· She lies in nothing and is everything
· She is the dark Vampyress queen of the night
· It is through her that we Awaken our selves to the world that which
is and that which is without
· She reminds us that we can not allow ourselves to be limited to one
way of thinking
· She allows us to see that all her children are equal
· She is the sexual life force of the urban jungle that is of this world
· She is the inner rebel and changer of events
· Our queen is the expression and acceptance of that which the world
tries to deny
· Lilith is not a demon but a releaser from the normal mundane
perception of what we call this reality
· She is the transformer, the immortal dead and the bringer of chaos
· Her reverence is not necessary for redemption or salvation, but for
the soul to grow and expand from our feeding of her essence
· She lies in everyone and is awaken through ritual or self
realization of one's inner most darkness. The union and acceptance
with this darkness makes us powerful
· Acceptance is the very foundation which makes us whole, and it is
Lilith that teaches us that becoming whole comes from this acceptance,
and indulgence of the mind, body, and soul
~As Vampyres We should know the differerence between are Doners or other
human friends and our other Vampyre companions Being as we are half human
half DemiGod, Angel, or Demon (not as the christian Demons being evil but
Being of Darkness) or better known as Damphir but we also must respect them
as well...
~As Vampyes We should never be asshamed of what we are but embrace our
~As Vampyres We should Know that We each have the same abilities - needs -
hunger though some are stronger than others and some prefer only some of
them even though we are capable of many things...
~As Vampyres We all have A Vampyre Soul, live each life as a Vampyre, and
the Vampyre soul will never eternally rest...
~As Vampyres We all shoul not try to make ourselfes sick by starving
ourselves because we think it is bad to borrow energy or life force as they
all will get it back and will not suffer as much as we do for the lack of
~As Vampyres We must not deny what we are or afraid to donounce the truth...
~As Vamyres We all must try our best to UNITE
and not cause problems in the community and help
each other as we can for we our all we have and must
keep our community strong!