Maell's Journal

Maell's Journal


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12 entries this month

A Tale At Sea

05:32 Dec 30 2009
Times Read: 578

By: Erik Salazar

Written: December 29th, 2009

My head is barely over the waves,

I'm still searching for the one who saves,

Will she come back for me now?

Will she ever come back now?

I am one of the many lost at sea,

Trying to salvage whats left of the key,

That I found at the bottom of Davy Jones,

Buried beneath his broken bones.

Underneath the sand they are calling,

Another gift, another living offering,

That they can use to feel alive,

They can use me to feel alive!

My soul is filled with irony,

My eyes are filled with mockery,

And although I have exhaled my last breath,

I laugh into the face of death!

The waves have dragged me below,

I lose my soul underneath the glow,

Of my dying bride whom I have lost,

This is my most heartbreaking loss.

Only in death can we be united,

And although I'll admit I'm frightened,

I can't wait to behold her face,

Away from this dreadful place.

Underneath the sand they are calling,

Another gift, another living offering,

That they can use to feel alive,

They can use me to feel alive!

My soul is filled with irony,

My eyes are filled with mockery,

And although I have exhaled my last breath,

I laugh into the face of death!

And although I am gone away,

I know this is the only way,

That I'll ever be at rest,

As I laugh into the face of death!

I am blue in the face!

My eyes roll in the back of my head!

I am blue in the face!

My eyes roll in the back of my head!

My darling,

Do you still see me as beautiful,

Am I still one of the faithful,

Will you still hear me if I call?

My darling,

Do you still see me as beautiful,

Am I still one of the faithful,

Will you still hear me if I call?

Can you hear me at all?

Underneath the sand they are calling,

Another gift, another living offering,

That they can use to feel alive,

I behold her and I feel alive!





05:43 Dec 28 2009
Times Read: 586

By: Erik Salazar

Written: December 27th, 2009

Kill what I adore,

Prepare for eternal war,

A darkened adversary,

Filled to the brim with blasphemy.

An oncoming storm,

Clouds wherever he roams,

A graying temptation,

Infects the holy nation.

Sin crawls from within,

Turning the tide to win,

All who stand before,

The mouth of a dying whore.

Babylon! Babylon!

The city in which evil sleeps,

Babylon! Babylon!

They march with the souls of the deep.

Waves of divinity,

Drains all the infamy,

Of color and light,

Darkness descends tonight.

Tongues that reek,

Of violent incest they speak,

Murder in the temple,

Causes the land to ripple.

A billowing of fire,

Brings those with desire,

To the black door,

Seeking the mouth of the whore.

Babylon! Babylon!

The city in which evil sleeps,

Babylon! Babylon!

They march with the souls of the deep.

Babylon! Babylon!

Hell waits to drift you away,

Babylon! Babylon!

A small fee but a greater price you'll pay.

Crumbling down upon you,

Nothing left for you to do,

No god will hear your cries,

For clemency on this night.

The city falls into ruin,

All around you is fucking ruined,

Nothing but a memory,

You are nothing but a memory!

Babylon! Babylon!

The city in which evil sleeps,

Babylon! Babylon!

They march with the souls of the deep.

Babylon, Babylon!

Hell waits to drift you away,

Babylon, Babylon!

A small fee but a greater price you'll pay.

She lies with you,

In ruins tonight!




Innocent Wrongs

19:24 Dec 22 2009
Times Read: 596

By: Erik Salazar

Written: December 22nd, 2009

You ever feel the ice breaking,

The wind and trees cracking,

Heckling when your backs turned,

Cursing all you touch to burn.

How bout the mountains screaming,

Is this the world you've been dreaming,

The end is coming faster than you think,

A time bomb detonating before you blink.

Hold your friends and enemies close,

Swallow them like a medicated dose,

Their disappearance is immanent,

Their memory but a figment.

Of what your life used to be,

Before you became dead to me,

Don't search for me cause I'm long gone,

To late to correct your fucking wrongs!

You see all that you have built,

Begin to falter and to wilt,

Now it's your turn to suffer well,

Inside your well crafted hell.

Innocence will not be forgiven,

No matter your excuses or your reasons,

It's time for your world to be ending,

And time for my world to start beginning.

Hold your friends and enemies close,

Swallow them like a medicated dose,

Their disappearance is immanent,

Their memory but a figment.

Of what your life used to be,

Before you became dead to me,

Don't search for me cause I'm long gone,

To late to correct your fucking wrongs!

Your world is burning now,

Your world is burning now,

Your disappearance is immanent,

Your memory but a figment.

Of what your life used to be,

Before you became dead to me,

Don't search for me cause I'm long gone,

To late to correct your fucking wrongs!

To late to correct your innocent wrongs!



06:33 Jan 02 2010

great poetry, i can remember being on both sides at various points in my life


A Celebration in Defeat.

20:40 Dec 18 2009
Times Read: 611

By: Erik Salazar

Written: December 18th, 2009

Cold hands of a killer,

Rap themselves around your neck,

What was promised to be a thriller,

Is a let down to the sick.

No amount of medication,

Can save you from the coils,

As they preform their suffocation,

And bury you within the soil.

So say your prayers to the stars,

In your final moment of life,

Say your prayers to the stars,

Your final moment is upon you.

How will you be remembered,

As one of the strong or weak,

As the fire dies in your embers,

Become the one who will speak.

And if you die as a martyr,

Then die upon your feet,

For in the days following tomorrow,

You will be celebrated in defeat.

Even as the disease,

Overwhelms and kills your physique,

Forget those who've died on their knees,

For they lost their mystique.

No amount of hell can hold you back,

Even as the strength of gods leaves you,

Mount one last and final attack,

To show even in death they will not have you!

So say your prayers to the stars,

In your final moment of life,

Say your prayers to the stars,

Your final moment is upon you.

How will you be remembered,

As one of the strong or weak,

As the fire dies in your embers,

Become the one who will speak.

And if you die as a martyr,

Then die upon your feet,

For in the days following tomorrow,

You will be celebrated in defeat.

You buried them in their graves,

Their souls will not be saved,

You mount their heads on spears,

Infecting others with fear.

You buried yourself in the ground,

So deep you will never be found,

Let the testament of your soul speak,

Of your celebration in defeat!

Your final moment is upon you!

How will you be remembered,

As one of the strong or weak,

As the fire dies in your embers,

Become the one who will speak.

And if you die as a martyr,

Then die upon your feet,

For in the days following tomorrow,

You will be celebrated in defeat.



22:16 Dec 20 2009

Glory to the king of kings, undying love to living. No matter how you turn away, you always are forgiving, and glory to the worthy lamb. That shed His blood for you. Although you have been bound by chains, your grace shall set them free.

But who are they?



01:37 Dec 14 2009
Times Read: 622

By: Erik Salazar

Written: December 13th, 2009

Holding onto what you told me,

But I see,

It's not me,

Tried to make you see that I,

Am not you,

I'm me.

My dreams are falling all around me,

I can't see,

Have no peace,

I need to go my own way,

I will not,

I can't stay.

I didn't mean to make you cry,

I can't lie,

I can't find.

Who I was or who I am now,

So right now (right now),

I am gone.

I tried to make you understand,

I let it slip between my hands,

Because I'm sick of what I've become.

I've been living for someone else,

My whole life and no one else,

Can someone tell me who I've become!

I didn't mean to make you cry,

I can't lie,

I can't find.

Who I was or who I am now,

So right now (right now),

I am gone.

My own mind is not my own,

I look and all I see are clones,

Of who you wanted me to become.

I can't keep living this lie,

I feel like I'm about to die,

Within the confines,

Of my mind!

Holding onto what you told me,

But I see,

It's not me,

My dreams are falling all around me,

I can't see,

Have no peace,

I didn't mean to make you cry,

I can't lie,

I can't find.

Who I was or who I am now,

So right now (right now),

I am gone.




You Promised Flowers But Gave Me Daggers

00:56 Dec 13 2009
Times Read: 627

By: Erik Salazar

Written: December 12th, 2009

Goodbye for good,

Look beneath my hood,

My eyes sown shut,

My lips are cut.

The smoke that I inhale,

Makes my skin turn pale,

The poison that I drink,

I can not fully think.

The visions blurred,

And so are my words,

You can not understand me,

As I choke,

As I choke out!

Who is made of shattered glass,

Going to evening mass,

Who have I deceived,

Who will believe in me?

Goodnight for good,

Rest me in the woods,

My hands crossed upon,

My heart is gone.

The times I cried,

All the times I lied,

I do not know,

Where I will go.

The visions blurred,

And so are my words,

You can not understand me,

As I choke,

As I choke out!

Who is made of shattered glass,

Going to evening mass,

Who have I deceived,

Who will believe in me?

Who is made of shattered glass,

Going to evening mass,

Who have I deceived,

Who will believe in me!

Calling out but no one is listening!

You hear me speak, but you aren't hearing me!

Calling out but no one is listening!

You hear me speak, but you aren't hearing me!

It's all my fault...

It's all my fault!

The visions blurred,

And so are my words,

You can not understand me,

As I choke,

As I choke out!

Who is made of shattered glass,

Going to evening mass,

Who have I deceived,

Who will believe in me?

Who is made of shattered glass,

Going to evening mass,

Who have I deceived,

Who will believe in me!

Belive in me again!



02:13 Dec 21 2009

Climbing with someone's expectations on your shoulders is harder than it seems.

I'm not going to pretend that I know exactly how you feel, but I've come close. I'm so sorry and I wish I knew what to say, but do you think that the other person is at least aware of this cycle? Amazing writing though, and yes, it is healthier to not keep it locked inside


Beloved Male, Beloved Female

09:09 Dec 11 2009
Times Read: 633

By: Erik Salazar

Written: December 11th, 2009

For you are beloved,

My darling high above,

In my mind you dwell,

Knowing the things I tell.

Beauty and grace of words,

The siren within your chords,

The dancing of finger tips,

Accompanies words from your lips.

Fair of skin and of good heart,

Body used for works of art,

Who are you dearest friend,

I ask of you upon the winds.

They tell of thee from a distance,

Oceans and lands offer resistance,

But a message still comes forth,

The fire within offers its warmth.

It reads of strength and beauty,

How you take pride in your duty,

Thy family is important to thee,

Like you, this is important to me.

It reads further of something eternal,

Precious, worth more than the external,

With my eyes I hope to see it bloom,

Exercise all the inner gloom and doom.

I sense a diamond underneath the rough,

Strength of generations enough,

To sustain your fire and desire,

To allow your soul to reach higher and higher.

Who are you, the message ends,

Who are you my beloved friend,

I am you and you are me,

Separated by land and by sea.

But connected by a thirst to know,

Who we are and what we know,

Let us learn what we wish and can,

From a woman and from a man.



02:00 Dec 21 2009

Why do you think most people seem to focus more on the fall of Adam and Eve than their life in the Garden of Eden?



07:45 Dec 10 2009
Times Read: 638

Bleak December,

Forgotten November,

Winters chill in the trees,

Fallen are the leaves,

Green is disappeared,

No longer reappeared,

White blankets all,

No longer is it Fall,

Hold your hand out,

Come, come about,

Snow falls lightly,

Resurfaces nightly,

The winds speak silence,

Demand our compliance,

For once they are silent,

For once, we are compliant.

Winter, winter, winter.



08:04 Dec 10 2009

My interpretations of this poem is very complex, I beg to differ from what you said of 'Winter'.

The sword still bloody, the chill still sweeping through his body. Was it right to end her pain? Or should he have continued with the lie that was their lives? He dropped the blade to the floor as he collapsed on to his knees. Her crimson red blood still splashed against his jacket. She had left now, and was on the way to something better, was it right to end her pain?

I think the killing of her represents the end of their relationship. Both of them feel pain, but she hopes that each of them can move on and the blood on his jacket symbolises the memories? I think blood stains, and so if it can't get wash away it'll mean he'll always remember.

That paragraph proves I've done way too much analysing in my English lessons.


The Art of Dying

17:56 Dec 08 2009
Times Read: 645

By: Erik Salazar

Written: December 8th, 2009

As I step outside,

Running through my mind,

I see my mistakes,

Am I just a fake?

Am I cut out for this,

All I wanted was one kiss,

I wanted to be somebody,

But I'm just a nobody.

I feel winters chill,

As I run up the hill,

When I reach the top,

I swear I'll never stop,

I swear I'll go on,

Even if you say it's wrong,

I swear to you,

I'm dying for this,

I'm dying for this now.

Look deep inside,

Tell me what you find,

Broken glass on the floor,

Signs of bitter war.

Am I cut out for this,

All I wanted was your bliss,

I wanted to be somebody,

But I'm just a nobody.

I feel winters chill,

As I run up the hill,

When I reach the top,

I swear I'll never stop,

I swear I'll go on,

Even if you say it's wrong,

I swear to you,

I'm dying for this,

I'm dying for this now!

Tortured in my mind,

You refuse to find,

Who I am inside,

You remain outside.

Where it's safe,

Away from this place,

I lie beneath the mound,

Stick a cross into the ground.

I feel winters chill,

As I run up the hill,

When I reach the top,

I swear I'll never stop,

I swear I'll go on,

Even if you say it's wrong,

I swear to you,

That I was you.

I swear I'll never stop,

I swear I'll go on,

Even if you say it's wrong,

I swear to you,

I died for this,

I died for this now!



10:06 Dec 09 2009

Love is a dying art, because no one cares about anyone else any more. It is beautiful and sweet and pure, and dead. Well, mostly dead. Those who do love are the fortunate ones. They will live on, trusted to care for Earth and it's people after it's washed clean.

Clean of all the sinners, the vain and proud, the greedy, the slothful, the envious, the lustful, the gluttonous, and the wrathful. All the seven deadly sins put into us.

When it is clean of all of that, then love will flourish. Those who love and hold love sacred will inhabit Her, Our Mother.

That is where we'll find us both, living live the wind, loving like fire, waiting like earth, and working like water. As we watch from below, drowning in all our wrongs. Hate us not, for all we can return to us is love.

People I know incurred my wrath at the end so that's probably why it seems pretty pointed and sharp. But, other than that, I just went on the truths of this world.

Sometimes people think that they are above everything, above nature. But we are nature. we are part of nature. inevitability things, love, death, pain, hunger...


Holy Wrath

03:47 Dec 07 2009
Times Read: 646

By: Erik Salazar

Written: December 6th, 2009

Honey, take a deep breath,

If you wish to avoid death,

I know this is hard for you,

Please, just hold on to me.

It seems like this is the end,

It seems like it will not mend,

But if you stop fighting now,

You are no longer heaven bound.

Put the knife down,

Put the gun down,

Stains won't flatter your gown,

Stains will not flatter your gown.

This life is all you got,

Be happy in your lot,

If not, what are you living for,

If not, why scream for more?

At night you will see the most stars,

Like you, I carry many scars,

We can not give up on our path,

Show your demons your holy wrath!

Show them your holy wrath!

Like you, I have my bitter days,

When I cannot see the suns rays,

But if I refuse to fight and win,

Then to myself, I have committed sin.

Sometime I want to give up,

I look down instead of looking up,

But we can win this fight we're in,

We must never be the bitter end.

So put the pills down,

Put the rope down,

Blue won't flatter your gown,

Blue will not flatter your gown.

This life is all you got,

Be happy in your lot,

If not, what are you living for,

If not, why scream for more?

At night you will see the most stars,

Like you, I carry many scars,

We can not give up on our path,

Show your demons your holy wrath!

The light you seek seems hidden,

In life you feel something missing,

But stay the course on your path,

And show your demons your holy wrath!

Show them your holy wrath!

Close your fists and clench them tight,

Get ready for a fire fight,

Close your fists and clench them tight,

Time to slay your demons,

Time to slay them tonight!

This life is all you got,

Be happy in your lot,

If not, what are you living for,

If not, why scream for more?

At night you will see the most stars,

Like you, I carry many scars,

We can not give up on our path,

Show your demons your holy wrath!

The light you seek seems hidden,

In life you feel something missing,

But stay the course on your path,

And show your demons your holy wrath!

Show them your holy wrath!




In the Mirror of a Culprit

22:02 Dec 04 2009
Times Read: 658

By: Erik Salazar

Written: December 4th, 2009

If you are prince charming,

Then this news should be alarming,

Web feet are no characteristic,

For a man made to be plastic.

Your precious crowned jewel,

Made by subjected mules,

Power is your illusion,

Cut it out like a contusion.

Charmed, I am very sure,

Preach to me your cure,

Sure fire way for health,

Eternal life was never wealth.

The poor still remain poor,

The rich still seek even more,

An experience you'll never forget,

When you yourself are the culprit.

If you are to rule over all,

You must first learn to fall,

Pride is the death of kingdoms,

Enslaved ones shall enslave them.

You believe you are untouchable,

But in fact you are very forgettable,

A lesson in wisdom for thee,

An eye opener for your eyes to see.

Charmed, I am very sure,

Preach to me your cure,

Sure fire way for health,

Eternal life was never wealth.

The poor still remain poor,

The rich still seek even more,

An experience you'll never forget,

When you yourself are the culprit.

An imperfect man in the mirror,

Puts on a mask for fear,

Of losing the world he built,

He sees not how the scales tilt.

Honesty is the characteristic of man,

Without it you lose the upper hand,

Plastic men melt at the sight of truth,

Look at the ground, a sign of proof.

The poor still remain poor,

The rich still seek even more,

An experience you'll never forget,

When you yourself are the culprit.

The poor still remain poor,

The rich still seek even more,

An experience you'll never forget,

When you yourself are the culprit.




Stormy Weather for a Fake Princess

07:22 Dec 03 2009
Times Read: 665

By: Erik Salazar

Written: December 3rd, 2009

I would be polite to you,

But my talking moose is on the loose,

If you think I miss you, you are right to think this tonight,

If you say you don't, you lie through your teeth,

If you say you do, I'm here to help you breath.

But when did you ever need me,

In the end you did as you pleased,

You are a one way street,

Destined to burn from the heat.

So hold it; you think my chaos mind is a bad thing?

I was prepared to give you a ring,

Now this mocking bird won't sing,

It mocks your fragile wings.

So said the poet to the child.

So said the poet to the child!

I need a priest right this second,

This marriage was one for the weekend,

To me it was eternity and forever,

Guess you need time to make yourself better.

I need a priest right this second,

This marriage was one for the weekend,

To me it was eternity and forever,

Guess you need time to make yourself better.

To bad your dreams end in stormy weather.

I would hold you close,

But I think I've already overdosed,

If you still love me, then you should come home tonight,

If you won't, then you have to much pride,

If you will, then pick and choose a side.

This bed was made for two of us,

Your side is filled with webs of dust,

Your pillow has turned orange with rust,

When it comes to love, you just feel lust.

So hold it; you think my chaos heart is a bad thing?

I was prepared to give you a ring,

Now this mocking bird won't sing,

It mocks your fragile wings.

So said the poet to the child.

So said the poet to the child!

I need a priest right this second,

This marriage was one for the weekend,

To me it was eternity and forever,

Guess you need time to make yourself better.

I need a priest right this second,

This marriage was one for the weekend,

To me it was eternity and forever,

Guess you need time to make yourself better.

To bad your dreams end in stormy weather.

If you tried and you wanted out,

Then let me show you the way out,

Just know when this door closes,

The last pedals fall from your roses.

So if you think I am a monster,

Hide your sons and daughters,

I am bleeding from a shattered window,

Call the doctor for I'm the black widow!

I need a priest right this second,

This marriage was one for the weekend,

To me it was eternity and forever,

Guess you need time to make yourself better.

To bad your dreams end in stormy weather.

To bad you end in stormy weather!



15:29 Dec 04 2009

This may not be literary gold, but who cares?

Hatred, it festers and becomes too heavy for us to bare on our own so, we end up letting it out on someone else or ourselves. It seems the fake princess has done it both ways. She learned the hard way and, she'll regret it.

Trust, it's something we give to ourselves and our friends, but the fake princess always end up breaking that trust one way or another from the marriage. If she can't trust herself, she can't trust anyone, nor can the king.

Love, it's a evolved form of trust that we only give to our family and one other person. However, for the fake princess, she doesn't believe in love anymore the only man she've ever loved despises her now or atleast seemed like it.

The king have better to save her from that hell.

The fake princess innocently sleeps one dream away, night by night, her weak heart beating softly for her king. This moment didn't happen very often. Eventually he wore her down so thin, he heart was gone all together, just like his.

Trust is devious. It wiggles its way up to you and you don't even know you have it or that you gave it until it's too late to do anything about it. Sometimes I think trust is not the key, but the lock, and then I wonder, what is the key?

If truth is the lock, then the key would be appreciation for the other person.

You got me thinking, not many people manage to do that. I'm quite glad I stumbled upon this poem.

The first two lines stand out a little from the rest of the poem, and detract from it. I wasn't too keen about them. But after those two it became great.

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