So I wasn't sure what I should write for my first entry. I thought about it and firgured why not what about what I'm dealing with now.
Right now I'm trying to raise money for my dear friend to go on a high school reunion cruise with me. We both have this on our bucket list. This cruise isn't cheap and I will barely make the payments for myself let alone someone else.
I guess I should explain why it's inportant she goes on this trip. May 31 she had a massive heart attack. Doctors put her on a bunch of meds. They are giving her two years before her heart goes into complete failure. She is about to turn 48. She is the same age as me. She isn't over weight and doesn't do drugs. Unfortunately bad hearts run in her dads side of the family.
I have a GoFundMe account for her and looking into other ways to get the money. So far it's been a week and no donations. I however got comments about I should try and get her bills paid and not worry about a cruise. Seriously people. If this cruise is the last thing we do togerher, at least I can say she had an adventure before she died. She is paying what she can in medical bills which is why she can't afford this cruise. She wants to live life as much as she can. Her doctor says he won't stop her and will sign off on any trips she can go on. If her doctor is willing to release her for that then you know it's serious.
Anyways thats what I'm dealing with right now. Any suggestions would be appreciated.