People always say "follow your dreams". Why?
Should EVERYBODY follow their dreams. What about "dark" dreams...
Should you follow those dark dreams of causing pain to others (and I mean like the SAW franchise pain). Or what if you are dreaming of another woman instead of your mate. Why not follow THOSE dreams?
What if you dream of oblivion. Then what, should you close your eves forever. Why not?
What if your dreams go against what you KNOW to be right, what if you dream of being the next Jack the Ripper? Should you follow THAT dream? Why, why NOT???
People who don't think much say things like "Follow your DREAMS". I think dreams are fine, most are wonder caravel rides, or lofty goals to TRY to achieve.
Something I have noticed about dreams (the goal type not the sleep type) change. No one I have ever met has truly had ONE dream through out their life. It seams the more we live, laugh, love, cry, hate, feel lonely, or just about any thing else in life, it slowly "changes" our dreams. Why?
If our dreams really were what we wanted, wouldn't they remain steadfast...humm...I wonder.
So if you follow the logic that our dreams reflect who we are inside, then at any moment our dreams may change, does that mean that we change as well?
So were EVER the person with that dream, or was that person just a dream of another man...