(Im bringing all my potery from my myspace blog to here)
im sitting alone in the Dark By MySelf just me and the Blade, i Think to MySelf how could you tell me all the things you say.
i close my eyes and grab the blade time to count 1,2,3,4,5 as i start to slash away,
as i open my eyes i look at my Wrist full of blood starting to drip,
Now im crying cause you put me thur so much pain cause your the one who showd me the blade.
how could you hurt me and put me thur so much pain.
do you have any idea what it feels like to be me for a day?,
you dont even care that i cut and cut cause its all because of you?,
but you dont give a shit its like i dont exist to you?,
i love you more then life i showd you im willing to make a scrafice for us to be togetother always and forever,
i cant see myself with anybody els , i close my eyes cause it hurts inside knowing that you dont feel the same for me anymore,
what did i Do? , im Sorry if i Hurt you , try to forgive my mistakes,
Love me like you use to when you use to Hold Me&Kiss Me and Tell me everything is Okay,
So if you ever see this Poem i Want you to know that i will always Love you, and i want you to know what you did to me cause you distroyd my Life i Hope your Happy,
So now i Cry Cause i Close my Eyes and sit Alone in the dark cause i Grabed the blade Again...
u said u would never leave
why did i belive u
u said u would always protect me
but it was all a lie
because now ur gone
and i never had the chance to say
u said u would love me as long as u lived
well now ur gone
everynight i cry myself to sleep
ur memory burned inside my soul
i asked u if i could keep u
and told me forever
but how can i keep u
when ur gone
people say u will always be with me
but ur not
ur gone
nothing can change that
u said u would never leave
but now ur gone
i feel dead inside
beacuse i never got to say