MeanMeanMrTu's Journal


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5 entries this month

Take Your Lumps Part 2

05:43 Mar 31 2012
Times Read: 596

Rosie’s statement that bullying is learned at home has/had me thinking and after careful consideration I have come to the conclusion…that this idea…is absolutely…without a doubt…wrong.

Oh ho ho ho…I know…I know…you want my deductive reasoning on this conclusion and so you shall have it! Get ready to have your world turned upside down “Pro Bullying’s Learned At Home” idealists!

The hunting isn’t good this year for Mr. and Mrs. Hawk…but…they have a pair of offspring to feed. Since there is only enough food for one of them…the stronger will bully the weaker…taking all the food…peck the weaker’s head…(peck peck peck). This wasn’t taught to the stronger offspring…this bullying is nature…this bullying is survival of the fittest. It is natural…part of life.

Now we have Mr. Walrus…Mr. Walrus is horny…it is time to spread his seed and Mr. Walrus will bully…if he can…all the other Walrus away from his potential mate. Alright…I have to concede…this behavior was probably learned from watching as a pup…but…even as pups Walrus naturally know about bullying…establishing the “Alpha” male…the hierarchy…this is nature and natural. He simply applies this knowledge as an adult and his conquest for sex.

Even Blind Mole Rats…have two Blind Mole Rats come across a juicy worm simultaneously and there’s going to be some bullying going on!

In every specie bullying happens…it’s natural…it’s part of the creature…it’s how the hierarchy is established. It’s how a creature finds its place in that system. “The Alpha Male”…”The Alpha Female”…those titles are found in every specie and only bullying can establish it.

What? Oh come on…you ladies bully with the best of them! There are many different types of bullying…a harsh word…a putdown…establishing one’s own little click and excluding others…that is all bullying and to be quite frank…you ladies are much more efficient at bullying than men.

As I stated in my last post…bullying never ends…one will experience and deal with it their whole life. It’s inescapable…bullying is eternal…you can’t get rid of it…so….GET OVER IT AND MOVE ON!




Take Your Lumps

04:36 Mar 31 2012
Times Read: 601

First…do not think that this is me whining…I’m not. Second…do not think this is an attempt at gaining sympathy…it is not. This is simply factual information that has a point.

I have buried a child of mine. I know divorce. I have starved in my life time…for years…and I do mean…starved. I know what it is like to be arrested and handcuffed. I know what it’s like to have my ass handed to me everyday playing football…I know the beatings. I know bullying and beatings at an intimate level most of you will never experience, or could possibly understand. I know how the outsider feels…that is where I’ve lived all my life. I know what it’s like to discover betrayal from those trusted. I know what a tooth extraction feels like without aid of pain killer, or anesthetic of any kind. I know bullying during school years…I know the sick feeling of getting on a school bus. I suppose if I sat here and contemplated I could come up with more unpleasant experiences that have made themselves known to me over the course of my life…but…I think that’s enough for my point.

Most of that I experienced before I was 25 years of age. Do you know what they did for me? Do you know their value? They gave me a base for comparison. They gave me the knowledge that I could survive damn near anything. From 25 years old on…when a perceived catastrophe appeared…I had a reference point of it’s true value. I could stop and think…*Is this worse than starving for years?*…and every time I could answer myself…no. Insert any of the bad events that helped shape my life and the answer came back…no. And there was the key word…”Shaped”.

Those events made me mentally tough and baby…in this world one better be that.

What are you doing to your children? Why are you obsessed about clearing life’s road for them? You are not preparing them for real life. You seem to believe if you can eliminate bullying from school that they won’t encounter such the rest of their lives. They will. A work place’s management…the Government…a mate…the guy that wanted that same parking space…bullying continues…it doesn’t stop. Why do you deny them the experience to learn to deal with it? You can’t run interference for them their whole life…you’re shaping weak minded individuals. Is that what you want them to be as adults?

We have become a “Catch Phrase Society”…I don’t believe for one second a child killed themselves simply because of some bullying at school…there had to be much deeper problems than that involved. You can’t stop bullying…but…you can teach someone how to deal with it.

It’s heart breaking to watch your children face the unpleasant events of life…I know that as well…but…one has to realize at the same time they are becoming stronger…they are growing up…let them take their lumps…let them have their reference points…let them know hard so they can appreciate easy.



04:43 Mar 31 2012

Very true.


Puckered Brown Things In The Morning

11:46 Mar 22 2012
Times Read: 618

Finally...FINALLY...FREEDOM...FREEEEEDOM! I was off work and skipping joyfully through the parking lot to my car...jumped in and lit up a soothing cigarette...~puffs and exhales~....ahhhhhhhhhh. You see...I can't smoke at work...so...when I get off it's time to nicotine up...baby! God...I love smoking...so relaxing...these little babies have saved a lot of lives let me tell you!

I was feeling relaxed and a tad bit lazy as I maneuvered my way through the thoroughfares of Fremont Ohio...contemplating the big question of the morning...what am I going to eat for breakfast?! Getting out of the car and away from my little buddies ~puff puff puff~ was out of the question...so...gnat hovered hotdogs at Speedway were not on the menu!

That left just one acceptable eatery...one place that satisfied all the criteria...McDonalds! YAY! A Sausage McMuffin With Egg...a delicious Hashbrown and a Breakfast Burrito (no sauce)! Hot Damn!

There I sat in line waiting for my breakfast...~puff puff puff~...*Jesus hurry up!* I thought...~puff puff puff~...5 minutes pass...*Goddamnit*...~puff puff puff~...*What the fluke did this person in front of me order?*...9 minutes pass...~puff puff puff~...*If they forget my hashbrown...*...~puff puff puff~.

FINALLY the woman manning the window leans way out and hands the person in the car in front of me a...coffee. That's it...a coffee...~pinches bridge of nose and slowly exhales~.

I pull up to the window with my $5 and a dime in hand...it used to be $5 even but it's went up a dime lately...THANKS OBAMA!

I look at her and she looks at me...~puff puff puff~...she opens the window just enough to get her hand and arm out...she snatches my $5 then quickly pulls her arm and hand in and shuts the window. I yell at her through the window..."I have a dime!"...she opens the window...again...just enough to get her arm and hand out...palm up...and I drop the dime into her hand...she quickly pulls her arm and hand back in and shuts the window.

*What the fluke is this woman doing?* I think...*it's not cold and I know she doesn't give a fat rat's ass if I'm angry at a 15 minute wait...what's this window crap?*...~puff puff puff~.

I watch her put my order together in the bag...*ALL RIGHT...SHE REMEMBERED MY HASHBROWN!*...she opens the window just enough to get her arm and hand...that's holding my bag...out and thrusts it at me. I look at her and she looks at me...that's when it hit me.

She is doing this barely open window gig because I am smoking! WHAT...THE...FLUKE!?!? I'm in my cars atmosphere...she's in the smoke free interior of McDonalds atmosphere...there's probably 4 feet of breezy Mother Nature between us and she feels threatened by second hand smoke?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!

Let me give you Anti Smoking Nazis a little advice...please...keep pushing...because one of these days a smoker is going to snap on you and you are going to take an ass whipping!




Trickle Down Zebra

04:23 Mar 17 2012
Times Read: 630

There are species that survive by following another species…such as the Arctic Fox and the Polar Bear. Little Foxy knows that sooner or later Mr. Polar Bear is going to make a kill and after said bear gorges itself there will be scraps left for him. Certain species of birds do this as well…flock and stay in the areas of large predators. The Mighty Lion will take down a Zebra…perhaps a Gnu or two…and after his gorging a bevy of other species will eat the leftovers…a Hyena…Vultures and other feathered scavengers…even the earth itself is eventually nourished by the remains…this all is natural…this all is nature…this all is Trickle Down Economics…which from here on in this post will be known as…TDE.

As you can see…TDE…is a natural system of life…a system that sustains a vast animal and plant population. All Ronald Regan did was name this natural system…gave it a catchy little name…Trickle Down Economics. He…nor…The Right…nor…The Left…invented it…TDE is the natural way of all life.

When I see posts ridiculing this system…TDE…when I see an effort made to project the idea that TDE is some type of evil system designed to make the rich richer and the poor poorer…I have to scratch my head and wonder how that simian brain came to such a conclusion…have they really pondered how life works? Have they taken the time to analyze…logically deduce…their very own existence? Perhaps the truth of TDE is too obvious…perhaps they cannot see the forest…they only see a tree.

Give me a moment please and I’ll…once again…don my Rational Thinking Cap…~Pushes hair back…slips the RTC (Rational Thinking Cap) on head…securely fastens leather chin strap…adjusts level to 11 (Obligatory Spinal Tap reference)…reaches down and flips the “On” switch.~. Ohhhh…*beep beep beep beep*…*beep beep beep*…MY GOD…I can feel the rational coursing…*beep beep beep*…through my brain!! All lobes firing at maximum capacities!! Corpus Callosum…HOT! Hippocampus…HOT! Parietal Lobe…HOT HOT HOT!!! I’M GETTING AN ERECTION! I’M GETTING AN ERECTION!!! JUST STICK IT IN…*runs in circles*…SOMEWHERE!!!! WHAT’S GOING ON?! WHAT YEAR IS IT?! WERE WE TAKLING?! I’LL BE BACK (Obligatory “Terminator” reference)…IN THREE MINUTES FLAT!

Whewwww…I dialed the RTC down to 8…alright…I realize you don’t have an RTC…but…please…PLEASE…do try and keep up.

My company pays me money…they pay me money to basically work every night ( Ha ha) making batteries for them. You see that’s my money…that money (Other than what the Government steals from me) I can do with what I wish. See…here’s where TDE starts. My money goes to…trickles down to…a cavalcade of others…the grocery store…the bar…my landlord…Mr. Tobacco…Mr. Pepsi…Mr. Fudge Stripe…Mr. BP…Mrs. Hooker (I wish)…and many…many…others.

Now here’s the tricky part for some to understand…all those entities my money trickled down to…well…they have employees just like me and all their money…which comes from the trickling down of my money…trickles down in just the same way…in fact…some of those people actually buy batteries from time to time and that money…that originally started trickling down from me…actually comes back to my company and the whole TDE system starts all over again! I know…it’s kooky!

Oh ho ho ho…don’t try it! Do…Not…Try…It! You are going to say…”What about people on Welfare…they don’t have jobs to make money to trickle down! That’s unfair!”…well…remember that money the Government steals from me every week? They (The Government) trickles down that money to them. YES…my money trickles down all over the goddamn place! Even those Welfare Recipients participate in TDE…they are going to spend my tickle down money somewhere…the Crack House…Mr. Twinkie…Mr. Cheeto…and you know what? All those recipients trickle down that money…it simply starts all over again as it does for you and I.

See? Do you see now? There is no top and bottom to TDE…TDE is a perpetual system…a natural system. No…you are wrong…even without money we would still have TDE…I have proven this with the Mighty Lion example…no…even a Barter System would behave just as TDE…”You trickle down that body on me sweetheart and I’ll give you this potato so you don’t starve to death.”. There’s no escaping that natural system of TDE. One’s only choice is where one wants to sit within that system…life…The Lion…The Zebra…or The Vulture…that is determined by…you.

TDE…again…is a natural system…the ONLY system…if you…whoever you are…have another way…well…I would be very interested for you to come in this post and explain it…just as I have explained and proven…without a shadow of doubt…TDE.



Oh…forgive me gentlemen…*powers down the RTC…~WWHHhhhIIiiiiiirrrrrrrrrs~…*. That more to your liking my little demons?

Michael…”FLUKE YEAH!”.

Mr. Tu…”Thank you good Sir!”.




Cold Dead Hands

12:38 Mar 16 2012
Times Read: 648

See…with the advancement of psychology in our times…the unraveling of the human condition… we know…WE KNOW…women are something like 60 to 80% emotional…therefore…leaving the remaining 20 to 40% sexual. This is indisputable…set in stone...end…of…story. This knowledge has provoked a curious revelation in my…~points to head~…consciousness.

~Lights a cigarette and begins snacking on a Fudge Stripe~…This means that on/in…*munch munch munch*…the dating sites…women are getting 60 to 80% of their needs met! All the messages? All the “Come Ons”? All the attention? Message after message after message! Fueling that female ego? Flattery? Even satisfying that naughty side we all damn well know you have. Naughty messages…disgusting sexual advances…(come on…we know even though in the main you find such horrible…there’s a little part of you that is flattered…*winks*.). Multitudes…cavalcades…hordes of men constantly vying for your attention. Considering your 60 to 80% emotional make up…that must be very…VERY…satisfying. Hell…just looking at your Inbox without even reading a single message must damn near bring you to orgasm.

This revelation brings yet another revelation…~sweeps crumbs onto the floor~. Why in the name of all that’s Holy would a woman want to leave the online dating sites? She’s getting 60 to 80% of her needs met there and the other 20 to 40% can be satisfied with a bar of chocolate and a vibrator! No fuss no muss! When and if she wants! No man badgering…cajoling and bribing for sex. No hassles…plus she doesn’t have to put up with a stumblebum for a lover. With a little imagination…a Hersey bar…her inbox and Bob…she has it all! She doesn’t need a man in her life…a man that will want her to leave the dating sites…a single man that cannot begin to compete with the massive volume of flattery she has become accustomed to.

Oh sure…sure…the Walt Disney Effect will still beckon her from time to time…that happy ending…perhaps a gentleman to wine and dine her every now and again…perhaps when Christmas…Valentines Day…or a birthday is near a real life man might be preferred…BUT…in the main…guys…we have been replaced! 60 to 80% of their needs met right there…right there on their screens…Jesus.

Oh I can hear you women like bees in my brain…”How…HOW…Mr. Tu can you be so sure of these revelations?!”…fair enough question…let me tell you.

If you…ladies…are getting 60 to 80% of your needs met…that means…for a man…online…he is only getting 20 to 40%...Ahhhhh ha ha ha haaaa…alright…alright…let’s be honest here…he is only getting 10 to 15% of his needs met!

Now…let’s pretend that a man can get…in the name of fairness…he can actually get…80% of his needs met on/in an online dating site. That means a vagina and a pair of breasts would fly out of his monitor and he could do as he pleased! Can…You…Fluken…Imagine! A vagina and a pair of breasts flying out of a monitor?! Valhalla!

Again now…if this were real…if a man could get 80% of his needs met on/in an online dating site by a vagina and a pair of breasts flying out of his monitor…well…how many dinners do you think he would be taking women to? Huh? How many?

“You can take my computer when you can pry it from my cold…dead…hands.”

~Bites another Fudge Stripe~



12:57 Mar 16 2012

Men, have..needs?

15:21 Mar 16 2012

Not many...but...yes!

15:24 Mar 16 2012


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