MissKara's Journal


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6 entries this month

KT - 3

18:09 Sep 28 2012
Times Read: 489

Megan was walking home from another boring day at school. Thinking back over the conversation she had overheard in the toilets at school, where a girl in the year above her was telling her friend about how she had been made to suck off and then swallow her boyfriends cum. She went on to explain how she had been wanting to wait till she was ready. However after a heavy make our session where they had both been kissing and touching, her boyfriend had pulled out his cock and told her to suck it. She had told him she didn’t want to, but he took hold of the back of her head and forced her face down on his cock and pushed it in till she choked. She told her friend how she had not known how to stop him and the next thing she knew he was cumming in her mouth and all she could do was swallow. He had left her on the bed crying, with cum dripping down her chin onto her school shirt. Nothing remotely like that had happened to Megan in her short 18 year life; she had never had a boyfriend or even been kissed, but she wasn’t ashamed of this, she was proud that she was going to wait for the right guy. She was, however, sure that she wouldn’t have put up with a guy forcing her into doing anything and would have bitten off the guy’s cock if he had tried making her suck it. She smiled to herself as she reached her door and let herself in.

Walking through the house Megan wasn’t surprised to find that the house was empty. Her mum worked late most days and she usually had to make dinner for herself and her younger brother John when he wasn’t out with his friends or at football practice. As it was a Wednesday evening, she knew that John wouldn’t be home for a few hours and her mum could be in some time after 9 that night. She walked into the kitchen and quickly made herself a sandwich before putting herself in front of the television on the sofa and grabbing her laptop to check Facebook. After commenting on a few friends’ status’s and updating her own on the new Paramore song she liked, she quickly got bored and decided to go onto a chat site and mess about for a bit. Now although Megan was a virgin that didn’t mean she didn’t know about sex and didn’t play with herself now and again when she was bored or horny; she had discovered an online chat site for people on Google a few months back and had been on around once a week ever since. She would spend a few hours while she was alone in the house chatting to random guys about music or movies and as the conversation went on it would soon turn to sex and cybering. She had never actually touched herself while chatting to the guys, but would play along until she could feel herself getting very wet and then would log off and go up to her room and slowly fantasize about what it would be like to actually do some of the things the guys had told her about. Eventually she would have a nice long orgasm and lie still until she calmed down, then she would get a shower and chill out until her mum came home. She and her mum would then learn all about each other’s day.

Today was just like any other time. Megan had been logged into the site for an hour under her log-in name IvoryGurlM. She had chatted to a few guys but nothing fun had happened so far and she was considering skipping chatting and just going to get a shower when she got a PM from a random guy she had never spoken to before called Dominatus.

Dominatus: So you’re bored and sitting at home with nothing to do, you get the usual PM’s from losers in here asking all about your favourite band under some pretext to pretend they are interested in you to make you have cyber sex with them. Well I’m Dominatus and if you give me a chance I will give you something longer lasting than the 2 minute thrill you have gotten so far on this site.

Megan sat for a few minutes thinking that it was a strange introductory message to get but not the worse she had received by a long shot; she was intrigued and decided to answer him.

IvoryGurlM: Hello Dominatus; you’re quite right I am very bored and just thinking about logging off, so better you’d make the most of me!

She giggled to herself and thought she would see if he could live up to his claims.

Dominatus: Well let’s start by getting to know one another; you can call me Sir, and Sir wants to know your name and what you are wearing.

Megan laughed out loud at this straight forward demand, but decided she would play along and see what happened.

IvoryGurlM: OK Sir, lol, my name is Rachel and I’m naked.

She giggled to herself, thinking, that will get him going.

Dominatus: Very amusing, but if you lie to me again I am going to leave you alone and you will never experience what only I can give you and you will regret it for the rest of your life. Now tell me the truth.

For some reason Megan just didn’t think through her next message and told the absolute truth.

IvoryGurlM: Sorry Sir, my name is Megan and I only just got in from school so I have on my uniform.

Dominatus: I want to know every stitch that you have on Megan, not just a vague idea of it! Try again!

Megan was annoyed at the demanding tone but then found herself answering anyway.

IvoryGurlM: I have on a white shirt and black trousers and plain white knickers and a bra; I took off my tie when I got in…Sir

Dominatus: OK Megan, much better; now tell me how old you are and how long you have the house to yourself for?

Megan wondered if it was a lucky guess that he knew she was alone, but didn’t question it.

IvoryGurlM: ummmm I’m 18 and I will be on my own for a couple of hours; how old are you?

Dominatus: You forgot to call me Sir, so now I am not going to tell you my age or answer any other questions you have about me; instead I want to know more about you. Do you have a boyfriend Megan?

Megan got a little more annoyed at this and considered closing down the conversation if she wasn’t going to learn anything from this guy, but then took a deep breath and answered.

IvoryGurlM: No SIR, I’ve never had a boyfriend.

Dominatus: So you’re a virgin then; that’s good. I don’t like what you’re wearing so your going to go change for me. Go and put on the shortest skirt you own, a vest top with no bra and a thong.

Megan blushed when she was referred to as a virgin but then smiled as he told her to change; it was more usual that she was being ordered to strip not put clothes on. She waited 5 minutes and then replied.

IvoryGurlM: OK Sir I have on what you asked.

Dominatus: This is the second time you have lied to me Megan; once more and I’m gone from your life for good. Now get your ass up to your room and change as I’ve told you!

Megan sat for a second, wondering how he knew she hadn’t done as he asked and then she decided she would go change and see what he had in mind next. There could be no harm in it.

When she got to her room she slowly stripped off her school uniform and underwear until she was naked and then looked at herself in the mirror. She had long dark brown hair which she had straightened that morning for school. It came down to her shoulders, Her thin eyebrows arched over deep blue eyes, all complemented with a small nose and a sweet small mouth. She was quite thin but well toned from all the running and swimming she did for school. As she looked at herself she turned and cupped her small b cup breasts and felt her hard nipples poking between her fingers. She let her hands drop and brush over her flat stomach and then down over her trimmed pubic hair onto her pussy lips, which she found surprisingly wet. She realised she had let her mind wander and quickly went though her drawers and pulled out an old denim skirt from the bottom drawer that she hadn’t worn in about 3 years. She quickly pulled it on, along with a white vest top and her only thong that she had bought one day when she was in a strange naughty mood and had only worn a handful of times. She looked at herself again in the mirror and wasn’t unhappy with the way she looked. She would never have worn this all out, but she thought she looked pretty anyway, apart from the skirt being just under her little bum. She turned and rushed downstairs thinking that he would probably be gone because of how long she had taken.

She discovered that instead the chat program had logged her off for not using it in 15 minutes and strangely she felt disappointed that she wouldn’t discover what Dominatus was going to say next.

Megan was considering just forgetting all about the night so far and just going back upstairs and stripping out of the clothes and giving up, but instead she hit log-in again and re-entered her nickname and looked through the list of people in the chat room to see if Dominatus was still there. She felt her face break out in a smile when she saw his name and quickly opened a conversation window.

IvoryGurlM: I’m soooo sorry sir! It just logged me out while I was away.

Dominatus: That’s OK Megan. It wasn’t your fault, perhaps you had better give me your MSN address and we can chat on messenger; that way I wont lose you again

Being so pleased that she hadn’t missed out on what else was going to be said by Dominatus, Megan didn’t even think before she quickly typed out her personal MSN address rather than the one she usually gave out to guys on the chat site. Once she realised what she had done she regreted it, but then decided that now that he had it, she should just log onto her own MSN and chat on there. She logged on offline so no one would disturb her and then sat and waited till she got Dominatus friend request. Once she accepted it she opened up a window with him to chat.

Megan: I’ve put myself as showing offline so I wont get loads of people trying to chat to me. I hope that is OK

Dominatus: No I want to see if you go offline, so just change it to busy and ignore anyone who sends you a message.

Megan pouted slightly and then did as she was asked. What she suddenly realised was that she had a picture of herself as her display picture sitting by a tree in jeans and a t-shirt smiling up at her brother as he took a picture of her. She had quickly changed it to the default fish picture when she got another message.

Dominatus: You are incredibly gorgeous Megan! You may as well leave the picture up. I have seen it now…you should never hide; you’re way too pretty for that.

She blushed hearing the compliment, the first she had ever received from someone who wasn’t family.

Dominatus: I’ll tell you what, if you send me that picture of you so I can see it in full size I will send you one of me, so you can see what I look like.

Megan sat and thought about this for a minute; she was very curious to find out what this guy looked like after chatting to him for an hour and there was no harm. He had seen her already after all. She clicked send a file or photo and found the photo amongst other random photos of her and her friends. She hit send.

Dominatus: Well Megan you have got me all hard seeing you in full screen; you truly are a beauty.

The file request appeared on her screen and Megan quickly hit accept and waited for it to download. Then she opened the file and was greeted with the sight of a guy in just jeans with a well build body, six pack, big arms, short dark hair and bright blue eyes and a stunning smile. She couldn’t believe how gorgeous this guy was and wondered why he would be talking to her.

Dominatus: Megan? Anything you want to say?

Megan: You’re very handsome sir, I feel lucky that I got to talk to you.

Megan felt her hand straying and rubbing softly over her thong covered mound when the next message came.

Dominatus: Are you horny Megan?

Her hand moved away from her pussy quickly and then she laughed at herself; it was just a lucky guess she thought and put it back onto her pussy.

Megan: What makes you think that?

Dominatus: I can tell when a girl is wet; its one of my talents.

Megan laughed again and thought, if only you knew. Now she wanted to know what he had in mind next.

Megan: What now Sir?

Dominatus: Now I want you to pull your vest top up over your tits and pinch your little nipples for me.

Thinking for a second, Megan laughed and decided to just pretend again. She had never had the most sensitive nipples and hardly ever played with them; she was happy where her hand was right now, she started to typ

Dominatus: Remember you’re on your last warning; any more lies and we won’t be continuing our conversation.

Megan laughed, convinced that he always made this point and assumed she would do it anyway the second time. She sat for a second again, slowly rubbing herself over her now wet thong and then again began to type that she had done as she was asked.

Dominatus: Megan, if you can’t take this seriously you will never benefit from what I can give you, this is your last chance.

She sat stunned for a second, wondering how he could know she wasn’t following his orders. Then she made a decision that would change things forever; she reached down and pulled her vest top up over her small boobs and slowly started to pinch her hard little nipples.

Megan: Ok Sir I’m doing what you said.

Dominatus: Good girl, you’re doing great. Does that feel good baby girl?

Megan smiled at the compliment and quickly replied.

Megan: My nipples are not very sensitive, I prefer just rubbing my pussy.

She blushed not meaning to say so much but feeling confident enough to make this confession.

Dominatus: Well I want you to enjoy yourself, so instead I want you to stand up, take off your thong and push a finger inside your wet little pussy for me.

Megan got up quickly pleased she could touch her pussy again and pulled her skirt up around her waist before pulling down her thong and slowly running her fingers over her pussy, spreading herself slightly. Then, sitting down, she slowly pushed a finger into her tight wet pussy.

Megan: mmmm that’s so much better.

Dominatus: Are you using a laptop Megan?

Megan: Yes Sir.

Dominatus: Let’s go up to your room so you can get more comfortable.

Jumping up again, Megan decided this was a great idea and quickly took her laptop upstairs into her room and positioned it between her legs as she propped herself up sitting so she could read and type while she was playing.

Megan: Ok Sir I’m in my room on my bed….touching myself lol.

Dominatus: Good girl; put the finger from your pussy in your mouth and tell me how you taste.

Gross! Was Megan’s first thought, but then she decided she would go along with it; so far this had all been a lot of fun. She put the finger into her mouth and sucked off all the juices. She smiled; there wasn’t a really strong taste, just a slightly tangy and sweet flavour. She wouldn’t object to tasting more.

Megan: I taste sweet Sir

Dominatus: I bet you do! I can’t wait to try and see for myself. Have you ever played with your ass before Megan?

Wow she thought, this is getting more gross by the second

Megan: No and I don’t think I will be starting today either, nobody can enjoy doing that.

Dominatus: How do you know when you have never tried and why do so many girls do it if they all hate it?

Megan was surprised that she wasn’t told off and ordered to do it, but she sat and thought for a second. She had definitely heard of anal sex before and not just in the gay way, so there must be a reason people did it.

Megan: What would you like me to do?

Dominatus: Take your wet finger and slowly rub it all over your asshole and get it nice and wet, then get some more of your pussy juice on your finger and slowly push it into your bum.

She took a deep breath and followed his instructions, slowly rubbing her asshole with a finger, which was surprisingly nice and then coating her finger in her pussy juices. She then slowly pushed her finger inside. About half way in it started to feel uncomfortable and then once she was nearly all the way in it started to hurt, so she stopped and took out her finger.

Megan: I don’t like it, it hurts!

Dominatus: Well you will learn to love it I promise you that. Move back to your pussy then and slowly play with your clit.

Megan smiled that she had been let off so easily and didn’t have to turn off her computer when he insisted. She went back to rubbing her clit and enjoying the feeling.

Dominatus: Ready for the next part of your training?

Training? Megan laughed; as if. But she was interested to see what was next on the agenda, so she quickly replied with one hand.

Megan: YES SIR!!!!

Dominatus: Do you know your next door neighbours well?

Megan decided that this had gone too far and she wouldn’t do what he asked next, but curiosity made her carry on to find out what it would be before she blocked him.

Megan: Yes there is an old couple on one side who are like 80 or something and then on the other side is this creepy guy who my parents don’t like and is always trying to speak to me, why?

Dominatus: Well as you’re so rude and don’t speak back to him, I think he deserves a treat. I want you to go next door and knock on his door When he answers, ask him for some milk as you have run out. Then when he gets back I want you to drop your house keys on the floor, turn your back to him and bend over to pick them up without bending your knees. Then you will look over your shoulder while bent over and thank him for the milk. Then come back to me!

She laughed out loud at the outrageous demand and then rolled her eyes. As if she was going to expose herself to a creep like him. No one had seen her pussy apart from her parents when she was really young, she wasn’t about to let the next door neighbour be the first to have that privilege.

Megan: ummmm No I won’t be doing that, sorry Sir.

Dominatus: Well actually, Megan James from London, you will be doing it.

Megan felt her mouth drop open as he called her by her full name, she was sure she hadn’t told him that and she definitely knew she hadn’t told him where she lived.

Dominatus: Don’t look so shocked; it wasn’t very hard to find out all about you once I had your email address you stupid bitch While you have been busy playing with your tight, little cunt, I have been looking at your face book page finding out all about you and making sure I knew who all your friends were.

She felt herself get angry at how stupid she had been but then laughed and decided he had done her a favour; she wouldn’t make the same mistake again and could easily make her page more private so he wouldn’t see anything else. If he contacted any of her friends she could just say he was a stalker or something.

Megan: Like I give a shit you weirdo, I’m going now. Don’t message me on face book. You will be blocked!

Dominatus: I wouldn’t be so fast to go yet Megan. I have a surprise for you, and trust me you don’t want to ignore this.

Megan saw a link appear to a website; she hesitated for a second and then clicked it. The page loaded slowly but then all of a sudden she saw herself on the page in a video, sitting in her living room downstairs with her boobs out, slowly pinching her nipples. The colour slowly drained out of her cheeks. How could this have happened? The webcam light had never gone on. How did he do that?

Dominatus: I see you’re watching your present; quite the little slut you seem. I especially love the part where you finger your tight little bum. I bet all of your class mates and your parents would love to see too, not to mention your little brother.

Her world slowly came crashing down around her. She was in total shock and didn’t know what to do.

Megan: What do you want?

Dominatus: From now on you’re mine. You will follow my orders to the letter and do anything I ask. If you please me until the end of the summer holidays, I will delete the video and let you start your new school year free from me.

Megan sat and thought about this, it was only 6 months away. While 6 months was a long time, it was better than her life being ruined forever. How bad could it be anyway? It was only over the internet.

Megan: Ok Sir, what do I have to do?





17:54 Sep 28 2012
Times Read: 492

She knew she would pay for it in the end, she just didn’t know how she would have to pay..

After all the stress at work she did the mistake of snapping at her Dom… Big mistake. He dismissed her and told her to go home and not leave her room till he called for her. He didn’t care if she missed work or anything of the sort. She disobeyed her master and she was to be punished for it. She went home and went to her room as her master instructed. She checke her email and she had received an email from him, it was titled “Until You are Free…” She opened the email and read it, it said..

‘You must follow these instructions until I call you back here. If you fail to do any of what is asked you will be punished worse. Is that clear?

What you don’t know is I can hear you and see you so speak up my slut!”

She stopped and looked around but didn’t see anything. Was he actually watching her? She continued to read the email

‘Take off all of your clothes. Pull the box of items from under your bed.’ She paused and looked under her bed.. She wasn’t allowed anything in her room besides her bed, her master wanted nothing to get in the way of his instructions, but there was this box exactly where her master said it was. She opened the box and examined its contents. She blushed at what she saw.

The email said ‘Take the nipple clamps and apply them to you nipples. Next insert the plug into your ass. No lube.’

She pulled the plug out of the box, she blushed again but she knew she had to do as she was told. She bent over her bed and slowly started to insert the plug in her ass, it was so big and she wasn’t allowed to use any lube but finally she got it in. She turned around and sat down and continued to read.

‘Now my slut, go to your kitchen and grab a tray of ice cubes. Insert one into your pussy.’

Once again she did as she was told. Pleasing her master is what she lives for.

‘Take the gag with the ring and fasten it to your mouth so it stays open nice and wide. Now close up the box I have had enough with you right now. Go stand in the corner facing the wall until I say otherwise.’

That was the end of the email so she did what she was told and packed up the box and she stood in the corner not moving a muscle. About 4 hours had passed and she started to sway her legs were getting tired and sore but she still wouldn’t move from her spot. Another few hours passed when she heard her notification for her email go off. She checked the email and it was indeed her master.

All that the email had said was ‘Stay the way you are and get to my place immediately’

Her heart sunk.. she had to go outside and drive to her masters naked and humiliated. She did as she was told, she walked out of her place and got into her car and drove to see him. She pulled up in the drive way and got out of her car she went to the door and knocked 3 times like she was supposed to. No one came to the door. She stood outside his door for sometime, it was cold and she was embarassed to be standing at his door the way she was, but she knew if she left there would only be worse punishment to come. Another 15 minutes went by when finally her master came to the door. He opened the door and she put her head down he motioned for her to come in. She dare not say a word, she walked in and went to the basement where she would receive her real punishment.

She stood in the middle of their sex dungeon with her head down and not one word to be uttered. He stared at her, examining to make sure everything as what he ordered her to do. After a pause he finally spoke to her. “Get on your knees.” As quickly as possible she got down on her knees for her master. He came up behind her and blindfolded her so everything would come as a surprise to her. This made her a little nervous but she knew she had done something wrong and she must suffer the consequences of her actions. Without any warning her master grabbed her by the head and slammed his hard cock into her mouth, causing her to gag. He continued to do it for a small period of time. “You aren’t worthy of my cock, my slave” and he pulled it out. She gasped for air, he grabbed her by the air and dragged her to his table and through her on it. She whimpered and he cuffed her arms in each corner and did the same with her ankles. She was on display for him, althought she couldn’t see, she could feel her face turn bright red.

“You have been a bad slut, are you prepared to pay for your actions?” All she could do was nod. All of a sudden she started to feel something cold on her body, but she couldn’t tell what it was. He started at her neck and drizzled it over each titt and down her stomach to her pussy and then her legs. He rubbed it into her skin as she lay there helpless before him. He slowly traced his finger arund her pussy lips and across her clit. “Hmm… you must be enjoying this my slut, you are all wet. That will never do.” He grabbed a riding crop off the shelf and started to whip her titts, soft at first but harder as he coninued. The only noise that filled the room was her moans of pain and the crop hitting her skin, once the skin on her titts went bright red and raw he stopped. He removed her nipple clamps, her nipples were swollen and red as it was then he started to pinch them. Everytime he did her body would jump and squirm and master didnt like that very much so he’d pinch harder. He stopped to gaze at his vulnerable slut and he loved what he saw. He took his finger again and started to trace her pussy lips and her clit, she was even more wet. She couldn’t help it, anything her master did to her made her excited, she wanted more. He didn’t want her enjoying her punishment so he decided to leave her in the dark for a few hours. Not knowing when he would come back to punish her killed her inside. Once he felt like had left her long enough he came back to see she was just where he left her and he started again. He came back with something very unusual, something she did not expect. He started to insert a huge dildo in her pussy, but this dildo was unlike any other, it was made of solid ice. The cold pain of the ice dildo in her pussy started to numb, he started to go harder and faster, her moans and whimpers were the ultimate satisfaction. Finally it melted, she was so thankful, she couldn’t feel her pussy anymore, only cold and wet. He uncuffed her from the table and dragged her by the hair again, he locked her head and wrists in the pillory. She was still blindfolded so she was unaware of what was going to happen to her. She was bent over in the pillory, with her ass exposed and vulnerable to whatever her master had planned for her. He started to feel and grab her ass as it was displayed for him. He started to spank her where the plug was inserted, her moans were loud and this only pleased him more. He spread her legs as she stood there and restrained them in place so both her pussy and her asshole were ready for her master to play with. He slowly removed the plug from her tight ass, she moaned and whimpered as he did so. He left her for a brief while but came back shortly after. He just gazed at his slut as he got ready for her next phase of torture, he loved this and he knew his slave loved it to.

He grabbed the largest paddle they had and he set himself up so he had a clear shot of her ass. He caressed her ass once more and then he swung. The noise that came from the paddle hitting her ass was alomost as loud as her screams. He spoke “How bout we do one for every year you’ve been alive, shall me?” She squirmed and moaned in pillory, but nothing she could so would help her escape. Each time he swung the paddle at her ass he used more force so her moans and attempted screams got louder. Once he finished he put the paddle away and started to spank her ass with his hand, he moved his hand down her ass and towards her pussy, she was dripping wet. He knew it wasn’t time to torture her pussy just yet, so he teased her instead by sliding the tip of his cock up and down her pussy just to get the tip wet, then he inserted his cock into her ass. He grabbed her hips and started thrusting showing no mercy to her ass, he just gave it to her until he blew his load in her ass. He pulled his cock out and walked to where her head was and inserted his cock into her ready and waiting mouth, she cleaned his cock. Once again he left her there, he went for a shower and went to bed for the rest of the night.

He woke up around 10 and walked into the basement to see his slut still in the pillory, she was sleeping so he decided to wake her by slamming his cock into her tight wet pussy a few times, this startled her but aroused her at the same time. He pulled out and released her from the pillory. She fell and layed on the floor, her ankles still restrained in place. She sat up but he quickly pushed her on her back and put her arms flat at her sides the he staddled her so her arms couldn’t move then he started to play with her titts and pinching her nipples. He grabbed her titts firmly and wraped them around his cock and he tittie fucked her till he blew in her face, he moved down and started to suck and nibble on her nipples he restrained her arms above her head he grabbed a clit vibrator and teased her clit with it, once she was about to cum he stopped. He took his fingers and inserted them into her pussy, he let them play inside he and she moaned and started to breath heavier. He removed his fingers from her soaked pussy and started to slide his cock up and down her pussy, he slide the tip of it in a few times to get it wet then he climbed on her in a 69 position and she started to suck his cock as he licked her clit. They were both enjoying immensly, but he didn’t want her to cum so he stopped but let her keep going on him, when he started to feel like he going to cum he took his cock out of her mouth and cummed on her face.

He removed her restraints and attached a pinch collar around her neck, he took the leash and started to pull her along, not knowing what was going on the collar started sqyeezing around her neck, noce she realized what was going on she started to follow and her master dragged her along. He brought her to an empty room with a contraption in the middle of the room. He left the collar on her so she knew her place, her wrists were retrained to the floor, her stomach was propped over the contraption so her ass was once again on for her master then her ankles restrained to the floor. She was in the doggy style position, he started to insert his cock in her ass again, grabbing her hips he thrusted harder and faster than he had ever done before, her moans just made it that much better to go harder and faster. He was about to cum so he pulled his cock out and came all over her back, he spread her legs and started to lick her pussy a bit and tease her clit, once he knew how bad she wanted to cum he stopped and got up and locked her in the room. 5 or more hours passed until her master returned, he walked up behind her and started to spank her ass with the riding crop, once her ass was bright red he asked “Are you ready for this to all be over my slut?” and she nodded and moaned.

A clit vibrator came out of the contraption that she was leaning on and he pressed it on her clit, he took his cock and started to tease her pussy with it. Once he could feel her pussy dripping he slammed his rock hard cock into her pussy and started to fuck her like there was no end, 20 minutes passed and finally they came together. He removed her restraints and started to pull her by the collar, he brought her to a cold empty room. There he inserted a bigger plug into her ass and made her straddle another contraption that looked like a saddle but there was a clit vibrator on it. He cuffed her hands behind her back and removed her gag, he quickly came in her mouth and put a ball gag in so she couldn’t spit it out, he tied it tight to her head he cranked up the coldness in the room and turned the light off and left her there until he was ready for her again.





17:48 Sep 28 2012
Times Read: 494

I want to be spanked. I need to be spanked. I wake up with my pussy throbbing and soaking wet with thoughts of you dominating me…

I can only presume I am a classic case of a woman who is dominate in life but wants desperately to be a submissive in the bedroom. Being that I am the kind of woman who intimidates those around her, unintentionally, of course, I simply want to experience what it’s like to be disciplined and completely controlled.

I fantasize…

We’re sitting on the couch having a normal relaxing day and I begin to pester you. You’ve never spanked me before, though I suspect you have a Dom in you, I have not yet met him. I have seen glimpses of him, but like me, I think you’ve been a little afraid to explore that side of you. I keep poking and pestering you hoping you’ll finally get mad enough to take me over your knee and give me the paddling I so desperately need and deserve. I can tell you’re getting frustrated as you plead with me to stop being such a brat. I finally challenge you, “What are you gonna do about it?”

“I am going to take you over my knee and paddle your ass!”

“Yeah, right! You don’t have the balls! You are not man enough!”

As if a light switch has been flicked in your brain, I see the transition and I wonder if the “man enough” comment was really necessary because it certainly wasn’t true. You calmly, but sternly, tell me to go to our bedroom, remove all my clothing and bend over the bed. A little frightened, but highly aroused, I comply.

It seems like I have been naked and exposed with my upper body lying across the bed forever when you finally enter the bedroom. I see something in your hand but I sense that I don’t dare move.

WHACK! Pain surges through me as the ping-pong paddle that was in your hand aggressively meets my tender ass flesh. A spanking virgin, I scream out in pain.

You proceed to speak, “You’ve taunted me long enough. I hope you know what you’ve got yourself into. We’re now in a Dom/Sub relationship whether you like it or not. You’ve opened Pandora’s box and there’s no going back. You will receive a stern punishment today to teach you that you never speak to your Dom like you just spoke to me. From today on, you will be punished for misbehavior, or simply because I feel you need to be put in your place.”

Fear and pleasure well up inside me. My pussy is throbbing and saturated. “Yes, yes, yes, I want you to punish me. To do to me what you desire, to explore the lines between pleasure and pain blurring them into one.”

Lost in my own thoughts I am quickly brought back to reality when I feel something cold slide down my ass crack. Lube!? I thought you were punishing me? Now you want to have anal sex? I don’t understand.

Ahh…you slide your thumb into my ass…oh, that feels so good. Quickly, you pull it out…ow! UGH…not the HUGE anal plug! I didn’t even know you knew I had this one. It’s too big. You shove the plug inside as my ass gives way to the intrusion. I gasp and yell out in pain. “OW!!”

“What did you just say?? Did you really think you could protest? Did you really think you could talk without permission? Oh, little Sub, you have so much to learn!”

You open your closet and I hear the snap of your belt.

Oh my god, you’re really going to spank me with a belt?? Fear wells up inside me as frightened tears run down my checks and I feel myself start to shiver uncontrollably.



Oh god NO, it hurts too much! I don’t want this! STOP! I changed my mind. As the pain is registering in my brain, my pussy continues to throb and ache longing for release. My ass is on fire, my anus stuffed and burning from the extremely large butt plug. Lost in the pain-pleasure experience, I hear you say, “I guess we’re starting over. I said COUNT!”

SWAT! You hold nothing back as your belt cracks down on my ass again taking my breath away.

“One Sir!”

SWAT! SWAT! SWAT! SWAT! SWAT! Five more explosive swats from the belt slice across my ass. I can sense that whatever caused you to hold the Dom in all these years is coming out as the force of the belt slices across my ass. The pain is excruciating and I fear I don’t know what I’ve gotten myself into. I want to beg you to stop. I don’t want this anymore. Tears run down my face. My body shivers. Yet, my pussy and my arousal has never been so alive.

“I realize you’re in pain darling. I realize you might be wondering what you got yourself into. But sweetheart, you’ve taunted me and begged me for this for a while and now, you’re just going to have to deal with it. I had not intended to take my belt to you today. I thought you’d read enough about the Dom/Sub relationship to understand that you don’t speak unless given permission. I need you to understand I own you now. I can and will punish you as I see fit. Today, I break you, push you beyond all limits, so you know exactly what to expect when you disobey. We are done now with my belt, but not with your punishment. You are wearing the butt plug so that when the paddle hits your ass, you will feel the blow deep within. If you’re a good little Sub, you will receive only 15 more hits from the paddle. You must lie still. You may not speak beyond counting. You will start with one. You speak, forget to count, or move, we’ll start over and I may use my belt for all 15 swats.”

WHAM! The paddle hits right across my ass and sends a weird mixed message of extreme pain and pleasure to my brain. The anal plug feels like it is being driven beyond borders within me sending a pleasurable sensation like no other. The paddle’s blow is severe and again it seemed obvious that the intensity of the blow is based upon the years your inner-Dom has been captive. I pray your punishments won’t always be so severe. Oh shit, I hear you speaking to me and I realize that I haven’t counted. “One Sir!” But, it’s too late and I feel the sting as your belt rapid fires 3 sharp slices to my ass.

“I see your tears. Do you really enjoy being in this much pain? Count dammit!”

SWAT! “One Sir” SWAT! “Two Sir”….SWAT! SWAT! SWAT! I am barely coherent as I muster the words to state, “Fifteen Sir”. I am sobbing now. Scared. Shivering. My ass has never hurt so badly. My anus is throbbing with the large butt plug lodged inside. Yet, my pussy is so wet it has made a huge wet spot on the side of the bed.

Your hands caress my ass flesh and gently pull the butt plug from my anus. Oh yes, it’s over! I feel a sense of pride that I have withstood your punishment. I am sure you’ll make love to me now. I have learned my lesson and will not goad you into a punishment any time soon.

Wait, what? What did you just say? Enema? What? No!!

“Please honey, please, please, please! I don’t want this! I changed my mind. Let’s just get back to normal. Enema’s petrify me. I’m sorry. Let me blow you. I’ll give you the best blowjob you’ve ever had!” I plead. I beg. But as I do, I see the determined and angry look on your face. I am both petrified and aroused. How is that even possible, I wonder??

You swat me with your hand HARD in my tender ass. “What did I say about speaking to me without permission? Kneel down and do as I tell you. You do not have a choice in this matter.”

Panic wells up inside me. No, no, no, I don’t want an enema. My body betrays me as my throbbing pussy aches to be pleasured. I bend down on the bathroom floor on the towels and blankets you’ve put out for me. My ass is in the air and I am trembling. I feel more cold lube placed around my anus and I wonder why I need lube for a small enema probe when I glimpse the size of the probe you intend you use; it’s as large as your penis. I gasp and begin to sob. Just what have I gotten myself into? I silently plead. No, no, no, please…NO! I am so scared. I don’t want this. I’m sorry. I see your face and I know I must do as I am told.

I follow the instructions you give me. I push out as your insert the probe my anus protesting and sending signals of extreme pain to my brain. Finally the probe is fully inserted inside and all I want to do is scream, “Take it out!” but fear stunts my words as I hear the snap of the enema clamp and I know I will soon be filled with soapy fluid. The fluid is warm and feels weird as it enters me. It’s not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Ah…kind of pleasurable. I wonder if anyone has ever had an orgasm during an enema. I think if you touched my clit, I just might. Oh wait, ugh, a cramp hits HARD…”Stop, it’s too much! I am cramping. PLEASE!” Oh shit, I just spoke! Oh no! Patient and as if you’ve forgotten your own rule, you talk me through the cramp and the fear as you explain that I WILL take the entire bag of fluid. Oh god, what have I done? And just to ensure I realize you haven’t forgotten your own rule you reach around and pinch my nipples HARD! The pain is intense and I fight back the urge to yell out.

Feeling swollen and full, the fluid stops and I am eager to be done when I feel you quickly pull out the probe and just as quickly insert the anal plug again. OW! WTF? I can’t hold this! You explain to me that I will keep this fluid inside me for 20 minutes. After the 20 minutes is up, I may relieve myself and join you in the bedroom where you will fuck my ass and cum deep inside. You warn me that if I touch myself during this 20 minutes, my punishment will be even more severe. I wonder how that’s possible. For 5 of the 20 minutes, you kiss me passionately, pinching my nipples, and tipping the sensation back to more pleasure than pain. Then you leave and I am left with my aching body; aching both in pain and pleasure. I sob quietly wondering what I got myself into yet, in a strange way, I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

After my time is up, I meet you in the bedroom where you place me on the bed and tie me spread-eagle in my stomach. I am completely vulnerable, scared, and still incredibly aroused. Cold lube slides down my ass crack again as I feel the head of your throbbing cock pressing against my ass. As with before, I begin to push out but before I can you force yourself deep inside my forbidden zone. I cry out.

“Remember darling, this is punishment.”

You begin to thrust in and out in long, deep forceful movements. The Dom in you angry at being pent up all these years and hungry to get out drives you forward slamming into my burning ass with no concern for my pain.

“OW!” Anal sex has always been somewhat pleasurable for me but this isn’t. This is carnal. This is anger. This is…fuck…vibration explodes at my clit. You’ve place a vibrator on my clit and now I feel you pressing my Lelo inside me. Your dick is thrusting too hard into my ass. My Lelo is deep within my pussy and vibrating its various rhythms on my clit. Then I feel your dick pulsating in my ass as I hear you scream out in pleasure. All the sensations well up inside me and I cum. I don’t just cum. I cum over and over and over again; pulsating uncontrollably. The sensation is beyond words; beyond worlds. Pleasure-pain combines and I am taken to a place of sensation that I’ve only fantasized about. All at once all the pain was worth the pleasure. All the fear increased the sensation and I realize that being your Sub is exactly as it should be and I start plotting my next bratty moment.





17:46 Sep 28 2012
Times Read: 495

The BDSM community cannot seem to agree on a universal set of definitions for commonly used vocabulary.

One person's slave is another person's poser. One person's punishment is another person's play. One person's idea of fun is pretend and role-play while another person takes everything to it's most literal real word application. But everyone is using the same words, for these very different lifestyles and concepts.

It is entirely contextual.

And deeply confusing for me, as I don't have my mind made up what my personal definitions are.

Admittedly there clearly are a variety of different sub-groups of like minded individuals that seem to be able to get on talking together with a certain amount of agreement- but as there seem (at least to me) to be about as many different groups of like minded individuals as there can possibly be based around a single core concept.

(Train of thought derailment... I wonder if that is a factor in how the Gor community came into being. I mean I just doubt/wonder if there would naturally be that many people with the exact same brand of kink. I can imagine that a well flushed out set of values, lifestyle, and verbage would be appealing, especially to an uncertain newcomer. Regardless of if it exactly matched a person's individuality, have a foundation to work with could be, er, relieving.)

Anyway, I guess that I notice people arguing semantics a lot of time rather than openly reading what a person's intent is in their forum post and replying to their true statement.

Everyone is just going, "It depends on what your meaning of 'is' is,"




T - 2

17:43 Sep 28 2012
Times Read: 497

Vanilla icecream.

I imagine to myself how sweet a place the world could be

if just for a few moments everybody took up a bowl of vanilla icecream.

If all the soldiers trained their sights on the nearest ice cream parlour

and gathered there to indulge their whimsy...

If all the high flying executives and the big wigs and the movers and shakers

could put down those grandiose ambitions which carve the earth into a dainty dinner

and instead signed off on a treaty to share vanilla icecream...

If all those who boil in a vat of hate or revenge or sheer indifference,

and those who plot and scheme to fatten their pride off the humiliation of others,..

if only they could sooth their burning nerves

with vanilla icecream...

No muggings, no murder, no manipulation of rights,

no lying or falsehoods inspiring fear, no violence, no crying,

no pointed fingers of scorn or blame, no malice, no maiming,

no theft of property and no theft of spirit,..

no more catalysts for sorrow or anger - just vanilla icecream.

Imagine! The whole world quietly enjoying themselves...




Just a thought.

17:41 Sep 28 2012
Times Read: 498

Sometimes when I am by myself and the night is quiet and steamy,

I spread the French doors as wide as they can go

to welcome any fanning breeze that might stir through there.

I climb out of my stuffy clothes and collapse in a melt across my bed,

with my dark hair spilling over a cool cotton sheet beneath me.

In my yummy solitude and a million starry eyed voyeurs surveying my curves

I am inevitably saddled with devious little kinky thoughts.

Well, it’s more like one big kinky thought.

And it stirs a delicious warmth in my belly and a relish in my blood,

and I can’t help but ooze a sweet sigh of delight.

My poor brain lights with a quivering shimmer,

my face spreads smiling as though swans wings to the sun,

and my toes curl tight before bursting loose and satisfied

from my one favourite big kinky thought...



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