MistressLace's Journal

MistressLace's Journal


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6 entries this month

His Sweet Blood

05:37 Jan 27 2010
Times Read: 478

I can taste his erotic embrace

the touch of his neck

teeth sinking in

his sweet blood

dripping down my chin

I can feel his energy flowing in me

the craving for him is intense

for his blood is sweet

centurys old

he tastes as if ive known him

His blood I remember

I can taste wisdom of the ancients

Royal blood flowing through him

who is this man

what kind of blood flows through him

he tastes so sweet

Flashes run through my mind

of a time long ago

this king saducing me

I can feel his erotic embrace

the touch of his lips

teeth sinking in

the bond that we shared

traveled through time

looking to be reunited

running here and there

searching for that sweet blood

teeth sinking in again and again

searching frantically

through century's

for the bond we had shared

his blood is so sweet

I remember

our blood bond

the pact to never forget

him my king


ps. I just wrote this on here havnt edited yet.




Restless Blood

02:27 Jan 20 2010
Times Read: 502


Restless Blood

Moving out of the shadows she transforms herself.

In the flickering lights of the dark street she moulds herself

Into a form of humanity –

Almost perfect.

Gliding through the streets she feels a presence:

A heady wash of human pulses,

Human blood,

Pounding already in her temples as if in anticipation

Of the kill.

She moves like a ghost – silent and sure –

Or like a cat – graceful and sleek.

Everyone sees her, and yet none perceive her.

She is the scavenger in a city of monsters,

And none may bar her passage.

It is midnight – the bells of St Alfonso's clang their warning

To anyone who cares to hear –

And the moment is almost at hand.

She has seen him.

A tall figure, dressed in black, with long flowing locks of a deep ebony.

He carries a silver-tipped cane, a man of distinction, no doubt.

He walks alone, but self-assured.

In the neon glare of a street-light he pauses to adjust his collar before glancing

Back along the passageway.

His eyes glitter, red in the darkness, as he spots her.

One hand, long, pale and bony, reaches out from a lace cuff

Towards her.

She hesitates, unsure at the fateful moment if what she does is right.

But she must advance – his eyes say it as surely as does her heart –

And in seconds she has latched herself to him.

Her mouth pressed to his deep blue vein

Her teeth gnawing at the thin skin to gain a purchase

She pleads for salvation in cries of blood

And with a desperate borne of hunger she tears at his hand

Before he raises her

And forces her mouth onto the open wound on his throat

Where already the blood of life is weeping out

Into the ruffles of his silken collar.

He is her final meal, and her first

For in tasting the blood of the true vampire

She has deserted her mortal life for ever

And the thirst for immortality has at last


Been quenched.



04:56 Jan 20 2010

Very beautiful indeed I do so enjoy this one from you my dear mi'lady Lace.


Dark light

02:16 Jan 20 2010
Times Read: 503


Dark Light

Waking somewhere beyond the veil of night

Velvet loneliness caressing my mourning heart

Crystal teardrops, a sheen of silver on my face

My swollen eyes reflecting the weeping blue

Of the twilight skies

A moonlit opal crouching in the neon glare

Of a streetlight

Heartbroken and desolate in the empty street

Sheltering against the prying eyes of enemies

And false friends in the shroud of the night

Sighing a river of shattered dreams

Into the cold air of the dusty street

Hopes and fears mingle with the broken promises

I should know so well by now

But somehow I thought you'd be different

You'd be kind to me

You'd care

My lonely figure, a wraith in the lamplight

Moonlight, firebright, streetlight

Barely more than a skeleton, a living ghost

Trapped in a physical form that weeps

And grieves and mourns

For you, always for you

My dark angel, my spirit prince

My phantom love

Little more to you am I

Than moths betrayed by the bright light

Of the floodlit sky

But forever I love you



05:00 Jan 20 2010

bravo! a masterpiece that speaks in volumes.

01:30 Jan 26 2010




02:12 Jan 20 2010
Times Read: 504


Crimson Glory

A girl steps out of the darkness,

Scarlet diamonds floating in her long-dead eyes,

A halo of perforated raindrops

In an iridescent circlet of light about her head;

Betrayed by the orange street-lamp

In the midst of her midnight search –

Scavenger hunt for life through death;

The lonely wanderer of night skies,

Always alone in the darkness;

A solitary glimpse of naked light,

The whitest skin, textured in porcelain,

Her ancient skin, stronger than any brash and soulless steel,

Her flesh a silent, aching memorial

To days of lost and betrayed youth;

Ebony net of gossamer hair,

A wreath about her glacial shoulders;

Eyes that glitter with the scorching pain

Of ages past, centuries of half-life;

Ruby demons caressing the cold flesh of her lips

As an incautious drop of crimson life

Bubbles from the crimson depths

To fall upon the cool white of her naked breast;

Death-marks still upon her silky skin

As she steps out of the dusky shroud of night

Into the crown of glittering neon

Around the rain-spattered arc-light

In the empty and desolate city street;

Clothed in funereal black from head to bare feet,

Rags of cloudy darkness

Clinging to her sylphic form

Like cobwebs on a moon-drenched tomb;

Draped in darkness, weeping

In the fire of her own damnation.

Eternal princess of the night,

How beautiful thy savagery seems



05:04 Jan 20 2010

Very delightful and moving a truely lovely piece indeed. Bravo!



02:10 Jan 20 2010
Times Read: 505



Wraith-like in the lamplight

Fresh blood on your pallid lips

Eyes aglow with unnatural fire

Passion on the rise after the feast

Midnight wanderer

A warrior by moon's silvery light

Fighting your battles within your lonely, immortal heart

Sitting at last beside me

After so many months of waiting for you

At last you've taken my veins' beauty

Hot mouth draining my heart

My blood yielding, inevitable and precious,

Given willingly into your care

Rainbows in the arc-light

A halo in your hair

As you stepped inside my home

Crossed the threshold of guilty longing

And held out your icy, candle-wax hands

To me, at last, to me

The fateful kiss

So nearly fatal

Yet you held back

Your desire was quenched in that draught

While mine still hungered

Aching and yearning for more

For the release I know only you can bring

For a chance to share your perfect life

Maybe if I wait til you sleep

I can break your charm

Taste of your blood

Recreate myself as your unholy mirror

Take the chance myself

Release myself by stealing your magick

Perhaps I can

Perhaps I will...



05:08 Jan 20 2010

very lovely I like this one


His Eyes

00:08 Jan 18 2010
Times Read: 517

He looked at me with such an intensity

I couldn't look away

Im lost in the trance of his eyes

why did he choose me I must no why

he hypnotizes me with that look

I can not turn away

we new each other long ago

im remembering another time

wagon wheels and petticoats a twirling

I remember when

he looked me in the eyes and told me

look for them



02:49 Jan 20 2010

i like all your poems but this the most

05:10 Jan 20 2010

Very beautiful indeed you have a way with your words.

23:39 Jan 20 2010

This is my Newest poem my favorite also thank you both for your comments

14:15 Jan 26 2010

I like to drift through time........very nice.

you have a fine body of work so far :)

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