Can a heart still break? Even though its been dead for centuries.
Yes, it can because even though it stopped beating. It can still hurt and break for a loved one or someone you have lost. It can still break even if your dead. But, it still breaks even for eternity. Yet, it still breaks. But break it does even for you.
A broken heart can
never be sealed up
The moon is always there when you want to be left alone. Its there to comfort you. And to talk to you to make you feel better. Its there to shede some light on you. Its there for you when you need him. Its there to cry woth you if your crying. Its there to be happy when your happy. The moon is there to run away with you if you want to runaway. The moon is there for you,with you,and will always be there for you.
The Moon
A heart is the deepest truth and
secret keeper ever.
It can hold secrets for ever.
It wll never tells its secrets.
The heart knows the truth about
From the begining,It started
beating it kneweverything.
The heart is always there
for you when you need it.
Its there when you are
sad or depressed.But there
it is and always will be.
It will never be lost.
The heart is always there!
23:52 Jan 08 2009
Lovely words, and to the point.