Magdalena's Journal

Magdalena's Journal


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4 entries this month


17:39 Mar 29 2016
Times Read: 448

For those of you claiming that I should have been more blunt with this moron opposed to hinting at him to fuck off, DAFUQ?! I shouldn't have to ask to NOT be sexually harassed; that should be a given.

Furthermore, it's been stated on this profile (in all caps, no less) since day one of me creating it TO NOT hit on me; that if someone chooses to ignore that warning, it may end up in my journal. Additionally, the alternate account of mine that he got pissy with a few days ago because I obviously had no desire to respond to his messages and bullshit, is a profile that is more or less dedicated to my RL relationship.

It's not up to me to ensure that people actually read profiles; that's their responsibility, and I'm not on VR to babysit anyone.

On 19:23:19 Mar 25 2016 (-0 GMT) Drayton wrote:

oh yeah I remember that now.

A devoted guy would give his GF a kidney. I told him he could still function perfectly fine with one.

On 19:20:58 Mar 25 2016 (-0 GMT) Magdalena wrote:

Well, he was saying all this dumb shit like, "If you were my girlfriend..."

Don't you think a devoted guy would give his girlfriend a kidney? LOL

On 19:15:55 Mar 25 2016 (-0 GMT) Drayton wrote:

... :p

On 19:05:00 Mar 25 2016 (-0 GMT) bl00d1u5t wrote:

yes mexico that's why she wanted me to slice my kidney out so she could have money to go to mexico

On 19:02:40 Mar 25 2016 (-0 GMT) Drayton wrote:

I know that. And you didn't actually think she was serous about that? But then again maybe she needed money. To herself to Mexico.

On 19:00:38 Mar 25 2016 (-0 GMT) bl00d1u5t wrote:

ive been staying away from her profile today was the first time that ive been on her profile and yes that was the reason why she blocked me cause I wouldn't cut out my own kidney and mail it to her so she could sell it on the internet

On 18:57:36 Mar 25 2016 (-0 GMT) Drayton wrote:

Oh Ok ,I wasn't sure it if it was you. So it must of been someone else I was thinking of.

My best advice is to just stay off her profile if she has you blocked.

On 18:55:40 Mar 25 2016 (-0 GMT) bl00d1u5t wrote:

um I just checked I think she is lying to you drayton she still has the 10 that I rated her I nerver touched her profile

On 18:51:20 Mar 25 2016 (-0 GMT) Drayton wrote:

So did you go and rate her low because of that?

I don't think that's why she blocked you. She has a tendency to block guys that can't seem get a clue.

On 18:44:20 Mar 25 2016 (-0 GMT) bl00d1u5t wrote:

She blocked me after I said no that she couldn't have a kidney that I cut out of myself and mail it to her so she could sell it over the Internet

On 18:41:56 Mar 25 2016 (-0 GMT) Drayton wrote:

Ok just checking. Maybe she just doesn't wish to talk to you.

And you should of maybe got the hint.

She told me you rated her a 1 is that true?

On 18:39:53 Mar 25 2016 (-0 GMT) bl00d1u5t wrote:

No I don't I did nothing to her but say hi and she blocked me I swear I've done nothing nor do I have any problem with her or anyone

On 18:38:24 Mar 25 2016 (-0 GMT) Drayton wrote:

Do you have a problem with Magdalena?

On 18:34:52 Mar 25 2016 (-0 GMT) bl00d1u5t wrote:

Hello drayton


As for his claims that I'm lying about the rating he gave me:

I don't give a shit about what he rated me, but I'm clearly NOT lying about it.

Also, I will take a minute to clarify that I did rate him a 1 over his fucktarded antics, and he is currently blocked on two of my accounts; how many more blocks he receives from me is completely dependent on his stupidity.


...And as for the kidney thing; I'm guessing that needs more explanation. This little dumbass messaged me not too long ago, and almost IMMEDIATELY started hitting on me. I told him I was busy and in the process of fleeing to Mexico; that I was running from the cops because I killed my boyfriend.

That should be a hint enough in itself to leave me alone, right? Apparently not. He kept on with dumb shit like, "If you were my girlfriend..." and blah, blah, blah.

So, after a couple days of this, I ran out of fucks to give; he was still bugging me and trying to flirt with me. Seems how he was still rambling on about how awesome he'd treat me if I was his girlfriend, I asked him for a kidney that I could sell for gas money to get to Mexico; after all, a devoted guy would want to help out his potential girlfriend, right? LOL

Considering this idiot along with many others on here can't seem to grasp these concepts, I will make it as simple as I possibly can:

1. It doesn't matter whether or not you realize an account you're messaging is an alternate account of someone you've already pissed off; it doesn't give you the liberty to try to e-fuck them.

2. I'm still not required nor obligated to respond to any dumbass messages I receive.

3. If you've pissed me off on one of my accounts, I'm not going to pretend to care about you on any of my other accounts either.



20:24 Mar 29 2016

I'd give you my kidney! LOL :P

20:39 Mar 29 2016

Ooooh, I feel so lurved. Haha

01:25 Mar 30 2016


I swear...the longer I'm away rom VR, the more I noticed that nothing has changed. LOL

Now...about that kidney...

01:55 Mar 30 2016

LOL nope; it's always the same ol', same ol'.


First and Only Warning

07:29 Mar 06 2016
Times Read: 544

This is just a heads up to inform everyone that if you switch profiles with Felicia on any of her profiles that are blinded within Sete Diabolica and/or Teutonic Order, you WILL NOT be unblinded or traded out for a lesser amount of favor.

In other words, your best bet is to NOT switch profiles with her or agree to take on new ownership of those accounts; we've made that exception once for extenuating circumstances, but rest assured it will not happen again.

So if you choose to take on those profiles at this point, it's your loss.



23:17 Mar 06 2016

Yes please don't ruin our princess powerpuff ping pong game for us.

19:10 Mar 07 2016

Thank you for letting me out....if i find her on any other profiles I will let you know and try to get my hands on them.



20:11 Mar 04 2016
Times Read: 749



Tsk Tsk, Silly Bitch

04:23 Mar 04 2016
Times Read: 836

Attention all coven staff members of VR! Sete Diabolica interrupts our totally bitchin’ game of princess ping pong with Teutonic Order to bring you this informative newsflash.

Kissami is NOT up for trade; well, not unless you’re willing to pay a hefty amount of favor for said profile. The same goes for the profile, BR549, which is believed to be the same person; unless we see some form of legitimate proof indicating otherwise, we will continue to believe that it is Felicia on both profiles. Now, we know this member has other profiles, but right now we’re only addressing these two.

In case you missed it, BR549 is the dip shit formerly known as Pantheress; yes, the one with the “shitlist” for anyone who rated her profile less than a 10 or whomever she got butthurt over. Did I mention that BITCH1786 (also her) was suspended for violating ToS when she created the next profile?

She has lied incessantly in attempt to be traded out, but this has obviously not helped her pleas. So, keep this in mind when she messages you asking you to buy her; neither of her profiles will be traded out for anything less than 15,000 favors per profile. Considering we highly doubt anyone will make that offer, she will continue to be the coven’s blood whore.

She originally may have been traded for less, but the deeper she dug her grave, the more we increased the asking favor.

Stop sending us messages regarding a trade for this member unless you’re offering the asking amount of favor; from here on out those messages will not receive a response, and the lesser trade offers will be declined.

If in the event someone does make that offer for either of her profiles, the favor will be split 50% with Teutonic Order.

For those of you who failed math:

1 profile = 15,000 favors; Sete Diabolica and Teutonic Order each get 7,500 favors.

2 profiles = 30,000 favors; Sete Diabolica and Teutonic Order each get 15,000 favors.

…And before anyone starts crying about how unfair this is or what evil cunts we are, allow me to remind you this is Vampire Rave not Unicorn Orgy.


Vampire Rave is unique in that it has a Society System. Vampire Rave is arranged into Houses and Covens. These Houses and Covens compete against one another for standing. Alliances sometimes form between Houses and Covens.

There isn't a lot of difference between a House and a Coven. A House is run by a Vampire Rave administrator and is a permanent fixture of Vampire Rave. A Coven is started by a Sire (a member of level 100 or higher). A Coven can be disbanded by its Sire and is therefore less permanent.

Vampire Rave members are inducted into societies. You do not have a choice as to whether or not you want to be in a specific society. Once you hit level 20 you're free game. Any society Master can induct you. Forced induction is a core component of Vampire Rave. You're on a vampire site after all.

Not only can you be inducted into a Society against your will, but your Master can trade or release you at any time. If you're released, another Society can induct you. If you're traded, you may log in one day and find out you're in a new House or Coven.

One of the biggest advantages to reaching level 100 is that once you do, you can no longer be forcibly inducted into a House or Coven. You can still join Societies, but once you're in one you can leave it at any time. Masters have no hold over you. Additionally, at level 100 you can start your own Coven if you wish.

You don't have to worry about Houses and Covens too much right now. You can't be inducted until you hit level 20. Many members don't get inducted until they hit level 50 or higher. But it would be a good idea to read up on the system a bit and understand how it all works. For further information, read the Society FAQ.

Induction into any House or Coven is forced. You do not have a choice as to whether or not you will be a member of a House/Coven. An exception to this rule are members who hold the rank of Sire. A Sire cannot be forcibly inducted. A Sire can join any House/Coven (with the Master's permission) and leave any House/Coven at any time. A Sire can also start their own Coven.

Your Master can sell or trade you to another House/Coven. You do not have a choice if you will be sold or traded.

Induction Requirements

A prospective inductee must meet the following:

Be at least level 20

Be free of affiliation

Not be a Sire.

If you do not understand the underlying concepts behind forced induction you should not be a member of Vampire Rave.

4. Help! I'm in a House/Coven and I hate the Master!

Members do not have a choice as to whether or not they want to be in a specific House or Coven. A member can request of their Master that they be traded, however a Master is under no obligation to facilitate such a trade.

When a member reaches the Status of Sire they are free to leave any House or Coven.

5. I've been traded! I don't want to be traded!

Members do not have a choice as to whether or not they will be traded to another House or Coven.


FROM: Magdalena

Message To: Kissami

Again, premium memberships have nothing to do with your status in a coven.

I'm not sure why you would have deleted that message; it would have possibly helped in getting you traded out.

On 00:48:45 Feb 28 2016 (-0 GMT) Kissami wrote:

im not a free member im a premium....

On 00:46:48 Feb 28 2016 (-0 GMT) Magdalena wrote:

I also stated that you may have been blinded because a staff member may have felt that you were not a good fit for the coven; new members are blinded all the time, that's nothing new.

So far you've not provided proof of anything; I can't help you without seeing some form of indication that you were asked to join the coven along with the other claims you've made. I will not be disloyal to my coven, its members, or my CM.

Well, profiles are free unless you choose to buy a premium membership; premium memberships have nothing to do with your status in a coven.

To my knowledge, no one in my coven has violated the ToS in this matter; if you feel that they have, then I'd appreciate some form of indication so that it can be addressed.

On 00:33:16 Feb 28 2016 (-0 GMT) Kissami wrote:

what part of im brand new to this site do not you understand how can someone dislike how i am when they do not even know who i am , i m not trying to sound rude just trying to understand i should deserve a chance, at this coven and i think i was blinded for no reason, but accusing me of being someone im not is defiantly not cool, at all, I have pics of me too even prove to you i am not Felicia,

I also spent allot of money too purchase a profile to get blinded,? that is not cool either

On 00:25:34 Feb 28 2016 (-0 GMT) Magdalena wrote:

The message should still be in your inbox unless you deleted it.

At this point, if you want to be an active member you will have no choice but to be traded to a different coven. If you were blinded, that means a staff member believed you were not a good fit for our coven in some way or another, and/or you may have done something to offend them.

On 00:19:05 Feb 28 2016 (-0 GMT) Kissami wrote:

i did not save the Message -.- if i do not wish to be traded can i be unblinded? cause i did spend allot of time on this profile

On 23:36:32 Feb 27 2016 (-0 GMT) Magdalena wrote:

Right, well Vampyrebeauty is the CM; so she gets the final word.

Do you have the message where Vampyrebeauty asked you about joining our coven?

LadyAdiana is not a member of our coven; nor did she ever make a 15,000 favor offer for your profile.

What I mean is that if you want to go to a different coven, the CM will have to send us 15,000 favors. That's how trades work; the other coven sends us the favor, and we send your profile to where you want to go.

On 23:04:06 Feb 27 2016 (-0 GMT) Kissami wrote:

Mary is beautifulEnlightment


and third question i dont know Ladyadiana did not tell me

and 4 is understandble hon ,

On 20:37:59 Feb 27 2016 (-0 GMT) Magdalena wrote:

Well, what you are proposing raises a few different issues:

1. Who is marry?

2. I still need to know who from my coven asked you about joining.

3. I also need to know who asked for 15,000 favors.

4. Covens don't generally swap members for free.

On 20:33:57 Feb 27 2016 (-0 GMT) Kissami wrote:

with that said can i be swapped too marrys coven then the person said they wanted 15000 favors for me and idk why that is,

On 20:28:45 Feb 27 2016 (-0 GMT) Magdalena wrote:

If you don't mind me asking, who from my coven asked you about joining?

Because we typically don't induct new profiles.

On 20:26:16 Feb 27 2016 (-0 GMT) Kissami wrote:

i know hon and i do not know who this felica is i am named jen in real life, i never new about this site till i googled about vampires/ann rice books, and came accross here,

The situation started out people asking me to join other covens i said yes to this one and another cause i did not know who was gonna take me in cause they waited to long to respond, Is something i do not like to im too nice to everyone so i say yes to allot people cause i do not like hurting others feelings and I know Be was and has been nice to me , So i said yes to her coven and then yours after, So with that said if that hurt you by any means i did not intentially mean to do such harm im a nice geniune real person or atleast try to treat all with respect,

On 20:22:20 Feb 27 2016 (-0 GMT) Magdalena wrote:

Ok, then who is this? I mean your name because I was told it was Felicia.

I'm just trying to figure things out so I know what's going on.

On 20:16:27 Feb 27 2016 (-0 GMT) Kissami wrote:

no its not im new to vampirerave,

On 20:09:32 Feb 27 2016 (-0 GMT) Magdalena wrote:

Is this Felicia?

On 18:23:26 Feb 27 2016 (-0 GMT) Kissami wrote:

hello hon i was wondering why i can not see my forums in coven i haven't even gotten chance too even know how to place banner or Even Post in forums im new to this site so is confusing still im sorry if i upset anyone if i did it was not intentionally done


i think is vampyrebeauty if i remember correctly i looked at her profile and remembers her avatar,

On 21:40:08 Feb 27 2016 (-0 GMT) Magdalena wrote:

If you could give me the names of the people in my coven who asked you to join and who asked for 15,000 favors it would help a lot.

You see, I've been an ACM in my coven for a long time; when it comes to VR, my loyalty is first and foremost to my coven and its members. However, if you can give me the names I may be able to help you.

If the request for 15,000 favors came from the CM or top ACM, then ultimately the decision to trade you out is theirs. So, if you're wanting to be in a different coven, the CM of the coven you want to be in will have to find a way to trade 15,000 favors.

I don't go against their orders.


First off, this message that Felicia “deleted” never actually occurred and has always been non-existent; NOBODY, especially Vampyrebeauty, asked her to join our coven. Hence, why Felicia cannot provide proof and got defensive after she was caught in yet another lie.

Felicia keeps asking to be unblinded or traded for a lesser amount of favor; bitch, I don't know what you're smoking, but stop raiding BE's stash. Mmmm k?

Other members and friends have forwarded me their conversations with Felicia; which have further solidified our beliefs about this member. However, I’m not posting those conversations in my journal without the consent of the members who forwarded me the conversations. If you need proof of Felicia’s antics, refer to slipknotbabe356’s journal.

On one profile she claims her name is Ruth Anne Sline and on another she claims it is Jen or Jennifer; however, to us she will always be known as Felicia. So, without further ado…



06:29 Mar 04 2016

Felicia never learns doesn't she? Lol

06:37 Mar 04 2016

Nah, she's still a silly ho. Next she'll be asking to borrow a kid to do her taxes.

06:54 Mar 04 2016


Though seriously people don't message me about a trade or send me a trade for less than what is being asked. For doing so you will be subjected to being ridiculed and laughed at.

07:01 Mar 04 2016

Oh, it's already happened to us; now it gets to be your turn for the next two weeks. LOL I love having joint custody.

07:26 Mar 04 2016

She's a duct tape and double bagger.

07:31 Mar 04 2016

Joint custody is fun, though to put it in another way anyone who messages me about this member will be ridiculed not only in private but in my journal as well. Everyone has been warned!

07:37 Mar 04 2016

LOL Dakotah, that is the best description I've heard of her so far.

SKB, your journals are epic and are becoming legendarily hilarious. Haha

18:33 Mar 04 2016


21:05 Mar 05 2016

Wait a second.. She told me she was brand new to the site.. Via the kissami profile that I was supposed to induct... I had no idea all this shit was going on. :/ And btw.. I've been sober for over two years now.. It might be time to try and find something better to talk shit about me about. Must be doing pretty damn good, if you have to dig THAT DEEP as to go in my photobucket account and STEAL a private photo. But then we don't have to go very far to see how UGLY YOU ARE. Just look at your fucking profile pic.

02:42 Mar 06 2016

I happen to think Magdalena's profile picture is pretty.

02:51 Mar 06 2016

Aw, thanks Primal.

I'm not sweating it because that's just how Mary is; she calls everyone ugly and jealous if they tell her the truth about herself.

03:30 Mar 06 2016

I think you have a purdy face! :)

03:35 Mar 06 2016

SKB, I think you're just trying to get my pumpkin pie! LOL

03:39 Mar 06 2016

Ok you caught me! LOL XD

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