Nightmare hunting
1. Host will need to follow steps in dreams #4
2. Only difference have the host summon you for help, be prepared for the unexpected. Caution if the nightmare is external and you do not know the source do not interfere, seek guidance before interfering, otherwise help.
3. in these situations remembering you are in dream state is difficult and have an item in memory to remind you, a ring, watch, locket, it must have personal meaning, this will ground you to help and not be effected by the dream...
4. Happy hunting
First attempt
If you want to see if you are able to do this here are the basic steps.
1. Select a willing host
2. Coach the host to call you or summon you in their dream state, pick a key word to remember, for example if they dream about a specific item all the time use that as a key to summon you
3. Both you and the host must be in dream state for this to work. If the subject is experiencing nightmares be prepared for that eventuality.
3. Pick a safe word or action to exit the dream, remember you will be in control of your actions and be aware the surroundings are not real. The host in most cases is not aware it is a dream for them it is real. Do not attempt sexual intentions on the first try.
4. Once you have a bond the host does not need to be in close proximity
5. Once you begin to explore each other be careful with energy transfers, you don't want to harm a willing host,
6. have fun with it especially if the host doesn't remember, you can learn every secret,
Contact me if you have questions
When you enter another dream be careful not to influence the host let the moment move you. If you attempt to change the outcome or force a situation it may turn into a nightmare for the host.
For maximum transfer of energy without harming the host it must be consensual.
Also you can transfer energy to heal the host, but be careful to only transfer enough to reduce pain or make things more manageable. Without practice you may drain your own energy and cause aging. This should only be attempted with assistance if it is the first time.
Entering another persons dream. The other person will need to invite you, in their dream state they will need to summon you or ask you to join. Proximity for this is not required. An initial connection is required for this to happen.
If sexual intent with the dream is started and you are new to this be careful you may drain energy too quickly or even transfer your own in the exchange.
Proximity is required for you to force an entry into the dream but you will need more practice. I would not recommend the last option.