Mdmgodiva's Journal


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17 entries this month

Your Friend

04:58 Mar 14 2006
Times Read: 700

I see that look on you everyday.

The disappointment that sweeps over you.

I feel as though I've done something wrong.

Or maybe it's something I've said.

I feel this relentless tug at my heart.

I want to help you but don't know how.

You distance yourself from me.

I'm further from your heart.

There's nothing I can do,

Nothing I can say to make a smile come back to your sweet face.

Disappointment, pain seeping through your eyes.

I don't think you will ever realize.

The hurt, the tears that I cry.

It's like I feel your pain.

There's nothing to hide.

I can't do any thing about it.

I can't make it better for you.

I'm just wishing you'll find your way through.

Please understand I just want to help.

Seeing that broken soul,

Those cold dark eyes.

You don't see the pain you've stricken up inside.

One day you may realize some things you say hurt.

I'm just trying to be a friend,

Someone there for you to count on.

It feels like you don't really think of me as a friend.

Just give me a chance and I'll do my best.




How Do I Make You Happy?

01:46 Mar 12 2006
Times Read: 705


How do I make you happy?

What do I have to do?

I've told you all that could be sappy,

Told you all that had to do with me too.

I don't know what you want to hear,

Told you all that I knew!

I don't want for you sneer,

Saying we should wait it through.

You say I should give it a chance.

Why when I feel like this?

Try looking at it from my stand.

This is a door I'll have to miss.

Not meaning to hurt you,

Not even to make it weird.

But always know this much is true,

Something I'll never want you hear

Is I hate you!





I Know You

18:56 Mar 10 2006
Times Read: 716

Coshed . Ultimate Myspace Resource!Divider by Coshed.com

I'm here for everything.

I see it all.

I know what you think.

I know when you fall.

You act as though you don't trust me.

But actions say very differently.

I'm not sure you know what to think,

To think of me and my ways.

It's almost as if I make you wonder

What am I really up to?

Your words question me.

Your voice makes me quiver.

I'm not sure what you want from me.

I know know what you expect.

Sometimes, your words scare me.

Sometimes, they make me want to stray.

Your silence around me makes me curious.

What do you really think of me?

What do you really know?

Knowing nothing about me,

You make statements so untrue.

Making me wonder about you.

You're so mysterious in most of all you do.

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12:30 Mar 10 2006
Times Read: 719

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I'm confused and scared.

Consoled and ashamed.

I'm afraid of all of it.

My moods don't change with the tides.

I can be considerate.

Consumed by passion.

I love deeply every day.

My love will never fade away.

I'm not self - indulged.

Not too into myself.

I'm careful of all things around me.

My social skills are slim to none.

I don't really socialize.

Scared of those who judge.

I'm not anti - social but avoidant.

My fear of rejection keeps me in solitude.

I have a deep interest in music.

Music fills my life and is my world.

It expresses all that I am.

My interest in this reflects me dearly.

I try to care but sometimes, lack such affection.

Trying to understand one's pain and falling short.

I'm called cold - hearted because no one tries to relate.

My deepest cut, being called cold by a few held so dear.

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Lost Friend

12:18 Mar 10 2006
Times Read: 721

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Why must I run into so much confusion?

How can this be so hard on me?

Does it work like this for everyone?

I'm tired of feeling so... tired.

Why is this happening to me?

How is life so hard now?

Does it have to be so hard all the time?

I'm sick of this life, this frustration.

Why can't I make this work?

How will this end?

Does this get any easier down the line?

I'm done with being let down, disappointed for nothing.

Why do I deal with this cruel world?

How will this excitement end me?

Does this really go any where now?

I'm through with silly games of infatuation.

Why do you like this charade?

How will it be when the masks come off?

Does this really do anything for you?

I can't tell if you really want this any longer.

Why did things change, the way you treat me?

How is it going to be when it ends?

Does this mean no more friendship, talks of hope?

I don't want to lose a friend over brief moments of ecstacy.

Coshed . Ultimate Myspace Resource!Divider by Coshed.com




Go Away

12:11 Mar 10 2006
Times Read: 723

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I wish I could go away.

Long gone from anyone.

I hate it here.

Nothing but pain and anger

Thrown my way.

I want to go away.

Far away from anything here.

I hate how it seems everyone's always mad at me.

I wish I could die.

Die and forget all this.

I want to go away.

I wish this were over.

That everyone could understand.

I didn't mean to hurt anyone.

Didn't mean to make everyone mad.

I need a way out.

A place to find happiness, peace.

Atleast to find solitude.

I need to be locked away from everyone.

Need to go away forever.

I wish I could change it.

I wish I could make it different.

All I seem to do is make it worse.

All I seem to do is make this hell!

I need to change.

I have to go away.

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I Don't Know What To Think

12:05 Mar 10 2006
Times Read: 727

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I don't know what to think.

Or really how to feel.

I don't know what you think of me.

If it's fake or if it's real.

I don't know if you'd lie to me.

Do you always tell the truth?

I don't know how to feel with you.

You're definetly no an "open book".

Your soul is like a diary,

No one's allowed to read.

Your smile, like a huge secret

That no one can keep.

You're mysterious and deep.

Secretive adn deceitful.

I wish I could read your thoughts.

I wish I knew just what you see in me.

Coshed . Ultimate Myspace Resource!Divider by Coshed.com




You Hide

12:00 Mar 10 2006
Times Read: 729

Coshed . Ultimate Myspace Resource!Divider by Coshed.com

The secrets you hide.

The scars that won't heal.

My eyes cry out for you.

No one hears my tears.

I'm not sure what to think.

Or even what to feel.

I wish I could heal that secret pain.

Wish I could take away your shame.

The light in your eyes.

Reflects cold, dark secrets.

You show me nothing.

Your heart, as cold as ice.

To have your trust.

To share your pain.

I love your thoughts.

I love your pain./

Coshed . Ultimate Myspace Resource!Divider by Coshed.com




How Could You?

11:56 Mar 10 2006
Times Read: 731

Coshed . Ultimate Myspace Resource!Divider by Coshed.com

How do you do it?

You treat me like a dog.

But only when they're around.

You give your friends more respect and concern than me.

I'm tired of always feeling like crap.

I'm tired of your pushing and munipulating.

I feel like trash but you don't care.

Feel like I've been thrown away at your expense.

You're always cockier around them.


Why do I deserve this and I'm always faithful?

But they don't, even though they always talk about you?

Why do I get placed at a lower value?

Why do I get this treatment?

I hate you, everything you do.

I'm tired of feeling worthless.

Just as I start to feel good!

Geez I'm tired of this so

Why can't I leave?

Always held back, disappointed.

I'm sick of this reaction,

Like I'm the bad one in this situation.

I can't get a break, not at all.

I hate this life.

Life of a fool, coward, and a worthless person.

Coshed . Ultimate Myspace Resource!Divider by Coshed.com




What You Do

11:49 Mar 10 2006
Times Read: 734

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Scared to death of all you do.

You could control me with the snap of your fingers.

Bring me life with your sweet voice.

Hurl death upon me with a flick of your wrist.

Your words bring about my darkest fears.

They could deliver to me a feeling so dear.

You don't realize what you could do.

The pain you make, the love you use.

I'm guessing all of this is part of my demise.

Nothing could be left of me.

Your cuts and wounds are all that's left.

Cold and cruel, this is what you've done to me.

Selfish, flawless is all that is you.

Alone and depraved. Childish and scarred.

This is what you've left me with.

This is what I'm reduced to.

This is what you do.

Coshed . Ultimate Myspace Resource!Divider by Coshed.com




You Say

11:43 Mar 10 2006
Times Read: 736

Coshed . Ultimate Myspace Resource!Divider by Coshed.com

You say you love me.

You say you care.

But how can I tell

When you're never there?

You way you want

To stay with me.

But still I'm here

Without you near me.

You say you want

To understand.

I'm tired of feeling

Like the one night stand.

You say you need me

In your life.

But now I'm scared

To be your wife.

You say that it

Will change in time.

But I believe

It's just one big lie.

You say you really

Need me around you.

But now I see

We need to be through!

Coshed . Ultimate Myspace Resource!Divider by Coshed.com




Our Love

11:40 Mar 10 2006
Times Read: 738

Coshed . Ultimate Myspace Resource!Divider by Coshed.com

You say you love me but how can I tell?

All you do is put me through this daily hell.

My love is quickly growing slim.

The light I once sought for is getting dim.

Growing old, not recognizing my face.

Our love is leaving, without a trace.

I don't know what happened to the youth I had.

I used to be so happy with you, so glad.

My spirit is fading, going away.

I feel my faith leading astray.

All the hope and love lost from this place.

Only praying for an amazing grace.

Something to lift me higher than this.

Hoping I won't get another deadly kiss.

Soon we'll see if this love will last,

Or will it be another thing of the past?

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What Have I Done?

11:33 Mar 10 2006
Times Read: 740

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What have I done?

What can I do?

Now I think we're finally through.

What have I done?

What can I do?

I can't believe I get worried about you.

What have I done?

What can I do?

I hope you don't do something foolish too.

What have I done?

What can I do?

I wish there were an easier way for you to get what's due.

What have I done?

What can I do?

I think I'm happy we're actually through.

Coshed . Ultimate Myspace Resource!Divider by Coshed.com




My Disease (Pleasure And Pain)

00:39 Mar 09 2006
Times Read: 754

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This scares me.

I don't know how to control it

Nor what to do with it!

Help me find my way out.

You completely confuse me

This is really scary.

The passion overwhelmes me.

The silence deeply wounds me.

I understand the secrecy.

Still, what are you ashamed of?

Does this bother you?

Is this on your mind as much as it is my own?

Sure it's not, your different.

You do this kind of thing all the time.

It has no effect on you other than a brief moment of passion and pleasure mixed.

Ah what a great mixture though.

It boils me up and makes me want more.

With every touch. With every blinding moan.

I feel you touch me and I melt in your hands.

You could get me to do any thing.

Just give me another second of this joy.

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The Silent Death

00:27 Mar 09 2006
Times Read: 756

Coshed . Ultimate Myspace Resource!Divider by Coshed.com

You don't realize the effect you have.

The words you say, the hurt you place.

The silent death you give to me.

You don't see the hate in my eyes.

Every crushing word, every failed action.

The judgement, the cruelty.

I know you're trying to help.

But all you're doing is killing me.

I wish you'd give me a break.

Wish I had a way out.

You don't realize what you do to me.

Don't realize the way you kill me.

Killing me silently with your words.

Killing me here with your disease.

Coshed . Ultimate Myspace Resource!Divider by Coshed.com




What Now?

22:00 Mar 08 2006
Times Read: 761

Coshed . Ultimate Myspace Resource!Divider by Coshed.com

What now?

Was the last pain-fest not good enough?

Did you not hurt me enough last time?

Why can't you just leave me alone?

Give me something different to feel.

What now?

Was my last cry for help not loud enough?

Did you not care enough to help me?

Why can't you pull me through this?

Give me something to have hope for.

What now?

Was my last try for us not hard enough?

Did I not make you happy yet?

Why can't I feel free of this depression?

Give me something that I actually want!

What now?

Was that the best you have?

Did you really want to try?

Why can't I see you wanting better?

Give me something to have faith in!

What now?

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All You

21:56 Mar 08 2006
Times Read: 763

Coshed . Ultimate Myspace Resource!Divider by Coshed.com

Your gentle touch.

Your sweet kiss.

Your hands on top of me.

So gentle, sending chills down my spine.

Your fingers, rolling across me.

Your body inside of me.

Your intensity in your voice.

Giving me the best high I've ever known.

Your hair falling across my face.

Your whispers in my ear.

Your breathe, hot on my skin.

Making me want you farther in me.

Your flesh all over my own.

Your parts creeping into mine.

Your voice, so pleasing.

Your mouth, so inviting.

Everything I've wanted, a reality.

Coshed . Ultimate Myspace Resource!Divider by Coshed.com



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