MasterShadow's Journal


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2 entries this month

The BDSM Lifestyle, an ongoing article.

18:16 Dec 08 2007
Times Read: 663

Where to start? First off, I'll start by explaining what We are NOT. We are NOT a bunch of crazed, homicidal killers hellbent on taking Our past issues out on others, nor are We abused, sick individuals who only find worth being abused and mistreated as We were in the past. We are also not the "Tie Me Down And Fuck Me" group so popularised in such magazines as Playboy, Penthouse, or Hustler.

That being said, let's talk about what We are about. First off, as Dominants, We care very much for Our slaves. THey are valuable members of Our household, with feelings, rights, and responsibilities, just like everybody else.

Many think that a slave, or sub is just someone to boss around, without care or consideration to the sub or slave's feelings and physical health. THis is not so. In everything, the sub or slave's physical, emotional, and mental health are taken into regard. It would hardly do any good to order a slave or sub to do something that is impossible for hem to accomplish. THis would only serve to frusterate the slave, and lower their self image, since it is in their heart to serve, and please.

As a Dominant, I have become responsible for another's life, literally. I (Or We, in this case) call the shots. Everything from when to go to bed to what to study in school, so to speak, becomes Our responsibility. He growth of Our slaves or subs depend on it. As Dominants it is up to Us to make sure they grow, mature, and become more than they were. It is up to Us to set goals, boundries, and limits. Within these limits, the sub or slave know they are safe, protected, and encouraged to explore.

One of the things that is required in Our House is the exploration of self. We expect the slave or sub to get to know themselves better. We expect them to explore all facets of their lives, and come to accept themselves wholly, without reserve. Acceptance of others is wonderful, but acceptance of self even more important.

More soon...............

SINcerely in Leather,

Master Shadow.





Master's Pleasure

17:56 Dec 05 2007
Times Read: 663

As I place you upon the cross, I already know in my mind that

which I will do. My hands deftly fastening the cuffs, first

wrist, then ankle, I whisper in your ear of my love for you,

my respect for the gift you have given so freely. I dispell

your fears.

My hands glide softly over your exposed flesh, feeling

it respond under them with a slight quivering as they explore

every inch of your body lovingly.

My lips seek out yours in a fervent kiss, tongue sliding

past yours to dance within your warm mouth as my hands seek

out the moistness that is you.

I feel the sudden intake of breath, the shuddering exhale

as your need is brought forth, and the racing of your heart

as you prepare. A soft moan escapes you.

Stepping back, I place the fur mitt upon my hand, to explore

you further, the fur softly carressing you as it travels,

bringing the blood closer to the surface of your skin, the

nerves coming to life below its softness.

Placing the mitt on the table, I whisper "Ready?".

A soft nod of your head answers me as I pick up the rope flogger,

and take my stance. The rope falls leave my hand as they land

upon your creamy skin, first softly, then slowly with more

force as they land repeatedly upon your back, bringing

a pinkness slowly to the surface.

Exchanging the rope flogger for elkskin, I slowly slide

the leather over your shoulders, the smell of the leather

strong with its scent. You shudder slightly in anticipation

as the falls slowly traverse your skin.

Taking my stance again, the elkskin slides through the

air, to land upon the already pinkened flesh with a whack,

the sound seemingly loud in the room.

The leather repeatedly touches your skin, bringing a warmth

to it, as the impacts grow stronger, stinging slightly

at first, then becoming stronger as the strikes become

harder, your back becoming red with it. Your breathing

deepening as the scene progresses towards that which you

seek above all else at this moment, subspace.

Stopping suddenly, you feel my hands gently upon you, running

over your back, their warmth seemingly stronger against

the now sensetive skin. You inhale deeply as my lips find

yours, calming, and reassuring.

I whisper in your ear of the pleasure which you have brought

me, the love I feel for you, and the pride I take in ownership

of one such as you, able to give so much, but asking so little

in return, it seems.

Softly I ask "Ready?". You nod in answer, whispering

"I love You, Master" softly, almost to soft

to be heard. Kissing you gently upon the neck, I take my place

again, this time the cowhide flogger within my grasp as

I ready myself.

The first few blows are slow, gentle and deliberate, allowing

you to adjust, then become stronger, the sting greater,

more pronounced as the falls land.

Repeatedly they strike, over and over, bringing you ever

closer to subspace with every strike, your back becoming

darker red with the bloodflow to the skin. Your breathing

becoming deep and more rapid, bringing in the pain, allowing

it to flow through your body and mind like a wind, unstoppable,

and unchanging, always there as you slowly become giddy

with it.

Your world seems to suddenly tilt slightly, then right

itself as the endorphins slowly build within. Your breathing

becoming sometimes ragged in your ears, a soft moan escapes

your lips unbidden. Sweat breaks out on your brow and face.

The room seems suddenly warm. You tremble, knowing it wont

be long now.

Slowly the flogger is set down, quietly, to be replaced

with the matched and balanced set. The leather seems to

sing to you as it slowly travels through the air, first one

flogger, then the other, as time seems to slow. Every sense

seemingly heightened as the florentine flogging begins,

the leather almost appears to be there against your skin

constantly. Your world tilts slowly again, and your breathing,

hot and heavy sounds loud in your ears. The feeling of the

leather cuffs almost reassuring at this point, knowing

they will not let you fall, holding you safely and securely,

almost lovingly comforting you with their presence.

Suddenly my hands are there again, caressing. When did

the leather stop landing? You can't seem to remember.

Time has stopped meaning anything, the sensations within

your body having taken over. A warm comfortable feeling

seems to suffuse you, and Masters hands are there again,

showing through their touch love and admiration. Lips

softly meet your shoulder as a kiss lands gently upon you.

Softly a voice asks "Ready?". You answer quietly,

"Yes, Master". Not sure whether you answered

out loud, or within your own mond, you nod.

Replacing the floggers with the leather paddle, I ready

myself once again. The soft swish of the paddle comes to

your ears, as a sharp sting across your ass is felt. The pain,

both immediate, yet so far away reaches you. You moan out

loud, your breathing coming in ragged gulps as you seek

to deal with it in your own mind. Then another swish across

the thigh as you try unsuccessfully to move away from the

pain, both needing, and dreading it at the same time. You

seem to slip in and out as the paddle repeatedly finds another

landing, each time the pain seemingly farther away. You

feel your body reacting to it, but somehow don't feel

it, as it seems so very far away.

Warm hands gently run across your reddened ass as they caress

you. Seemingly as if in a dream, you hear Masters voice float

down to you, speaking of love. The voice tells you that you

are safe, cared for. It brings reassurance from so far away.

Your face is gently touched, as Master checks your eyes,

seeking within them subspace. Suddenly, for a second,

Masters face comes into view, and you see love there. You

are content, knowing that you are not alone, but safe in

His care. A voice asks the question, "Ready?".

Unable to speak, you nod softly again.

The leather paddle is replaced with the delrin cane. You

know you are close. You feel your legs tremble, and your

knees seem to give out from time to time. Time seems to have

stopped all together, and your breathing can only be heard

faintly, so far away.

The cane lands home, and you feel your body jump at the impact,

the light, thin delrin raising a welt across your ass. The

pain hits you slowly. A second blow strikes your thigh,

and you feel the leg temporarily give way as the white hot

pain reaches you, driving you closer and closer towards

darkness. You try to scream with the intensity of it, but

you can't. Sometime during the scene, Master has placed

duct tape over your soft, sensuous mouth.

Again and again the cane lands, each time seemingly farther

away, until a blackness takes you. You are floating, peacefully,

content in your own world, as Master places the cane on the

table, and checks your eyes. They are glassy, and closed.

The eyelids lifted momentarily by Master to see.

The ankle cuffs are gently released, then the wrists, as

Master catches you, laying you gently down upon the comforter,

removing the tape, and covering you, keeping you warm.

He lays besides you, holding you safely within His arms,

whispering to you that it is over, and you are safe. Somewhere

the voice regesters in your mind, as a soft sigh of contentment

escapes your lips. Subspace.

The End.

Master Shadow, Author.


© 2007 Master Shadow. All rights reserved.

No republication, or duplication of this material, in any form or medium, is permitted without express written permission of the author.



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