Today before going to a work "huddle" I want to call my bf whom lives several states away. We have lived together prior and have been dating off and on for a little more than a year. He is the only person I have had sex with over this time. Calling him I aspect him to answer the phone. Instead she answered. I was slightly confused but was dismissive I hear their mother in the back ground ask who it was and I distinctly heard her say "the whore". Now I ignored it. Told a friend. Made a joke about it on fb. Because despite us being the same age she has yet to graduate high school of get a job or even grow the fuck up in the least. When I get to telling my bf he says she and his mother are denying it. Both are pathological liars proven so time and time again. He says to drop it that it is causing more drama than it is worth. True. If I ever want to live with him again I have to put this below me. So Fuck her. This isn't stopping me from being happy. I am too pretty; I am too smart for this high school BS!