As I look up into the Stary skies
twinkling like a thousand eyes
remembering you and our past lives
how you could just pass me by
You tilted your hat
I courtesy by your feet
a desirable gentlemen I did meet
but you for me had other plans
and I had to die by your hands...
it wasnt because you turned me
A wiccan , a witch that was not to be
it was you that hung me on that tree and
allowed me to burn
and brought misery
but my life lived on a vampyre I became
and lived for many moons
under a different name
iIdied with your blood coursing through my veins
and my human life was never to be the same
and when I hear that sweet soft sound
tis your heart that aching for me under ground
be wary of he who tilts his hat
your life he"ll take and that be the end of that....
as I lay me down to sleep
my soul I guard can no longer keep
In my dreams you course through me
Like a river of blood flowing to the sea
My sleep all night is broken too
memories flood in constantly of you
In my Heart can it be wrong
to dance to the tune of your song
gently gently you call to me
I can no longer fight it
I belong to thee.......
13:30 Jan 04 2011
life that is taken...
life that is given...
all at once becoming one
through the past
is not so easily undone...
today is here
tomorrows soon to come...