You know that game where you hear a phrase that doesn't make any sense and you're supposed to figure out what it's saying? Okay, maybe not.
Anyway, I just made one up:
Ima Shoe
Ima Shoe
I miss you
Get it? Say it really fast... Maybe a little slurry. Like you've been drinking, oh, say, raspberry Smirnoff. It makes a lot of sense, I swera.
I have the greatest best friend in the whole world. She is constantly there for me and makes me smile... And she's even going on my up north adventure with me--we both have our jobs! Schweeeeeeeeeeeeet! :)
"Stuck in the middle with you" Perfect! I wouldn't want to be stuck up there with anyone else. My best friend ROCKS!!!
*To a great summer of fun, partying, drinking (legally--yay!), silly dancing, crazy singing, many hugs, and, quite possibly, lots of cute boys*
If this is my last summer as a resident of Michigan, I'm totally cool with that because I know it's going to be awesome!!
Maybe she'll even come with me when I move down south! Woo-hoo! :D
I love, love, LOVE Journey. I just didn't know I loved them.
I'm stupidly jealous over something pathetic. The bullshit of it all is that, if you weren't just my friend, I wouldn't be jealous about it. Figure that one out! heh.
"I'm forever yours. Faithfully." Damn.
From TrueWifeConfessions, here is part of a confession from October '06, Chapter 102 (
I hate that your answer to my not wanting to try anal sex was "why? it's
just like having a poop"