Cover her face
Mine eyes dazzle
She died young
Tears fall helplessly on rose petals. White as snow, soft as death. The procession moves forward. A slow ocean of whispers and precious sighs. I strain forward, trying not to look at the place towards which all eyes point. But in vain. Moving tremulously on the crimson carpet, I edge closer. A transparent curtain billows around the small white coffin, seeming to becon me on. I cannot, I WILL not do it. I will not look. Not now, not with all these others gaping and snickering at the morbid spectacle. Not with this menagerie of idiots and malformed masks. I step back, ignoring muffled cries and cool stares. Not now.
And as the twisted rose petals fall drooping to the ground, I turn and walk away. Out into the cold sunlight.
Trying not to think about your crushed head bleeding fragments of pulpy brain over my velvet pillows.
Like love, death is sweet and terrible. One can`t exist without the other. It was inevitable. It was delicious.
Cover her face
Mine eyes dazzle
She died young