons, but I don't hate for petty reasons such as color differences or sexual preferences etc. That said I am "welcoming" his attempted "plans" even though I don't personally I agree with them in the least
Because each time he stupidly does it, he infuriates the american people and thus it causes a crack in america, a crack that will lead to a fracture which will divide the people. America will tear itself apart and while it is not guaranteed, a civil war may erupt, which is good business for me and you never know, Trump may be deposed or killed for his plans which the majority would agree is a good thing.
You see when two countries war, causalities can vary from side to side but in a civil war, only that one country loses its population, so not matter which side wins, america will ultimately lose because only america will suffer losses.
How is this good?
Chaos for one thing but more importantly, population control. When a forest becomes too full, a purging fire breaks out. This world must be purged, even if it has to be with fire and bullets.
And depending on how warmongering Putin is, and what resentments and hate there is, he may feel like targeting a weakened america, of course other countries may get involved to aid america which means more casualties. I look forward to such carnage, I almost dare to hope and taste it. WWIII the next great war.
There are too many hairless apes in the world, countries like america, europe and china are heavily populated, I care not for economy or who rules what, but numbers. You see numbers matter to us and right now, the numbers are not looking good.
Do you know why there is a food chain?
Balance, to control the herbivores. Unchecked, they could strip the land of its green. The hairless apes need to be kept in check, my preferred method would be to burn you all into extinction but since you are also apart of nature, I must respect that and thus I will wait and see, maybe you will redeem yourselves one day.
Humans are indeed a virus, instead of slowing or stopping your breeding and migrations, you simply destroy the natural environments just to build more and more cities, skyscrapers and apartments. Ugly lifeless concrete structures that replaced something natural and living. For such a species who thinks they are so special and the most capable of altruism, they demonstrate the most selfishness.
Instead of making room for extra people, simply kill them or sterilize them. Why bother the effort and resources in looting the land, simply cull the herd. Logan's run law would be useful today. Cannibalism would help as well.
In other news. The ban on muslims.
Trump hasn't been the president long and he is already firing guns and making enemies, apparently its not all muslims he is banning, just the ones he is not doing business with.
He posted this tweet: Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump
Our country needs strong borders and extreme vetting, NOW. Look what is happening all over Europe and, indeed, the world - a horrible mess!
1:08 PM - 29 Jan 2017
42,195 42,195 Retweets 175,518 175,518 likes
He will have to go through a lot of red tape before he can truly be able to do what he wants and if he succeeds, a large amount of americans will be against him. Riots will hopefully happen and so will a civil war.
Not that I subscribe to this nonsense but the doomsday clock has been moved forward 30 seconds, leaving it at two and a half minutes away.
An apocalypse is not an end but a beginning. Rejoice in that primates.
Just because the puppet sees the strings doesn't mean that the puppet is free or anything more than what it is.
There is a plan for this world which is in motion and is going according to plan. Predictable hairless talking apes.
When the whole splits, the world will look to see history.
The puppet who sees the strings is still just a puppet.
I want a dose of what it is you take.
Just plain alcohol lol....granted a near ton of it lol
Do I sense an upcoming cam session?
Nope lol
Fun aside, I wonder if this person had bath salts?
I was doing a search on cannibalism while I was roasting a maggot, here is what came up.
Beginning of news clip.
"An Indian teenager killed his relative and carved him into six pieces before chomping on his leg, police in India have claimed.
Vikesh Kumar, 16, lured Deepu Kumar, 9, to his home in Ludhiana, north Delhi, and killed him after being inspired by TV crime shows, police believe. The two boys' families were distant relations, from the Uttah Pradesh area of India.
Detectives say Vikesh Kumar strangled Deepu and ate parts of the boy's thigh while drinking his blood.
He also removed Deepu's heart and threw it at his school, which he hoped would be closed as a result. Police later found the victim's heart in the school complex, according to the New Indian Express.
Vikesh Kumar admitted to police that he lured his victim to his empty house on 17 January, and then strangled him to death.
The teenager's blistering violence was out of character, a police spokesman said, adding that TV was to blame for his corruption.
"He behaved normally as if nothing happened. He said he is fond of crime shows based on real-life incidents on television," they said.
In a macabre recollection, his parents told investigators how Kumar liked to devour raw meat and it is believed he had a craving for human flesh, reported the Mirror.
"He used to tell his parents that sometimes he feels like eating himself," a detective told the Hindustan Times. "He also had a craving for human flesh."
Speaking to the same newspaper, Deepu Kumar's father called for Vikesh to be executed for his crimes.
"It was a heinous crime," he said. "He cut the body of my son into pieces. I will demand capital punishment. If the police are unable to punish him, they should hand him over to us.
"My wife Sangeeta is in shock. I have not told her about how our son was killed. I fear she will die if she comes to know of the brutality perpetrated on Deepu."
End of news clip.
Now I don't know about any of you but I am hungry, no really.
Why is cannibalism so shocking to you lot?
It is perfectly natural. Plenty of animals do it.
In fact it might be the future of humanity if livestock and resources go dry.
Humans will have to breed and eat each other. I am curious how long that will last for. I might add that to my experiments.
Cannibalism has a good root in legends as well. The wendigo.
Former humans that have become possessed by a malevolent spirit known as the wendigo. In order to be vulnerable for possession you have to consume the flesh of another human being. The spirit bonds to you and changes you yet leaves the mind more or less intact.
Hunger is the basest of needs, all animals have it but to a wendigo it is more than a need, it is a focus and the source of their never-ending goal to satisfy their eternal craving. Winter and the cold is sometimes associated with the Wendgo, its their natural environment as well.
A wendigo has been depicted in many forms. Either as skinny, starving looking monsters or as large but lean creatures with white fur.
Eat to live, don't live to eat...haha
The intelligence of them just keeps on dropping, can it be anymore obvious? lol
So its official, Trump is the president of the united states of idiots.
You had it coming to you. Maybe you will take the next voting seriously.
I am guessing the majority thought of him as complete joke that would never possibly get in and thus voted for him just for laughs....I wonder who is laughing now?
Then there was the protester votes...i.e those who voted Trump just to antagonize Clinton, which is what he wanted. He was being outrageous and riling up the people's anger against Clinton for the email thing so that they would vote for him. It obviously worked.
His policies are a joke, and he had nothing much to contribute in his rallies except antagonizing the opposition...I wonder about his tax returns...
As per usual, America made another mistake, I should stop counting them all but it is amusing, maybe next year, they will invade another country under false pretences.
There are rumors that Trump's administration has apparently already wiped the LGBT community from their website, basically not even acknowledging their existence and it is no secret in what the vice president would like to do to them.
I doubt Trump would actually be able to impose some of his radical ideas since americans has become progressive and would not tolerate his bigotry, and he would have to go through the government as well, since he is still a puppet to the system.
Of course, if he does manage to get his ideas approved, then america will erupt into civil war which is of course good for me.
I hear that some americans are or were threatening to move away and immigrate to Canada. lol
Funny isn't? First the little maggots take the land from the natives with blood, then they hate on the mexicans for coming into the country and now they themselves want to immigrate to another country themselves. Pot meet kettle haha.
I suppose on the bright side, if most of the false americans leave, perhaps natives can take their rightful land back.
I also hear certain crybabies whinging about recent events being compared to the Nazi era and saying its in poor taste.
No it is not, Hitler was human and thus there can always be another. So morons, how is it different when the vice president and the president want to perform electroshock therapy on lgbt?
The nazis essentially did it, only they were not limited to just lgbt but jews as well and they were blatant about it since they had taken control by them....So who is to say that this won't happen if Trump gained true control...hell, in the meantime, certain things might just happen subtly.
Also I wish humans would stop getting over sensitive about the war, seriously grow a fucking pair, the horror of war is hardly unique since there has been plenty of horrific acts through the centuries and indeed the millennium, the crusades for example. Plenty to choose from.
I guess one good thing about this situation, is that like all maggots in positions of power, eventually they lose way or another.
Now its time for you all to suck it up and stop acting like a bunch of french cries and a whamburger.
You made this choice, whether intentionally or not, now live with it.
Enjoy america folks hahaha
I may not be aware of politics, but, turning things around and making it all a matter of "business"? Now, that's appalling. You're running a country, not a business entity. Where's the honour? Where's the passion? Where's the integrity? Ah well. It may be all a facade, but electing a businessman to run a country? Haha. Even I laughed at that outcome. :)
I am just saying. Please don't take this too seriously and bash me up over this comment.
He will probably just delegate a lot. lol
Well that was a good night, have not had a drunk cam like that in awhile.
all in all, very good. No bottle smashing on my head....just head banging to 80s rock and roll.
I wonder if I split my vein and pour it into my mug...I could get drunk again haha alcohol stays within your body for at least another day. In that case I am highly flammable right now....wait no, I did not have any shots so nope, I would just burn boringly and slowly haha
Thank you for the comment tristesse, I will indeed be doing that but I hope your comment doesn't get you blocked by an admin...Since that is what happens now. lol
Yes I will be taking a break from VR, at least partially. No, this has nothing to do to with recent events, just a lot of folk on here, specifically some of my droogs are taking breaks, I am following suit at their recommendation. I will remain somewhat on to earn favor for my coven but my activity will be minimal, so I will not be posting in the forums for awhile (feel free to cheer..scaredy cats lol). Should only be a week or so, but I need to catch up on westworld dammit! Timmy the robot fell down the well again!
Plus I am cooking my famous meat cheese pasta meal, a meal fit for the God-King which is me. I would upload the picture I took of the last one (No, I don't subscribe to that food pics fad, just a one off to show how large it is to my friends...) but I don't want to bother with photobucket right now.
Long live the God-King
Ah well. One thing you and I have in common is that we both truly hate, despise, loathe, have a deep disdain for humans. *laughz* Ok, I don't know if you hate humans this much, but, hey, that's a bonding factor.
A break is much needed Morty Pie. I am taking my leave starting today.
Now why I am doing this again!? Oh because I promised.
Nearly 30 alcoholic beverages and I am here...more or less, does being drunk count as being know what fuck it, I am finishing it and will drink the rest!!!
Slippy! to infinitey and beyond because this devil is going to drink until he passes out.
Damn i am good....
I am sorry you have to go through all of this. I am not being judgmental or anything here, but, perhaps, you should take some time off to think about what happened and the order of events. You sound like you need a cooling-off period, not a drunk cam session or breaking bottles on your head. Omg. That sounds terrible. Please, I as a frequent Forum visitor, can tell you this: I absolutely ADORE your forum posts and I love how you write! I don't think the Forums would be the same without your posts.
So, please. Just take some time to cool off. I really hope you feel better, Mordrakus! *hugz*
Oh I know the order of events, an innocent person got blocked for no reason at all but I appreciate your comment. I will be on enough to earn favor but I won't be doing much on here for awhile. A break is needed....and so is beer!
Apparently 2017 has brought many things, a new year including a new era, fascism and thus the crushing of free speech.
No one is allowed to have an opinion anymore, or indeed allowed to support a friend, you would think loyalty would be a commendable trait but to a certain incompetent admin, (yes we all know who it is) it is something to get blocked over, really you ask? yes and yes, it is childish and highly biased, picking on those just because they are associated with me.
This member keeps to herself, doesn't make waves and stays the hell out of drama if she can help it, and all she did to get blocked was apparently a simple comment in my journal supporting me, it wasn't even offensive and she got blocked for utterly no reason other than being friend to me, loyalty is apparently punishable now folks.
Dakotah is right, Images and a lot of these admins bar few need to be removed from their positions, they have long let their position go to their heads. They have been here long enough and just look at the state of VR, there used to be respectable and decent folks around in the forums, now we got role-players and over sensitive crybabies, who are causing trouble by not staying on topic, using personal attacks and that folks, is being ignored by admins.
Remember the journal Images made claiming she "didn't" want respect?
Check this out:
"Your Posting Rights were suspended on 23:31:03 Jan 03 2017 by imagesinwords for 7 days.
You can post again after 23:31:03 Jan 10 2017.
The following comment was left with your suspension:
Here's a week off from posting. Take this time to learn how to be respectful to the administration and rapport in the main forum. Please don't ignore this - You face losing the right to post permanently."
Let me just focus on that little part.
"be respectful to the administration"
maybe its needs more zooming.
Sounds like she thinks being an admin means extra respect....wrongo!!! She is nothing more than just another member that is merely"trusted" (poor judgement there Cancer) with sysop tools.
The admins are supposed to be caretakers of a site, not rulers, not elites and certainly not deserving of special treatment, and not immune to criticism which by the is not considered disrespectful, no one is above criticism or being judged by others on their actions.
Those who attack members because of their opinions, just prove them and everyone else right. I bet she doesn't even follow the rules herself since this site seems to be more of a "do as I say not as I do" kind of site, hell I am not entirely sure if admins can be blocked which means no equal playing field, which out of fairness they should be blockable, mind you I am not sure if they are able to be blocked or not, my droog doesn't think so but since I have never had to block an admin, I don't know either. Its been ages since I last read the manual.
So go ahead.
Attack me blah blah fine, go ahead and be predictably biased and do it, I don't care about that....but go after an innocent friend who was just being loyal to you are in my sights.
There has been enough drama on this site and now an admin of all folk has caused more. I shouldn't laugh but I find that amusing, the hypocrisy of it all. "Do as I say not as I do" indeed.
Do what you need to do but leave my droogs alone, loyalty to me (even if its misplaced because yeah I am a psychopathic prick) is not a crime...but then I doubt you know what real loyalty is, I can imagine that only ass kissers and those too scared to say anything would hang around and support you. Now, while I am not going to take a break from VR ( but unfortunately my friend is, thanks a lot Images, drive paying folk from the site why don't you) I am going to spend most of the day AFK but later, as promised to my droogs and I do keep my word, I will be having a drunk cam session, yes a drunk one. No, bottles will not be smashed on my head.
All for one and one for all eh? I will begin my drinking asap because it takes ages for yours truly to get drunk, I have got about 30 plus to tide me over, no shots unfortunately and no accidental stripping either, so if you happen to be there loyal friend, there will be no strip tease for you...again lmfao
I'm sorry, but I have the balls to agree with it. She's blocked me on TWO accounts because she didn't LIKE my opinion. She has called me a RACIST, (even though I have BLACK and PUERTO RICAN family members), JUST for pointing out the fact that my IRISH ANCESTORS were ALSO slaves. She blocked THIS account because a totally DIFFERENT member flagged MY cam by accident. OTHER members went to stand up for me because I was an innocent victim in it. She didn't like what THEY had to say, so she blocked ME. That shit is ridiculous. That "Hand shit". Yeah... We all know you're the hand. We also know that she abuses her position and will even go so far as to involve herself in member disputes by writing about them in her journal.
Balls you have not, commenter... if that's how you feel... stop freakin' sending me these personal messages and telling me I'm right about things, asking for advice, thanking me for my words, and various things of that sort.
And those suspensions I made were based on Cancer's rules you broke that I stated in the forum first. There has never been "free speech" here. This is a personally-owned website with rules you agree to when you join. We don't have a Constitution here.
One thing that we have with MordrakusxMortalitas that isn't the case for the commenter here: authenticity. Even with breaking the rules, you're the same person when you message me privately. You don't suck up away from the public then make an entry like this.
I don't agree with you and will *always* enforce Cancer's rules... but at least you're you no matter who is or isn't looking.
Don't make me laugh talking monkey, Cinnamon went off topic numerous times yet you never intervened, even though other admins previously did in the past. Your "rules" only apply when it suits you dearie. I know I am a villain but at least I have loyalty as a virtue and I know etiquette.
Once upon time I respected you, you came to the aid of my friend LZ who was being bombarded by a seemingly an infinite proxy profiles. I thought you were worthy during the attacks...I was wrong.
You want to go after me fine, you dislike me fine, but leave my droogs alone. Their loyalty to me is not worth blocking them over. So here I am, attack me if you must, block me, suspend me! go ahead but leave my puppets out of this.
No dear Slippy, this is not altruism, this is loyalty, you are loyal to me, I am loyal back that is how I roll. She attacked you for a simple comment in MY journal. Unnacceptable. For once....I am not the bad guy.
Yes...I am always me, no matter what Images, now release my friend. Her loyalty should not be punished...fuck I am drunk but I promised my droogs a drunk cam session.
The real me is what you will always get but you not what you will likely want.
I respect cancer's rules and for eight years have you had complaints about me? No, My project relies on me being here ergo its in my best interest to play I do.
Hate me all you want dearie but this devil has standards and I don't intentionally violate the rules, all you ever had to do was ask in a polite manner of me and I would have answered, this psycho respects etiquette
A block isn't an "attack". Hate to see what you thought an eye roll was. I block people who come to me wanting me to step in for things that aren't against ToS, yet defend things that are. I'm tired of two-faced people as well as those who pull this other crap.
This name-calling is elementary, dearie.
Unfortunately dearie, Slippy never went to you and complained, ergo your block was uncalled for.
She came tattling to me, yes she did. About a certain someone else which is *really* ironic here.
No she did not, she came to you about a different situation i.e Mary vs Cat. Not me, all she did was leave a comment in my journal. I questioned her, she had not messaged you about me. Block me not her, she has no interest in communicating with you.
Yes images, beacuse I decided that maybe you were just misguided, but from after all of this shit I'm hearing from multiple people, makes me not wanna continue it either. I know what I am and I know what I am not. You have been SEVERELY and SADLY mistaken about me from DAY ONE. YOU will NEVER admit that. That's the difference between you and me. AT least I can ADMIT when I was WRONG. ;)
Not concerned about your multiple people. You want to tattle about people saying they are going to rate and block (things are totally within our rules, albeit coming with consequences from the members), but defend things Cancer says you can't do in the FAQ. I won't entertain your tattling messages anymore.
I block people for a reason, always. I don't want your messages in my inbox. They're poppycock.
I don't have my own agenda- I have Cancer's. His rules are upheld, not ones I invent. My blocks? Who cares? If you don't like me, contacting me should be the last thing you would want to do.
Most of what I just said above still stands- with the exception I mistakenly thought you were someone else there for a second. You are *NOT* slipknotbabe... and I apologize to that member for assuming here.
You, the real you, above? *yawns*
If you truly knew me, you would know making an enemy of me is the last thing you want to do dearie, I am not restricted to the net and I have alligator meat I want to get from NO. Slippy is proving here innocence with the wonderful art of screenshots now. Block me, not her.
Her* why thank you dear beer I appreciate your degradation of my mental faculties...
OK I'm a bit confused now after reading the rest of these comments. So she tattled on ME for something I did she didn't like. OHhhhhhhhhhhhh. And you COME TO ME FOR HELP?????????????????????????????/
No, the point of all this is that an innocent party got dragged into this by being blocked for zero reason at all.
Images JUST SAID that she blocked Slippie for tattling about ME when i didn't even break TOS. So what the fuck is up with THAT???
Oh and Heidi, PS: I have a LOT more balls than a coward who blocks me when I can't even block them back. I don't think you have the right to comment on ANYONE's courage level. ;) I have always been a strong person. That's why I've survived everything I've been through. See... I've saved SEVEN lives in my life. Bet ya didn't know that. Bet ya didn't know I come from money. Bet ya didn't know I have a college degree. How could you? You've NEVER SPOKEN to me. You can NOT judge a book by it's cover, yet you're here JUDGING EVERYONE. ALWAYS in your journal JOURNALING ABOUT PEOPLE WHO JOURNAL. You need to go ahead with your hypocritical self. I'm sorry you don't like the fact that I look better than you, that's about ALL I can think of that I've EVER done to you. LOOK BETTER. Wow. I'm a criminal now!!! ^_^
No idea, all I know is that someone who has been nothing but generous and loyal got blocked for leaving a harmless comment MY journal and now I am seeing red, plane ticket is so going to be worth it.
Correction... It wasn't images that said it. She commented about someone tattling. It was actually YOU who dropped the names. lol
A plane ticket?? So are you coming to get me or images? lol
Only thing I know is that Slippy messaged moonie and Images about the Cat vs Mary drama, which is completely irrelevant to me, All I care about is one of my droogs being blocked for no reason at all.
I have done a few too many sober cam sessions recently, time to go back to the drunk cams, no I will likely not be smashing another bottle over my head live on cam again, last time I had to find all the glass so that the air bed I was borrowing wouldn't pop.
This time I expect the invited guests to have alcohol themselves...I mean its not a party if only one drinks now is it? I won't say the date here, I'll just give a droog a message and that is that.
And for those...snitchy cowards, I know who you are.
One, two.. Morty is coming for you.
Three, four.. better lock your door.
Five, six.. grab a crucifix.
Seven, eight.. better stay up late.
Nine, Ten...never sleep again.
It's amazing how butt hurt people can get. It makes me wonder how they got this far in life being offended over little things. I knew what you meant with your post and saw no foul done.
Eight years I have posted in the forums and never got issue with anyone else, but these current members are so over the top sensitive that they probably cry over getting a splinter lmfao. I am never going to stop being myself. I respect others opinions and their views, shame they can't do the same back.
But lets not speak of that, I have a feeling things will...sort themselves out, this is about the drunk cam session, are you in or out on that? and if you are in, do try and bring alcohol, I want to see your typing continuously degrade over time from alcohol intake haha
Yes too many sober cam sessions lately Mort!!
Love the song! And yes, continue to be yourself, which I know you will :D You just have to! There is no other like you, and I do need my laughter medicine!!! LMAO!!!!!!!!
My typing wouldn't degrade, it'd just get more bizarre and incomprehensible. lol
Hmm interesting, did not even notice it...but since I do have a machete and a hockey mask, I might have a little fun later out there, I wonder how many heart attacks I can induce in the elderly.
Can I add a few names to that fun of yours please.
Sounds like fun
So the blues have arisen. I am sure this is all going to end well. lol
But you reap what you sow.
sometimes people need shown they are hated
Don't they just stomp and really have nothing to say? lol
Every action has a consequence, a certain person made hers and now she is getting the consequence.
"But you reap what you sow." SO true Mort!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wait.....did i miss something dammit. :D what blue people group. :o tell tell tell !!!!!!!
Well someone unwisely insulted someone, and someone else made a journal and gathered one or two people to respond to the insulter.
MistressxAngelique posted hers, I will post mine.
ParanoidDisorder | High |
SchizoidDisorder | Very High |
SchizotypalDisorder | High |
AntisocialDisorder | Moderate |
BorderlineDisorder | Low |
HistrionicDisorder | High |
NarcissisticDisorder | High |
AvoidantDisorder | Low |
DependentDisorder | Low |
Obsessive-CompulsiveDisorder | Low |
Note that online tests are highly questionable lol |
I am afraid to take one.
Haha how to take this test i need to know how much i am fucked up xD
Well Mort, you and I both scored moderate on Antisocial Disorder LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Does not surprise me a bit!!! You did score a bit higher on paranoid disorder than I did, but like you said, online tests are highly questionable :P
Grammar Nazis... who likes them? No one, and even I have no issue with another's grammar and I would be the first to say that mine sucks but some insects get hung up on it, so here is grammar nazism taken to the extreme.
Now imagine if this was how employees or the average person was dealt with because of simple mistakes. suicide is a nice touch don't you think?. Of course you would think the hidden jews would be more important than a simple grammar mistake but when honor is broken, extreme actions are taken to avoid shame.
What a waste.
Seems one of my droogs actually took what I said as me leaving the site and proceeded to alter my coven, this is what happens when ACMs hastily act without consulting their CM first. I would have found this absurdly funny if it wasn't for the effort in making this coven, the the fact that it can be crashed down by simple misunderstanding and by your own members makes it funny lmfao I shouldn't laugh really but there we go. Nothing to forgive though since the intentions were just and she merely acted too hastily and without notifying me first because I may have actually agreed to such a tactic. Always have a back up plan, even if there is no plan.
My decree was that my coven go to her if I ever did end up leaving, either by leaving by my own will which won't happen unless I am truly have no further use for the site or banishment since I am not going to let myself be pushed around by butthurt admins and was in fact openly challenging them and I make no apology for that, those words needed to be said, no member here is above another and that is that so they can shove their self-righteousness up their asses because I do respect the rules, I repeat that I wasn't the one derail topics and ranting.
Yes, my last journal entry was on a "bored, challenging and what did I achieve from this site" kind of tone and I still go by it, eight years searching and all I have is plenty of potentials but no acolytes yet, they need to have that special trait of ruthlessness and willingly to do anything for me, I do have my talons in a lot of heads around here, it us every easy to get into someone's head, the work part comes from twisting thoughts and implanting suggestions while indoctrinating them.
Unless I'm ever banished, which honestly it won't matter then since its beyond my control but folks would know if I was leaving, I would tell the droogs for example and I will clearly in not-so-ambiguous words say when I am going to leave and it is not now unfortunately for you lot, especially considering the annoyances I had to go through for my coven plus some allies that helped after Aracon's betrayal, it would be a waste, such a waste.
You're a dumbass lady! XD Remind me why I placed you as my second in command again? lol oh yes, because I can torment you all day long and you worship me as a god.
They should actually have wills on here....That way, there is no fussing about or mistakes like these.
So not sorry to disappoint but this Devil is not going anyone unless you make him. >:)
Let me know when more spankings are due, I will drop my pants faster than a prostitute does. Like I said, I like it rough dearie.
You are right Mort, but don't let it get to you Bro! The site is or rather was supposed to be about self expression. In all honesty, you've done no wrong.
Oh I did get a huge laugh Mort!!! LOL!!!!
However, I have and always WILL say, you and everyone else has the RIGHT to express his/her own opinion, and that is what you have done! Nothing more, nothing less! It is a shame when that right is misinterpreted, and twisted about to seem a personal attack! You have not done this, and I stand behind you!!
Lol it hasn't got to me, I expected the admins to act like douches, its what they do and I was just stating that I am not going to let them push me around or demand extra respect, if the admins want it, they have to earn it like anyone else. obviously this entry is getting misread, I am not leaving on my own will, its just knowing how butthurt and power misusing the admins can be, I was simply covering my ass so to speak so that if I am banished, no worries. I had been here eight years. I was calm as ice too until one of my ACMs took action without consulting me first. Messed my coven up lol Disappointing that was but I forgive her, intentions was noble after all.
Life is so funny sometimes I have to appreciate the insanity and irony of it.
Apparently I am the villain of the forums, since when? While I am certainly a "bad guy" by society's moral standards and I do have the nickname of being the God-King and original bad guy around here which was originally self-proclaimed since I am awesomely narcissistic, and I do sometime embrace my evil nature but when it comes to the forums I have never actually gone out of my way on here to violate rules or intentionally provoke fools in the forums, if they do get provoked, then that is on them, not me...though it is amusing when people over-react but its kind of boring too, have seen it all before and it means and changes nothing, telling me I am a vile psychopath does nothing, I have no feelings to hurt. People fear what they don't understand, and fear breeds hate. Doesn't take much to agree to disagree.
Yes I am the one saying this. LOL
I don't care about what others think about my posts because I don't particular care much for other's opinions about me, I mean humans don't care when they carelessly step on an ant, I don't care when I carelessly step on you, not my intention but it doesn't bother me either way, so save your tears and whinging for those who care because I will just yawn.
I post my views and if no one likes it then tough, I am not here to be popular nor do I require people to agree with me, I am exercising just excising my right to post my personal opinions. I am supposed to be the monster but you don't see me complaining or having ago at others for posting something I disagree with, I might make an exemption for role-players though because well....who wouldn't, they are not liked much either.
Bottom line here, I have been on here for eight years now, so folks should be used to me, at least enough to either ignore me or accept me for what I am...Especially if you have been on here as long or longer than me and posted in the forums throughout the years like I have.
Below is just my reaction to the recent situation:
Just continue to be yourself Mort. This is one of the things I like about you: the fact that you are yourself, and what you say is what you mean. No lies, or sugar coats, or beating around the bush. You have the right to your opinion just like everyone else! :D