I have a few purses, books and 2 jewelry type boxes that I have been tryin to sell for a while. Most of them are between 5-15 US dollars. One book is $25 USD due to the size as well as a few puzzles that come with the book. If anyone is interested there is a link below to take a look at them. I don't have (or know how to use) paypal so that option is pretty much out. Somethin can be figured out if interested in an item.
Got some good news today :). I got a B in my class and only a few more things to go before i'm taking classes online. It is being delayed a week due to a few things but it does not bother me that much.
I've got a few things going on with a new book series idea so i'll be working on that a lot when i have time. I'm puttin a few other things aside to do that but i know i will get back to the other stuff later. if i dont get too much writers block i'll possibly have the series done by the end of the weekend.
i'm goin into my 3rd week of the class i'm in and studyin my brains out soon. I have to get the midterm done by 6pm wednesday. I know i'll get it done though. I'll probably be up late tonight after i get home from the show finishing things up with the study guide and then takin the midterm monday or tuesday.
dads goin out of town yet again from thurs-sun. normally it'd be Wednesday but because i have class on then (turns out i was misinformed and i have to go every week of class) he cant go down. Originally I was not going to be at this weeks class but he decided to go on Thursday.
time for a little bit of roaming around before getting offline
I have been a little busy as of late getting things done with my class. Hopefully i'll hear somethin soon about a few things pertaining to school.
I'm always working on a story when i get the chance and after I get a few things done for class I'll be working on my latest one. My plan is to write 13 stories then eventually publish them. It is geared toward High School (and maybe Middle School) students as well as young adults in college. I think it may do well after publishing but just gonna have to wait and see. I know it may need some work before being published but it'll get done either way
I've had my new phone (Sharp FX) for a little over a month and so far i really like it. The calls suck because i can't really hear em like I could with my other phones but its better than not at all. anyway off to roam Vr for a little bit then off to bed.