I used to really like horror movies, the were just great fun. Seeing people getting scared and killed was funny.
But now its a long chain of clichés and pathetic scream queens. Same thing over and over with just different antagonists or story.
Drag me to hell by sam raimi was one of the only recent horror films to be brilliant.
Horror franchises get ruined by ever increasing crap sequels too.
Alien was a excellent film and aliens was a masterpiece but then came a sequel which was flawed like most sequels are. Alien 3 was never as good as the first two but its flaws were forgiveable because of production problems. First they spent a lot of the budget before the direct came on and even then that director came on late and the scripts and story kept changing and changing, then the was the studio interference which is a serious problem these days. Just look at AVP and AVP-R. Fox has a nasty habit of butting in and forcing their ideas into a film...wtf? they are a studio! not a fucking director! they just supposed to help the film get released and set the budget and basically that's all (well that is what i thoughT anyway)
Halloween and friday the 13th, perfect classics who suffered from the common disease know as crapitus sequelus hehe.
They were all good in the first 3 or 4 films and then they suck big time. So same formula all over again. female protagonist aka the scream queen and the silent killer who is superhuman (or a zombie in jason's case) goes around killing people until she and sometimes one other person remains. There is nothing new in them anymore, so they keep putting more supernatural elements in them as well. Jason being a zombie and then facing a psychic girl and then being some sort of demonic body switcher.
In the cross over jason vs freddy vs ash, i think it is said that jason is a deadite, pamela used the necronomicon ex mortis to resurrect him ( i can't recall)
Michael turns out to be an average person cursed by the thorn to kill anyone in his bloodline and it endows him with super-human abilities.
Nightmare on elm street is another franchise that got old and crap fast.
All three of these films have been remade are just as crap.
A lot of people say the world will end in 2012...yet they said that about a few other dates. dozy gits.
anyway the world can end but no fixed date is needed, any disaster whether natural or man-made can potentially cause the end of world or both actually just like in Japan. a earthquake caused some devastation and caused the power plants to leak radiation or something (never did care to read much about it) some radiation has supposedly reached Britain and other countries, they said some traces of it was found. then there is the tsunami cause by the disaster. a chain reaction that could spread everywhere. the earthquake was nature and those reactors was man. together the world can and will end.
how the world will end is of no concern to me its what it will end like and be like, will the earth explode or break apart? or will the surface just be affected? if so, how? will it be a radioactive wasteland or a burned out and charred wasteland....or maybe a desert, with the world dried out and thirsty.
floods could be it as well, the mountains becoming new islands and the towns and cities becoming the new sea bed.
either way if life still continues then its a opportunity for a fresh and perfect start.
no more cars or factories, just back to tribals and hunting. that is world that must be reborn. things were pure then, pure and clear. hunt to survive, kill or be killed. no governments or laws other than a tribal leader.
everyone was strong in the era and if they were not then they were dead meat and not dead weight.
so if humanity survives the end of the world whether it comes 2012 or some other date then hopefully they will learn from their mistakes and live as nature intended them to.
do you really think they will learn from their mistakes...they are make worse choices is all
I highly doubt 2012 is real because the predicted end of the world before. Even though Nostradumous predicted alot of the right stuff before like the attack on the new city (New York). I forgot which others though he was right about.
2012 might not be real but an end of the world could be. trying to predict it is pointless as it is probably too late anyway.
mankind is supposed to be the smartest species but indeed is the dumbest, steadily they keep destroying our planet. I look forward to the renewing of this planet which is indeed in progress!!