MistressAkylie's Journal


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6 entries this month


04:11 Jan 28 2008
Times Read: 627

this sucks...ill be less than an hour away from where this years first meeting is gonna be and i cant go. some stupid business thing i have to attend so it ruined it. damn it. thats just perfect. i was planning my entire year around that meeting. ive stayed in that hotel more than once and i pass it all the time. personaly i hope everyone has a great time and meets some really intresting people. new orleans is an amazing place and yes it is almost back to normal i must warn you though we kajuns like food so come with an empty stomach haha...well im in a crapy mood now but by then ill be over it. watching the time as im stuck somewhere else doingsomething way less important. well dont forget august 20th...french quarter...




Thinking of Her...

05:03 Jan 23 2008
Times Read: 635

Gosh Salem is on my mind again. I constantly think of her. It's been months and nothing I do can keep my thoughts from her. She has taken over me. My soul. She stole my heart and so much more. I loved her and she never knew it. I told her I loved her but she never knew what I meant. I never got to hold her closer and tell her I love her. I never got to smell her sweet smelling hair. Stare into her beautiful green eyes. or even hold her hand. She was my world. My everything. Without her presence mine is fading. I've lost friends. I've lost Hope. I've lost her. I ahd her in my hands and I couldn't help her. I could just see her light fading her aura turning a dark black as she gave me her last breath. I lost her. I constantly get no sleep because I can hear her screams in my head. I see the fear in her eyes. And I saw How she loved me. Not just anyone would give there life for another. She gave me her life and soul and forever will she be apart of me. I was and forever will be in love with her. It's sad how she had to leave this unholy earth just for our eyes to be opened wide and see the correption and chaos amongst us. I was terrified by what I had seen unfold before me at the last D.B.R. mtg it was a down right disgrace. I was disrespected by a new member and dishonored because we are a group of peace and we are lowered to such bullshit as this. I own a coven of hope and faith and love and spirit don't I? NOT A COVEN OF MONSTERS! If I ever hear another member trying to harm another living soul so help me I will break my rule to not harm to see forth that you have no mercy. That person is no longer a member of my coven and so help me when Sanyona is found her soul is mine!!! She deserves what my punishment will be. Kill? Never... Torture til she begs for mercy? I think it's deserving but will I have the heart to do harm to another? probably not. well went from sad thinking about salem to pissed at that bitch sanyona. well im done ranting.




Still have a Reason...

04:46 Jan 23 2008
Times Read: 637

Sometimes I feel it's hard to get around with knowing your not there to help me threw everything. I now get up in the morning without true meaning the only reason I ever get up anymore is because of my children. (hold on long story past life kids ok) I have four wonderful kids 2 guys and 2 girls. Well I did have three girls but one had a sex change.(also don't ask) I love them with all my heart. There's just one problem I'm missing one. I have only found three in this life and the fourth and the last girl I ahvnt found. She is one reason I live. I will find her. I love my children so much. (in this life all of them are older than me go figure!!)Without them I don't think I could live. So Atreyu seeing as your my oldest and even though we fight I still love you my dearest son.





06:40 Jan 16 2008
Times Read: 641

in this world why has religion become such a big issue amongst relationships. love has no boundaries. you are not held back by what you believe in or what color you are or even your heritage. who you love is your choice and not even god himself can chang that. to love is to ignore. ignore what ohers say ignore what others do. if you love them it wont matter. everyone else needs a life basically if all they can find to do to occupy their time is critize you for dating someone of a different religion. i am a wiccan and im damn well proud ...my religion does not define me.




Our Lost Friends...R.I.P.

06:33 Jan 16 2008
Times Read: 642

To our dearly beloved we are in mourning regret that you have gone. We as a group and as your friends wish you were still among us, but impossible as it may. Our Mistress Salem and my right hand lady and greatest friend. We will miss you terribly as I do already. It has only been a few months and yet an eternity in my heart. And also our Miko we shall also miss you. The unkindness of the deception. We are truly sorry that you did not see the errors of his ways. It is maykyon that betrayed your heart and lied to you. If only he was never apart of yuor life to this day you would be ours still, It has been but a few days for you. Jan.9 , 08 was your end and truly mourned we are for it. Two great and honored women of the magickal relm gone but for a good cause. They will not die in vain. this I promise. we love you....Forever loved Forever missed.




thoughts part 2

05:35 Jan 02 2008
Times Read: 649

In one place you can be known as someone great and of power while somewhere else you can be known as a stranger. In society we are known as the black sheeps or the unruley but in truth we are orselfs. We have a society that I would proudly say I am a part of while some deny it and act ASHAMED! I pity such people who don't stand up for what they say they are or who they say they can be. I am proud of who I am but I am not proud of who I was. I was the coward the one who was taken advantage of by Haites but now I am someone to not mess with. If you ever think that just because I look like a helpless little girl that I am one you shall heed these words now you will be punished for your wronge doing. And calling me human is just as bad as calling me halpless. I do not take kindly to such insulting words. now just so you know someone pissed me off when I wrote this so word of advice don't piss me off. And what happened to the guy that pissed me off? Well let's just say he'll be in the hospital for quiet awhile.^^ -flicks the loose frabic of her dress to the side and walks off into the shadows-



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