03:12 Jan 15 2015
Times Read: 547
Not that it really concerns anyone, and I realize the majority of members on here are too illiterate and self-absorbed to even comprehend what's about to follow...
However, I have shit going on in my life (that means away from a fucking website where people live in their own little fantasy worlds) that by far takes precedence over your little teenage-esque soap opera, melodramatic issues.
For those who are aware that I was a toddler the last time I saw my biological father, and that he died when I was 14; you probably also know that I was reunited with that side of my family when I was 17.
I was still a dumb, naive kid at that time obviously, and tried not to think too far into the future. I was just so ecstatic to have rekindled those long-lost relationships.
Well, as of now my only remaining links to my biological father happen to be my grandparents and my uncle, all of which most likely will not live to the end of the year; my grandparents are in extremely poor health, and my uncle has Cancer. In fact, my uncle currently only weighs 138 lbs, and he happens to be my favorite person in this fucking world.
To make matters more difficult, they all live on the other side of the country; so it's not like I can easily see them or be there to take care of them as I'd like to be.
Additionally, my man candy has recently acquired a new job which makes seeing him nearly impossible for the time being. Hell no, I'm not happy about it. I'm glad he was able to find a new job though, and luckily we keep in contact frequently enough without wanting to kill each other.
In continuation with the theme, his mother is also battling Cancer, just as my uncle is.
I, myself, have been dealing with the flu this week on top of other things.
I've started the new semester of classes, which as expected will be extremely hectic.
My house has decided that 2015 is the year to become a money pit, which is obviously draining my savings account. Yet on top of that, I still have to figure out how I'm going to pay for plane tickets to Albuquerque so that I can see my dying family one last time.
So, there you have it. I've never felt obligated to share every intricate detail of my personal life with the general public, especially not on VR. Hence, why you rarely ever see me write journal entries about my personal life.
However, don't come whining to me at any point in the near future about your petty VR bullshit unless it's intended to be comic relief or ignored altogether.
03:30 Jan 15 2015
Hopefully, things will take a turn for you.
03:35 Jan 15 2015
My year started off kinda' fucked up too.
Isn't it weird how people take more stock in - and go bat shit - over internet bullshit instead of REAL life?
In any case, you have my best wishes.
03:41 Jan 15 2015
Thank you, I hope they will too.
I realize that this journal entry probably came off as being cold, but I tend to bite my tongue way too much on here when I receive messages from friends and acquaintances complaining about rates and blocks, and talking shit about people they don't like just for the sake of not liking them.
Yet I get those same tired messages repeatedly while I'm doing my best to handle my own RL issues.
I'm not looking for pity or a crutch to lean on; people just need to understand that there are bigger issues than what happens on a website.
18:09 Jan 15 2015
seems like you are going through a lot of things which are not in favour for you n hope things get better very soon