Just two humans torn by situation and chance
Both hiding their emotions behind a glance.
From two different sides, a forbidden love,
One of them scorned by the fate of above.
The other a misfit among the rest
A situation that puts them through the test.
Blonde hair but black eyes,
In her silence she cries.
Everything she's ever wanted in her grasps
But empty of fun and laughs.
Her body perfectly sculpted but numb to the world
Her clothes expensive, her hair perfectly curled.
Most desired by the people that occupy her life.
But feels nothing, turning to the knife.
Marks her porcelain skin with an ugly scar
Her blood is black as sickly tar.
No one sees into her hollow eyes
No one cares enough to see past the disguise.
She turns to pain to ease her thoughts
That she will slip away, left to rot.
A whirlwind of sights and sounds
But trapped by her own feelings, bound.
She hides her tears in the dark of night
Then pastes on a smile during daylight.
A two sided girl that is being torn in two,
Drowning with nothing to cling onto.
Across the street he watches with stormy eyes.
Knowing the pain that resides.
He knows that she is slowly dying
Feels the pain when she is crying.
An outsider he is, rejected by civilization
Not good enough for a confrontation.
Old scars cover his wrist,
long ago memories, a pain numbing list.
Black hair that contrast his pale face
Eyes of mystery, but a title of disgrace.
He gazes at her from afar
As she leans absently against his car.
His chance is now to confess his admiration
Even if he is a reject of civilization.
He approaches her silently, his palms sweaty
He hesitates, not sure if he's ready.
She locks with his gaze and seems drawn.
This force is unreservedly strong.
There is no turning back on his plan,
He walks over to where she stands.
His cold hand grips hers,
Suddenly there is a settling of her nerves.
He pulls her off to an abandon place.
Where the moonlight traces her face.
The tears she thought she could never spill,
Fall suddenly as he gives her head a tilt.
Her body no longer shivers in frozen spells
A fire alights where her heart dwells.
A forbidden love takes a hold,
Suddenly she feels bold.
She brings her cold lips close to his,
And their souls unite together as they kiss.
Her smile is no longer empty, devoid of joy,
A happiness spreads through her by this boy.
No longer is she the ice queen,
She's more alive than she's ever been.
He tells her that he loves her, he gives her his heart,
A pain slices her heart apart.
This could never be accepted, she could never be with him
He was an outcast, if she accepted she would never be forgiven.
She pushes him away, her soul full of shame.
She doesn't want to be stuck with the blame.
He pleads her to stay, to not go away,
But she says it just isn't okay.
The rose he gave her is torn into pieces,
And she throws insults at his weakness.
A forbidden love that can never be,
They are from two different sides of society.
She runs away in the dark,
Everything hurting, mostly her heart.
She sinks in a small heap,
And falls into a restless sleep.
He stares into nothingness, no more feeling,
He clutches a petal and hangs his head as his heart is bleeding.
A world cruel and dark envelops him whole.
His face pale and his eyes like coal.
Denied of the one thing he ever wanted,
And now he is forever haunted.
Blonde hair a mess, eyes swollen, she realizes what she has done,
She has turned away the only one
The only one who ever cared
The only one who's heart she shared.
The twist of guilt stabs her soul,
And she is no longer whole.
New tears fall across her cheeks,
As she cries in despair for weeks.
Then one day she spots Him in the parking lot,
The one she has been looking for, the one she has sought.
His shaggy black hair and pale face make her smile,
She had been waiting for him for a long while.
Finally she was going to be with him once more,
No longer mourning his absence anymore.
But as she steps closer to the savior of her soul,
Another steps out and gives her a pull.
She's back in her world of false facades
Answering only with fake smiles and nods.
A world where loneliness creeps,
Where all thoughts of love leak.
She looks back for the boy that knew,
Everything about her, the only thing true.
His tempestuous eyes are out of sight
And suddenly nothing seems right.
She finally breaks, not caring about what people will say.
She drops everything and hopes everything will be okay.
She stumbles across the wet-slicked road,
But only sees a black rain coat.
The rain that engulfs her has no effect.
She can only feel pain and regret.
Everything she could ever want she denied,
She had been stupid, seeing only labels and being blind
To the one who ever could bring her back to life
As she thinks this she sees the glint of the knife.
It beckons to her, a promise of no more pain,
A route where all the memories will drain.
Just one deep slice and then no more hurt,
All the emotions will be buried beneath the dirt.
A sweet escape for her agonizing torture,
No more conformity, a ghost to culture.
Just as the cold edge of the blade touched her wrist,
She felt her fingers twitch.
His stormy eyes stared back at her in the knife's reflection.
And suddenly she could only feel his affection.
The curse was broken, she dropped the knife.
He held her close, he had saved her life.
From numbness, pain and regret
To love, happiness and respect.
It must have been destiny that they met.
Or maybe their meeting was just a coincidental accident.
Whichever you prefer you can be sure to believe
That love is never a painless, passionless tendency.
00:31 Mar 12 2008
so sweet
19:49 Mar 14 2008
A little to long perhaps and the rythm is not equal in some parts, but you have some strong and cold images that covers all that!
I wish you have insisted on the double dichotomy from inside the girl and her double relation!
I really like the Romeo and Juliet scented story!