MidNightRayven's Journal


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1 entry this month

Krysten's Slavery (cont)

22:05 Jun 06 2007
Times Read: 721

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Chapter 9 - Krysten is Punished

Krysten crawled precariously down the steps to the dungeon. He was already there when she arrived, seeming slightly impatient that he had had to wait for her. She caught the scent of the room, remembering what had happened the last time she had been there, and felt her body respond in a mixture of apprehension and anticipation. She had no idea what things he would do to her whenever they entered this room, some of them may be tremendously painful or degrading to her, but she did know that never would he risk her life or her well being. She trusted him completely, and would submit to any of his commands or anything he desired to do to her, without question. Should she find herself truly unable to endure any more, there was always the safe word. She knew he meant her no permanent harm.

She did know, however, that she had to get over her instinctive tendency to hesitate in embarrassment when he asked her to do things, especially in public. But then, she wondered, if she was not embarrassed by the task, perhaps it would hold no appeal to him anymore.

His cough brought her to her senses, and she flushed, hoping she had not kept him waiting too long. She lifted her eyes to him questioningly, awaiting her instructions.

"What are you here for slut?" He asked.

"I am here to be punished Sir."

"Why do you wish to be punished?"

"Because..." her mind reeled, trying to think what reply would please him. "Because I deserve to be punished, Sir."

"What things did you do that deserve punishment?" he asked her, and she grunted under her breath. She had hoped he would stop with the questions, for she always feared giving the wrong reply.

"I... umm.... I walked on my feet Sir, when I am only worthy of crawling."

"Yes. That is true. What else?"

She blushed as she tried to think back over the evening. All she could think about was cocks, stuffed in her mouth, cum oozing down her throat, one after the other, over and over until she had lost count, and still she.... the thought clicked in her brain and she lifted her eyes to him.

"I... I lied to you Sir, my Master. I said I had had enough to eat, when you knew I had not swallowed enough cum, Sir."

"Yes, indeed." He said to her. "And I should have punished you right then and there, next time I will. So, it is your crawling and your sucking that displeased me, then you shall be punished appropriately. Crawl up here, slave."

She did as she was told, and crawled up onto the small wooden platform he pointed at. Once there, he told her to lay down where there were two holes in the wood, her tits hanging easily through them. As she lay there, he moved underneath, and tugged at them a little, then she felt things moving, and soon her tits were held snug in the wooden traps.

"The stocks." He announced. "Befitting punishment in the old days, put to new use here. Do they feel quite tight yet slave?"

"Yes Sir." she said, her breathing laboured by the tightness of the stocks.

"Hmm. I see." He said, then with a turn of a crank her tits were squeezed even tighter, causing her to gasp. "That is better, although I may tighten them more once you get used to it. Now, lift your ass, slut, so you are on your knees. Do it NOW!"

Krysten struggled up onto her knees, a task that was made very awkward by having her tits trapped in the stocks. Her back arched and strained, and her knees pressed hard down into the wood. When she thought she was in place she stopped, but he seemed displeased with her.

"Spread!" He commanded, and took her knees and spread them wider. She felt them pressed against something so they could go no farther, then clamps snapped closed around them, holding her in place. " Once you stay like this for a while, you will remember your place is on your knees!" He said. "Your body will be trained to know you stay on your knees, and like this, I can have whatever fun I please with you." She almost sensed his grin, for he was behind her and she could not see him. She knew he was right. Her ass, cunt and tits were held in place for him to do as he wished with them.

He moved to her head and lifted it by her hair, making some adjustments to the platform, then letting her down again. She found that her forehead rested on something but her face was free. This relieved the stress on her neck, which she was glad for, and she tried to take a deep breath.

"Look at your tits, slut." He said, and she looked at the underside of the platform. There, she saw two round, hard looking, bulging purple balls. They looked as if they were just sitting there, not attached to her at all, the flesh of the tit almost the same colour as her dark nipples now. He reached out a stick and gently brushed it over those mounds, and she let out a moan as a wave of desire rushed through her. They were so sensitive! Then before she had time to realize what he was doing, he swiftly swung the stick and landed it with a slap across the flesh and nipple of one tit. She let out a scream as the pain burned through her.

"You like that, slut?" He asked her, and she muttered a silent 'yes'. Again the stick moved, and cracked down hard across the other tit and nipple, eliciting another scream from her, before it dropped to the ground. She gasped for breath, her mind trying to decipher the feelings in side her.. the burning pain raging through her tits and the screaming need building in her loins because of it. She thought her whipping was over, she wanted him to plunge his cock into her cunt and fuck her as hard as he could, but never had she been so wrong.

"Open your mouth, whore!" He said, his voice now husky and deep, mixed with urgency and need. She opened wide, and a cock shaped gag was forced into her mouth, deep to her throat. He checked that she could breath, then strapped the gag around her head so it could not move, then lifted a soft piece of black velvet that was attached to it, and covered her eyes, taking her to a place of darkness where she would have nothing but her pain and desire, and her trust for him.

"This will teach you that your mouth is truly meant to hold cock at all times. It will also not allow you the impertinence of telling me lies when I ask you if you have endured enough! Your body is MINE, understand?"

She nodded as best she could in her position, and he went on. "Mine! I will do ANYTHING I want to it, for as long as I want. It is for MY pleasure, and as long as I am getting pleasure from my tasks, I shall continue them. You cannot see, therefore, you cannot anticipate my actions, and all will be a surprise to your senses. You will not know if I am in the room, or not, or even if I am alone! I may fuck you, if it pleases me to, but you will not be certain it is me. You will NEVER say you have had enough!"

She nodded, and felt a warmth run through her. She knew his pleasure was his aim, but not at the expense of her health or her life. Then, she felt the first sting of a whip across her tormented tits. Her punishment had begun.

Again and again the whip lashed at her tits. Her screams were stifled by the gag, but still rang in her ears and made her throat raspy. Yet the more he tortured them, the wetter she knew her cunt was getting, the more urgent the churning need in her belly became.

Silence. Not a sound, not a lash. She strained her ears to hear, but not even a footstep of a breath could she identify over her own pounding heartbeat and husky breathing. She winced, her tits now like balls of fire in their burning pain. Was it over? Was he finished with her yet?

Then suddenly the ship cracked again, but this time across her untouched ass. She screamed and flinched, but was held still in her bindings. Soon her ass burned as much as her tits, a few lashes even landing on her open cunt and clit. She panted hard for her breath now, drooling around the gag, trying to suck on it as if it were a cock, her pain raising her level of desire to a fever pitch. Oh how she wished she could get some cum out of this damn thing!

Coming back to her senses she realized that the whip had not landed in quite some time. She as left floating in her pain and need, in silence. Silence that went on for what seemed like forever.

She drifted, in and out of her mind, not knowing how long this respite lasted, then finally her cunt was assaulted.

His raging hard rod was slammed hard into her, straining her strapped knees and trapped tits with a wild jerk. At least she thought it was him, but she had no way of knowing. In and out, relentlessly he pounded her, using her for his pleasure and nothing more. She moaned around the gag, trying to push back against him as he pounded into her.

Suddenly the whip lashed once more against her tits, and her mind whirled in confusion. Obviously there was more than one person in the room, for he could not be fucking her and whipping from that direction at the same time. Who was inside her she had no way of knowing. Her body lurched in it's need, knowing her torture was not only being witnessed by another, but that the other was taking part in it. Again the whip struck, and her cunt convulsed around the pounding cock.

"Don't you DARE cum, you slut!" came a hiss from her Master, close to her ear. "I, or any other cock, may cum as we please, but YOU only cum when I tell you to, or if you beg permission and I feel kind enough to let you. Since you cannot speak right now, I don't think you can beg very well either. Cumming without permission brings severe punishment!"

Another crack of the whip across her tits as the cock continued to slam into her, and she whimpered wildly. She had almost cum, the tit pain setting her teetering on the edge. One more lash and she was sure she would cum, especially the way that cock was hammering into her. She tried to beg, but the gag would not allow her. Her head reeled. She was sure he wanted her to cum without permission so he would be able to punish her more for it, and she moaned in her need.

Instantly the cock exploded it's cum inside her, slamming to the depth of her cunt. At the same time the whip cracked across her chest once more, striking squarely on both nipples, as her master bellowed out to her....

"Cum NOW!!!!!!"

She came, wildly, entirely numbed of any pain as the orgasm wracked her entire body. Over and over, while the cock continued to use her, her ears ringing, mind spinning, until there was nothing, for she had passed out completely from her amazing ordeal.

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Chapter 10 - Krysten Decorates the Table

On one particular day, Paul led Krysten into the large formal dining room at the back of his house. The room had a wall full of windows. The entire room could be clearly seen from the outside at night when the lights were on in the room. In the center of the room was a large, sturdy table, with many chairs around it.

"I will be entertaining tonight." Paul informed her. "It's an important meeting and everything MUST be just right. The guests will be arriving before too long. It is time to decorate the table." He was looking at her closely, and she felt her skin flush, unsure of what exactly he expected of her, but she was sure she would soon find out.

"Yes Sir." She said quietly.

He looked at her closely, his eyes moving up and down her body, his expression showing clearly his appreciation for her nakedness, her submission, and something else as well.... his anticipation of the delight he was going to have with her that evening. Krysten had learned in her time with him thus far, that he enjoyed imenssely having her used and displayed in public. He loved especially to humiliate her publicly while she was blindfolded so that she had no idea who or how many others used or saw her. He liked this because then whenever she walked amongst his friends or guests at a later date, she would never know what part each person may have taken in any of her sessions.

Paul cleared his throat, then moved over to the side of the room, returning with a strange looking stool, which he placed in the middle of the table.

"Climb up, slave." He said, and Krysten crawled awkwardly up onto the table. The stool was curved upwards on the top and padded, and he instructed her to lay her back over it with her knees on the table and her legs behind her on either side of the stool. Once she was precariously perched on the stool, he fastened a strap over it around her hips, and another one around her chest just under her armpits so that her body could not move. Then, he tugged at her legs and securely fastened her ankles to the two legs of the stool that were under her shoulders. Next, he pulled each arm downwards and fastened her wrists to the stool legs that were under her hips. He pulled a small ledge out from under the stool to support her head and stood back to admire his handiwork.

"Comfortable slut?" he asked her. She glanced at him, still a little unsure of what responses he expected of her, and he laughed. "It is alright to say 'no', slut. Your comfort is of no concern to me, I merely ask it because if you are comfortable I will have to make adjustments until you are in discomfort."

She nodded. "It is quite awkward Master, not very comfortable at all."

He smiled. "Good. As it should be!" He then set about placing an intricate network of ropes and pulleys above her, before finally attaching clamps to each of her nipples and screwing them on tightly, testing them with a tug. The clamps were attached to strong cords which were strung over a pulley on the ceiling then attached to a heavy looking weight at the other end. There was, however, no tension whatsoever on the cords, as the weight was suspended by another cord that was strung over a second pulley, then hooked onto a hook in the top of the table. This meant that although Krysten's nipples were tightly clamped, they were not stretched at all by the cords.

This, as Paul was quick to explain to his uncomfortable slave, would not last forever. As he slid a large candle in place under the second cord he began to explain the mechanism to her. The candle would be lit, and eventually burn through the cord that held up the weight. This would cause the weight to drop suddenly, which would in turn cause a sudden and severe upwards jerk on her clamped nipples. Furthermore, the weight, when it was released, would not simply drop downwards, but by way of the direction it was held at, would swing towards her crotch. Paul grinned wickedly as he pulled a large dildo out from under the stool and positioned it so that it's head was just ready to enter her. It was attached to the stool on a spring loaded arm. When the weight was released, it would swing down and slam the dildo full force into Krysten's open cunt.

Just as he was finished this explanation they heard the doorbell ring. Paul smiled and placed the final touch, the blindfold over Krysten's eyes, then went to usher his guests in.

She soon heard the shuffling of movement and the voices as people entered the room. She could tell only that they were all men, tho none of the voices were familiar. She heard the chairs being pulled out and scraped back into place and the table jiggle as they pushed against it to sit down. She could hear some of them talking about her, talking as if she were an inanimate object, no more human than a prize game plaque mounted on the wall, saying how interesting the centerpiece was, and calling her "it". Her skin was flushed, knowing how near they were to her, how openly on display she was, and knowing what they would soon be witnessing. She flushed even more when she heard the unmistakable sound of the drapes being drawn open.

Paul then greeted his guests and sat at the end of the table. "I have decided that today, for our meeting, that this would be a much more interesting timepiece than an hourglass." She could almost hear his grin in his voice, then her nostrils picked up the scent of sulphur and smoke, and she knew the candle had been lit.

In her mounting discomfort Krysten paid little attention to the conversation the men around the table were having. Her body ached in it's pretzel position, her nipples burned from the tightness of the clamps, and her got wetter and wetter as the time passed. Her mind, on the other hand, was racing, not knowing when the cord would let go, when to expect the new assault on her body. She tensed, wondering if it would be soon, then tried to relax and wait. The waiting, unknowing, was as much torture as the discomfort was itself. Nothing in the voices of the men around the table gave any indication of the state of the cords above the candle.

When it happened, although she knew what to expect, it surprised her. Her silent state of discomfort was instantly shattered as her nipples were jerked harshly upwards as the heavy weight let go, causing her already tender nipples incredible pain. Within seconds, the dildo was slammed into her cunt. Both onslaughts were punctuated by her gasps of pain.

Somewhere in the distance she heard a chair push away from the table and her Master's voice saying "I see our time is up, this meeting is adjourned. You are all now welcome to partake in the .... entertainment."

His guests first entertained themselves with the contraptions that were causing Krysten such pain. The heavy weight was tugged and jerked by many a strong masculine hand, then released and allowed to hammer the dildo back into her cunt many times over, to the sounds of men cheering each other on and encouraging each other to cause more pain than the last. Krysten's gasps turned to screams of pain, her heart beating rampantly in her chest, her breathing laboured, but still they entertained themselves with her body.

Suddenly a hard throbbing cock was at her mouth, and she heard someone comment about "shutting the bitch up", then her mouth was filled with cock, dep to her throat. With her head tilted backwards as it was, the cock could be forced into her throat and a quick, hammering thrust was easily reached. The man moaned and groaned in pleasure as he fucked her throat as eagerly as one might fuck a cunt or ass. Without any further hesitation, the dildo was removed and replaced by a real cock, and soon she was being pummeled from both ends, her aching body sandwiched in between the hard blows.

The table shook underneath them as one after the other the men used her cunt and mouth with their raging hard cocks. As soon as one released his cum inside her and pulled out, another was waiting to slide in and take over. She began to get dizzy, and unable to speak, she was left to utter strange muffled sounds in her attempt to plead with her master for permission to cum herself as the cocks continued their onslaught on her.

Of course, her please could not be heard, and when her cunt burst into it's wild and electrifying orgasm, she knew she would be punished for cumming without permission. Despite this, her body jerked and flinched as she came, over and over, the cock in her cunt slamming harder and deeper, delighting in the squeezing of her cunt around him, until he shot his cumload into her already cumfilled cunt.

Eventually, it was over, and she listened through her delirium as Paul bade his guests goodbye. The room was deafeningly silent for what seemed like forever before she heard his footsteps returning to her. Her nipples were released, then her wrists and ankles, and her seized body was unfolded from it's unnatural position, lifted off the stool and laid on the floor.

"You have pleased me, my slave, a great deal. My guests were delighted, no one went away with cum to spare. You know, of course, that you will be punished for cumming without permission, but I am sure you realize that even though I could tell you needed to cum I wasn't about to tell you you could. It will give me great pleasure to punish you for that act, and my guests truly enjoyed knowing you were being disobedient." His fingers brushed over her aching clit, making it jump in the left over sensitivity of her orgasm. "For now, I will let you rest here, on the floor where you belong, and I will deal with you later."

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Chapter 11 - Krysten's Apprenticeship is finally over

Paul looked down at his slave, where she lay crumpled on the floor. Her body glistened with sweat, cum seeping from every hole with some already dried and crusty on parts of her body. Her nipples were dark and swollen from their prolonged abuse, and his cock lurched slightly as he imagined the throbbing pain they must be in at that moment. Across her ass and breasts red welts streaked, interspersed with the blue of bruises, a sharp contrast to the paleness of her skin. Slowly she became aware of him and lifted her eyes.

"How may I serve you Master? How may my body be used to pleasure you Sir?" She said softly.

Paul smiled down at her. His desires, his needs, were first in her mind. Despite her own discomfort, or the fact that she had just been used by so many men she had not bothered to count; that her every hole had been filled with so much cum that it leaked out of her ass and cunt as fast as it was pumped in, and she had had to gulp and gasp to swallow down as much as she was fed; that her tits and nipples and ass flesh had been tortured and beaten til they visibly throbbed, still she offered to serve for whatever purpose he desired to use her. She knew her purpose, she knew what she was. She was nothing, nothing but an object for him to entertain himself with however he saw fit.

His circle of friends consisted of many other masters and their slaves, and he knew full well that many of his peers enlisted the submission of their slaves through pure fear. They ruled with an iron hand, and disobedience was severely punished. Their slaves did ANYTHING they wanted out of fear of doing anything but. As he looked down at his own slave he knew this was not the case with her. True, she would do anything he commanded, put her body in his hands for any unimaginable torture, but fear was not her driving force. She had brought herself to his house, had offered her body to him freely without him even requesting it, and she knew that at any time should she wish to leave his domination she was free to go. All he expected of her was to abide by his wishes and his rules while she was living as his slave, but the choice to do so had been made by her own thought process, not by way of his whip!

He had had many slaves over the years, and some, he had to say, had been unwilling to live the part. Many had been defiant, playing the game but not willing to relinquish total control. Using Krysten, however, was completely different. The fact that she willingly submitted, without question, aroused him even more than any slave had ever done.

"Kneel, slave." He said softly, and Krysten unfolded her aching body and brought herself to her knees, awaiting her next command just as a dog waited for its master to speak. He reached for her and slowly ran the back of his hands over the welts and bruises on her tits, brushing ever-so lightly over her tender nipples, knowing that even the slightest of touch was painful to them in their current state. She winced but responded by arching her back, offering her tits forward to him in a gesture that clearly showed that she knew they belonged to him and no matter how much they hurt he could still do as he pleased with them.

This excited him, and without warning he gripped each nipple between two strong fingers and pinched with all his might. Krysten let out a yelp of pain and arched her chest even more forward to him. His cock leapt and grew instantly hard, and he pressed each thumb down against the nipples where they protruded from his fingers, adding to her pain as much as he could, then suddenly jerked his wrists till each crushed nipple was in a full twist. Again she yelped, and tears welled in her eyes, but she did not move.

"What are you, slave?" He asked, his eyes holding her gaze steadily as he attempted to pinch her nipples even harder.

"I... am... your slut, Sir. I am... a toy for you to... use at your will." though her voice was weak with pain, she showed no signs of trying to get away from his tormenting fingers.

"Yes." He said. "You are an object, a possession of mine, worthy of no better treatment than the table, or the chair, or my dog, is that not right, slut?"

"Yes Sir." she said quietly, then as an afterthought, she sucked in her breath and said "I mean, no Sir. The table or chair perhaps, but not the dog Sir. The ... the dog is more worthy than I am."

His smile broadened at her response, and his cock jumped yet again. "Yes, you are right. The dog deserves far better treatment than you. In fact, the dog is as much you master as I am, isn't that right?"

"Yes Sir."

"You would do anything for him, just as you would for me, wouldn't you slut? He may use you as I may, if he chooses to give you the time of day, isn't that right?"

"Yes Sir."

"You are my whore, and you are his bitch!" He pinched harder on her nipples to punctuate this statement, and she caught her breath and nodded, momentarily unable to speak. "SAY it!" he commanded.

"Yes... Sir... I am your whore, ... and I am the dog's bitch."

He released his hold slightly, more because his hands were tiring and he wanted to save strength to hurt her more later than for concern for her pain.

"Who owns you, slave?" he asked her.

"You own me Sir."

"Yes, I do own you, just as I own any object I might have bought at a store. I may chose to treat it kindly, or roughly, but the choice is mine. How do you feel about that, slave?"

"It is as it should be." She said. "I gave myself to you as a gift, I gave up all ownership of my body the day I walked to your door of my own free will. It is right that you should use it for any form of pleasure and excitement you can get from it."

"And what of your own pleasures?" he said, his eyes narrowing slightly.

"My greatest pleasure is knowing you that your desires have been satisfied by your use of me Sir."

"Yes!" he hissed in delight at her response. "And your sexual pleasures?"

"I do not expect to be allowed to orgasm Sir. Unless you desire to witness it, or desire it to increase your own physical pleasure, then it is not my place to wish for it."

"What happens when your disgusting slut's body disobeys me and cums without permission?"

"Then I fully deserve the severest of punishments Sir, as you see fit."

He pinched down hard on her nipples again, and grinned wickedly. "Yes!" he said, in a long low growl, before continuing with his questioning. "You have just endured two long days of grueling use and torment, my toy, at the hands and cocks of many masterful men and myself. How do you feel about that?"

"I hope I pleased Sir. It is what my body is for."

"And, if all of those men were greatly satisfied with your body, but ONE was not.... should I punish you?"

"Yes Sir! Yes, if even one was not pleased, then I am worthless and deserve to be punished."

"And, if all were so pleased that they were waiting outside that door, right now, to use your body for yet another two days, would you allow it?"

"It is not for me to allow Sir, my body is yours, you own it and may give it for use to anyone at any time, as you choose. If you said that to serve them all again, for another two days, was your desire, then it would be done."

"You would not refuse?"

"No Sir, I do not own my body, it is not up to me to refuse."

"You would do anything I said, even now, even as pained and used as you are now?"

"Yes Sir."

He smiled, and let go of her nipples abruptly. She caught her breath as the blood rushed back into them making them throb in pain. He walked slowly around her, looking down at her cum-covered and bruised body.

"Are you glad I see fit to use you the way I do?"

"Yes Sir."

"Are you glad I abuse your tits and nipples as much as I do?"

"No Sir.. I mean, I feel they need and deserve more Sir."

He grinned down at her. "Are you glad I find for you as many cocks and as much cum as I can find?"

"yes Sir."

"Are you glad I OWN you?"

"Oh yes Sir." She said softly.

He bent towards her, taking her chin between thumb and finger, and stared into her eyes, compelling her to give this final answer. "Are you here, as my possession, of your own free will, slave?"

"Yes Master. I am your willing slave, your willing possession."

He smiled and dropped his hand and stood straight once again. "Good. Then after today, my slave, there will be no question who owns you, all who see you will know it, and you will proudly display to all that you are owned by me. I give you one last chance, to leave this place and take back ownership of your body, but if you choose to stay here and be owned by me, then I will continue, if it is what you want?"

She gulped and swallowed, then nodded as she felt her body flush with heat. "It is what I want Sir.... to be owned and used by you."

He sighed, a tremendous sigh of relieve, as if he had been afraid she would choose to leave him. Then quickly he turned on his heel and commanded her to crawl after him, and he was gone.

He was in the dungeon when she finally crawled into that now familiar room. He motioned her to lay on the large wooden X that he had wheeled into the middle fo the room, and without hesitation she did so. He began the meticulous task of strapping her down, starting with wrists and ankles, then adding more padded leather straps to each leg and arm, and two more across her body. She was unable to move, even if she had tried.

Carefully he lowered a small set of clamps over each nipple and tightened them as tight as they could go, then he attached the clamps to chains that hung from the roof, stretching her nipples upwards tightly. He attached a third clamp to her clit and connected it to a chain that stretched between her legs to a bar that extended from one ankle to the other. She whimpered slightly in her pain, but said nothing.

Krysten soon felt a cold object against her burning stretched nipple. Looking down, she saw a strange tool in her master's hand, that looked much like a set of pliers. With quick precision he squeezed the handles and a sudden searing heat shot through her nipple and she gulped down a scream. Without hesitation, he moved the tool to the other side, and soon the same hot pain rushed through the other nipple. He set the tool down and reached for her to check his handiwork. Each nipple was now pierced through and studded with small bars that had loops on each end.

Before she had time to think what he might do next, he picked up the tool once again and clamped it over her clit, triggering it, and piercing a third bar the same through her clithood. She let out a scream and tried to arch her back in pain but she was held fast.

"Pierced, to show ownership, my slave. These can be adorned however I wish, depending on the occasion, so my property is decorated any way I please. These bars will also be useful in various tortures in the future."

She panted for breath, closing her eyes tight against the pain, trying to overcome it, as he released the clamps and left her nipples and clit to throb from their assault. But he was not finished with her yet.

Hours of pain still awaited her, and when he finally released her he guided her to stand before a full mirror on the dungeon wall. There, she saw her new slave's body. Her nipple and clit studs were decorated with fancy attachments on the bars, a fine gold chain draped between them. Each tit bore the design of a rope intricately tattooed around the base, where many a real rope had and would again constrict her titflesh. Each inner thigh was also tattooed, very close to her cuntlips where the flesh was tender, with intricate monograms of her master's initials with trailing designs weaving their way around her cunt towards her ass.

"Now, my slave, there will be no doubt in anyone's mind WHO owns you, and what your purpose is. You will display your decorations to any who care to look, and any who enter your cunt or ass with their cocks will see my claim on your skin. Are you proud to be decorated this way?"

"Yes Master." She said, tears in her eyes. There was a lump in her throat as she spoke, for she now felt completely owned and knew this was exactly what her body had always wanted, always needed, always been made for. She dropped to her knees and looked up at him, eyes pleading. "Please Sir, please let me show my gratitude in the best way I can?" Her eyes dropped to his crotch for a moment, then she looked up at him again to see his proud smile.

"Yes my toy, you may devour my cock and swallow my cum, to show me your gratitude." As he watched her dive into him, watched his cock disappear into her mouth and down her throat in almost one gulp, he let out a long groan of pleasure, and knew he would never tire of using THIS willing slave.



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