MidnightDarkness's Journal

MidnightDarkness's Journal


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25 entries this month

With him

02:02 Jul 20 2010
Times Read: 509

i play double lives in double roles of my doubled life

i act ignorant, i pretend not to know that the facade they put up is just that-a mask, a cover, a fake

I plaster a smile on face and pretend again

I go to a house everyday

pretending not to see a broken home that the dazzling pretense hides

but when i'm with him again

when i'm truly letting go, being free with him

....limitations become imposibiliy

i can lose myself then

only then can i really let my guard down and not feel unprotected

cuz i am, in every way possible

when i kiss him, i let go of reality, holding onto only him

for those couple of sacred moments, those rare and mystified moments, in those moments...

i am ME and the world doesn't exist

only us...only us....




02:01 Jul 20 2010
Times Read: 510


There was cold wind blowing everything, gently carry with it the worries of the world.

Cars sped by in the surprisingly no so busy road that night. A dog barks and whimpers in the distance as their owner pets and feeds it. All the night insects busy harmonizing softly in this cloudless night.

The wing picks up a little, gently sweeping my hair away from my face. Street lights hanging from the poles at the side of the street. The church at the end of the street lit with all its lights. Except the one at the top- the attic- that never seem to be on. No one present there either- strange but it’s no wonder it’s named Holy Ghost.

Wind picks up speed again, gradually; the trees began swaying to the rhythm of the night.

What a night.

My fingers carefully clutching my favorite pen as I write this; with the shadows of my hand dancing on the page of my journal.

The television was on inside the house I could hear. My mom was inside watching intently to her favorite TV show. I didn’t mind- I love the night outside, alone- with my pen and journal.

That’s all I need in life.

She’ll be calling me back in a couple of minutes for dinner- that, I knew for sure. But I liked the cold outside- gazing at the moon (and street light) lit scenery.

So wonderful, so calm, so inspirational. Inspiration for me comes from the strangest things- the simplest things actually. But when I got it- no one can stop me.

I express myself in my poems- each one holding something special to me. They are always easy to understand- I guess it’s because I’m 13.

But if you knew me- you’d know that I don’t act, think or even look like 13.

Yes- I don’t act my age- I act much older. I’ve seen things and read things through other people’s eyes. I try to be reasonable about everything, but the truth is- most people think I don’t understand. ‘Cuz I’m 13?

You think I’m inexperienced? Ha, I know a lot more than you think. Don’t underestimate me- don’t ever. There are things that I probably know better than you.

I’m -oh damn- mom’s calling.

See what I mean?! Ok now she’s shouting

Argh! I shouldn’t have to deal.

But I do; she’s my mom.

So bye for now

Fill you in later- or not- I’m really very hungry!




This lullaby

02:00 Jul 20 2010
Times Read: 511

I want to run and crash into you

Like how it all started.

Like how it won’t end but continue.

I want you to show me,

Make me feel, make me believe

Believing in me was the hardest part,

But I thank you for that

You helped me

You carried me without even breaking me inside

I’ve been broken by every other

But you believed

You made me believe

Nothing is impossible, and now, I know

Thank you for not leaving like the rest

Thank you for not allowing me to slip

And thank you for loving me.

You saw through me and broke my shield

You thought me to accept

You burned your way through my heart

And found your way there before I could resist

I tried to though

Lord knows I did

I pushed you away in the most possible ways

But you didn’t allow me to break it

And in the end, I didn’t allow me to break it

I had to admit

I didn’t know what I was diving into

I didn’t know what to expect

All I felt was your love

And I let that guide my way

You gave me a chance and I and I jumped

I wanted to reach the other side so badly- I was usually there

But with you I stumbled and lost my balance

Yes, I fell but I knew that the ground came up to meet me

To keep me stabilized.

I took the chance

And the universe shifted

Now, I don’t know what’s going to happen for me,

Or even to me

But I know I can take it

I’ve already proven I can meet you half way

And I know you’d be there waiting for me

Like all other times- You’d wait

Just a matter of time

But I’ll be there soon

With a lullaby- with This Lullaby.




Sudden Realization

01:59 Jul 20 2010
Times Read: 512

Every Sense was suddenly alert

Felt the blood and electric shock

Through my body gushing

And surging its way to my toes;

Staying there; paralyzing me

The blood was warm and felt like inner water

Pain took control as it warmed my skin…

This wasn’t new;

Nor was it a habit-

It was sudden realization




Storms in life

01:58 Jul 20 2010
Times Read: 513

How much pain must we suffer in this life until we can forgive and forget?

With red-rimmed eyes, choking hearts, painful breaths…

Is this all that comes with the experience- the fear?

In this stormy sky, with cold winds and teardrops of rain,

When does the sun relieve everything?

How do we know if there’s even a sun?

But then I look up to the sky- and see something I’d never planned for

Half was bright and half was dark

As if sliced straight down the middle with a sharp, fatal sword

I can’t even define my feeling right now

Mixture of too many emotions

Is this how it all happens?

For a split second there is sun and the clouds were just a dream?

Does the sun mean happiness?

Please tell me, ‘Cuz I’m far from happiness right now.

Now everything’s still…

I could hear the thunder but I don’t see any rain

Everything’s so silently still

Suddenly, there are birds chirping- everywhere- black crows

What does this mean?

After the storm, everything’s deadly silent, and then the music begins to build up again- the music of life.

Was the storm good after all?

Blinking away the tears, I wonder…




Room of life

01:58 Jul 20 2010
Times Read: 514

Upon reaching the door, you won’t need to knock; it’s open and inviting, it reveals everything inside for anyone who passes to see. But what you see is flawlessness- undying perfection. Everything looks so heavenly as if drifting away on clouds form a hateful hell. Inside looks so stunning- so right it almost makes you want to cry. You don’t know if it’s either envy or admiration for everything you saw, you just felt like crying. Everything seems to be shining and glowing in the room- as if lit up by an invisible sun hiding somewhere, making everything look so new. And seeing this you’d grade the room a perfect A smiling.

But what you don’t see is hidden inside me…

Slowly, as you approach the golden door, you’d begin to really see what’s inside. Simple things like the little cracks on the floor and mismatch of paint on the walls won’t escape your eyes. You’d realize the growing brightness of the room. You’d feel the ever so little shifting of the once spotless ground as the color fades away. You’d see truth; you’d see imperfection. You’d protect your eyes from the now blinding light, but not before you see the ground crumpling and falling into nothingness. Just then, the door would slam in. Just like that- just at it invited you, it would neglect you. It tightened and stood there firmly locked. And you’d be confused even shocked in finally seeing the imperfect in my perfect Room of Life





01:57 Jul 20 2010
Times Read: 515

It’s true- I know not the future and can’t change the past

However I do know the past and from that- I can change the future

To have the power and will to change takes a lot

But to have the power to cure just takes simple words

Words could have the power to heal the world,

And it could also have the power to destroy it

It all depends on how you use it.

I can’t right my wrongs and I can’t fake my mistakes

I can only learn and survive through the rest

They say life is a gift- but I have yet to discover if that’s true

In my mind I know it but I don’t think that in my heart I believe it

The future seems so far and unreachable

Little did I know that the future was happening every day

A gradual process that seems like it’s on a never ending break

The past seems so fresh- like it could creep up on me any day and haunt me forever

The past is never buried unless you put it at peace

That, at least, I’ve learnt

You can do that now

It just takes some simple words





My Words

01:56 Jul 20 2010
Times Read: 516

My words are screaming to be heard

To be given a chance

They won't disappoint

They want to touch you

In your mind and your heart

They want you to open up and accept

They want you to carry them- all through time

They want to guide you- to help you

They want you to hear them- loud and clear

They want you to understand them

They want you to spread the news- be it good joy, or bad sorrow

They want you to see them- to feel them

They want to show you so much more

They what to be free

But still, they're imprisoned here- dying inside of me

I most of all, want you to at least hear them

Please visit my journal- tell me what you think about my stories, personal info, poems and everything else

I have so much to offer here,

Don't turn away

Just hear me out




Is It Possible?

01:47 Jul 20 2010
Times Read: 517

Is it possible to live forever?

With enchanting magic

And mysteries galore

With no sense of time and worries no more

Is it possible?

Is it possible to see so much pain that you forget to live?

Is it possible to become so numb, you can’t bleed anymore?

Where blood turns to water and tears to dust

You can’t even remember how to cry

Is it possible to sleep through life only remembering to breathe?

Would it be possible to wake up?

It is possible to forgive and forget?

To move on with no regret

To pass life day by day

And forget all the pain that’s kept away

Is it possible to believe?

Is it possible to try again, even when you think it might fail?

Is it possible to be put together again?

To mach again?

Is it possible to be so enlightened, that you glow?

To have such grace and love, it shows?

To know yourself so fully that it embraces you

To be so clear- like a human goddess?

For everyone to stop and stare,

Just wishing they knew you.

Is it possible be so elegant that it rolls off you

Is it possible to capture the whole room of stares, yet capture the world of mystery?

Is that possible?





01:47 Jul 20 2010
Times Read: 518

What is insanity?

Is it losing your mind?

Who decides?

Think about it for a minute

How does humanity classify insanity?

Why does humanity classify ‘insanity’?

No- That’s not right

The one who classifies- is the one insane

Insanity shouldn’t even be a word

It’s the opposite of sanity

What is sanity?

Doing everything ‘right’?

What society thinks is ‘right’?

Sanity- lack of insanity

Being normal?

To me- insanity is sanity

It’s just a way some people express themselves

No- it’s a way everyone expresses themselves

Everyone is sane- yet everyone is insane

Insanity is not losing your mind; it’s finding your mind

It sounds ‘insane’ but it’s the truth.

The simple and only truth

Don’t judge people just because they’re ‘insane’

They know more

They know truth

Is this what you preach?

No don’t be one who decides

Don’t be the one to judge

Because you know

You know that insanity isn’t not know anything at all,

It’s knowing too much.





I Wish

01:46 Jul 20 2010
Times Read: 519

I wish I could take then back

I wish I could turn the hands of time

I wish I wasn’t stuck here

The emotions, the thrill of the past

I wish it could have be like the past

I wish I knew what I know now

I wish I could have just treasured those moments

Good and Bad, You knew it all

All those times- best and close

I wish I’d just listened to my instincts

I wish,

I wish you were here

You’d understand and help

I wish,

I wish you only knew

I wish,

I wish I could be with you

I wish I could tell you how I feel

I wish you could seen me now

I wish after all I’ve done

I could still be unknown




A Rip

01:45 Jul 20 2010
Times Read: 520

I feel a rip

Slight as it may be

I feel a rip

That gently pulls inside me

I try not to worry,

I try not to think,

But I feel a rip there

And I can’t help but feel it sink

Into my mind,

And into my heart

I feel a rip

Subconsciously, I put it aside

And try to cover it up

But I still feel that small rip inside





01:44 Jul 20 2010
Times Read: 522

This one's for my brother

You wanna know why I don’t show you my life?

Cuz I know you won’t accept it

I know you won’t agree

You throw everything I do and say back against me


I don’t think I know

I show who I want and I just don’t want society to see

I don’t prevent you form seeing my work not because of fear or no understanding

I don’t show because I don’t show my life to everyone

I don’t wanna be cast on your judgmental eyes

I can’t take it and I won’t

I’ll hide if I have to but I know you can reach

I’ll hurt myself if it means you won’t read what’s inside me

Don’t ask me

Don’t, please, don’t read me

I’m a closed book for only few to read

What I write is what I am

Give me time and maybe you’ll see

But now, I’m only asking for privacy

“Would you rather me being non-existent in your life? Just being a zombie?”

Being non existent?

Ha- don’t you know I’d die before I let someone willing skim through my life

No, I don’t show you and I’d like you not to ask about them

It’s mine

My private escape where I control the world with words

I make everything mine with a simple piece of paper and pen

All I need is privacy

And I’ll write my life




First Love

01:42 Jul 20 2010
Times Read: 524

It’s like magic,

So hard to explain

But when you’re here,

There’s no explaining done

‘Cuz I know- you’re the one

I wish I had words to express this feeling

For the sickness of love,

You are the only healing.

If there were words to complete this poem,

Well if there were,

I’d know them…

---- 3 years later----

… How could this even happen?

Before I knew it, you change form stranger to my world

I know that I was lusting

But for what? Something that was only there for a heartbeat?

Or maybe, not even at all.

I saw a different side of you

And I was falling with no stopping

You surprised me

You showed me things that I never knew was possible

Then, of course- was it even real?

One cast of light and you evaporated right in front of my eyes.

You turned on me and hated me.

You said you felt so much- how could it all turn to so little, so quickly

Leaving none at all

You blamed me for what we knew was inevitable

Was it true what you felt?

‘Cuz it was sure as hell for me

I tried to hate you in the most possible ways I could

But I knew I couldn’t- how could I?

What I felt was real- not a game

You broke me in more way than one- and you’ll never understand.

To say that I don’t love you will be a lie.

But it’s not strong anymore- it’s broken in way too many ways to mend

I don’t know what I did to deserve this

But I wanna thank you anyway

Thank you for being the first

Thank you for showing me what love and like is

Thank you for showing me that there was meaning to the madness

But most of all, thank you for loving me

I know it’s past and gone now,

But I think about it almost everyday

You gave me a sweet experience

That I’ll take with me till the end of time

Magic is like love in many ways

It catches you off guard- when you least expect it

To put it into words would be a severe understatement

The best stays with you forever in a sweet experience; with a special place in your heart

But sometimes, no matter how bas you try to save that last moment of that breathtaking experience,

You could never get it back.

But instead, plays on like an undying piece of mystery in you soul for the rest of your life.




Epic dreamland

01:39 Jul 20 2010
Times Read: 526

To open your mind,

To forget your history.

To open up your heart,

To release a mystery

It was like being an angel

With the waves as my wings

So liberal and carefree

It’s everything I wanted to be

Twisting and Twirling I felt like I was flying

With the ocean being my sky

I surge to the surface just to taste air

And again I dived

Breathless and as skilful as I can be,

I dug deeper and deeper

Into this not so clean sea

But I didn’t really care

I was looking for something to define me

It was truly an amazing feeling

It was like finally being what you planned as a child

To let your heart race, mind run

And let your feelings run wild

With the sun barely glistening upon the waters,

The tides rise

I couldn’t feel the bottom anymore

The water was taking control

And gradually, the grey sky was pouring again

Heavy on the surface,

The drops felt like watery darts

With no escape form this onslaught,

I dove deeper

Safely taking comfort in this watery shield

I wasn’t thinking about breathing

I knew if I did- I would panic

I loved this new sensation- of light-mindedness

Though I wasn’t looking in any particular direction,

I knew that deep down- I was searching

Searching for anything

A mythical creature? A ship? A fish? I didn’t know

But in this ever wet palace- I felt at ease

The water was warm now

I was somewhere else

Way far from where I started

I’d drifted into serenity

But then as I looked back towards reality

I saw them there- waiting, expectantly

I knew it was time to go- leave this mystery for another day

Leaving it there, with the others

To wash their misery away

I slowly ebbed my way back to the shallow shores

Each step feeling like a baby’s crawl

I knew the water was pulling me back

Inviting me once again into the blue

So badly I wanted to stay

Consciously knowing that won’t come true

But no sadness resided within,

For I knew I made my day

I knew I had it

My inspiration, my creation

It will forever be with me

And to be inherited by the new generation

It was just to be written now

To be born into the world- through me

I had it

I’ll spread it to the world

Of a mystery of the deep

Something that can’t be worded

Would be attempted

By a girl from dreamland

A dreamer- someone who believes

Someone who has yet to be heard

A dreamer is me

Living through the days,

Living by my word

Dreaming what I see

A simple dreamer like me




Dream of Life

01:38 Jul 20 2010
Times Read: 528

It was amazing. Unbreakable. A sweet escape into an unknown land where it’d all be ok. Away form life, away for reality, away from the pain and chaos you knew all too well. It was the perfect break away. You knew that place where you could be free- where you could be real. No one else knew of such a place- one with no misery, no thinking, nothing at all- just freedom. No one else is there, just the emptiness of the heart and your soul. No one can harm you.

Crystalline waters and white soft sand; a real paradise with the only vegetation being a small forest with all sorts of animals you could ever dream of. The cry of the wind as it caresses your face and your hair sweeping with it. The call of the sea as it soothes its’ way to the shores. The night sky a serene dark blue that is dazzled with thousands of tiny stars looking down on the peaceful island. The moon so big, so close, holding all the light of the night. The sound of the night- ideal to give anyone that warm sensation inside. A cool night. It was the perfect, immortal paradise. So calm, so serene. A place that held so much meaning. A Sweet Dream. Too bad it’s just a dream- one that might never come true. Everything’s crumbling now, everything’s going wrong. Something’s not right and you can’t fix it- you can’t stop it, someone’s waking you up. “No, No!” you scream but it’s already happening. Why can’t you stop it? “Leave me alone! Please, no!” you were crying now and you knew why. You didn’t want to go back to reality- you already knew what was waiting there for you. You don’t like it- it rips you to pieces. Don’t anyone know? Don’t they see what’s happening? Don’t they see??? I won’t go back! I can’t go back. No, no…………….please, please leave me. No one hears. It’s all over now. Your awake and your back in the hell you started with. With a sweat soaked shirt and a damp face you try to figure out what’s happening now. What are they going to do now? You kept shivering squinting in the darkness but it wasn’t dark at all- it was bright, really bright, bright and hot. Where am I? Flames were everywhere- dancing in the light. Burning bright, bright colors. It was now really hot as if the flames began dancing on you. You tried to see if you were on fire but you couldn’t move. You couldn’t even blink. Your eyes were scorching hot, no dampness anymore, but for some reason you couldn’t keep them off the fire. So bright, so clear, so…pretty. You wanted to go into it- to dance among the flames. What a sight. But you don’t have to- it’s creeping on you already. It felt so good. You smell something burning- flesh. You began crying but not in pain- in happiness. You somehow felt free. Like a dream come true. You like this new feeling and you start to fade- fade away until you can’t see, but you feel the flames. Everything feels right. You know you’re ready to go. Just a couple of seconds again. Somewhere in the distance you hear footsteps, heavy steps. You needn’t worry you just ignored it; it was time after all, it was all you needed. You don’t know when it happened but you were being lifted higher and higher. That’s all you remembered before blacking out again. If this was a dream, you’d never want to be awakened again. Sweet, sweet Dreams.






01:37 Jul 20 2010
Times Read: 529

Don’t turn away

Remember the comfort

Of the dark forsaken

Some may walk away

To feel comfort of light

But don’t turn away

Form the darkness

That’ll set you free

Some may walk away

To that of afterlife

But don’t turn away

This inviting palace

Of darkness

That wants nothing but you

Feel the comfort

Feel the warmth

Don’t turn away

Form darkness




Dangerous Game

01:37 Jul 20 2010
Times Read: 531

What is the game we play?

With people’s lives and lying everyday

To keep our secret hidden

To continue love that’s forbidden

We’ve trapped so many people in our deceitful trail

The sea of love and hurt we confusingly sail

Ending this game would be ending life

To start a new one- would be starting with an already bleeding knife

I don’t want to continue but I don’t want to stop

In a spinning world, I don’t know where to stop

To die so sadly- that causes so much pain

To continue a lie that’ll drive me insane

Please tell me how to end this game

With no fear, no doubt, no shame

Tell me how to be a winner

In a friendly eye, I don’t want to become a sinner

Trying to let life run normal with an impassive face

I found out the hard way-

Love can have such a bittersweet taste




Climbing in the Dark

01:36 Jul 20 2010
Times Read: 533

In the dark, I have no help.

I have no friends, I see no strangers.

Climbing through blindness, I can't see...

I know I have to find me own way

But how do I know?

Where do I go?

My eyes are foes; my senses numb.

I struggle to move

Breathing in failing inspiration

And no specks of light

I see nothing at all

I gave up on a climbing fight

I gave up not feeling the landing of my fall





01:35 Jul 20 2010
Times Read: 534

I’m here in my small room, sitting

Writing this but don’t have any idea where and how to begin

So many things floating through my mind gently causing tiny ripples

I’m still haunted by the memories or the past, I know

But the thing is, it’s entering my future and I don’t know how to stop it

There must be a stopping limit, right? Where you just forget and continue with life?

My friends are all moving on without me

Both from the present and from the past

Am I missing something?

Is there like some sort of invisible line I have to cross to reach a higher, clearer level?

So many times I wish I knew what to expect

So many time I wish I was great at something

Not anything, but something that understands and shapes me

For solutions, I used to look at my life as if reading a book

Was really simple- I’d just be the girl in the story where I can control everything

But now if feels to real;

As if the words are crossing over too much into reality

People think they got me all figured out

But how can they, if even I don’t?

I’m so predictable

The boring, laughless maker, ‘ok’ girl

Nothing spectacular- just normal

But then I’m-stranger- more different

And I don’t know where I fall anymore

I don’t know who I am

I changed

People changed

Time changed




01:35 Jul 20 2010
Times Read: 535

Back and forth. Back and forth.

The tide ebbs and swirls, surrounding, reaching, touching with its foamy fingers. Teasing at my last breathless moments. Surging up and over, pulling me under. The tide is winning…

…but for a brief moment, my foot brushes the bottom and I am able to push, to grasp hold for a few last breaths.

For a moment,

The tide must wait.


How many faces does regret have?

The quiet face of a lie, barely whispered.

The seductive face of prying questions.

The shrewd face of a deception well planed.

The longing face of a dream never realized.

How many faces…… too many to count,

And when I look in the mirror, I see then all.

……Regret has many faces, and I have seen them all,

But perhaps a new face can be worn by a silly scribbler of dreams…




At The End Of Time

01:34 Jul 20 2010
Times Read: 536

What do you do at the end of time?

What do you do when with all the lights, you only see darkness?

You can’t smell fresh sir again

You can’t hear a sound, just your own rapid breathing

You don’t know where you’re going now; you don’t know what you’re doing

All you taste is blood and sweat, with the dark hunting memories of your past

You’re losing your mind some people say,

But to you, you’ve now found it.

Time has stopped; the clock hands pointing twelve

But in your world- it has just begun

There is no time now to stop, just time to go;

To fly among the rest

People are watching now, confused, shocked, but most of all helpless

They don’t know what’s about to happen, just looking on.

Nothing’s going right now, and it’s time again.

I’m marked with the ancient and enchanting symbol

Slowly, I raise my deadly stare to the moon.

Closing my eyes, taking in a deep breath, I jumped

But I didn’t fall, I can’t

I’m on my way now, almost there.

It’s just the beginning…




A Bleeding Heart

00:27 Jul 20 2010
Times Read: 541

She is a bleeding heart

Cut by razors so clean, so sharp

Torn in pieces, so viciously apart

She is a bleeding heart

She lets the blood drip away every time

Leaking through her skin but going straight to her mind

It doesn’t even hurt anymore she claims, she says

For the feeling of the pain oozing down, so salty, so warm

Never dyes, never surrenders- only stays

Thinking of this blood,

She gets this sort of satisfaction

To be in control once,

Cutting her own solution

This power- this manipulation of her own soul

Is something she don’t fear,

Something she can hold

‘Cuz for once in her life- she had the chance to be bold

But no one but her knows

Of this separate life- something she never shows

She knew how useless it would be

To actually try to tell somebody

Landing her pain on confused ears

Now a blank mask she’s forced to wear,

To cover up to her fears- to cover her ice tears

Yes she’s a bleeding heart

Each beat to the weak rhythm

Drowning herself in the blood

She’s so far out

She opened her mouth but all that was heard was a muffled shout

Deeper and deeper in she sink

Unable to breathe, unable to think

Beep- beep- beep-

The timer ticks away

We don’t know if she’ll even survive another day

She’s dying,

Everyone’s crying,

Her heart is bleeding,

Her world is crashing

Please- let her live another day

Don’t give this life away

To start over and live a new way

Pains and troubles of the past all washed away

Let her fight, let her stay

Let her feel the love and belief in what I say

Let the simple worded cure all begin today.





15:11 Jul 16 2010
Times Read: 550

Needs to stay out of Trouble's way but Trouble keeps stalking me.With its seductive eyes.Luring me to some dark crevice.Raping me repeatedly.Penetrating those tight spaces..Of my mentality.Seeking its own sick pleasure selfishly,menacing its prey unscathingly.Trouble just loves me.Passionately.Blindly.Uncomparably.But I enjoy my moments with Trouble.So I wonder is it rape if I relish this chivalry?





Behind The Smile

00:10 Jul 13 2010
Times Read: 565

My eyes open

2:45 a.m.

My hand brush the other side of the bed


I sit up. Put on the light. And see nothing. No one.

I take off the light. I feel the tears trickle down.

What am I doing?

I cover my eyes. The ring feels cold on my left hand but that's not why I take it off.

I fold into myself...Why?...

* * * * * * * *

It's 5:24 a.m. when a man walks into the mansion

The maids did a fantastic job at housekeeping but that wasn't why he tip-toed inside.

He feels something but doesn't understand it.

He walks upstairs to the master bedroom

He opens the door and sees her crying.


He walks over to her. Leans into her and kisses gently.

Perfume mixes with tears. She resists but not for long.

His hands move up her things and his kisses become aggressive

She pulls him onto her and scratches at his shirt

His bites make her scream as he rips off her clothes

He pushes on top her

Their bodies become one

The night howls

The blade glint

the rust of blood taints the air

The Curtain of Solemnity draws



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