He is Master, and I am slave. He is Owner, and I am owned.
He commands, and I obey.
He is to be pleased, and I am to please.
Why is this?
Because He is Master, and I am slave.
Explorers of Gor, page 178
"There are many things, clever, subtle exciting things a girl may do with such a chain; some of thse were shown to me, and others I invented, sharing them with other girls at the tavern. One thing that was shown to me was the slave bridle; the male takes the light chain back between the teeth of the girl and holds it, together behind her neck, thus, too, pinning her hands there, helplessly; he then contols her by means of the bridle; my own invention was the chain kiss; one clasps the leg with the chain against the interior of the thigh, and then, from the side of the knee, one begins to kiss the leg, one's lips and teeth hot about the chain; the male feels both the chain and her mouth, biting and kissing, climbing the chain; she climbs the chain and descends it, and climbs it again, until he orders her to leave it."
Slave Bracelets and Ankle Rings
"But this time I expected that her ankles would not be as though chained, her wrists as though braceleted; she would wear the linked ankle rings, the three-linked slave bracelets of a Gorean master."
"A chain formed of slave bracelets; each pair of bracelets locked at each end about one of the bracelets of another pair, the whole thus forming a circle. Now they removed this chain of bracelets, and, one by one, removed the pairs, closing them about the small wrists, behind their backs, of the female captives, now bonds-maids. These bracelets were of the sort to hold women in the north. They are less ornate and finely tooled than those available in the south. But they are satisfactory for their purpose. They consist of curved, hinged bands of black iron, three quarters of an inch in thickness. On one of each of the two curved pieces constituting a bracelet there is a welded ring; the two welded rings are joined by a single link, about an inch in width, counting both sides, each of which is about a quarter of an ich in diameter, and three inches long. Some of the girls cried out with pain as the fetters, locking, bit into their wrists."
Walking Chains
"The use of a light walking chain, teathering the ankles, meant to be worn abroad, accompnaying the master, incidentally, is not uncommon in the regions of the Tahari. A beautifully measured gait is thought, in the Tahari, to be attractive in a woman. There is dispute as to the desirable length of the stride, and the chain may be adjusted accordingly. To me it seems obvious that one must experiment with the given girl. Height and hip structure vary."
"I paused before a given stall, where light, walking chains were being sold. They were strung over racks rather like parrot perches. Without much haggling, I bought one, which seemed to me pretty. They are adjustable, with rings, from a length as small as two inches, for security, to a stride length of about twenty inches. Two keys are provided, each of which fits both ankle-ring locks."
- TRIBESMEN OF GOR, Pg. 49 - 49
Dancing Chains
"The girl in the long, light chain, smiled at me. She, at any rate, was pleased by my response. A wrist ring was fastened on her right wrist. The long, slender, gleaming chain was fastened to this and, looping down and up, ascending gracefully to a wide chain ring on her collar, through which it freely passed, thence decending, looping down, and ascending, looping up, gracefully, to the left wrist ring. If she were to stand quietly, the palms of her hands on her thighs, the lower portions of the chain, those two dangling loops, would have been about at the level of her knees, just a little higher."
- KAJIRA OF GOR, Pg. 185 - 186
The Sirik
"Then, when I was absolutely naked, a golden collar, to which a chain was attached, with wrist rings and ankle rings, was brought. It was a chaining system of that sort called a Sirik. My chin was thrust up and I felt the golden collar locked about my throat. Almost as the same time my wrists, held closely together before me, were locked helplessly in the wrist rings. In another instant, my ankles, held, were helplessly in the ankle rings. A chain then ran from my collar to the chain on my wrist rings and from there, the same chain, to the chain on my ankle rings. My ankle rings chain was about twelve inches in length, and my wrist chain was about six inches in length. The central chain, where it dangled down from the wrist rings, lay on the floor before the throne, before it looped up to where it was closed about the central link of the ankle ring chain."
- KAJIRA OF GOR, Pg. 185 - 186
"The Sirik, a light chain favored for female slaves by many Gorean masters; it consists of a Turian-type collar, a loose, rounded circle of steel, to which a light, gleaming chain is attached; should the girl stand, the chain, dangling from her collar, falls to the floor; it is about ten or twelve inches longer than is required to reach from her collar to her ankles; to this chain, at the natural fall of her wrists, is attached a pair of slave bracelets; at the end of the chain there is attached another device, a set of linked ankle rings, which, when closed about her ankles, lifts a portion of the slack chain from the floor; the Sirik is an incredibly graceful thing and designed to enhance the beauty of its wearer; perhaps it should only be added that the slave bracelets and the ankle rings may be removed from the chain and used separately; this also, of course, permits the Sirik to function as a slave leash."
"Swiftly my master's new girl was locked in the light, gleaming Sirik. The collar clasped her throat; a chain dangled from the collar; her small wrists were locked in the slave bracelets fixed on the dangling chain, and the dangling chain, itself, looped down to a short chain and pair of ankle rings, to which it was gracefully fastened at a sliding ring. The ankle rings were then closed about the lovely ankles of Slave Beads, and locked. She was helpless in Sirik. The confinement became her. She was beautiful."
The Work Sirik
"The chain she wore was a work Sirik. It resembles the common Sirik but the wrists, to permit work, are granted about a yard of chain. Like the common Sirik, it is a lovely chain, Women are beautiful in it."
- KAJIRA OF GOR, Pg. 145
The "Four Chains"
"His girls served nude and chained. Each ankle and wrist ring had two staples. Each girl's wrists were joined by about eighteen inches of chain and similarly for her ankles. Further each girl's left wrist was chained to her left ankle, and her right wrist to her right ankle. This arrangement, lovely on a girl, produces the 'four chains,' from which the establishment took its name. The four-chain chaining arrangement, of course, and variations upon it, is well known upon Gor."
Slave Strap
"She wore a slave strap, a heavy strap, buckling in the back. In the front, at her belly, there was, fixed in the strap, a plate and ring. Through the ring passed a chain, of come five inches in length, each end of which terminated in a bracelet. Her hands were confined before her body."
Harl Ring
"They were Harl rings, named for the slaver Harl of Turia, who is reported to have first used them. They consist, in effect, of four portions. First, there is a metal ankle ring, which snaps about the girl's ankle. Second, to the back of the ring, there is welded a closed loop. Third, to the front of the ring, fastened through another closed loop, is about a yard of chain. Fourth, this chain terminates in a locking device, which may then be snapped shut, if one wishes, through the welded, closed loop on the back of a second ankle ring. The Harl ring is a versatile piece of custodial hardware. It may be used to chain a girl to anything, say, about a tree, or stanchion, or the ankle of another girl, and then locked about its own chain, or through one of the links of its own chain. The chain, of course, may also be looped about, say, a tree, or a pillar in a public building, and the locking device snapped into the welded ring on the back of the girl's own anle ring. This is called a closed Harl Loop. One of the most frequent uses of the Harl ring, of course, is to form a segment in a slave chain, which may then be of any length, adding or removing girls, as short or long as the slaver wishes."
The Iron Belt
"She also wore an iron belt. This belt consisted of two major pieces, one was a rounded, fitted, curved, barlike waistband, flattened at the ends; one end of this band, that on the right, standing behind the woman and looking forward, had a heavy semicircular ring, or staple, welded onto it; the other flattened end of the waistband, looking forward, had a slot in it which fitted over the staple; the other major portion of this belt consisted of a curved band of flat, shaped iron; one end of this flat band was curved about, and closed about, the barlike waistband in the front; this produces a hinge; on the other end of this flat band of iron is a slot; it fits over the same staple as the slot in the flattened end of the left side of the barlike waistband. The belt is then put on the woman in this fashion. The waistband is closed about her, the left side, its slot penetrated by the staple, over the right side; the flat U-shaped band of iron, contoured to female intimacies, is then swung up on its hinge, between her thighs, where the slot on its end is penetrated by the staple, this keeping the parts of the belt in place. The whole apparatus is then locked on her, the tongue of the padlock thrust through the staple, the lock then snapped shut."
- KAJIRA OF GOR, Pg. 103
"I felt then the encircling clasp of metal closed about my waist, and then, swinging up between my legs, another piece of metal. These things were fastened in place, the right side, and the lower portion, hasplike, over the staple on the left side of the apparatus. The whole was then secured behind my back with a padlock. Once again I wore an iron belt.
The Slave Hobble
"The slave hobble consists of two rings, one for a wrist, the other for an ankle, joined by about seven inches of chain. In a right-handed girl, such as either Aphris or Elizabeth, it locks on the right wrist and left ankle. When the girl kneels, in any of the traditional positions of the Gorean woman, either slave or free, it is not uncomfortable."
- NOMADS OF GOR, Pg. 154 - 155
The Slave Sack
"One of the simplest and most common is the slave sack, into which the girl, gagged, and with her hands braceleted behind her back, is commonly introduced headfirst. These devices have in common the feature of ensuring the total helplessness of the slave and, if one wishes, her ignorance of her destination, route and such."
Slave Stocks
"'Put you hands on the armwrests,' I said, 'but back behind the slot in the armwrests. I will tell you when to bring them forward.' I then slid the lower board of a hinged pair of boards, with matching semicircular openings, into position in the slots in the armrests. The height of this bottom board came about a hurt above the level of the armwrests. 'You will now bring your hands forward, placing your wrists in these semicircular openings.' I told her. She did so, in an almost unreal, trancelike fashion. I then swung the upper board up, on its hinge, and then down and over the lower board. I then, with the attached clip, using the hasp and staple, locked the two boards together. 'You are now in wrist stocks,' I told her. I then thrust two clips through the matching rings, one set on the stock and armwrest to my left, the other on the stock and armrest to my right, securing the stocks in the armrests. 'You are now in wrists stocks held on the benches,' I said. 'Although the prisoner is unable to reach any of the devices of closure another might be able to do so. Thus, if one wishes, these devices could be locked into place.'
She tried to withdraw her hands, but could not do so.
'Put your ankles back,' I said.
I guided them into their places. The ankle stock is a simpler device, as the read board is part of the bench. I then found the front board and fixed it in place. I then stepped back to regard her.
'Either the wrist or the ankle stocks would serve to keep you in place.' I said. However, the wrist stocks may be removed from the bench and serve as its own bond, if one wishes.'"
Bara (Belly)
Kajira lies face down on the floor with her hands behind her back, wrists crossed, legs straight, ankles crossed, ready to be bound. Head faces left.
From the books: bara
Kajira lies face down with her forehead resting flat on the floor and arms at her sides. she crawls to the Master on her belly.
The command belly is a form of obeisance that commands a slave into a position where they lie on their belly with their head to the floor or to the foot of the Free. one's palms are pressed flat to floor, next to the head. Variations may include moving to the Free, kissing Their foot, or placing Their foot upon one's head or neck to show that their life may be so easily crushed. It may be used to show submission, respect or obedience, to beg forgiveness, or simply as a means to approach the Free. ~With fear in her belly, but an ache in her heart, the slave moved to her belly on the floor. Each hand is pressed to the floor at her sides, and she painfully inches forward. Reaching His feet, she grasps His ankles with her small hands and lifts her lips to His boots. Placing a soft kiss against each boot, she whispers brokenly~ one begs forgiveness Master, the words she spoke that upset You, were ill-chosen.
From the books: belly
Kajira crosses her wrists and ankles, waiting to be bound. From the Gorean word Lesha, which translates as "leash." In this position, the slave remains either standing or kneeling, depending upon the current position she is in. She turns and puts her back to her Master, her chin up, her head turned to the left so a leash may be attached to her collar, with her chin up and her back and shoulders straight. Her wrists are extended behind her, side by side, in a position to be locked into chained slave bracelets.
From the books: binding
In this position the slave has to remain very still and quiet when a covering is thrown over her....until the Master removes it.
From the books: blanket
Bracelets or chainning
Kajira stands, head high, wrists behind her back and crossed, ready to receive slave bracelets.
To the command "bracelets" the slave responds by placing her hands behind her back, wrists crossed, ready to receive bracelets. The head should be held tall with the chin lifted and turned to the left. It might be used to attach bracelets to a slave, easy access to the collar to grasp the collar or attach a leash, to display a girl, to capture a slave's attention, to test the training of a slave, or simply because it pleases the Master. ~Throwing her arms and her ash~blonde hair behind her, she presses back with her shoulders and raises her wrists so that they are well clear of the small of her back. she pulls up the crown of her head slightly to complete the curve caused by the forward thrust. Turning her head to the left, her chin raised slightly, the collar of steel fully exposed as it lays across the smoothness of her slender throat.~
From the books: bracelets
Capture position
The girl lies on her back with her knees raised, heels on the floor in a standard, supine capture position.
("Kajira of Gor" p. 422)
The slave gets down on all fours, palms flat on floor...ass in the air...forehead close but not touching the floor....crawls to just an inch from Master's feet.
The slave gets down on all fours and moves to where she is directed. In the books, one example is a slave moving forward on her belly with her head down. Other instructions, not found in the books, may include having the forearms (palms to elbows) upon the floor, exaggerating the tush in the air, lowering the forehead close to but not touching the floor, crawling to a hort from the Master's feet, or crawling to and kissing the Master's feet.
~Arching her back to display herself well before Him, the slave slowly leans forward, placing her palms to the floor, her tush rising above her heels as she pulls herself forward from her kneel. her arm reaches forth, breaking through the cascade of ash-blonde hair that falls over one shoulder, her hips rolling sensually with the shifting of her weight as she brings her opposite knee forward. Extending her arms to Him, relieving the stretch in her legs by sliding them forward to tuck beneath her, she moves like a larl in heat until she is within easy grasp of His left hand.~
From the books: crawl
Common Gorean Usage Position (sex)
The slave falls to the floor upon all fours, and keeps her head straight, her eyes looking forward, with her buttocks thrust upward and her thighs widely spread in preparation for the sexual use of the Master.
From the books: common usage position
Eye Contact
There are times when a kajira's eyes should and should not not meet those of a master. See the examples below:
From the books: eye contact
Gorean Bow
The girl kneels in the nadu position and bends her body backwards, her head to the floor, she places her hands by her head palms down .... then pulls up into a back bend.
From the books: Gorean Bow
Hair Position
The command for hair is a silent gesture in the books, but may be given verbally in the online realm. a slave approaches the Free opposite their dominant side, bowing or crouching to place the slave's bowed head within easy grasp. It may be used when a Free wishes to have a slave by their side, lead a slave, wipe His fingers or face with her hair, moved to another position, controlled, or have her slavery impressed upon her.
From the books: hair
The slave goes to Master and kneels in nadu behind and to his left... awaits further orders note: if Master is right handed go to his left , if left handed go to his right.
The command for hair is often a silent gesture in the books, but may be given verbally as well. a slave approaches the Free opposite their dominant side, kneeling or crouching to place the slave's bowed head within easy grasp. It may be used when a Free wishes to have a slave by their side, lead a slave, wipe His fingers or face with her hair, moved to another position, controlled, or have her slavery impressed upon her.
~Seeing the rapid opening and closing of His hand at His hip out of the corner of her eye, the slave quickly moves to Master's left side, rolling up on her toes and lowering her tush upon her heels as she melts into a crouch to obey His command. Bowing her head, she places the crown of her head where He gestured.~
From the books: heel
High Harness
A position in which a leashed slave is commanded to do....to show off her collar and neck.
From the books: High harness
Kneeling (Leash and other variations)
The slave kneels quickly spreading her thighs wide, arches her back stiffly and places her hands, wrists crossed, at the small of her back, turns her head to the left with eyes lowered submissively, and lips parted slightly, she patiently awaits the leash, or inspection...(standing): The slave stands with feet shoulder-width apart, wrists crossed at the small of her back, head held high and turned to the left, lips slightly parted and eyes lowered submissively awaiting the leash or inspection.
From the books: kneeling (leash)
Ko Lar, or Collaring Position
Also called "the Position of Female Submission." In this position the slave kneels at the Master's feet and leans her body back, sitting upon her heels, with her arms extended upward, crossed at the wrists, and her head beneath them lowered in supplication.
(see "Tarnsman of Gor" p. 93-94).
Kneel to the Coffle
The girls kneel, closely, one behind the other, as their left wrists are placed in wrist rings; this is usually followed by the order to stand and then the order "Lower chain" where the girls lower their wrists. Thusly they are then in line, standing, coffled.
("Slave Girl of Gor: p. 127)
Kneel to the Whip
Kajira kneels, head to the floor, arms crossed beneath her, back exposed in preparation to be beaten. In this position the slave first assumes the Nadu position, though with her arms crossed in front of her. She then leans forward and places her head to the floor, first sweeping her hair forward over her shoulders in order that her back might be utterly exposed to the whip.
From the books: Kneel to the whip
Leading Position
Kajira walks behind the Master and puts her head to Master's hip in order to be led. The slave hurries to Masters side, bends at the waist pressing her head against his left hip...her hair falling forward. .. waits for Master to lead her by her hair or her collar... note:if Master is right handed go to his right side.
From the books: leading position
Leasha/Lesha (Leash)
Kajira clasps her hands behind her back in readiness for bracelets. She holds her head up and turned left ready for the leash.
From the books: leasha
Maintaining Position
When a master places a girl in position, it is imperative that she does not break it until commanded to do so. Here are some examples:
From the books: Maintaining position
A command used by the Master when He wishes the slave to cuddle.
According to the book quote given below, the proper response to the command, "nestle", is for the girl to cuddle in the crook of the Master's arm. The quote below shows the Master lying down, however on the occasions on-line that the command is used, the Master is seated and the girl on His lap. Either way of course is delicious.
From the books: Nestle
The slave kneels and touches her forehead to the floor, she stretches her arms out before her with palms face down and fingers spread.
From the books: prostrate
Nadu (Kneel)
This is the primary position of the slave. Kajira kneels with thighs parted widely for the master's pleasure (if she is a pleasure slave, that is. Tower slaves keep their knees together). Her back and shoulders are straight, breasts thrust forward, belly in, hands on her thighs palms down (or up, in a silent plea for a Master to use her sexually). Her head is up and her eyes are lowered. A slave may kneel like this for a prolonged time so posture is important not only for appearance but also for comfort.
From the books: Nadu
There are many forms of obeisance which can be performed. The dictionary definition of the word is "an act of reverence: an expression of respect". Here are some examples of performing obeisance to a man:
From the books: obeisance
(Sometimes known as the "dicipline of the she-quadruped") This is either a position assumed on all fours for being used from behind or a discipline under which a kajira is put where she must act like a she-sleen, unable to communicate except in whimpers. Also known as "assuming the modality of the she-quadruped." In this position, the slave falls to her hands and knees, her head down on the floor, her hindquarters upthrust for viewing and/or her Master's pleasure. "Serving in the modality of the she-quadruped" is an instruction whereby the slave performs her regular duties upon hands and knees, without the benefit of the use of her hands. In this mode she may not rise to her feet and may use only her mouth and teeth to grasp and manipulate objects.
A slave under the discipline of the she-quadruped goes about on her hands and knees as though she were a four-legged animal. The girl goes to all fours, going about on their hands and knees performing tasks, and perhaps tricks, as directed. The slave is permitted to use her hands only as a means of locomotion. she is not allowed to use human speech, and must communicate by means of animal noises used to signal the intentions or meanings normally given to words. The girl must often times eat and drink as an animal, lapping water from a puddle, and eating without the aid of her hands. The phrase she-sleen is often used when referring to a woman, either Free or slave. In the books women have been compared to the sleen in a similar manner as women of earth when given the qualities of felines or female canines, e.g. "catty" or "bitch". The phrase tends to imply the woman is like the sleen, vicious and nasty until tamed by the stronger Man. When the phrase "she-sleen" is used as a command, the slave mimics the position of the animal she is thought to be and assumes the modality of the she-quadruped.
When told to assume the modality of the she-quadruped, one would move to their hands and feet (unless bound or under another command, such as belly, that would prevent them from doing so) and would whimper softly, once, to show that they understood. If it was believed that the command was given in punishment, the slave might approach the Master, kissing and licking at His boots or curling about them to beg His forgiveness. The slave would then serve, do chores, and follow whatever instructions were given to her in this mode until she was told she was no longer under the modality or discipline of the she-quadruped.
Psychologically the slave while in she-quadruped learns what is it to be female. she is reduced to level of an animal. In this mode of serving, the slave realizes her status and position; that she is owned, dominated, and dependent upon her Master for her very life. This position is often used to discipline or to teach a new slave her place. It is a powerful tool for instruction. In requiring a slave to rethink how to obtain a paga bowl and fill it, how to greet guests, and how to serve the Free without using hands or voice, it forces a slave to think differently about their actions and can bring new life to one that may have been feeling complacent or bored.
From the books: She-sleen
When this command is given, the slave runs toward her objective, taking short rapid steps with her legs almost straight, her feet harely leaving the floor. As she moves her back is straight, her head is turned up to the left, and her arms are at her sides, her palms facing outward at a 45 degree angle to her body. Upon approaching the object, she drops gracefully to her knees and typically resumes the position of Nadu.
The proper response to this command, one needs to consider the context. The correct response in the midst of the games of the Wagon Peoples is not the appropriate response within a tavern. slave girls are sometimes taught to run in a stylized fashion, with straight legs using short, rapid steps that hardly touch the floor. The back is held straight with the head turned to the left, and the arms are at her sides with palms facing outward at a 45-degree angle.
"Slaver's Kiss" (Slaver's Caress) Position
This is somewhat of an action, since the slave is taken by surprize when done.
The slave falls to the floor upon all fours, and lowers her head to the ground, with her buttocks thrust upward and her thighs widely spread, exposing her hindquarters fully in preparation for the caress of the leather against her body.
From the books: Slavers Caress
Slave Lips
When this command is given, the slave turns her head up to the Master, her lips pursed in a sensual kissing position. She remains motionless, her lips thusly puckered, and may not move until she is granted the kiss of a Master.
From the books: Slave lips
Kajira kneels, with her back straight. She raises her arms and crosses her wrists ready for binding, head lowered. This is the position assumed when a woman submits to a man as his slave.
From the books: Submission
Sula (Back) or Prone Position
Kajira lies on her back, her hands at her sides palms open and up. Her legs are spread widely apart, ready for whatever uses or disciplines a master wishes to place upon her.
From the books: Sula
Sula-Ki, or "Alternative Sula
This position is almost identical to the Sula position, except once the slave has assumed the Sula position she slowly lifts her hips up off the floor, as if beckoning him with her body, encouraging her sexual use by him.
From the books: Alternative Sula
The slave goes to all 4, locking her elbows, makes her back smooth and level, she holds her head level with her back.
Tower position:
There is another variation of Nadu in which the slave kneels the same way, but with her palms down and her knees modestly together. This variation is Position and is typically reserved for underage or white-silk slavegirls, or slavegirls who serve their Master in a non-sexual way, such as a Tower Slave or female Work Slave.
From the books: tower
When this command is given, the slave turns in a graceful pirouette, her hair swinging. She then walks, gliding across the room, her feet hardly seeming to leave the floor, her hips swaying sensually, her body erect and proud. When she reaches her objective she halts and stands, her body erect, her shoulders back, her chest thrust forward, her belly in. She turns her hip out a bit, her hands at her sides, and points one foot. Her head is up and her eyes are lowered.
The books do not seem to describe specifically how slaves are to walk, other than slaves do walk sensually, gracefully, and proudly. However, the books to say that much time is spent in teaching slaves how to walk in order to please masters. There is a Turian knee walk that is mentioned as being used by slave dancers, but is not otherwise described. (Often the same quote will be incorrectly used to reference a command knee walk, which should instead refer to knee crawl.) When instructed to walk, the slave should move gracefully and seductively to the Master. Other descriptions, as long as they do not interfere with the ongoings of the room may include turning in a pirouette, hair swinging, hips swaying, gliding so that the feet hardly seem to leave the floor, body erect and proud, shoulders back, chest forward, belly in, eyes lowered, stopping with hip turned out, placement of hands at sides, placement of feet, and toes pointed.
When the command "lap" is given, the slave girl has been ordered into the Master's lap. she does not necessarily sit, she may be draped over His legs with her body exposed for His caresses and viewing pleasure.
To obey the command, the slave climbs upon or into the Master's lap. she may begin to kiss, caress, feed, or otherwise pleasure and tend to His needs, depending upon the wish of the Master. she may go to His lap with graceful and elegant motions, she may be brazen and forward, or she may leap into His arms.
~The kajira purrs softly, stretching her arms forward and crawling to Him with the feline grace of a larl. Placing a tender hand upon His knee, she pulls herself up. Slowly, she then raises her knee and parts her thighs, trailing pointed toes delicately across the top of His lap. Settling herself upon Him, she draws herself closer to Him, wriggling her tush a bit for good measure. Placing her hand upon His chest, she arches her back and tosses her ash~blonde hair behind her shoulders, displaying herself well for Him before leaning in, her lips brushing against His ear as she whispers:~ Yes, Master.
The command is often given with multiple girls, who kneel, in order of first slave to last, closely, one behind the other. With the command "left wrist coffle" the left wrist is raised to be placed within the wrist rings. This might be followed by the order to stand and the order "lower chain" where the slaves lower their wrists. Thus the slaves are then in line, standing, coffled, ready to be moved or displayed.
In the books the command is "stand" or "stand as a slave." This is done according to the quote as back straight, head high, belly sucked in, breasts thrust out, hip slightly turned. In addition, one might add personal touches, such as placing one foot in front of the other, front knee bent, or pointing the toes. However that is merely personal preference, not given in the book. ~The girl curls her toes beneath her, moving her weight back over her heels and pushing herself to standing. Raising the crown of her head as high as she can, the slave lowers her eyes and presses her shoulders back as she sucks in her gut to display her figure well. Shifting her weight ever so slightly so that she may better turn her hip, she raises a delicate hand to tuck a stray lock of hair behind her ear, silver-blue eyes glancing quickly as a soft smile crosses her features, only to disappear as she drops her hand once again. Feeling her heart pound under the scrutiny of watchful eyes, she slightly turns her arms so that her soft palms face more forward, exposed.~
Kajira is the term for "slave-girl" in John Norman's Gor novels. Slaves in the Gorean lifestyle will refer to themselves as kajirae. The phrase "la kajira" is said to mean "I am a slave-girl" in the Gorean language, the most widely-spoken lingua franca in the known regions of the planet Gor (this is one of the few complete Gorean-language sentences given in the Gor novels).
The word is usually seen in the feminine form "kajira" (pl. "kajirae"), as most slaves in the Gorean lifestyle are female; the masculine forms are "kajirus" and "kajiri" (following the rules of Latin nominative adjective morphology, as seen also with words such as "alumnus"/"alumna", etc.). The construction "kajiras" is incorrect, but is occasionally seen in third-party writing.
A common misconception among people practicing the lifestyle or playing out the Gorean theme online is that kajirae never refer to themselves in the first person, using the terms "me" or "I", instead being allowed only to refer to themselves in the third person. If one is adhering to the novels this is inaccurate, as virtually all of the kajirae in the Gor novels do often refer to themselves in the first person (the phrase "la kajira" being an example), with third person speech being uncommon in the text. However, the books do support the idea that third-person speech is considered distinctively slave speech (in Captive of Gor, chapter 15, Ute issues the command "Speak as a slave!", meaning in the third person), and that slaves may be specifically commanded to speak in such a way. In the books, a girl is ordered to speak in the third person usually as a punishment.
There exists various techniques in Gorean culture to teach Gorean slave corresponding conduct. Slave tasks may include not only sexual slavery, but also the ability to maintain a household, possess artistic skills, wear an appealing outfit and address the master in certain manner. Gorean slave women are branded, which means they are marked with certain signs burned into the flesh on being enslaved. To mark a slave as a particular owner's property a collar with owners name is placed upon on her.[1]
[edit] Literary influence
Some aspects of Gorean slavery described in the Gor books — such as the basic nadu kneeling position,[2] and the custom in the northern temperate zone city-states that a kajira's garments should allow an open-air path to her private parts, to symbolize and facilitate her constant availability and accessibility to her master — were probably influenced by the classic erotic novel Story of O.
[edit] References
^ More on Kajira - the ultimate female submissiveness
^ Gor - Dictionary - Wipipedia
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In the most general use of the word, Gorean means anything characteristic of the Gor science fiction novels by John Norman. In these novels, the word "Gorean" is used to refer to the fictional counter-earth, to its inhabitants and social customs, and to the particular language which is the most widely-spoken lingua franca in the known inhabited regions of Gor (though other languages are also spoken on the planet).
As applied to non-fictional individuals, the word Gorean means an adherent of the philosophies espoused in Norman's writings, especially someone who lives a lifestyle based on this philosophy. While the most conspicuous Gorean departure from mainstream modern norms is that Goreans allow and indeed promote sexual master/slave relationships, many who take the Gorean worldview seriously would insist that being Gorean is not necessarily about either sex or slavery, but about the general Gorean philosophy (so that one would not have to participate in a master/slave lifestyle or relationship in order to be Gorean). Some of this philosophy is concerned with "natural order" and the relations between men and women, which may or may not take the form of a master-and-slave dynamic. Where there is a master/slave relationship, the level at which adherents follow the books varies.
Part of what Norman indicates as natural order, is that males have a predisposition to be more dominant, and females have a predisposition to be submissive. Norman indicates that with changes in society brought on by industrialization, and feminism, that this has caused a confusion among people, especially in their inter-personal relationships.
Contents [hide]
1 Goreans and BDSM
2 The Gorean self-identity
2.1 Symbols
3 Goreans in the novels
4 Gorean-influenced group in the news
5 References
6 See also
7 External links
[edit] Goreans and BDSM
There is commonality between BDSM and the Gorean lifestyle in a number of respects (see 24/7, Dominance & submission, Servitude (BDSM), Slave (BDSM), Total Power Exchange etc.), but there are also overall differences in approach.
Some in BDSM consider the Gorean lifestyle to be a subset of BDSM practices, and find it lacking in that regard. So the mainstream of BDSM practitioners often disdain Goreans because Goreans allegedly reject the ideas of "safe, sane and consensual"/"risk-aware consensual kink", because of the frequent lack of a safe word between Gorean master and slave, or because the almost exclusive male dominant/female submissive dynamic seems to imply that "your kink is not OK" regarding other practices.
Serious Goreans, on the other hand, generally deny that they are engaging in "games" or "role-playing", and do not consider the extreme pain or extreme physical or sexual play sometimes practiced in BDSM as part of being Gorean, so that BDSM precautions and BDSM distinctions between "in scene" and "out of scene" are largely unnecessary and irrelevant (though there is still a need for honest communication within a Gorean relationship, as in any other sustained intimate relationship). They do not consider most of what they do to be BDSM, and do not judge themselves according to BDSM standards.
A person living the Gorean lifestyle states that "...BDSM and it's practitioners do as they do in order to fulfil a sexual need or 'kink' in themselves. They are different from Goreans and the lifestyle in that to be Gorean does not just encompass the sexual side of a person but everything else as well. Goreans live by and enforce 'codes of honour' and live by these codes.
Some Goreans do practice BDSM (even though BDSM is not Gorean in itself). These Goreans may or may not use a safeword when involved in BDSM scene play; however, if they do not, then some sort of communication is usually practiced.
Note that Norman's non-fictional sex manual Imaginative Sex presents a series of elaborate fantasy scenarios to be acted out (rather than advocating for a real-world "24/7" lifestyle), and recommends that symbolic substitutes (such as the sound of claps) should be used instead of actual physical chastisements (such as whippings).[1] Most of the scenarios are maledom / femsub, but a few portray men as the slaves of women, and anticipate the eroticised first-person male slave narratives of some of the Gorean novels.
[edit] The Gorean self-identity
The Gorean identity is founded on home, job, and social order. The 'Three Pillars' of Gorean society are described as "Home Stone, Caste System, and "Natural Order" It should be noted that many that study, and follow the Gorean Morality, do not own slaves. Slavery is not required to be Gorean.
The home is prime of importance to the Gorean, and this applies as much to the city-state of origin to the current residence or camp. 'A man's home in his castle' is translated in Gor to 'Every man is an Ubar within the circle of his sword.' (The Ubar is a war-leader, a General who takes power at a time of crisis, and whose rule is tantamount to tyrant until the crisis is resolved.) The Home Stone is held sacred by every city and settlement, and is displayed under guard. Any praise or insult to a Home Stone is taken personally by those who live in the city it symbolizes. The theft of a Home Stone is the gravest crime, and paradoxically the most honorable enterprise, that any Warrior could undertake.
Living Goreans, those that follow Gorean Morality here on Earth, hold the ideal of Home Stone very high. Home Stone as embodied on Earth, is consider to be, having personal sovereignty, and being a good citizen of your community. Being sovereign, and being a good citizen must be well balanced, so that neither the individual, nor the community suffers.
The Gorean's occupation is formed and informed by their caste. The Caste system establishes the Gorean identity as strongly as homeland. Because of the Gorean's work ethic and pride in caste, all castes are essentially equal. There is little social mobility because of this caste pride and identity; even the Peasant caste uphold their caste codes and firmly believe in their superiority to all other castes. But in actuality a few castes are more equal than the others. Those of High Caste, including Scribes, Warriors, Physicians, Builders and Initiates (holy men) have access to privileged education and opportunities to leadership. The social order is further consolidated by social edict: "A man who refuses to practice his livelihood or strives to alter status without consent of the Council of High Castes is by definition an outlaw." A Gorean regards the welfare of their caste higher than their own, but in return, the caste provides welfare and charity when a caste member is in need.
How many Living Gorean reflect the Gorean Morality in their professions, is to establish a code for their profession that they follow. This combined with striving for excellence in their profession, is a small reflection of the Caste system presented in the series.
[edit] Symbols
Distinctive Gorean symbols include various artistic renditions of the "kef" symbol (Kef being the initial letter of kajira in the Gorean language), the floral "dina" mark, and to a lesser extent other brands mentioned in Norman's Gor books.
Some Goreans also use symbols not derived from Norman's books, most prominently the Chinese character for "slave" 奴 (Unicode U5974), which contains the character for "woman" 女 as its left half and an old character for "right hand" as its right half, and so can be given the interpretation "woman under master's hand".[2] (However, the main function of the "woman" character 女 here is technically as a "phonetic" element indicating pronunciation, and the composite character 奴 is not always female-referring.)
One version of the Kef, the most common kajira brand on Gor
A rendering of the dina mark, sometimes called 'the slave flower'
Chinese character U5974 in an ancient form (top, showing kneeling woman and right hand) and one modern version (bottom)
[edit] Goreans in the novels
In the original novels, Goreans are simply those humans who live on the planet Gor. The back-story of the setting holds that various humans were transported from Earth to Gor in ancient times, a process which continues at a low volume in the present mostly in the form of Earth women taken to Gor as slaves.
In the books, although most slaves on Gor are female, most females are actually free women. The ratio has been presented as approximately 40 free women to one slave girl (though the various hints about Gorean demographics given in different Gor novels are not entirely consistent). Male slaves are less common than female, and are usually criminals, debtors or prisoners of war. Female slaves are called kajirae (singular: kajira) and male slaves are called kajiri (singular: kajirus) in the Gorean tongue.
[edit] Gorean-influenced group in the news
On Thursday 18 May 2006, a house in Darlington, County Durham, was raided by police in Darlington, United Kingdom. The police had received complaints that a woman was being held against her will, but a spokesman said that the woman was a willing participant, and the police found no evidence of criminal activity.[3] Lee Thompson, the leader of the "Kaotian" group, claims that Kaotians are not Gorean, but are better than Goreans.
[edit] References
^ "No Fantasy, Please, We're Americans: A Foreword by a Feminist", introduction by Pat Califia to 1997 edition of Imaginative Sex
^ The Gorean Voice - June 2001 - Vol III Issue 12 - #36
^ BBC NEWS | UK | Officers discover sex-slave cult
[edit] See also
[edit] External links
"Kajira Hill"'s account of living a Gorean lifestyle
Gorean Whispers
la kajirae
For further links, see the "External links" section of the Gor article.
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09:32 May 30 2008
Very nice.
03:05 Aug 17 2008
Love it!
My master likes it to
17:46 Nov 06 2008
i am well pleased to find a true kajira here