MorbidJoke's Journal


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6 entries this month


05:33 Dec 24 2005
Times Read: 503

Ok as i said the other day i got a few asian horror films and im going to talk about them here.... so if u want to see the movie but dont want it spoiled DONT READ THIS! ^^

Ok Ju~Rei really has nothing to do with Ju~On (the Grudge) other than the fact that with freaky white people are killing everyone. Starts off with chapter 10 (this is what really throws alot of people off) and works it way down to the begining.... so your like watching it end to begining (mind fucker!)... anyways its starts with these 4 girls like hip-hop dancing in the street (back ally kinda thing) its dark (its japan i dont know... maybe they dance in dark allies alot there) they have just finished practice and are about to split up when one of them hears that croken noise and next thing you know it like staren at one of the girls (she is almost pissin herself at this point) and then one of the other girls gets grabbed. Again this has nothing to do with Ju~On .... in this one the curse spreads (so the curse isnt just one person like in the grudge) as the chapters count down it shows how the curse was passed from one person to another till it reaches the four girls. Not all that scarey for the simple fact of the video quality is like that of a home movie really.... and you can kinda guess whats going to happen next. But there are a few parts in the movie that made even me jump..... like at one point you see a lil boy looking out a window in the hallway of his school.... he turns to walk back to class and when he does he passes a stair case.... on the stair case is like a lady (a white ghost thing that is) at the top dark part of the stair case looking like she is about to crawl down them on all fours (but she doesnt.... damnit) when my eye caught that i was like " WOW WTF?!" . another part is when that same boy is in the class room and is talking to his teacher. The teacher is telling him a story about a girl that saw (the black figure) under her desk and fainted.... while he is telling this the camera angle switch to like a desh seat and the a sudden loud music burst the head of one of the cursed pops up over the seat to take a peek. The music made me jump really not the head... but again cool none the less. The movie is ok since it only cost me like $12 so i wasnt mad about it or anything.... it kool to watch how the curse comes down to these 4 girls and how they are all connected. I would have to give it at least a 3 out of 5 stars just for that really.

Well its getting late and I have another movie to watch so ^^... till the next one ^^




Asain Horror....

03:09 Dec 23 2005
Times Read: 508

I have really gotten into Asain horror films as of late.... i find that they are the only moves that really creep the shit out of me anymore. I have bought a few of them the last week or so.... thought i would post a lil bit about the movies here since i really dont have much else to type about at the moment..... well besides the fact that i have had to leave work the last few days cause something is wrong with me.... i mean like physicaly..... i keep haveing these nose bleeds that just wont seem to stop... i passed out the other day at work (in the restroom) and i guess i vomited while i was blacked out..... scared the hell out of me... wish erick was here right now.... i dont know whats wrong..... im going to have blood work done at the begining of the year.... cause something aint right... i hurt all the time.... i cant sleep.... i get these killer head aches.... just messed up..... anyways im off to watch a movie... ill post what its about and if its good or not tomorrow i guess ^^..... Ja ne!




Mmmmm Pansexual... dont it make u hungery?

00:09 Dec 13 2005
Times Read: 521

You are pansexual.

What is your sexual orientation?
brought to you by Quizilla





18:49 Dec 11 2005
Times Read: 523

Which Gothling are you?

brought to you by Quizilla




Geek in the Pink.....

06:54 Dec 07 2005
Times Read: 528

Had trouble getting this morning.... i mean really bad... like i was crawling on the floor bad. Well i think IHOP has losts its magic to me now.... people fuckin kno me by name there by now.... oh well. Sarah is playin on my xbox with her man..... DT is thinking of getting me shoes that I DONT NEED!.... so he BETTER NOT GET THEM OR ILL RIP OUT HIS KIDNEY! Read my Yoai Manga today that I bought a few days ago.... very good i must say..... very sexual with the smell of tahitian orchid in the air..... the guys seem to like it too so i think i'll get some more of it laters. *purrrrs* DT was making fun of the birth of my future kids the other day and had me rolling in the mall.... and then played chinese food man on the phone with Mat which also cause my make-up to run. mmmmm jury duty.... GUILTY, where is my chinese?!..... i got cat food a lil while ago for Arsenic so he will stop molesting me while i sleep. Well im off to play with Agent Orange for a while and possibly start on DT's drawing.





17:11 Dec 02 2005
Times Read: 532

First entry so I guess it should be a good one. Um..... went to my clog x-masmurder party yesterday.... it was ok... i got some good gifts like a kick ass wallet from DT and a brass knuckles belt buckle from jake. Got the old car fixed yesterday too..... so now it like moves and shit now. I have been feelin kinda funny since yesterday.... kind of a bad feelin really. It will go away though. Wish i could get ahold of DT.... i misses him alot even though i saw him like a few days ago. Well thats it for now.... sucks i know but i got some other things that just came up that i need to do.



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