Maell's Journal

Maell's Journal


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4 entries this month


05:45 May 28 2010
Times Read: 540

By: Erik Salazar

Written: May 27th, 2010

A global killer,

Set upon a burning pillar,

Worship or flee,

Courtship of disease.

And we wonder why,

We no longer sore through the sky,

Ask the right questions,

To see all the impressions.

How do you save a race?

Hell bent on self-destruction?

How do you take the place?

Of what’s never been constructed?

A celebration over,

Run and duck for cover,

Wrongly misplaced,

Has been your faith.

And we wonder why,

We didn’t find lies within lies,

Ask the right questions,

To receive Revelation.

How do you save a race?

Hell bent on self-destruction?

How do you take the place?

Of what’s never been constructed?

Is all we built destined for failure?

How do you save a race?

Hell bent on destruction?

Self-imposed exile,

You realize mistakes,

Now nothing will ever be the same!

We grew too strong,

We destroyed creation,

Nothing will ever be the same again!

And we wonder why,

We didn’t find lies within lies,

Ask the right questions,

To receive Revelation.

How do you save a race?

Hell bent on self-destruction?

How do you take the place?

Of what’s never been constructed?

Is all we built destined for failure?

How do you save a race?

Hell bent on destruction?

And we wonder why,

We no longer sore through the sky,

Ask the right questions,

To see all the impressions.





08:54 May 23 2010
Times Read: 544

By: Erik Salazar

Written: May 23rd, 2010

Letting go of all I’ve lost,

Was once to much a cost,

But now you are no longer breathing,

You remain sleeping.

I once felt warmth from you,

I once felt love from you,

But now you are no longer warm,

Succumbed to the storm.

How our love did die,

Was all part of yesterday,

I cling to the rain clouds,

Hoping to stop your ascent.

But it’s all just a dream,

A thing forever broken,

To hold on is a lie,

To hold on is to die.

All that’s left is blowing away,

I overstayed my welcome,

For I too have blown away,

To find you in my dreams.





23:38 May 22 2010
Times Read: 546

By: Erik Salazar

Written: May 22nd, 2010

Sink your teeth into knowledge,

Let the taste fill your essence,

Open your eyes wide to see,

The colors around you that be.

Let heat fill your coursing veins,

Feel the mist of the sweeping rain,

And know that you are like he who is God,

You are your own God!

But realize that what you’ve done,

Can never be undone,

The ground on which you sleep,

You shall never reap!

For we are snake,

We are serpent,

We are lust,

We are forbidden!

We are hate!

We are hell!

We are death!

We are forbidden!

You hide away in shame,

All you are and your name,

Is cursed to suffer in life,

For you thought you were right.

But in your toil you shall know,

A different and deeper low,

Your children will be the ones,

Who will feel all you’ve done.

Your sin will be the cause,

Of everything that’s wrong,

Smile down on us all,

Smile down on we who fall!

For we are snake,

We are serpent,

We are lust,

We are forbidden!

We are hate!

We are hell!

We are death!

We are forbidden!

Your sin lives within our souls,

Are hearts are black as coal,

Demonic possession ensues,

As we dwell on bitter woes!

We are forbidden!

But in your toil you shall know,

A different and deeper low,

Your children are the ones,

Who have seen all you’ve done.

Your sin has been the cause,

Of everything that’s wrong,

Smile down on us all,

Smile down on we who fall!

For we are snake,

We are serpent,

We are lust,

We are forbidden!

We are hate!

We are hell!

We are death!

We are forbidden!

We are all simply forbidden!





07:40 May 22 2010
Times Read: 549

By: Erik Salazar

Written: May 22nd, 2010

We stare in the face of our lady death,

We stand at attention to show our faith,

Our hands bring forth the bounty,

Bathed in red for her majesty.

Our bidding is to satisfy her thirst,

Our love and devotion come first,

The innocent for her shall please,

Crying and begging on their knees.

We serve and protect her skin,

Engaging in the seven deadly sins,

All we do is to satisfy,

The lust of our lady on high!

Killer! Killer! Killer!

The Countess Bathory!

Murder! Murder! Murder!

The virgin sodomy!

In chains we bring them naked,

To become one of the forsaken,

She slits their throats to start,

Slowly moving to their hearts.

She partakes in their crimson red,

As their eyes roll into their heads,

The rest forms into a pool,

Shimmering like ruby jewels.

She slides into the carnage of death,

Slipping under blood’s dying breath,

To form into the lie,

To emerge as our lady on high!

Killer! Killer! Killer!

The Countess Bathory!

Murder! Murder! Murder!

The virgin sodomy!

Beauty found at the surface,

Crafted for an evil purpose,

Underneath the burning surface,

Are many unholy curses.

This be the Countess Bathory,

Our lady bathed in majesty,

All she has done be unholy,

This; the virgin sodomy!

Killer! Killer! Killer!

The Countess Bathory!

Murder! Murder! Murder!

The virgin sodomy!

Killer! Killer! Killer!

Murder! Murder! Murder!

Killer! Killer! Killer!

Murder! Murder! Murder!

The Countess Bathory!

The Virgin Sodomy!



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