as the hues of the fristr morning sunlight cut across the crimson sky I stretch out and remember the distance dreams of the astrals the night before
Every night you haunt me in my dreams and the pain in my neck is a constant reminder you are always there...
foggily I arise feeling slightly drained but yet enriched by your presence the night before
such sweet embraces of the night leave me
yearning for the next time I slumber yet your presence is always with me in the day..
The human kind will never understand the need to feed
the magick of breathing in energy without leaving a single mark leaves me breathtaken everytime by your urgency to have me within you...aluring seductive enchanting and powerful you are all these things...
Ive been here before this feeling many moons ago
the return of you is welcomed in darkness and light
I yearn for it need it Want it...
the secret life we hold in the darkness of the night can never be understood or explained by the meer everyday mind... it is a exchange only we share in this moment in this time for eternity....