Metztli's Journal

Metztli's Journal


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3 entries this month

Living in a mixed marriage

20:25 Apr 17 2011
Times Read: 617

As some of you may be able to appreciate, I am in a daywalker/nightwalker marriage. It requires lots of compromises but we make it work. Occasionally though, the worlds collide in unexpected ways.

So as I've mentioned with a few other Ravers on other occasions, there's a little thrill from spotting another "one of us" out in the daywalker world. What is more, I often wish that happened more. Well last night, I got my wish.

I was wearing my Combichrist hoodie most of the day and by the evening, when I got picked up by the husband to go to dinner and then grocery shopping, I was admonished with "It's fine when you wear that with your buddies but I wish you wouldn't when you're going to be with me." I just blew it off as so much "Why aren't you normal...?" that I get occasionally.

So we have dinner and then walk into the grocery store. At about 8 on a Saturday night, it's usually pretty dead so imagine our surprise when we stumbled immediately into someone that the husband knows through work. The usual, 'Hey! How are you?!' and then he looks at me and says, "Cool sweatshirt. I didn't know Combichrist had clothes."


"Um, you know who they are?"

"Yeah, I like industrial. It's been awhile since I've got to any shows though...."

So after scraping my jaw up off the floor, I immediately turn to my husband and see the stunned look on HIS face. THAT is when I burst out laughing. So now this kid and I are all chatty Cathy and the husband's saying "Ok, well we need to get going....."

I had such fun antagonizing him about this turn of events all the way through the store that I would have been happy if the NEXT thing didn't happen.

As we're wrapping our trip up, we're passing through the bakery section and one of the workers there walks past me and says "Awesome sweatshirt bro. Awesome."

I nearly fell on the floor laughing! TWICE in one evening in a GROCERY store! I don't think I'll be chastised for wearing my hoodie out in the near future.




The thing I miss about college

15:14 Apr 12 2011
Times Read: 636

Perhaps it's my age. Perhaps it's the weather. Perhaps it's all the chaos that is in my life at the moment.

But one of the things I miss most about when I was in college (a small town New England private school - so yes, the quintessential idyllic setting), is the fact that I had so many close friends in easy walking distance from me. Not only that, but even if you weren't looking for them, very often, you'd bump into each other through the course of the day or at the very least sometime during the week.

This was of course before the cell phones-txt messaging-facebooking insta-communication mindset. Ironically, I feel as though I was more in touch with people then than I do now. The reasons for this are obvious and yet 'we' let it slip through our fingers so easily, having no idea what we were giving up. Now it's too late, barring some cataclysmic destruction of all those satellites above us which are busy ensuring we remain separated from one another.

Please do not misunderstand - I am the first to say I love the fact that these tools exist and certainly that sites like the Rave bring so many disparate souls such as ourselves together. But sometimes, I just miss that time in my life more than usual. Right now is one of those times.




This and that...

03:18 Apr 06 2011
Times Read: 666

Well, having returned from vacation, I am not jumping in feet first to being the Master of my coven. It's a bit amazing to be where I am now seeing as how I will be coming up on my one year anniversary on the Rave next month. The journey has been so strange and yet so much fun.

I can still remember my initial few weeks here racing through profiles, looking at houses/covens to join, getting into a mentorship. And now, I'm "all growed up" hahaha! Hardly.

That said, this has been such a wonderful place to get reacquainted with the dark and it was damn near vital to helping me deal with awakening. I might have lost my mind had I not had people here to talk to and help guide me through that whole process.

And now, well, it's home. It's where I can go when I need to talk to people who not only understand but can relate to the peculiarities of being a nightwalker in a daywalker world. Sure there's some batshit crazy people where but hey, they're MY batshit crazy people!

I was going to post some about my vacation but there's really not that much to tell. It was relaxing and a good escape AND I avoided bursting into flames though there were a couple of instances where I thought I'd be done for. This trip would have been hell on earth during the middle of summer!

And speaking of summer....sigh, how I dread it. But the one good thing about the arrival of summer? Fall will be coming shortly after!!!

That's all for now folks. Thanks for reading.



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