MeganDawn's Journal

MeganDawn's Journal


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43 entries this month



03:25 Oct 04 2009
Times Read: 547

May 20, 2006 - Saturday


Current mood: savage

Ok... I'm home now. I had an excellent evening, except for the last words spoke to my Howard baby, and da blister on my right arm.. waffle iron bah. Michele, Megan Lindsey, Kara Poarch, Matt D., Chef, Matticus/Wiggy baby... I loves ya all immensely. Sloan had an excellent night... infact one fer the books. The faint... Holy shit Matt D. ... one of the greatest escapes to date baby.

Now all other loves aside.. bed time fo me... Newport tomorrow morning...will be a great day. Love never thought one like this would be ment for me. Turtle love galore... plus mucho shark love... mmmm I'm such a gurl..... NO FLAGIN HAHAH

Currently listening:

Black Cherry

By Goldfrapp

Release date: 06 May, 2003




Cannibal Potatoes...

03:22 Oct 04 2009
Times Read: 550

May 21, 2006 - Sunday

Cannibal Potatoes...

Current mood: ditzy

Went to Newport yesterday with my sweet sweet baby. We had a pretty good time. Didnt get too lost, and had the pleasure of some Snappy Tomatoe Pizza, t'was excellent. I wish there was a Barnes & Noble somewhere close besides Lex. I love that store I get trapped everytime I go in. Love :) I dont think I'm good at it, or accepting it in any of it's forms, maybe that comes in time. I saw two turtles fighting/trying to hug/ or play pattycake? Hilarious lookin. We stopped for a break from driving in a really creepy cemetary... I expected to see grave burst open with zombies at any given moment.

Working on a very small (but will hopefully bring a big result?) project.

The re-make of the Omen 6-6-06 pretty fuckin excited.

Heartless Bastards... GREAT band.

Downloaded some Neil Diamond today, some 4 Seasons, and some Allman Brothers... should be a nice mix eh'?




Runnin' (boy of mine)

03:22 Oct 04 2009
Times Read: 551

May 28, 2006 - Sunday

Runnin' (boy of mine)

I was born driven by fear, and I dont think I'll ever understand but I know I've been runnin for years, and I hope theres a higher ground 'cause I'm gonna settle it down, and I know I'll be alright if I just get through the night- AND I LOVE YOUR WAY, OH I LOVE YOU BABY, DON'T MEAN MAYBE...

I tink Goldfrapps Black Cherry has been bumped down by this song... with "your" stamp of approval...baba

Currently listening:

Stairs and Elevators

By Heartless Bastards

Release date: 22 February, 2005




OH Happy Day....

03:21 Oct 04 2009
Times Read: 552

June 12, 2006 - Monday

OH Happy Day....

BRANDON IS HOME!!! thank god!!!! O h Happy day oh happy day sweet Jesus lord have mercy oh happy day!!!!! and I'm fairly exstatic about that... I missed my baby.

but... despite this insane happiness... it's not completely but closely over shadowed by a sickening sadness. Bah.

A side note: Friday night- June 9th. Suds, Micheles high heels, the city pool at 3am, Matt D's punctured arm, Bohemiean Rhapsody.... oh yes...oh yes




Thorn in my foot...

03:21 Oct 04 2009
Times Read: 553

June 19, 2006 - Monday

Thorn in my foot...

Today when I arrived at work I checked my profile, a couple of new friend requests... nothing new. However I was told yesterday by my lovely friend Michele Breeze that she had sent me a message about this past weekends "ABCDEEEE party"... I had no new messages, and no read messages in my inbox from her. I found this puzzeling, so I sent her a message inquiring about my missing message.

To my dismay she said "she had sent the message" and re-sent it to me. Not only that but I had been told my my brilliant, beautiful butter-cup of a boyfriend Brandon that he had emailed me, so I checked my email... no "new" emails from my baby. As I scroll down through the gobs of junk mail I notice only one read message between all of the garbage. My lovely message from Brandon had already been read.

This doesn't anger as much as it just irritates me that my privacy has been invaded. It's inconsiderate, rude, and just all around not tolerable.

Dispite my current aggrivation had a weird yet nice weekend... I'm not a raver thats all I have to say about it.




We're only in it for the money & Hot rats...

03:20 Oct 04 2009
Times Read: 554

June 21, 2006 - Wednesday

We're only in it for the money & Hot rats...

Current mood: calm

Well last night while WAITING for my phone to ring from a certain lover man that never called I fell asleep.

The Dream I dreamt in my dreamland was quite spectacular:

It began in a weird place with a few friends Rachel, Michele, Matt D, and few others. I wanted a tattoo of a red heart in my rib region with the Blondie lyrics "Heart of Glass". So these very shaddy guys proceed in the giving of my tattoo. It hurt as if I was really gettin a real tattoo (I was probably sleeping on hair brush). When they were done I was horrified the heart was a purpleish red that read "I've never felt this way". So I was quite mad and upset about my crappy tat. I remember thinkin "Oh no I gotta live with this".

So we left the crappy place we were and ended up in my room because a big storm was coming, Rachel askes me if it's ok if her friend stops in to get out of the storm, I say sure. Her friend was FRANK ZAPPA, she showed him my tat and I explained how bad I hated it. He then pulls a tattoo gun out of his pocket and says he can fix it for me and begins too, pain free. We're talking to each other and then he's done with the tattoo and I look in the mirror and it's exactly what I wanted. Then we made out on my fold out chair thingy! so YEHA for makin it with FRANK ZAPPA in my dream land!!!! ahahahahha oh what a dream.




Psalm 69

03:20 Oct 04 2009
Times Read: 555

June 29, 2006 - Thursday

Psalm 69

Current mood: satisfied

Well Brandon and I went to Cinncinatti to see the Revolting cocks & Ministy at the best place to ever see a show, BOGARTS. Al Jourgensen despite his age still performs like no fuckin other... he still rocks out with his (revolting) cock out! No Joke! The man played 2 sets one with the Revolting Cocks and a magnificent other with Ministry.

Yeah I was front row less than 5 feet away from the master himself! Thanks to Brandon I watched the show in complete comfort, he blocked the moshers from killing me :) (I love you). Not only that but he caught the guitar players pick and I got Chris Connelly, the lead singer of the Revolting Cocks AUTOGRAPH!!!

The Revolting Cocks put on a HELL of a good show, one of the guys in the band was from Bauhaus, and the drummer was from slipknot (not that that is something to brag a whole lot about, but he was quite good). They did a cover of "Lets get Physical" by Olivia Newton John, great story behind that. They also played a cover of the Rod Stewart song "Do ya think I'm sexy".

When we first got to Bogarts the place was no where near full, just a few people. I thought "What the heck this isn't right!! GWAR draws a bigger crowd". After the opening band played the place began to fill up... and was probably completely full by the end of the show. This concert ranks in at either 3rd or 4th place, hard to decide. Al Jourgensen looked at Brandon and I and made quite a few different hand gestures at us . (completely starstruck) I really gotta start taking a better camera to shows (instead of the camera phone) because I've been upfront all close an personal like at many a concert. I got a pretty cool video of them on my phone too.

OHHH before I forget to tell you! There was a dude video taping the show MEANING that when/if The Revolting Cocks/ Ministry release a dvd of concert footage... we have a very excellent chance of being in it!!!! Mainly because we were right up front!

After the show on the way home we did the usual, listened to 80's music and stopped at the Waffle House in Georgetown... and headed on home and slept until 4 in the afternoon... Needless to say we had a lovely evening...




tough enough

03:18 Oct 04 2009
Times Read: 557

July 6, 2006 - Thursday

tough enough

Stevie Ray Vaughn sucks. So does George Thorogood.

Where have all the ladies gone... just another sad love song. I hate being alone now here in this house (technically not alone, but in every other way yes I am). I wish this summer break was a summer break for me. I want to swim more, I want to waste gas more, shop more... all of those superficial things I like. Shopping, black band shirts, a pair of jeans, and panties... thats the way that goes.

Midnight Express, horribly depressing movie, maybe thats why I feel the way I do right now. Ass rapin, cryin and jackin off on windows infront of my girlfriend, Turkish prisons... bah hell of a movie. "Walk along the wheel with us"... errr

I think I love too hard... (in every way so I'm told (a haw haw haw) A lot of love in this 4'10ish body...

Currently watching:

The Devil's Rejects (Unrated Widescreen Edition)

Release date: 08 November, 2005




A lil diddy 'bout Zach & Misty...

03:18 Oct 04 2009
Times Read: 558

July 18, 2006 - Tuesday

A lil diddy 'bout Zach & Misty...

Little ditty about Zach and Misty, 2 American kids growin up in the heartland, Zacky's gonna be a football star, Misty debutante backseat of Zacky's car... Oh yeah life goes on after the Accounting Budgetary crew are all gone. Now rock on...

Ok well it was brought to my attention that in my blogs I had not mentioned either of my GREAT friends Zach (aka. JR, & Steve Erwin) and Misty (aka Mippy-Poo and Linda Richmond (of Coffee Talk). Yeah I like'em I love'em ... and they make my days here in the office of Accounting and Budgetary Control a hell of a better place to be. I feel a bit off balance when neither of them are here. Maybe because I have to actually work when they're not here...

Jiminey Flickett

*Whispers* "Democrat"

"Come skate with me"

"Eh' a Shmoke and a pancake Rusty"?

What is it I like about these fine examples of the youth of America... well Zach's pretty warpped... (like me) Misty... don't take no shit... and I like to poke her boobies. No actually she's one of the sweetest people I know, and yeah so are her boobies. AHAHAHAHAH




A break in the Meg

03:18 Oct 04 2009
Times Read: 559

August 10, 2006 - Thursday

A break in the Meg

Current mood: high

Whose the bigger sell out Kiss or Ozzy. It's equal in my book.

Gene Simmons Family Jewels vs. The Osbournes. When the Osbournes first aired on Mtv a few years ago I cared more about that show than I did most people I knew. Ozzy made the show funny, he was the star of the show but not in a blatent "Hey I'm the star/ main character" kinda way like Gene is on his new show. The Osbournes was focused equally on each one of them (kinda).

I like Gene's show a lot, it's something new that I'll actually turn the tv on for.

How odd is it that Ozzy and Gene Simmons both were in the 1988 B horror flick Trick or Treat (which kicked ass). Most any department store or mall you can find any number of Ozzy and Kiss merchandise. They're the ultimate sellouts... but thats half of why I like them.


I went to Pittsburgh a few weeks ago to watch the best doom metal band ever, Jack-In-Irons. Their bass player is phenominal. I had a good time. Flat tires during the dog days of summer are really no fun though.

My 21st birthday is comin up pretty soon, I feel old. I'm old enough to legally purchase alcholic beverages... I don't feel a day over 14 sometimes and other days I feel 30. This years birthday, I have no expectations... after last years shittyness I could really careless weather I do anything for my birthday or not.


The past few weeks I've probably spoke to, ran into, or hung out with friends I hadn't done anyhting with in a long time which is really nice. Made a few new/good friends this summer too.

As stressed as I have been and as rough as a few things have been lately I'm actually doin better than ever inside (kinda). From now on I'm gonna live by W.W.S.D?. Meaning What would Shannon Doherty Do? Melinda told me I reminded her of Shannon Doherty, which is much better than being compared to Rosie O'donell. Once someone compared me to Janis Joplin, I think he said something like "You're hot in a Janis Joplin kinda way, like it's not so much your actual looks that make you pretty, but who you are". I took it as a compliment. When she told me I reminded her of Shannon at first I thought "ehy she was kicked off of 90210 for being a bitch, aw man. But she also smacked Paris Hilton, yeah, right on man right on". Oh well thats enough god damn typing fer now.

Currently watching:

A Nightmare on Elm Street 2 - Freddy's Revenge

Release date: 22 August, 2000




Oh Happy Day mix

03:17 Oct 04 2009
Times Read: 560

August 17, 2006 - Thursday

Oh Happy Day mix

Current mood: bouncy

Last night and today have been fairly exquisite days I must say. I Played Mario last night till like 11:30 with my Brandon (yeah thats right MY Brandon). This morning I had a job interview, weather I get it or not... oh well I seemed impressive enough for an interview, and work went by really super dooper fast.

A whole bunch of other nice things happened today, but the coolest thing happened to Brandon today (which means it kinda happened to me today too because if it makes him happy, then it more than makes me happy)... He got a '01 navy blue PT Cruizer "fully loaded" with cd & cassette player, ac, power windows/locks, key clicker, and lots of space for hauling his stuff (bass, amp, yada yada). I could get him a front license plate with MY name on it....but then I thought "Hey thats already been done by some crazies, just buy him dinner instead", so I did, 'cause god knows I dont wanna be anything like them damn crazies. Think about that puttin/allowing your name on someone elses car that they bought with their own money...I think it's rather silly.

I really think that startin our day out with my Oh Happy Day mix helped the luck of the day.

Currently watching:

High Fidelity

Release date: 08 September, 2000





03:17 Oct 04 2009
Times Read: 561

September 7, 2006 - Thursday


Current mood: chipper

So this needs to end.




A Tout Le Monde

03:16 Oct 04 2009
Times Read: 562

September 7, 2006 - Thursday

A Tout Le Monde

My dear readers (for the few of you that do read these) possibly 30 days from now, certainly 30 years from now, and definately 100 years from now nothing that any of us type or post on here is really going to matter unless you're some brilliant revolutionary blogger than has cracked the code of the universe or actually figured out the rubix cube. I'm more than certain that that won't be me, and if it does happen to be you, well my sincerest congradulations to you. No matter how much you like or dislike me,with common sense you surely can agree that my statement is true.

I just got home from Northcutt & Son's funeral home. This one wasn't no where near as tear jerking/heart renchingly painful as my other visits had been, my heart goes out to those who have lost just the same though. Life is too short for petty blogs, comments, and dirrrty looks (unless you're x-tina). I feel asthough I however need to take up for myself when I see it's needed, as anyone should. Sometimes those remarks are hard to brush off the old shoulder or let go, and you being the one poked at wants to break some spines... it's natural... but in the end it won't mean a damn thing. No one likes the thought of someone that has no clue who they really are make snide remarks.

I have lots of things, my brothers, my Brandon, my home, my car, Michele, Sasha, Alex, my records, my dvds/cds, my posters, my bed.... I love all of them, but nothing lasts forever... I won't always have these things, no one will ever possess anything forever (kinda) because it all disappears. We all die. Not all of us can be rockstars and live on forever through our songs, not all of us can be like Anne Frank and live on through our journals either. Also we can't be everyting to everyone. Not everyone is ment to like me, just as I'm not ment to like everyone. I do believe everyone deserves a chance though, thats besides the point, if I even have one.

Pulp Fiction... what was so special about that brief case. I think it held the answers to all of our questions... thats why it glowed when it was opened.




November Coming Down

03:16 Oct 04 2009
Times Read: 563

September 7, 2006 - Thursday

November Coming Down

Current mood: blah

Well what I cant for the life of me get out of my head and is currently singeing my brain is the fact that Im gonna be an aunt. Jeremys gonna be a dad I think, well in fact I know hell be a great one being that we despise our dads ways of being a dad. Aunt Megan hell it could call me auntie poopface if it wanted too, its not my kid but Im so excited as if it were my own (kinda). Dylan thinks itll be a boy, I think itll be a girl. Either way nothing will take the place of my Willow baby, I miss her a lot sometimes, when Im bored at home by my self something to pay attention to, to hug, to pretend sleep with. Dylans facing the harsh fact that he will no longer be the baby, hes already complained to mom about Christmas I wont get as many presents, and well have to baby sit that kid all the time. I remember VIVIDLY mom explaining to me when she was going to have another baby she bought me a happy meal, and we were headed to her apartment in Louisville for the weekend, and on the way there she told me, I broke into tears

Halloween Brandon wants to go all out and do an authentic Jason costume. I used to have a glow in the dark Jason mask that was Jeremys but I sifted it into my toys after the divorce. I have no clue what I want to be for Halloween a zombie is easiest. There arent any good scary ladies of horror only whores of horror. Jamie Lee Curtis too bland/easy, Elvira a possibility, Vampira (a lot like Elvira) way too thin 5 inch waste un-doable, Carrie, prom dress and bloodor one of her victims. Perhaps a wizard, a cape and a wizards hat, fake beard and a cane. The Corpes Bride maybe, or a 9/11 victim.

Two jobs, a speeding ticket, bills, guitar hero I dont feel too bogged down either, oh yeah classes, I also have classes to go to as well.

Melindas wedding is this weekend, Im excited for Josh and her thems good peoples kinda like good eatins.




A wedding, a Nerds new obsession, and a baby

03:15 Oct 04 2009
Times Read: 564

September 10, 2006 - Sunday

A wedding, a Nerds new obsession, and a baby

Current mood:slept too much

First and foremost- CONGRADULATIONS to Melinda and Josh!!!! Their wedding was absolutely BEAUTIFUL, and so were they themselves quite nice looking. Can't wait to see the Pictures. I got the bouquet !!! On the way home Brandon and I stopped at this citgo to get some nourishment and I found this pop called Big Pineapple (like Big Red) and it kicked soooo much ass I love pineapple, and pineapple soda… sweet orgasmic delight to my tongue.

I recently have had my craziest urge to do make-up, not just pretty average day to day make-up, but movie makeup. I watched the 1990 remake of Night of the Living Dead, the one with Tony Todd, the dude from Candyman. Well in the Special Features there was a nice lil documentary on the production of the movie narrated by Tom Savini, who also did the special effects of the movie as well as directed it (his 1st directed film). On a side note: Tom Savini did the Tales from the Dark Side series (I had no clue), loved that show, the 2nd texas Chainsaw massacre, a few of the Friday the 13th's, and a whole lotta other awesome movies that I had no clue he had anything to do with... damnit to hell I want a subscription to fangoria. I always wonder why I'm in college, I like to do stuff with my hands make jewelry, do hair, paint, make quilts, play with legos… I really, really, really, really wanna try and do something cool with movie makeup/ special effects… I'm gonna try to take a trip to Halloween express and buy some (definitely expensive) do it yourself kit… Jeremy used to get those every Halloween and he made some pretty awesome masks…. I just wanna try. Not saying "Oh I'm going to Hollywood to do special effects" dear god no… just a new hobby. Another thing that added to my recent nerdish obsession was the scene in Summer School where the Chainsaw kid and that other dude make the classroom into a gore fest when the principal brings in the substitute teacher.




Stay away from me JESUS lovers... gosh

03:15 Oct 04 2009
Times Read: 565

September 18, 2006 - Monday

Stay away from me JESUS lovers... gosh

Current mood: confused

Bible pushers freak me out... any who. I want something different very different. Be it a pircing, new hair color, a few new clothes... a few new people... I want something different.

Cheesecake... my belly is saying "muy bonito" to me. Halloween make-up I wanna do somethin cool... haven't the slightest clue as to what yet... my bottle of fake blood concealed in my top left desk drawer calls to me. The Start... I'm lovin'em... lovin'em hard... pretty damn good band.

I hate my english class, I dont give 2 shits about issues in education, and I hate english natzi's (grammar natzi's too, Brandon, I love you though)... take my paper and like it damnit, you picky ass wipe of a professor. Math... never ever thought I'd actually like goin to a math class.

I need to paint, something good, something hearty.

I wanna get into a fight... beat someone up...put on my "cunt kickers"

Currently listening:

The Queen is Dead

By The Smiths

Release date: 25 October, 1990




Is it possible...

03:14 Oct 04 2009
Times Read: 566

October 2, 2006 - Monday

Is it possible...

Current mood: loved

Disclaimer: This blog is quite girly...pardon me for the lapse.

Is it possible ... for a person to love someone sooo frickin much that they themselves could literally explode. I feel that way right now, my heart is bursting, overflowing with love for that person, and for no particular reason, other than he's mine. It'll be 2 years on october 26th, I can honestly say I've never loved him more than I do right now and day by day, even when he irritates me... my heart still glows. I still get butterflies, I did today about 5 minutes before he walked in the door. Not just because I knew he was bringing me a pizza, but... just because he's him. I never thought I'd ever get this mushy over a boy... sure I've had my share of crushes and rejection... enough that I thought I'd never be able to love at this compacity unless I had kids or something.

Enough of that... boshflimshaw on the girly crap. HALLOWEEN... halloween express had EXACTLY what I needed... I'm sure you'll see, I know we'll take plenty of gorey pics! ALICE mutha FUCKIN COOPER... now just for someone to go with me... mer...'

I wanna get RED highlights in my hair... but I'm poor =(

Currently watching:

Ren & Stimpy - The Complete First and Second Seasons

Release date: 12 October, 2004




You WANNA ____?

03:14 Oct 04 2009
Times Read: 567

October 4, 2006 - Wednesday

You WANNA ____?

Current mood: drained

Could be interestin... so do the damn thing! I'd do it for you. So fill in the blanks nigg.

001. I _____ Megan.

002.Megan is _____.

003. I think Megan should _____.

004. Megan needs _____.

005. I want to ____ Megan.

006. Megan can ____ my ____.

007. Someday Megan will _____.

008. Megan reminds me of _____.

009. Without Megan _____.

010. Megan can be _____.

011. Meeting Megan is _____.

012. Worst thing about Megan is _____.

013. Best thing about Megan is _____.

014. I am _____ Megan.

015. I want to give Megan _____.




All Hallow's Eve...

03:13 Oct 04 2009
Times Read: 568

October 25, 2006 - Wednesday

All Hallow's Eve...

Anyone ever REALLY pay attention to how REALLY hilarious "The Cable Guy" is, or what a GREAT soundtrack it has? Any who... the halloween shindig went well I thought "No party aint a real party until someone bleeds (real blood t hat is). " My leg... quite infected looking... thats why you NEVEr tackle a boyfriend with a machete. Man...I'm soooo not ready for half of the things that are happening... and still yet sooooooo god damn ready, ready like RIGHT NOW ready!!!!




I'm not a victim of Slave Rape?What?

03:13 Oct 04 2009
Times Read: 569

November 15, 2006 - Wednesday

I'm not a victim of Slave Rape?What?

Current mood: horny

No sir I'm not. I got my Monroe re-done... much more painful this time going through scar tissue (makes me think of the red-hot-chili-peppers song). The ball however seems HUGE though, like people will ask to check their teeth by glaring at themselves in the ball above my lip. I had to do something, I hated monday so bad I went and did it by myself (a first, all of my appendages and the tat I had a group of peeps with me).

I hate school. I'm not doin so hot. Not only in school, but life as well. I really wish Life had a GD pause button. I'm 21... as STUPID as it sounds I feel old. I haven't the slightest clue as to what I wanna do with this life.

I can't wait to MOVE to LEXINGTON! I'll be outta this town, closer to Michele, and living with my best friend/my better half/the best thing that ever happened to me BRANDON COLE HOWARD, who of which rocks my world everyday. I will miss my Willow, my brothers, my granma sloa, Matt D, Matt and Whit, Alex, Sasha... mer... you'll always have a place to stay though... so all must come visit us OFTEN!

Holidays comin up. Novemeber always kills me, I just wanna skip novemeber, it's never a good time of year for me. From November on through the middle of January I'm always in a BAD BAD rut, why? I don't know, bad things always happen/happened to me during this month. Saving to move is gonna put a damper on my x-mas shopping, makes me sad, really sad.

Currently listening:

With Teeth

By Nine Inch Nails

Release date: 03 May, 2005




I can't sleep because of this "Crazy Lil' thing Called"...

03:12 Oct 04 2009
Times Read: 570

November 29, 2006 - Wednesday

I can't sleep because of this "Crazy Lil' thing Called"...

Current mood: scared

FEAR, I can't sleep any more because of it. what kind of fear you may ask, well... all of it, literal FEAR like of paranormal activity, and yes of my future. It's nearly 3 am (the witching hour), I worked saturday and sunday night, I began the work week full force in the office of accounting and budgetary control running on a total of 5 hours of sleep from the past 48 hrs. Every where I go I lliterally feel ghosts. You're thinkin' "damn she's becoming dramatically crazy". So far today to try desparately to exhaust myself I went straight to work all day, picked Dyl up from school, helped my granpa from the floor, Brandon came over, we cooked, watched 2 movies, hence the act of coitus, I should be curled up under the covers for at least 6 hrs. of uninterupted sleep. The thoughts that keep me from my slumber...Willow jabbers at corners of my granma sloan's house (3 people have died in that house), I heard a very scary story about a local saw mill, read up on the local occult activity in Morehead (which is actually outrageous), my bedroom was my mom and her sisters room, my aunt was sent to a private school to finish her high school education because she would skip school to meet up with some cult on campus, mom and my granma told me about all of the weird stuff she would do, sure she performed "occult-like things" in this room.

I ask what the fuck has happened to me all of a sudden? I was the kid who if dared would've walked blind folded into the mushroom mines if given a walking stick to help feel my way around. I cry when I watch Dawn dish washin liquid commercials. BAH. Possibly becoming dilusional from lack of sleep.




Stole this from Parkawanksky-questionaire

03:12 Oct 04 2009
Times Read: 571

December 3, 2006 - Sunday

Stole this from Parkawanksky-questionaire

Current mood: busy

1. Which bands/artist do you own the most albums by?

Ozzy/ Sabbath on cd, vinal and cassette. I own well over 50 cd's involving Ozzy Osbourne/ ozzy related duo's (Coal Chamber, Lita ford, BLS, ETC.) I also own almost every Danzig album except Live on the Blackhand side and I Lucifer I).

2. What was the last song you listened to?

Linger- The Cranberries

3. What's in your CD player right now?

Primus-Frizzle fry (home), Acid Mothers Temple (car)

4. What was the last show you attended?

the Heartless Bastards @ the Southgate House I do believe? I'm not sure really.

5. What was the greatest show you've ever been to?

Thats REALLY HARD! I wanna say Ozzy just by default, however Danzig, I touched my be all to end all hottest man of supernatural porportions twice, not to mention he gave 100% in his performance. also the Rob Zombie Show was quite amazing (he sweated on me).

6. What's the worst show you've ever been to?

Not sure, plenty of shows I liked more than others. Plenty of rotten opening bands, like for instance Dying Fetus at the 1st GWAR show I'd ever been too.

7. What's the most musically involved you have ever been?

I used to be in a band way back in the day (8th grade aha)called Apoccolypse, other than that I'm a honorary member of EARWAX (check us out here on myspace). Also here on myspace I date the bass player of Jack-In-Irons and am friends with the guitar player and drummer.

8. What shows are you looking forward to?

AFI in feburary!!!!

9. What was your first concert?

Metallica/ Days of the New 8/20/00

10. What is your favorite band shirt?

My Sabbath shirt

11. What musician would you like to hang out with for a day?

Probably Dimebag (RIP) or Rob Zombie

12. Who is one musician or group you wish would make a comeback?

Agreeing with Al-x, Kyuss, Death From Above 1979, and Soundgarden

13. Who is one band/artist you've never seen live but always wanted to?

Sabbath up close & personal, & the Distillers

14. Name 4 or MORE flawless albums.

Black sabbath- Sabotage

A Perfect circle- Mer De Norms

the Distillers- Coral Fang

Type-o-Negative- October rust

Down- Nola

15. How many music related videos/DVDs do you own?

10 or 12.

16. How many concerts/shows have you been to, total?

1.Metallica/ Days of the New

2.Incubus/ Hoobastank

3.Ozzy/ Rob Zombie/Mudvayne

4.the Used,T.B.S.,Blink 182

5.Dying Fetus, All that Remains/ GWAR

6.Danzig, Trivium, Kataclysim

7.GWAR, leg bone, the autumn offering

8.Dead Meadow, my latex brain

9.My chemical romance, Alkaline Trio, reggie and the full effect


11.The Black Keys, Ms.alex

12. sigur ros

13. Rob Zombie, lucuna coil, bullet for my valentine

14.Ministry, the revolting Cocks

15.The Heartless Bastards

17. Who have you seen the most live?

GWAr ahahha and Rob Zombie

18. What is your favorite movie soundtrack?

slc punk

19. What was your last musical "phase" before you wisened up?

huh? if it's to loud you're too old

20. What's your "guilty pleasure" that you hate to admit to liking?

I'll always love cher and maddonna




Puffcorn Delites & truckers in pink bras...

03:11 Oct 04 2009
Times Read: 572

December 11, 2006 - Monday

Puffcorn Delites & truckers in pink bras...

Current mood: stressed

I've almost ate an entire bag of puffcorn delites... mmm buttery goodness.

Saturday night was quite the crazy one at the old Eagle Travel Plaza. Aside from the nights fight, callin the cops, and a mexican trying to get me to run away to San Jose with him... a trucker came in wearing a pink bra.

Around 11:30 or so I was mopping by the back door (like any other night), a trucker walks in shirt un-buttoned and jacket unzipped, with his arms folded in front of his chest. I look up and say "Hi" and he drops his arms from his chest... I glance at his chest, he's wearing a pink bra, I go back to mopping and think "Surely that was not what I thought it was". the trucker walks on to the bathroom, I finished mopping and went back behind the counter. The pink bra wearin foo comes out of the bathroom with his jacket zipped, he proceeds to shop in the store, and then comes to the counter with a Little Debbie cake, as he hands me the money he unzips his jacket, revealing the bra to me a again... I push his change across the counter to him and tell him to have a good night, he didn't say a word, as he walked out of the store he kept looking over his shoulder at me to see if I'm watching him walk out. CRAZY. Never a dull moment ever.

Moving day is growing near, but even more near is CHRISTMAS! YAY! I have to work on christmas eve, on into christmas mornin....BAH... I may quit by then or definately call off. I worked way too hard to buy everyone presents and I'm moving in January, I go way too long as it is not seeing most of the people I love to skip the one day we're all together, plus moving will mean even less of my Willow baby, Dylan, and Jeremy... the important ones.




"...and I'm thankful for the people that I have found"

03:10 Oct 04 2009
Times Read: 573

"...and I'm thankful for the people that I have found"

Current mood: drained

I'm settin at my computer desk... my life is packed tightly into 5 huge boxes behind me. My shelves are bare, my cds/dvds are all packed away, only my computer and my tv are plugged in. As glad as I should be for "gettin the hell out of Morehead" (which to a big degree I am) I also am not so glad... oddly enough. This room has been my sanctuary for the past 14 years... theres no place I feel safer (besides Brandons arms as hellaciously corny as that sounds). SO MANY GOOD MEMORIES...I honestly have no bad memories in this room. I'm moving an hour away from my comfort zone, and yes, I am quite excited... and terrified.

Last night thanks to my Matt D... I had an excellent going away party... with acception of a few of my bitches... most of peeps rolled up in the hizzy. This is what happens after 3 5ths of Jameson.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

Glad MattW remembered to show the Jameson.

I'm not good at goodbyes... I dont wanna be good at that...




For only 25$...

03:09 Oct 04 2009
Times Read: 574

January 20, 2007 - Saturday

For only 25$...

Current mood:completely broken

You can ever so swiftly shove a double barrel shotgun into my vagina as far as it can go and pull the triger.




Rubber Nipples...

03:08 Oct 04 2009
Times Read: 575

February 3, 2007 - Saturday

Rubber Nipples...

Current mood: drunk

Things are much better. I'm now an employee at Walgreens. I am happy and BLESSED in more fuckin ways than one. Thank the powers that be. At times I feel a shotgun the ole' vagi isn't such a bad idea, but for the most part I'm a well balanced individual.... damn titties mmm

Currently watching:

Ren & Stimpy - The Complete First and Second Seasons

Release date: 12 October, 2004





03:08 Oct 04 2009
Times Read: 576

March 9, 2007 - Friday


Current mood:Dead

I've had a bad cold for about 3 weeks now. 2 days ago it reached it's peak, I was sent home early because my manager could see I was almost dead. So I came home (Brandon was in Morehead, because he had a doctors appointment). I thought to myself "I'll do something about this today, I'll find some health clinic to go to". But every 30 minutes I'd pass out, then wake up and hack up some green stuff and go back to sleep. Around 7ish I woke up freezing cold with the heat on 85... I thought I was gonna die. I couldn't drive myself. Michele and Brandon were in Morehead, Kara's phone went straight to voicemail and when I called my mom she told me to tough it out until Brandon came back. So I call him crying in pain... he came here as soon as he could... and after some chest x-rays and a breathing treatment... they told me I had pneumonia. Death is preferable to living and feeling this bad... to a very small extent Kevorkian wasn't a bad man... he just wanted to end suffering.

Enough about me... I miss my Matt and Wiggy, Sasha, Zach & Misty and MattD. I have this satuday and sunday off, but where I'm so damn ill I'm afraid to visit anyone... I dont want yous bitches catchin this. I wanna have yous kids back up here too very soon.

TYPE-O-NEGATIVE! April 2nd at BOGARTS!!! CREAMIN my damn panties! SOOO EXCITED! My third favorite band up close and personal! Anyone thats also goin is welcome to stay at my place after the show if you'll be to tired to drive home... except Alex (but oh yeah, he doesn't drive). ALSO OZZFEST is FREE this summer! I haven't even looked at the dates yet... but I think I heard somewhere you can order 4 tickets per household... I think it'd be a REALLY kick ass road trip to try to do this summer if anyone's interested. Against Me! and Cursive is also playing at Bogarts on May 22nd!!!!! Me'n MattD tottally goin!

I miss my friends! and my brothers... mer.





03:08 Oct 04 2009
Times Read: 577

March 9, 2007 - Friday


Current mood:Dead

I've had a bad cold for about 3 weeks now. 2 days ago it reached it's peak, I was sent home early because my manager could see I was almost dead. So I came home (Brandon was in Morehead, because he had a doctors appointment). I thought to myself "I'll do something about this today, I'll find some health clinic to go to". But every 30 minutes I'd pass out, then wake up and hack up some green stuff and go back to sleep. Around 7ish I woke up freezing cold with the heat on 85... I thought I was gonna die. I couldn't drive myself. Michele and Brandon were in Morehead, Kara's phone went straight to voicemail and when I called my mom she told me to tough it out until Brandon came back. So I call him crying in pain... he came here as soon as he could... and after some chest x-rays and a breathing treatment... they told me I had pneumonia. Death is preferable to living and feeling this bad... to a very small extent Kevorkian wasn't a bad man... he just wanted to end suffering.

Enough about me... I miss my Matt and Wiggy, Sasha, Zach & Misty and MattD. I have this satuday and sunday off, but where I'm so damn ill I'm afraid to visit anyone... I dont want yous bitches catchin this. I wanna have yous kids back up here too very soon.

TYPE-O-NEGATIVE! April 2nd at BOGARTS!!! CREAMIN my damn panties! SOOO EXCITED! My third favorite band up close and personal! Anyone thats also goin is welcome to stay at my place after the show if you'll be to tired to drive home... except Alex (but oh yeah, he doesn't drive). ALSO OZZFEST is FREE this summer! I haven't even looked at the dates yet... but I think I heard somewhere you can order 4 tickets per household... I think it'd be a REALLY kick ass road trip to try to do this summer if anyone's interested. Against Me! and Cursive is also playing at Bogarts on May 22nd!!!!! Me'n MattD tottally goin!

I miss my friends! and my brothers... mer.




Object Funeral for Which she was Dressed...

03:07 Oct 04 2009
Times Read: 578

April 3, 2007 - Tuesday

Object Funeral for Which she was Dressed...

Current mood:I was in an ok mood until Mr. KillJoy came along

Ok, yesterday April 2nd... I went to see Type-O-Negative at Bogarts in Cinncinatti. In case you didn't know Type-O is my 3rd fav band... and they are ordered as such 1. Black Sabbath/ Ozzy, 2. Danzig, and 3. Type-O-Negative. So yesterday was a VERY big DAY for lil ole' me ya'll!

Ozzy has never really been a sex symbol type idol for me, he's more like a friend or dad. Danzig... I'd ride him 'till the sun came up (if I wasn't completely in love with Brandon), and 3 of the 4 members of Type-O- I'd love to love (to death) or just hang out with. Peter Steele actually posed in Play Girl... if that tells you anything. So yes I've seen all 3 of my favorite bands live.

The Show... the opening bands weren't so great... the first band Retribution... growel metal... bad but pretty damn hilarioius. The lead guitar player was an indian! so my thought was (MATT D!). The second band Brand New Sin ... more like a fun bar metal band. HOWEVER Type-O-Negative played all of their greats Love You to Death, We hate Everyone, Black No.1, their cover of Hey Joe, Christian Woman, Anesthesia, and a million other great songs EXCEPT My girlfriends Girlfriend and Wolfmoon. Everything was top notch but Peter is really showing his age, I believe he has nerve damage from some sort of drug use? He had to take several breaks during the show. Nonetheless I loved every moment of basking in the glory of the greatest band outta Brooklyn. MMMMMM happy Oh by the way did I mention I was FRONT ROW right in front of Kinny Hicky (the guitarist).




Elton John Knows....

03:07 Oct 04 2009
Times Read: 579

May 21, 2007 - Monday

Elton John Knows....

Current mood: ditzy

"I guess thats why they call it the blues. 'Cause time on my hands could be time spent with you". I'm sincerely the biggest schmoopster ever. I've heard that song 20 times over the past few days... and each time I tear up.




Through the thicket there is a clearing

03:06 Oct 04 2009
Times Read: 580

November 19, 2007 - Monday

Through the thicket there is a clearing

Current mood: thirsty

I need to bite my tongue more. Yet I need to remove my muzzle. I don't like being fake or "acting" like I enjoy or like something that I don't like or enjoy. I've never been a good ass kisser... even when I liked the ass I was kissing.

Words can hurt a krajillion times more than actions (I made up a word... I've never heard anyone say "krajillion"). I don't like to hurt people and I do not like to be hurt... but if a point must be made it must be made, just as a price will be paid. Either way to hold it back makes no head way for the desired change, and to let it out without a doubt there will be consequences.

So consequences I must accept.

Currently listening:

At Folsom Prison

By Johnny Cash

Release date: 19 October, 1999




What happened?

03:06 Oct 04 2009
Times Read: 581

December 4, 2007 - Tuesday

What happened?

I had a good blog... particuarly about Ozzy's birthday yesterday.... and It disapeared.........................................................




My foolish pride and your mouth...

03:05 Oct 04 2009
Times Read: 582

December 8, 2007 - Saturday

My foolish pride and your mouth...

Current mood: indifferent

I really want to type something MEAN... and let everyone know how I'm really feeling about things right now. Why is it that all of the "good times" I search for/ yearn for end up turrible unless the "good time" finds me so very unexpectedly.

I believe I play it tit for tat? I don't think my perspective is THAT warped when it comes to me and my faults.... I know I have them, a lot of them.

To spoon feed someone their own medicine... I hate my flavor. It's the holding them down and shoving it in their throat I have a problem with.

I is what I is....

Lifes for livin' so live live live... live it up.





03:04 Oct 04 2009
Times Read: 583

December 11, 2007 - Tuesday


Current mood: aroused

Christmas time... woot woot! I'm gettin more and more excited even though I have bought a total of 0 gifts SO FAR this year. This weekend however.... GIFTS A-BOUND (I hope). Working in retail sucks this time of year.

As for right now I work BOTH the eve and morning of Christmas. Somewhat bummed but I will fix it one way or another.....

ONE month from TODAY kids... I'll be FREE of the "no license" curse. It's a turrible turrible curse and I only wish it on a few of you. Jus' kiddin.. I dont wisht it on any one. My it's been a LONG 6 months.... almost long enough for a baby.

It may very well be lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you... but I DONT want to ride in no DAMN sleigh, especially with you (whom-ever-you-may-be) But I do want a belly filled with Jameson and armed with a mountain of snowballs and plenty of targets.... you game?

Currently watching:

Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle (Unrated Extended Edition)

Release date: 04 January, 2005





03:04 Oct 04 2009
Times Read: 584

December 11, 2007 - Tuesday


Current mood: aroused

Christmas time... woot woot! I'm gettin more and more excited even though I have bought a total of 0 gifts SO FAR this year. This weekend however.... GIFTS A-BOUND (I hope). Working in retail sucks this time of year.

As for right now I work BOTH the eve and morning of Christmas. Somewhat bummed but I will fix it one way or another.....

ONE month from TODAY kids... I'll be FREE of the "no license" curse. It's a turrible turrible curse and I only wish it on a few of you. Jus' kiddin.. I dont wisht it on any one. My it's been a LONG 6 months.... almost long enough for a baby.

It may very well be lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you... but I DONT want to ride in no DAMN sleigh, especially with you (whom-ever-you-may-be) But I do want a belly filled with Jameson and armed with a mountain of snowballs and plenty of targets.... you game?

Currently watching:

Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle (Unrated Extended Edition)

Release date: 04 January, 2005




I’m not a fan...

03:03 Oct 04 2009
Times Read: 585

December 14, 2007 - Friday

I’m not a fan...

I'm just not anymore... I don't know





Making the world a better place one cookie at a time.

03:03 Oct 04 2009
Times Read: 586

January 15, 2008 - Tuesday

Making the world a better place one cookie at a time.

Last night I literally was "all jacked up on moutain dew" because I hadn't had any caffine for literally 4 days. So I watched movies all night and finally marked one off the list... Stranger than Fiction.

The movie was boring in the most un-boring way. Will Ferrell's love interest in the movie went into a shpeal about how she'd went to Harvard Law and during her study sessions she'd bring cookies... and how much more productive the study session became and how her recipes became more perfected through out the semester however her grades dropped, and so did she, out of college.

She knew from that moment on that her cookies helped people. Whether it was just a smile on their face from tasting a freshly baked yummy cookie, or just having good food and being around friends. Her food brought happiness to people and that made her happy.

I bake cookies... and well from what I'm told.

Money and an education is important... but so is personal happiness.

Thick vs. Thin. Blood vs. Water.

The Beuro of Motor Vehicles vs. Megan Sloan.

My head has hung lower than ever before... our own personal punishment is far worse than any inflicted by any law, government official or critic. But my chin is a stern one and many blows it has taken and will be subject to further in this life...

I'm Megan... I like to bake cookies.




Why is my hair never black enough?

03:02 Oct 04 2009
Times Read: 587

January 23, 2008 - Wednesday

Why is my hair never black enough?

It's never ever black enough. Is this possibly a complex.... that L'oreal or Feria can't seem to fix. On the rare occassion when my mind is really altered I feel it's black enough... black enough to engulph you all.

I'm not diggin the sobriety thing right now if you you can't tell.




HardCore Freeks’n’Geeks

03:02 Oct 04 2009
Times Read: 588

March 2, 2008 - Sunday

HardCore Freeks’n’Geeks

Current mood: breezy

SO it's decided... I'm a weirdo... I've always been a weirdo.

The party scene... I couldn't give a fuck less about it

However partying with my people(s)- you know who you are... I was made to get fucked up, to fuck up, and just simply FUCK.

I'm ok with me right now... which is a rarity...

Broke as a joke, no liqour in my life today, nor a person to lay with... despite the fact that I do get held once a week.... which is more than some and way less than others... only a cigg in my hand and my plastic rings on my fingers to light up my day.

I'm the middle child... so therfore I seem destined to have a middle sized life I suppose.

-i'm out-





This coming monday, march 17th!

03:01 Oct 04 2009
Times Read: 589

March 10, 2008 - Monday

This coming monday, march 17th!

Current mood:IRISH

Is St. Patty's day!!!!!!!! WHO wants to try be more Irish than Me!?!?! I'll drink all of yo arses under the table!!!! wooooooooo!!!!!




Daughter of Rambo

03:00 Oct 04 2009
Times Read: 590

March 16, 2008 - Sunday

Daughter of Rambo

Current mood: cantankerous

That should be an addition to the many sequals... and I should play the part. (Not really, some really hot, built, half vietnamese half Stalone lookin gal should play the part)

In the second Rambo movie he meets that vietnamese chick.. they become friends and he protects her... well what if "they got it on"... and years later his daughter surfaced. She’s born a fighter too... fighting to survive, fighting to serve and protect what she loves and stands for. Bah... I think the idea has major potential to make one hell of a bad-ass movie. Everybody loves that hot badass chick that kills in all the good ways... big guns, explosions, lots of blood and guts, not to mention some hot t’n’a to go along with it.

Seriously John R. Rambo is my biggest hero of all time. I wish I could be more like him.

On a darker note: I play with fake blood enough, I REALLY wonder what it would be like to have some real blood on these hands. That wet, dry, sticky feeling of someone elses blood... Not saying I want to become a killer or anything like that but there’s so much corruption in every system, and in every corner of life. I want to be the one to make the corrections.

I just read that a person (that knew a long long time ago) was busted for having a meth-lab. Her sentence was 2 years probabtion, not even a loud a speeding ticket, and a fine of $150. Then you look at someone like me, I’ve never seen or been anywhere near a meth lab (to my knowledge) but I get 2 d.u.i’s.... I’m slapped with a $800 fine, 7 days in jail, and a total of 1yr. and 6 months with no drivers lisence, not to mention the court costs and a reinstatment fee of $425, and $250 to take a d.u.i class.

If you haven’t seen the latest of the Rambo saga.... it’s fucking awesome. Here’s the trailer. I want a drink

... Live for nothing, or die for something...




My acceptance speech...

02:59 Oct 04 2009
Times Read: 591

April 10, 2008 - Thursday

My acceptance speech...

Current mood: full

Defeated I am not. Only stifeled in my self growth -OR-possibly a new chapter has begun. I accept the rut I have dug for myself.

My heart... a heart of mush... my brain not far from the same matter.

Some people will condem me, some will view my choice as defeat, some believe that this is the wiser choice thoughs of which are ecstatic.

My back itches and itches yet no one to scratch it... the ones who would want to scratch it are an hour away. My family, my Brandon, a few select friends....

So maybe I was too much for Lexington.... or maybe Lexington was too much for me. Within the move my heart had so much hope, so young, the future a head of me. Maybe some how my heart died of a broken heart disease... if you listen through the cemetary trees...

I must do what will make me happy... leaving my job WILL NOT make me happy. Despite my momentary lapse of reason leaving my Brandon certainly did not and WILL NOT make me happy, so I have found.

I feel old. Where am I headed? Oh, wait... back to Morehead, right where I began.

Wheres my: sex, my drugs, my rock'n'roll. All of those middle school dreams tucked under a stack of shit, a heaping pile of shit that only I can smell.




Best laid plans this side of morehead

02:57 Oct 04 2009
Times Read: 592

The best laid plans this side of Morehead...

Current mood:schmoopy

…Have fallen far from my grasp. I don't think I held on as tight as I should have, in fact I know I didn't. "I get knocked down but I get up again"… and I do, it's just now that I'm older it seems to take me longer to stand on my own than it did before.

I'm trying hard not to resent this bowl of popcorn, it's not quite buttery enough for my taste and this cup of kool aid is nowhere near an Ale-8, but it'll have to do.

Many comments have been made "you're not drinking like you used to", well no I'm not. My "wild" or lack thereof has been submerged in this shell. Tucked away for a while, but not for good. I'm just sooo lost without Sho-Nuf' at my fingertips. I hate depending on other people to drive me places. I hate paying for cabs. I hate going out and not being able to leave when I'm ready to leave. I feel like my balls have been cut off, or like I just woke up in a bath tub filled with ice and a huge stitched up gash in my side.

My pina colada song… Everybody Loves Raymond. I can watch and escape for a decent 30 minutes or so and pretend to be a part of that family. I used to watch Ozzy videos and pretend to be some major part of the act whenever I wanted to escape. I guess I'm growing up. OR maybe I'm becoming more warped in some way? You call that one.

I'll never not adore Ren & Stimpy, Rocko, Doug, poop, nerds rope… the Last Unicorn. In that sense I'll always be a kid.

The greatest rock on which I have ever stood… Brandon. It's been almost 4 years. We've had our share of shit, ups and downs and curve balls thrown in our paths. Our love does still stand strong and true.

"But of all these friends and lovers there is no one who compares with you

And these memories lose their meaning when I think of love as something new

Though i know Ill never lose affection for people and things that went before

I know I'll often stop and think about them in my life I love you more"……………. doo do doo dooo do do dooo



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