the many ways in wot i've cheated death its niether exiting or thrilling but it's a laugh!!!!!
first time when i woz born or bein born i came out the wrong way!!!
and the abilical chord woz wrapped around my neck and apparently i looked like steven tyler!!!!!!
second woz wen i was 8 i fell out the back of a truck and passed out in a skip and woz nearly crushed by a load of waste!!!
third was when i woz 14 and i fell through a old piece of wood on a scaffold which was 30 feet in the air and my foot got caught in a load of wires and i was left hangin upside down for 15 minutes until my boss showed up!!!
fourth was a few months later wen i woz hit by a car and smacked my head and ribs off the windscreen apparently i should have brain damage at least but oh well!!!!!
so i sit here waiting for more death experiences on the other hand i've had no death threats in a month so things r looking up!!