Maell's Journal

Maell's Journal


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4 entries this month

The Applause

05:30 Aug 27 2009
Times Read: 577

By: Erik Salazar

Written: August 26th, 2009

I remember the analysis,

And how it causes paralysis,

Beckon me towards the alter,

I swear, I'm more like your daughter.

I dress to impress myself,

I read books on self help,

Causing me to hate my shadow,

To cry myself into my pillow.

So, any additional last words,

You have a second of time to afford,

Any longer and you're off the air,

But, does anyone really care,

Does anyone care anymore?

My last train is calling,

Back to where I'm belonging,

I'm never coming home, never coming home,

Please hold the applause!

Questions and answers,

Birds of a feather,

We stalk our own reflections,

Hoping to find deceptions.

The monsters in the closet,

The devil locked in the locket,

And the angels are absent,

And I remain your servant.

Any additional last words,

Your words backed up by swords,

This was never ever fair, never fair,

But, does anyone really care,

Does anyone care anymore?

My last train is calling,

Back to where I'm belonging,

I'm never coming home, never coming home,

Please hold the applause!

No photographs of myself falling,

Just record my voice calling,

Never coming home, never coming home,

Please hold your applause!

They love me,

They love to hate me,

They love me,

Love to hate me.

If only,

If only they could see,

If only,

If only they could see!

My last train is calling,

Back to where I'm belonging,

I'm never coming home, never coming home,

Please hold the applause!

How she will forever hurt me,

With all her charming lies,

Never coming home, never coming home,

Please hold your applause!

Hold the applause!



02:19 Sep 13 2009

Wow! Nice.


When Murder Is Love

16:51 Aug 05 2009
Times Read: 597

You missed me,

Stab me from the front,

You think you got me,

But I'm still in the hunt.

You missed me,

Smiling as you stab my back,

You think you got me,

Take it out and try again!

Must I show you where it hurts?

Right here, you can do it now,

Stab me where it hurts,

You don't have to even know how.

One more time before I die,

Let me feel the blade,

I do not fucking lie,

You took me into the shade.

Of your shadowy tomb,

Of your shadowy tomb,

The knife comes at me again!

I don't run from my murder,

I embrace the death she brings,

I love my murderer,

She taught me how to sing,

I love my murderer,

She taught me to scream louder...

You missed for the hundredth time,

Can you not perform,

Can you not perform your simple crime,

Can you not perform your simple crime,

Give me the knife, I'll make it look like a suicide!

You missed me,

Stab me from the front,

You think you got me,

But I'm still in the hunt.

You missed me,

Smiling as you stab my back,

You think you got me,

Take it out and try again!

I don't run from my murder,

I embrace the death she brings,

I love my murderer,

She taught me how to sing,

I love my murderer,

She taught me to scream louder!

One last time!

Right where it hurts!

One last time!

You finally stopped the hurt!

One last time!

Right where it hurts!

One last time!

You finally stopped the hurt!



02:18 Sep 13 2009

Brutal and beautiful.



20:27 Aug 04 2009
Times Read: 601


The dead fortification,

The mindless head,

Built for fornication.

The lips so crimson,

Taste of honeysuckle,

The heart has risen,

Sweet honeysuckle.

Angel, why be a demon,

When you know just who you are,

My sweet inner reason,

For letting me know just who you are.

Fall on a blood stained highway,

Do you have anything left to say,

Before I lower you on a bed of roses,

Before your eyes, before it closes.

A fall to you would be like falling forever,

You'll never hear me speak a prayer,

To have my soul be saved from you,

I want to be apart of you.

Sweet demon let me feel your pain,

Bathe with your afflictions,

Let it wash over me like so much rain,

That falls from eyes addictions.


Master and slave to you,

I will be dragged out by your rope,

I know,

You know I have a thing for you,

Tie me down with your rope.

Demon, why be an angel,

When you know just who you are,

Our hearts intermingle,

For letting me know just who you are.

Fall on a blood stained highway,

Do you have anything left to say,

Before I lower you on a bed of roses,

Before your eyes, before it closes.

A fall to you would be like falling forever,

You'll never hear me speak a prayer,

To have my soul be saved from you,

I want to be apart of you.

Beaten down for all to see,

Come on and step on me,

Beaten down for all to see,

Just tell me you love me.

Then I'll go away...

And die!

Angel, why be a demon,

When you know just who you are,

My sweet inner reason,

For letting me know just who you are,

Demon, why be an angel,

When you know just who you are,

Our hearts intermingle,

For letting me know just who you are.

I want to be apart of you...




Final Scar and Niagara Falls

03:21 Aug 01 2009
Times Read: 579

"Final Scar"

By: Erik Salazar

Written: July 31st, 2009

Tired of my face reflecting in the mirror,

Carved it off, put it in a photograph,

It still moves and it's my worst fear,

Travels out through a telegraph.

They say the waves are relaxing,

But laying here all I feel is drained,

They say that the sun is taxing,

But I love it when I get burned.

Maybe that's why I'm still in love with you,

Maybe that's why I'm still in love with you,

Maybe that's why I cannot forget about,

Maybe that's why I cannot forget about...

Who I was and who I am,

I am your sacrificial lamb,

Who I was and who I am,

I am your sacrificial lamb.

Tied down to a string of conscious,

Dragged it out by a telephone cord,

Paranoid so I remain cautions,

Lay on top of an upturned sword.

They say that hate is forgiving,

But forgiving all I feel is strained,

They say that love is giving,

But loving all I feel is burned.

Maybe that's why I'm still in love with you,

Maybe that's why I'm still in love with you,

Maybe that's why I cannot forget about,

Maybe that's why I cannot forget about...

Who I was and who I am,

I am your sacrificial lamb,

Who I was and who I am,

I am your sacrificial lamb.

Who you were and who you are,

You are the final scar,

Who you were and who you are,

You are the final scar.

Am I a lost possession,

Another forgotten obsession,

If so, just turn me off,

Like every light in your heart.

Am I a lost possession,

Another forgotten obsession,

If so, just turn me off,

Like every light in your heart.

Maybe that's why I'm still in love with you,

Maybe that's why I'm still in love with you,

Maybe that's why I cannot forget about,

Maybe that's why I cannot forget about...


Who I was and who I am,

I am your sacrificial lamb,

Who I was and who I am,

I am your sacrificial lamb,

Who you were and who you are,

You are the final scar,

Who you were and who you are,

You are the final scar.

You are my final scar!

"Niagara Falls"

By: Erik Salazar

Written: July 8th, 2009

Look at what we got,

Written in black bold font,

An obituary reading,

Reading something like this...

Hear lies one who was dead,

Long before he rested his head,

Into this casket,

Wood and white basket...

He had a beautiful voice,

But now he is gone,

He made his choice,

With the shades drawn,

And a sad song...

Sometimes living is not what its made to be,

Sometimes you love me but you usually hate me,

Sometimes you hold me but you mostly leave me,

And now as I look down all I can see is red...

Running out like Niagara Falls,

I barely can hear your call,

Running out like Niagara Falls,

I'm sliding slowly down the wall...

I did my best to hold on,

But got tired of correcting my wrongs,

No one notices anyway,

If I'm here today...

Standing up and screaming,

In a room without healing,

No one listens,

I don't listen...

With a bottle of whiskey in tow,

The room is spinning slow,

Lights flickering,

Hear you snickering...

Sometimes living is not what its made to be,

Sometimes you love me but you usually hate me,

Sometimes you hold me but you mostly leave me,

And now as I look down all I can see is red...

Running out like Niagara Falls,

I can not hear your call,

Running out like Niagara Falls,

I'm sliding faster down the wall...

I receive self destruction,

I receive destruction,

I receive self destruction,

I receive destruction.

Running out like Niagara Falls,

I do not hear your call,

Running out like Niagara Falls,

I've fallen down from the wall...

Running out like Niagara Falls,

I do not hear your call,

Running out like Niagara Falls,

I've fallen down from the wall...

And if the light burning my eyes,

Is heaven, then I promise to die,

And if the light burning my eyes,

Is hell, then I promise I will fall from on high...

And if the light burning my eyes,

Is heaven, then I promise to die,

And if the light burning my eyes,

Is hell, then I promise I will fall from on high...

Running out like Niagara Falls,

I've fallen down the wall..

Running out like Niagara Falls,

I've fallen down the wall today...



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