Magic happens where ego ends. Brake the illusion of yourself because you are the only one who can do it. All other folks are too busy watching at themselfs to help you out. In fact, even if they wouldn’t be, they still cannot do anything to you, because you are just a reflection of reflection struggling through space time, just like they are. You have to earn the existence.
I do keep the page the way I like it, and update it at the rate I am comfortable with. If you come here and tell me what to do chances are you will be added to my infinite block list, because your behavior is rude and you need to learn some manners. Opposite is true as well. If you are polite to strangers we will not have any issues even if we do disagree on some topics.
Thank you 🙏
Мда, конечно. От сайта сего веет античным интернетом, этакой «савельевской упырятней» на стероидах. Незабвенный Савелий...сколько интересных персонажей ты подарил моей юности..
If someone would ask me about vampire gods, I would certainly start my narrative with Bachus. Not only he is a father of all thirst, but also the best connection between mortals and eternity. All his mythology is focused around mortal transforming into a god. Also, funny how his cult meetings similar to witches’ shabbaths. From that perspective you start woundering about all the Christ’s blood thing. In vino veritas, indeed.
I’ve heard something similar before. A friend of mine - Ardat has his own little coven of “red brothers”, and violet star is an important part of their philosophy. According to him violet is not only color of Gentry, but fallen angels in general. This is the color of the morning star, so it is logical that violet star refers to Venus, and through it to Aset. All my researchers lead somehow to fertility cults. Woundering how the violet flame differs from the black one according to Kemetic Order.
Free masons sometimes represent life as a circular labyrinth. If you ask my opinion I think this is pretty accurate, at least in my case. Somehow I have to come back to the ideas I once abandoned to re-evaluate them from a new point of view, the one I didn’t have to my disposal before due to lack of certain experience. But hey! The rose gives honey to bees and bees only. So I must keep working with a patience of an underground spirit.