I confess, part of the reason I held this one back for so long is it's so short. Chapter 9 is MUCH longer and pretty important as it sets the stage for the rest of the story. Lots of action will be coming soon but I had to get this 'set up' taken care of. So rest assured, lots more coming!
Just an FYI for those who have been patiently waiting, I'm working on the story again. I've got a couple chapters that I'll be loading up here over the next couple days. Stay tuned!
Big surprise, I love winter. And I've probably written about it before but I'm fairly immune to cold. What's become a problem these past few years is that I forget this small detail when I'm with other people.
Case in point. I went out to see "Iron Lady" with a couple friends (great acting by Streep but the movie overall sucked, for the record). We left the theatre at about midnight so it was about as cold as it was going to get.
I was driving so we hopped in the car and headed home which included a quick 10-15 minute highway drive. By the time I had gotten onto the highway, I hear from my friend in the back who knows my tolerance for cold, "Will you PLEASE turn the damn heat on!" LMAO - and then the best. My friend in the passenger seat screams "What the fuck....?! I just thought it hadn't warmed up yet!"
So yeah, that's a thing I need to try and keep in mind in the future.
It was 26 degrees btw....