Marian's Journal

Marian's Journal


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10 entries this month


Dream Recall

21:24 Feb 27 2012
Times Read: 526

Believe it or not you can learn to recall most all your Dreams. With these simple techniques

you can start remembering dreams within the first or second night of practice. It's sort of like self hypnosis in a way.You are simply making

suggestions to your mind before you are completely asleep. This state of mind is

called the borderline sleep level. It is when your brain is most likely to absorb the suggestions.

With borderline sleep you are slightly aware of these dreams.There is one other thing to consider. If you are having intense dreams and they are in color then more than likely you are having a OBE. Out-body-experience or otherwise known as Astral Projection. We are not going to get into that for right now.

There are 4 easy steps to this.

1. Preparing for Bed : Try to get the body as relaxed as you can. If you have to stretch or even do Yoga all the better. You can even meditate to clear your mind, so that that you are more prepared for the next step. You don't have to eat or refrain from eating before bedtime. You may do as you like. Try experimenting with eating

different foods before bedtime and see if you get any different results in the end.Make sure you have a pen and pad handy to write with next to the bed.

2. Programing : This is the most important part. When you get to that borderline sleep level (which is right before you are completely asleep) you must tell yourself over and over again that you will remember all your dreams and you will wake up after each dream and write down your experience. If you don't like having to repeat all that then try tape recording yourself saying these things.Make sure that you tape at least 10 - 15

min. worth. That should be sufficient.

3. Taking Notes : This is also very important. If you successfully wake up after each dream, then you must write down everything you can remember in detail. Write down whether the dream was in color or black and white. This is

why we will keep a pen and pad next the bed. Make sure not to put it in the bed with you. You don't want to end up stabbing yourself in your sleep. Then you must try to go right back to sleep.

Keeping the pen and pad handy. Hopefully you will go right into another dream and repeat the process.

4. Reviewing the Night : Now it is time to review the night. You will be amazed at how many dreams you actually had that night! I usually find that I have 10 - 15 dreams a night and sometimes

more. Everyone dreams and everyone dreams many times a night, they just don't know they do until they try something like this. Make special note of dreams that are in full-blown color, for

you will want to reference them once you

start studying Astral Projection.




Magical Days

06:00 Feb 22 2012
Times Read: 540

Sunday, Planet: Sun

Good for doing Spells or Magickal workings for Joy,Healing, Hope, Truth, Positive Energy, Business and Friends. It can be used to make Talismans that willmake a man potent in all his works, Amiable and escalating his Fortunes.

Monday, Planet: Moon

Good for doing Spells or Magickal workings for

Protection in Journeys, Clairvoyance, Intuition,

Health of the body, getting rid of Enemies and other Evil things or Beings. Also for removing Malice or Ill will and increasing ones Riches.

Tuesday, Planet: Mars

Good for doing Spells or Magickal workings for

making a man strong in War whether it be physical or Spiritual. Also good for Passion, Confidence, and winning Judgment to ones favor. On the bad side it can be used to cause Discord, Hatred, Chaos, and removing a man from Riches, Honors and Dignities, rendering Hunters and and Fighters unfortunate.

Wednesday, Planet: Mercury

Good for doing Spells or Magickal workings for

Divination, Dreams, preventing Poverty, and for

attaining Knowledge of things of this World and the Spirits World.

Thursday, Planet: Jupiter

Good for doing Spells or Magickal workings for

Money, Riches and favor, Peace, Love, Concord,

appeasing Enemies and confirming Honors and


Friday, Planet: Venus

Good for doing Spells or Magickal workings for

Love, Passion, Sex, Conception, ending Strife,

dissolving Enchantments and promoting Concord.

Saturday, Planet: Saturn

Good for doing Spells or Magickal workings for Past Life Recall, Illness, Bindings and Banishings or getting rid of Negative Energies or Bad Habits. Also for making a man Safe, Powerful and to cause success of Petitions. On the bad side it can be used to cast a man from Honors and Dignities or cause Chaos, Discord and Arguing.




Black Magic

18:01 Feb 16 2012
Times Read: 550

Black Magic spells are used to bring about sickness and unnatural illness, break up love affairs, create crossed conditions, send enemies away, force people out of their jobs, wreak justified vengeance, destroy those who have laid tricks for you, attract wrathful spirits and demons to aid in hurting others, or curse and hex people to death. Black magic spells can be gentle or strong, suggestive or coercive; what makes them all black magic spells is that they have something to do with hurting, harming, goofering, jinxing, or hot footing enemies.




The Different types of Magick

17:32 Feb 16 2012
Times Read: 552

These pages contain Black, White, and Gray magic. the Black magic is put here for educational purposes. Those who wish to practice Black Magic must understand the laws of the universe... What goes around comes around! If you send evil out, it will eventually come knocking back at your door.Yes there is Gray Magic! Gray magic is White Magic turned Black . Let's say you do a spell to obtain money, but then a week later your mother dies and leaves you some money. What started out to be white magic was actually gray magic which then turned to black magic. You see gray magic is magic that can turn white or black. That is why you should always do a divination with the Tarot cards or what ever method you prefer to find out the outcome of your workings before you do them!This way you will be sure to harm none in your spell castings. Even if you meant no harm, yet someone was harmed, you will have to except the Karmic responsibility! Once again... What goes comes around!




Closing Your Circle

19:07 Feb 15 2012
Times Read: 564

Go to the North, hold up your blade, and say,

“Guardians and spirits of the North wind, my ritual is now complete. I bid you hail and farewell. Hail and farewell.” Repeat counterclockwise from North to West, to South, to East, and back to the Northagain. Extinguish your altar candles and bow your head at the altar, saying, “I declare this scared circle closed. So mote it be.” Ring a bell to complete the




Spiritual Cleansing

16:36 Feb 14 2012
Times Read: 569

Just like physical cleanliness is being next to godliness, making sure that the spirit is clean is also of great importance. Being spiritually clean pertains to having a clear aura, surrounded by positive energies. With positive energy, a person feels happier, healthier, safer and stronger. All around us

there are negative energies that prevail. Everything that we see around us, be it an inanimate thing or plants or animals, they emanate some kind of energy and this can be positive or negative. Sometimes in entering a house, you have a “bad feeling” about the place, feel that you can’t breathe and could not stay long in that place. In meeting some people, you feel drained and dizzy. It is for this purpose that spiritual cleansing should be performed. Spiritual cleansing improves the whole atmosphere surrounding a person, his home, his workplace, etc.




Casting a Circle

05:57 Feb 13 2012
Times Read: 573

A circle can be cast for all magickal acts. The size of

a circle varies vastly – it should be able to

comfortably fit those using it. Certain actions must

be performed and certain words said in a loud,

clear voice. An altar should be placed in the circle –in a north, centre or east position.

1. Cleanse yourself and your chosen area. You should have a bath and clear the area completely.

Set up an altar with the following items: a flat

pentagram symbol, two black candles, an athame

or sword, a small bell, a bowl of salt, a bowl of

water, a chalice and a saucer.

2. Light your altar candles. Holding blade, walk around your circle, and say: “With this sacred blade I cast the circle of my craft. May it be a doorway to a sacred circle beyond time and space. Let it be a meeting place for all good, and may it deter all wickedness.”

3. Stand in front of your altar, pick up your bell, and say: “In the names of the Goddess and the Horned God, I cast this my working circle.” Afterwards, ring your bell.

4. Return to the North and raise your blade high before you. Call out: “Bear witness, Spirits of the

North, guardians of Wicca.” Go to the East, South

and West and repeat at each.

5. At the altar, put your bowl of salt on the pentagram and lower your blade into the bowl of

salt, saying: “I exorcise thee, so that it may be

purified and may aid me well.”

6. Put your bowl of water on the pentagram and take a pinch of salt and sprinkle it into the water.

Lower the blade of your athame into the water,

saying: “I cleanse and consecrate thee, Water of

Life, and ask you to bless this circle. In the names of the Goddess and the Horned God, so mote it be!”

7. Pick up and hold the consecrated water and walk slowly around the circle again (still clockwise),and sprinkle a few drops along the line of the Circle, saying: “I consecrate this sacred circle by thepowers of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. May the Goddess bestow her love herein, and the Horned God his honour.” Pick up your chalice, pour a small amount in the saucer for the Goddess and the Horned God, then take a sip yourself. After, place the chalice back on your pentagram.

This completes the casting of your circle. Specific

activity can now be performed here, such as a

Sabbat ritual, making a charm, or healing. It is

absolutely crucial you do not leave the circle until

your activity is complete, and without properly

closing it. When your chosen focus is complete, move on to closing the circle.




basic wiccan terms

17:50 Feb 12 2012
Times Read: 577

ATHAME - a ceremonial dagger.

BOOK OF SHADOWS - a journal of magickal workings.

COVEN - a group of Wiccans under the guidance of a High Priestess.

ESBAT - a Wiccan moon festival; sometimes known as a lesser Sabbat.

GAIA - Ancient Greek Earth Goddess.

GODDESS – the primary female deity of witchcraft. HANDFASTING – a ritual which is the Wiccan equivalent to a wedding.

HANDPARTING – a ritual to mark the end of a relationship.

HORNED GOD - the primary male deity of witchcraft.

SABBAT – a Wiccan festival.

SACRED CIRCLE - a sacred area in which formal ritual working is to be performed.




The Wiccan Way 0f Life

17:43 Feb 12 2012
Times Read: 579

To be Wiccan is to worship the Goddess and her

companion the HornedGod, and to follow the

philosophies, ethics and practices of the Old

Religion. Originally rooted in Paganism, Wicca

existed long before Christianity and long before the

Church was founded. Wiccans honour the Earth as their spiritual Mother

(the Goddess) and the Sky and the wildness of

nature as their spiritual Father (the Horned God). In

practice, this means that they esteem nature and

the planet on which we live. They venture not to

harm anyone or anything, because to them, everyone in the world are their brothers and sisters

with an equal right to exist. Wicca is a tradition that

works to harm none in thought, word, or deed.

Therefore, anyone who says they are a witch but

works otherwise should not be considered an

authentic Wiccan practitioner. Witchcraft is still the only spiritual tradition that

raises the female above the male, in contrast to

patriarchal religions such as Christianity and

Judaism. They venerate an almighty male deity,

with little positive mention of the female at all.

Because of its veneration of a Goddess, Wicca follows the moral values associated with feminine

spiritual powers – such as love, peace, and joy –

rather than the more masculine religious attitudes

of domination, strength, and authority. Witches work by peaceful means, seeking to unite

rather than to divide, to be of service to our

communities, and to be the healers, counsellors,

and the guardians of all life on Earth. This is

because they see themselves as the children of the

Goddess and the Horned God that they honour. When this is a truth within a witch, they can only

ever love and look after what has been so lovingly



21:14 Feb 27 2012

does it mean that we fight against the black magicians spiritually by releasing some good energy into the world while we meditate


For begginers

09:33 Feb 12 2012
Times Read: 603

At this time I should warn you of one

thing...... Being a "Dabbler". What is a

Dabbler? You will find many of then out

there and it is easy for you to fall into this

trap. A Dabbler is a person who reads

maybe one book on Magic and does a spell then goes around professing to be

Practitioner of the Occult Arts.

I have seen so many out there on the

Web.... Magic is a way of life.... not a game. Those

of you whom Dabble will only get hurt.....

you will attract things around you that you

cannot control. Also.... a Dabbler is

someone who does not study and does

spells every once and a while, with no knowledge of how spells really work. This

is why one must study, study, study before

doing spells.



11:37 Feb 12 2012

I know Dabblers and they do just fine.Majick is for anyone and can be done by anyone.You do not need to know how to do a spell .

Do YOU know how they work? ;)

12:12 Feb 12 2012

well then they would know that what you send out comes back times 3. I suppose they know everything to know about protection etc.? Well I laugh in the face of him who claims to know all and thinks he is in control of what he barely understands. For he deserves everything that comes back..

12:42 Feb 12 2012

The interesting thing about what you say,is that this three fold law you speak of is not majick.It is karma.And it effects everyone.In everything we do.Every day of our lives.

12:50 Feb 12 2012

I see Dabblers,who see majick as a game,yet they are quite good at manipulating their enviroments and events.

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