The Empress Card01:21 Jul 06 2010
Times Read: 991
The Empress
Arcanum - III
Zodiac Affinity - Venus
Action, development, feminine vitality, sensual pleasure, abundance, compassion, creativity, nurturing, feeling good about life, creating peace and harmony around you, and feeling at peace with nature.
Key Phases:
Focusing on beauty and arts.
In harmony with the natural world.
Being extravagant.
Luxurious livng.
Sensual awareness.
You notice with the Empress card, that she is surounded by the beauty of living things, the wheat growing in the field, trees, wildlife, and the constant flow of water in the stream. The wheat growing in the field, that symbolises fertility, growth and development, and the stream, which symbolises the flow of time, because nature is constantly alive, and the natural world is constantly changing and developing with the passage of time.
Just chill with the flow, and enjoy life, and enjoy the beauty and arts of the world.
Try meditating to get closer to nature. Explore your consciousness, and the world around you to gain a better understanding about nature.