1. Last hug: does a stuffed animal count?
2. Last phone call: jessica
3. Last text message: unknown
4. Last song you heard: blosson by candelbox
5. Last time you cried: today
6. Dated someone twice: yes
7. Been cheated on: alot
8. Kissed someone & regretted it: maybe
9. Lost someone special: do pets count?
10. Been depressed: very much
11. Pulled all-nighter: of course, who hasnt
12: purple
13: black
14: any neon colors
15. Made a new friend: Yes
16. Fallen out of love: no
17. Laughed until you cried: last night
18. Met someone who changed you: Yes
19. Found out who your true friends were: Yes
20. Found out someone was talking about you: of course
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list: is a secret
22.How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: most of them
23. How many kids do you want: one maybe
24. Do you have any pets: 3 ferrets and 2 dogs
25. Do you want to change your name: not really
26. What did you do for your last Birthday: spent the day with ryan
27. What time did you wake up today: noon-ish-thirty
28. What were you doing at midnight last night: looking at funny pics
29. Name something you cannot wait for:
30. Last time you saw your mother: in spet, i think
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: do i really have to answer this?
32. What are you listening to right now: melody by the bunny the bear
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: no
34. Who's getting on your nerves right now: people
35. Most visited webpage: Facebook
36. What's your real name: jessica lynn thibodeau
37. Nicknames: midgey, gir
38. Relationship Status: im in one
(39?)40. Male or female: female
(41 - 43?)
44. Write w/e you want here: FUCK YOU!! jk
45. Long or short: long
46. Height: 4'11
47. Do you have a crush on someone: maybe, mawhahaha ill never tell!!!!
48. What do you like about yourself: this is a good question,,,ill get back to you
49. Piercings: my ears are pierced
50. Tattoos: ill get some eventualy
51. Righty or lefty: Ambidextrious
53. First piercing: ......
54. First best friend: becca
55.First sport you joined: i never did
56. First vacation: michigan
(57 & 58?)
59. Eating: Not a darn thing
60. Drinking: water
61. I'm about to: spend time with a friend
62. Listening to: the ac lol
63. Waiting for: life to get better
64. Want kids: yes
65. Get married: of course
66. Career: a best selling author
67. Lips or eyes: both?
68. Hugs or kisses: both????
69. Shorter or taller: Shorter...
70. Older or Younger: older
71. Romantic or spontaneous: Romance
73. Sensitive or loud: Sensitive
74. Hook-up or relationship: Relationship
76. Kissed a stranger: should i have? lol
77. Stole something for someone: quite possibly
78. Lost glasses/contacts: i have perfect vision so no
79. Hurt yourself: Yes
80. Broken someone's heart: sadly yes
82. Been arrested: Never
83. Turned someone down: no dont think so
84. Cried when someone died: im not heartless
85. Fallen for a friend: Yes
86. Yourself: sometimes
87. Miracles: Yes
88. Love at first sight: Nope
89. Heaven: No
90. Santa Clause: No
91. Kiss on the first date: Maybe
92. Angels: Yes
94. Had more than 1 girlfriend at a time: nope
95. Did you sing today: Yes
96. First person in your contacts: idek
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?: idek
98. That moment you would choose: when i met my ex cunt...i wouldnt do that again hell no
99. Are you afraid of falling in love: Yes
100. Did you answer these questions truthfully?: do you think i did?
went to cash my irs check, the bank couldnt cash it for unknow reasons. so we went to amscot but by the time we got everything done it was too late to get my state id .
so we have to go back out tomarrow
so saying fuck it decided to take the ferrets with to the petstore...all three crazies! they had a good time and got loads of attention be it from the workers and from every kid that walked into the store lol
even little sir had a great time and ran around the pet store with me following close behind :)
so i mean even though my agenda didnt go as planned atleadt the kids are having a good day :)
theres an alarm set on my phone for 8:30 am, theres alot i have to do tomarrow
of course the ferrets are comming with
-completely clean the bedroom
-get my id updated
-cash a check
-go ferret shopping
-pick up the newphew from school
-clean the bathroom
-give the ferrets a good brushing
-pay the vehicle insurance
-scrub the kitchen
-work on my novel
everytime i give myself a day to relax i gotta go run errands and all this other stuff, the fuck man!
so today kiyoko decided while i was picking up the bedroom to take off with her bag of ferret treats and when i noticed she ran around the room with them and misa decided to make a game of nibbling my feet while i was chasing her sister O.O and the little sir said yeaaaahhh no im gonna go night night lol
this went of for about 15 minutes until i just said f it have your treats!!!! lol
i love my girls but somtimes they drive me uo the walls!!!!