My heart cried out as I saw your anguish. How can doing what is right be so painful? Honor, Respect, and Loyalty have lost their meaning. My own heart bleeds for the times of the elders. For the time of men and power. For the times when what was right meant everything.
I am human.
I have all of my life dreamed of vampires, since I was a small girl. I would wake from my dreams having dried blood upon my lips. My mother would inquire what happen. And I would answer back as if it was a natural thing, “ I was flying and hunting.“
I am a night person. I sleep better in the day. I am light sensitive and prefer the darkness. I dont dress in goth styles, though I would love too. I am too old for such a thing. Besides, I would look silly. I work in a dim lit environment and do wear my sunglasses more then most.
This site intrigues me as I feel that hidden within it there is a true race.
I am brand new to this site and I found this journal entry very similar to myself...I sleep well in the day, wear my sunglasses indoors because of light sensitivity, and have had a love of vampires since I can remember.
I would also like to let you know that you are never to old to wear goth.