Here is some poetry that I wrote...I thought it would be nice to share some:]
Bloody Words
I hold a knife to my chest,
And think about what Ive done,
I know that I must confess,
I know that you truly won,
I try to live through the pain,
While keeping my tears away,
Im really going insane,
Youre fault for getting away,
I hold the knife to my throat,
While coughing between each tear,
I finally want to die,
Not having one single fear,
And I make a single slit,
And I start to cough and gag,
This is what I shall get,
My blood goes into a bag,
And I take out my finger,
Pushing it into my blood,
While my words start to linger,
Writing words on the mirror,
I shall die, since no one cares,
I always feel so bare,
something is missing,
something is not right,
that is why I stabbed my self,
With this very knife.
And after I wrote them words,
I pull the knife towards my heart,
My screams, the worst ever heard,
Thats when my life fell apart,
My blood sputters to the ground,
A single rose in one hand,
And the truth was never found,
How this single death began.
And with one hand on my heart,
The blood spilling everywhere,
But my life was torn apart,
No one ever seemed to care,
Never felt the love in there,
The next day a guy came by,
Seeing me sprawled on the ground,
He soon began to cry,
About what he just had found,
He saw the words on the mirror,
And could not believe his eyes,
Wishing that he was nearer,
When this death had come by,
Although he had really loved her,
He never meant for any harm,
Wishing that she was still here,
She was his good luck charm,
Never give up what you had,
Youll never know what itll do,
It can make you oh so sad,
Losing someone that loved you
Slice me open
I watch the blade slice through my skin.
I hear the screaming and see the grins.
People stress it is so stupid
But they dont know the tortures of life.
In public I act so happy
But what they dont know is Im carrying my knife
Close to my side so close it is cutting,
Slicing, ripping, skin hanging by a thread.
Its quite a miracle Im not already dead.
The scars surround me, each with a story.
I assure you each one is gory.
People ask why I like to cut.
People ponder why I want to gut.
I tell them it is insurance,
A constant reminder that Im alive.
It tells me, assures me that bloods still running,
Streaming through my broken heart.
I never can find inside myself
To take my life, to take my health.
i Sit Alone in the Dark
im sitting alone in the Dark By MySelf just me and the Blade, i Think to MySelf how could you tell me all the things you say.
i close my eyes and grab the blade time to count 1,2,3,4,5 as i start to slash away,
as i open my eyes i look at my Wrist full of blood starting to drip,
Now im crying cause you put me thur so much pain cause your the one who showd me the blade.
how could you hurt me and put me thur so much pain.
do you have any idea what it feels like to be me for a day?,
you dont even care that i cut and cut cause its all because of you?,
but you dont give a shit its like i dont exist to you?,
i love you more then life i showd you im willing to make a scrafice for us to be togetother always and forever,
i cant see myself with anybody els , i close my eyes cause it hurts inside knowing that you dont feel the same for me anymore,
what did i Do? , im Sorry if i Hurt you , try to forgive my mistakes,
Love me like you use to when you use to Hold Me&Kiss Me and Tell me everything is Okay,
So if you ever see this Poem i Want you to know that i will always Love you, and i want you to know what you did to me cause you distroyd my Life i Hope your Happy,
So now i Cry Cause i Close my Eyes and sit Alone in the dark cause i Grabed the blade Again...
