Maell's Journal

Maell's Journal


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6 entries this month

Kings Are Nothing

04:17 Jan 27 2010
Times Read: 594

By: Erik Salazar

Written: January 27th, 2010

The ax in my hands is bloody,

The shoes I wear are muddy,

I carry the head of a king on my back,

His body remains in my pack.

I drained his corpse of fluids,

His face is now diluted,

He screamed like a pig,

Like a dying pig.

He begged on his knees for mercy,

Trying to stop the immanent surgery,

I tied him up against a tree,

As I laid out my vile decree.

Kings are nothing,

Kings are nothing,

Men like you must always die!

Kings are nothing,

Kings are nothing,

Men like you must always die!

I peeled off his skin first,

To satisfy my blood thirst,

When his screams became too loud,

I cut his tongue from the throat.

I slit his stomach wide open,

His bones were all broken,

He was going to die,

He started to die.

He begged on his knees for mercy,

Trying to stop the immanent surgery,

I gouged his eyes so he'd fear,

The words that I spoke in his ear.

Kings are nothing,

Kings are nothing,

Men like you must always die!

Kings are nothing,

Kings are nothing,

Men like you must always die!

Your rule is gone with you,

Your powers died with you,

You cannot keep me at bay!

Your dead with nothing left to say!

Kings are nothing,

Kings are nothing,

Men like you must always die!

Kings are nothing,

Kings are nothing,

Men like you must always die!

Men like you must always die,

Kings are nothing!



02:55 Jan 28 2010

Wow...damn, dude! Intense bloody fun!

03:23 Jan 29 2010

Likes this a Lot ...DEEP


Addicted to Skin

22:00 Jan 12 2010
Times Read: 608

By: Erik Salazar

Written: January 12th, 2010

Splitting open the skin,

Of youthful young men,

Bathing within their remains,

The mind of the insane.

A sacrifice to obtain,

The mark of disdain,

But to feel complete,

He had to devour and eat.

The corpse of his lover,

He didn't want it to be over,

He wanted him to stay,

To never really go away.

Addicted to skin,

Addicted to skin,

Engaging in necrophelic sin,

Addicted to skin,

Addicted to skin,

Engaging in necrophelic sin.

What he couldn't devour,

He stored within his shower,

Inside clear plastic bags,

Marking them with tags.

Their skulls lined his walls,

Their skin decked his halls,

He smiled at his work,

Washing his knife and fork.

He would find another lover,

He didn't want it to be over,

He wanted them to stay,

To never really go away.

Addicted to skin,

Addicted to skin,

Engaging in necrophelic sin,

Addicted to skin,

Addicted to skin,

Engaging in necrophelic sin.

The smell lingered down the hall,

Leading to his inevitable downfall,

And the discovery of his crimes,

Which he himself thought sublime.

The innocents silent screams,

Written on the faces in his dreams,

Never haunted him,

They never crossed his mind!

He would find another lover,

It was never realy over,

He wanted them to stay,

To never really go away.

Addicted to skin,

Addicted to skin,

Engaging in necrophelic sin,

Addicted to skin,

Addicted to skin,

Engaging in necrophelic sin.

Necrophelic sin,

Addicted to skin!

Necrophelic sin,

Addicted to skin!



02:56 Jan 28 2010

coloful gore


Crime of Passion

07:31 Jan 09 2010
Times Read: 615

By: Erik Salazar

Written: January 9th, 2010

A bastard son of a whore,

His life he loves no more,

His hands raked his hair,

As his eyes began to stare.

The mess on the floor,

It flows to the door,

The blood is sinking in.

A smell so foul,

He falls and howls,

When will this nightmare end?

Her body is blue,

The mess is like glue,

It clings right to his hands.

So beautiful in death,

He stole her last breath,

He looks down at his hands.

When did I become a monster?

I know all to well when you became a monster,

When you aligned yourself with his legion,

And when you wrapped your hands around her throat,

A crime of passion that you exalt.

Her eyes slowly rolled back,

As you begun your attack,

Her skin slowly turned pale,

As she fought and tried to yell.

There's so much gore,

He wants so much more,

He cuts her limb from limb.

He loves all her meat,

He sits down to eat,

Her body limb from limb.

And when he is done,

He pulls out a gun,

He points it at his head.

A single shot rings out,

And unable to shout,

His head is flowing red.

When did he become a monster?

I know all to well when he became a monster,

When he aligned himself with his legion,

And when he wrapped his hands around her throat,

A crime of passion that he exalts.

Now risen from the ground,

He walks without a sound,

To find his next victim,

In which he can defile,

And forever remain exiled,

From this this hated system.

A monster, you're a monster,

A crime of passion that is your fault,

A monster, you're a monster,

A crime of passion that you exalt!



03:24 Jan 29 2010

I think I was married to this one ,,,I relate to it hmm


No Body, No Crime (The Butcher)

06:24 Jan 06 2010
Times Read: 621

By: Erik Salazar

Written: January 6th, 2009

With a quick shot it's over,

Snuffing the light of the lover,

Wrap the head before it hits the floor,

Silently the six shut the door.

Hang the body upside down to drain,

The blood pours out like crimson rain,

An hour passes, butcher the corpse,

With your knives drown, show no remorse.

Hack the body into smaller pieces,

Bag it up and dispose of the pieces,

Dump the remains into a silver can,

Just like you did with the last man.

No body, No crime,

Nobody, This time,

No body, No crime,

Nobody, This time.

With every single cut,

Blood spews from his guts,

Be careful, don't make a mess,

We need this place to impress.

Wash away the chunks of flesh,

They sit around and begin to jest,

His head exploded, did you see,

How he looked, when he fell to his knees.

Hack the body into smaller pieces,

Bag it up and dispose of the pieces,

Dump the remains into a silver can,

Just like you did with the last man.

No body, No crime,

Nobody, This time,

No body, No crime,

Nobody, This time.

The Butcher,

Hundreds dead because of you,

The Butcher,

No evidence, not even a single clue.

The Butcher,

Hundreds dead because of you,

The Butcher,

No evidence, not even a single clue.

Hack the body into smaller pieces,

Bag it up and dispose of the pieces,

Dump the remains into a silver can,

Just like you did with the last man.

No body, No crime,

Nobody, This time,

No body, No crime,

Nobody, This time.

No body, No crime,

Nobody, This time,

No body, No crime,

Nobody, This time!




The End of the World

07:21 Jan 03 2010
Times Read: 633

By: Erik Salazar

Written: January 3rd, 2010

We shall pray for the end,

As we avoid trying to depend,

On anyone but ourselves,

For we are the only ones left,

We are all that is left.

This world has eaten itself apart,

Playing the anti-hero's part,

And it plays evil so beautifully well,

That we are all going straight to hell.

So with a final wave of my finger,

And a tip to the front row singer,

I bid thee all adieu as I turn my eyes,

From the angles and demons in the skies.

We shall scream for some mercy,

Like new born babes in a nursery,

But no one will hear us scream,

Their ears are deaf to everything and all,

They are deaf to it all.

As the sky is painted a demonic black,

Blood spills when both sides attack,

Red colors the roads and streets,

And all you see are the praying priests.

Save us most divine and holy God!

So with a final wave of my finger,

And a tip to the front row singer,

I bid thee all adieu as I turn my eyes,

From the angles and demons in the skies.

When we fall into the burning depths,

A high so like that of crystal breath,

We bid thee all adieu as I turn my eyes,

From the angles and demons in the skies.

This is the end of the world!

We shall pray for the end,

As we avoid trying to depend,

On anyone but ourselves,

For we are the only ones left,

We are all that is left.

This world has eaten itself apart,

Playing the anti-hero's part,

And it plays evil so beautifully well,

That we are all going straight to hell.

So with a final wave of my finger,

And a tip to the front row singer,

I bid thee all adieu as I turn my eyes,

From the angles and demons in the skies.

The angels and demons in the skies!

This is the end of the world!



22:11 Jan 03 2010

Oooh - I really like this one...!


I'm Leaving

09:06 Jan 02 2010
Times Read: 636

By: Erik Salazar

Written: January 1st, 2010

It's been ten long years since I had you by my side,

I had to much to drink and I don't have anything left to hide,

I just want to say I love you one more time,

Because in the end your all that's on my mind.

It's an hour til it drops,

I'm feeling kinda drunk but I'm leaving now,

I didn't lose my hope,

I just can't hold on cause you've left me now,

I did all that I could to keep you around,

But tonight I'm leaving now.

It's been a constant battle trying to take a step outside,

What made it so much worse was that you were still inside,

I just want to tell you one last time,

That your always on mind.

It's five minutes til it drops,

I'm feeling kinda drunk but I'm leaving now,

I didn't lose my hope,

I just can't hold on cause you've left me now,

I did all that I could to keep you around,

But tonight I'm leaving now.

It's a minute til it drops,

I'm feeling kinda drunk but I'm leaving now,

I didn't lose my hope,

I just can't hold on cause you've left me now,

I did all that I could to keep you around,

But tonight I'm leaving now.

The ball has finally dropped,

I'm feeling kinda drunk but I'm leaving now,

It's not what I had hopped,

I just can't hold on cause you've left me now,

I did all that I could to keep you around,

But tonight I'm leaving now.



22:12 Jan 03 2010

Nice - sad.

03:25 Jan 29 2010

Thanks i do know this one sad and sweet Thanks Erik for sharing this one

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