Meliniy's Journal

Meliniy's Journal


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5 entries this month

Grrr ever wanted someone so bad?

23:49 Aug 31 2009
Times Read: 573

Ever wanted someone so bad in a certain ways ... but you can't have them just as mutaul friends .. well i am suffering in this and it is driving me insane i cant control my temper or my hostilities I lash out at everyone ... yesterday after being friends and stil friends i have been talking to for over 7 years now over yahoo an the fone my dream came true we met he came over on his way to canada me an him are just awesome friends but my feels run more i am in short tempers and hostilities run deep in me cause we may just be awesome friends ... but he is so hot i feel that way towards him an i want him i will never know when he will come back to see me an it hurts my heart to sit here and wonder :(




Dreams come an go

20:50 Aug 30 2009
Times Read: 574

sitting here lonely and sad ... My dream finally comes to me but he left just as fast ...i need someone to talk to Need a friend ..Ilove the man that left me today..but where he is going we will not be attached..hope i hear from him son and fast




Well I guess no one cares

16:04 Aug 27 2009
Times Read: 576

Yes I like to vent I do not care really bout who thinks i am some wacked out chcick ... that thinks i am something i know for fact i am not... anyways I have a few more days till this great man i have ment several years back in yahoo chats is finally coming to see me... an its something good to look forward but lately i am comfortable to stay in the dark where i know nothing will harm me lately living at my folks house has been a major fucking pile of shit... i am not even gonna go there ..LOL.. an i am lgad i just sit here thinking of shitty things about them to myself ...lol... which is humourous enough for me... an i saw my ex sis in law almost lastnight an if i did i would have gaven her a fucking tounge beating ... i hate physical violence nothing comes for it i am the type who just say stuff physically but will never do it more fun that way no harm done ...lol... but fuck a horse man if i had the money i would pay someone ... LMAO ~evil smirk~ ... anyways I have to go now ... need to get my ass to my doctor's .... an hope i have good news ... but i know i wont so i wont be shocked on what he will say LOL




Sarrowness Fills my heart and soul

22:22 Aug 26 2009
Times Read: 578

Tears streaming down my face while I am listening to a song my brother shared with me... I am broken hearted now for him cause He is ending a marrage he thought would last till he would die... But I feel anger and hurtfulness in my being I want to shamelessly harm this woman that has harm by brother.. he is my 1/3 of my being and i love him him with all my herart me an him are triplets with another brother.. But I am the darkness of the third they are the light.. But I still love them no matter what I am so raged at his soon to be ex I hope she re-fucking-lized how she left a fucking bad deal over a kind heart man as my brother.... I curse the fucking tramp whole heartedly and to the ends of her existance... Fuck YOU CUNT... you hurt me as well when you fucked my brother over ( crying)




In a rage of anger and hurt that no human will undterstand

03:09 Aug 24 2009
Times Read: 584

I am so fucking hurt andin a fiery rage of anger... still hurting of the news about my counter part sibling's wife devorcing him... I am a dark being of three meaning a triplet ..my two counter parts are light an i am the darkness of the three.. I enjoy it but anyways... I want to fucking harm this so called woman for cheating on my bro .. they have two little precious beings.... I adore with all my sould and heart... I am now in a rut cause if I say one wrong word to her to her damn ass face It will be a world of hurt on my brother's case on getting the kids... I so am hurting still an This fucking shit needs to end soon.. When it does I can say what ever i want ... After the trial :) *evil smiles and laughing* Well right now i know I am never wanting to get married or any shit like that cause its nothing but damnation and dark abyss... Just give me a male sex slave an I will be happy :)



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